
tech2022-10-02  100


Although common knowledge, it’s always worth a mention: one of the most powerful features of WordPress lies in its diverse and exhaustive list of plugins. Navigating your way through the dense forest of options, however, can be quite time-consuming.

尽管是常识,但始终值得一提:WordPress的最强大功能之一在于其多样化且详尽的插件列表。 但是,在密集的选项林中导航可能会非常耗时。

In this article I’m here to help. We’ll cover an overview of some popular and powerful plugins that provide your site with the ability to collect donations.

在本文中,我将为您提供帮助。 我们将概述一些流行且功能强大的插件,这些插件使您的网站能够收集捐款。

The use of donation plugins is on the rise, and by my estimation, I think it is heavily impacted by the growing number of independent content creators out there. For creative, online entrepreneurs, donations are a relatively modern addition to the list of ways to monetize content, providing an interesting alternative to advertisements and eCommerce. There is also of course charities and not-for-profits that can now easily accept donations online.

捐赠插件的使用正在上升,据我估计,我认为这受到了越来越多的独立内容创建者的严重影响。 对于富有创造力的在线企业家而言,捐赠是一种相对较新的内容货币化方式,它是广告和电子商务的有趣替代方案。 当然,现在也可以轻松地在线接受慈善机构和非营利组织的捐款。

But what are the best donations plugins available?


1.给 (1. Give)

Give’s self-stated goal is to ‘Democratise Generosity’. How lovely. Turns out, they’ve done a top-class job. Give is developed specifically to provide an intuitive, robust, and flexible solution to a user’s donation requirements. One thing my research tells me is this: Give is wonderfully well-reviewed. In today’s world, that’s a pretty sure sign of a winner, but how exactly does Give differentiate itself from the rest?

Give的自我声明目标是“民主慷慨”。 多么可爱。 原来,他们做得一流。 Give是专门为满足用户捐赠要求而提供的直观,健壮和灵活的解决方案而开发的。 我的研究告诉我的一件事是:Give受到了很好的审查。 在当今世界,这无疑是获胜者的标志,但是Give与其他人究竟有何区别?

For one, Give provides reporting solutions customizable via date range, exportable straight to PDF. Some other features include:

首先,Give提供可通过日期范围自定义的报告解决方案,可直接导出为PDF。 其他一些功能包括:

Absolutely no commission taken on donations.

绝对不收取任何佣金。 Includes PayPal Standard and Offline Payments, free of charge.

包括免费的贝宝标准和离线付款。 Adopts a freemium model – this means you can get up and running free of charge with most core features included.


2.慈善事业 (2. Charitable)

‘Powerful and extendable’, Charitable is a well-known and popular donations plugin. Charitable might be the plugin of choice for those with more advanced developer skills, as it offers full control over the fundraising and donations module. Charitable is well rated and intuitive, and boasts a mighty fast 5-minute setup time.

“强大而可扩展”的Charitable是一个著名且受欢迎的捐赠插件。 对于那些具有更高开发技能的人来说,Charitable可能是首选的插件,因为它可以完全控制筹款和捐赠模块。 Charitable具有良好的评价和直观性,并拥有5分钟的快速设置时间。

Like Give, Charitable doesn’t charge anything per donation, and it’s completely free to set up.


Charitable comes with support for PayPal donations right out of the box, but you’ll need to pay to include other types of donation methods.

Charitable随附了对PayPal捐赠的支持,但您需要付费才能包含其他类型的捐赠方法。 Charitable provides many extension options.


3.无缝捐赠 (3. Seamless Donations)

Five-minute setup times seem to be all the rage. And that’s one of the promises made by Seamless Donations, too. Continuing the trend of ‘free’, Seamless Donations charges no commission on donations received, and allows donators to choose whether they want to setup repeated, automatic donations. PayPal is offered out-the-box, as are the following language translations:

五分钟的设置时间似乎风行一时。 这也是无缝捐赠的承诺之一。 继续“免费”的趋势,无缝捐赠不对收到的捐赠收取任何佣金,并允许捐赠者选择是否要设置重复的自动捐赠。 现提供贝宝(PayPal)以及以下语言翻译:


德语 Spanish

西班牙文 French

法文 Portuguese

葡萄牙语 Hebrew

希伯来语 Norwegian


If you’re a fan of widgets, then Seamless Donations might be the choice for you, as it allows the embedding of its donation widget in any location on your site.


Additionally, if you maintain an email list, Seamless provides a functionality to invite users to join your audience.


4. 贝宝捐赠和贝宝捐赠按钮 (4. PayPal Donation & PayPal Donation Button)

The most popular donation plugin of all is PayPal Donation. That may come as no surprise, given that PayPal has more or less asserted itself as the Internet’s most trusted form of online payment. PayPal Donation offers extensive language support, with 18 languages included, and supports 25 currencies.

最受欢迎的捐赠插件是PayPal捐赠。 鉴于PayPal或多或少地宣称自己是互联网上最受信任的在线支付方式,这可能不足为奇。 PayPal捐赠提供广泛的语言支持,包括18种语言,并支持25种货币。

PayPal Donation Button allows a great deal of flexibility with respect to its placement on your site — it can be added to headers, pages, posts, the sidebar, and the footer.


Whilst PayPal Donation certainly offers simplicity, it’s also slightly more limited than the alternatives listed in this article. It offers support for recurring donations, but it’s an added extra you have to pay for. There’s also no simple way to thank donors for their payment.

虽然PayPal捐赠无疑提供了简便性,但与本文列出的替代方案相比,它的局限性也稍大一些。 它为经常性捐款提供支持,但这是您必须支付的额外费用。 也没有简单的方法来感谢捐助者的付款。

5.自定义帖子捐赠 (5. Custom Post Donations)

Customer Post Donations is somewhat of an alternative choice when it comes to donations plugins. The standard, free version of this plugin offers you the ability to setup 3 kinds of widgets:

当涉及到捐赠插件时,“客户岗位捐赠”在某种程度上是另一种选择。 该插件的标准免费版本使您能够设置3种小部件:

The Standard Donation

标准捐赠 The Fixed + Additional Donation

固定+额外捐款 The Per Item + Additional Donation


From what I can tell, Custom Post Donations lacks a little on the intuitive side. Whilst it offers you the ability to choose between multiple donations options, donations plugins like Give and Charitable will offer you a slightly more.

据我所知,“自定义帖子捐赠”在直观方面缺乏一些。 尽管它使您能够在多个捐赠选项之间进行选择,但是捐赠插件(例如Give和Charitable)将为您提供更多选择。

6.捐赠温度计 (6. Donation Thermometer)

I’ve placed this one here for the cuteness factor. But my saying that does do Donation Thermometer a little disservice, as it’s a useful plugin in its own right. Donation Thermometer utilises a simple shortcode to display exactly what you’d expect from its name: a thermometer image that adjusts its ‘heat measurement’ to the donation amount raised. There’s some practical value to this: some people think that the presentation of a graphic that shows an explicit donation ‘goal’ will encourage visitors to donate, so take that for what you will!

我把这个放在这里作为可爱因素。 但是我的说法确实对Donation Thermometer造成了一定的损害,因为它本身就是一个有用的插件。 捐赠温度计使用一个简单的短代码即可准确显示其名称所期望的:温度计图像,可将其“热量测量值”调整为所筹集的捐赠金额。 这有一定的实用价值:有人认为图形显示明确的捐赠“目标”会鼓励访问者捐赠,因此请随心所欲!

结语 (Wrapping Up)

There you have it, a review of the 6 of the best donations plugins currently on the market. If you’re a not-for-profit, looking to raise some funds for your charity, then these are definitely worth a look. If you’re using a donation plugin not mentioned above, please let us know in the comments below.

在那里,您可以回顾一下目前市场上最好的6种捐赠插件。 如果您是非营利组织,希望为您的慈善事业筹集资金,那么这些绝对值得一看。 如果您使用的是上面未提到的捐赠插件,请在下面的评论中告诉我们。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/best-donation-plugins-for-wordpress/

