
tech2022-10-02  100


Podcasting has become immensely popular all over the Internet in the last few years and gives users the opportunity to broaden their web presence while increasing traffic simultaneously. Nearly 46 million Americans listen to podcasts on a monthly basis.

在过去的几年中,播客在整个Internet上已变得极为流行,并为用户提供了扩大其网络影响力并同时增加流量的机会。 每月有将近4600万美国人收听播客。

Numbers like those are hard to ignore. In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about podcasting with WordPress and help you get started by introducing you to some of the best plugins to get the job done.

像这样的数字很难忽略。 在本文中,我们将告诉您有关使用WordPress播客所需了解的所有信息,并通过向您介绍一些最佳插件来完成工作来帮助您入门。

Let’s put all of this into context before we move on.


播客简介 (An Introduction to Podcasting)

Although the concept has been around since the 80’s radio boom, podcast is a relatively new term which is a mishmash of Apple’s iPod media player and the word broadcast. Podcast is defined as:

尽管从80年代的无线电热潮开始就出现了这一概念,但播客是一个相对较新的术语,是苹果iPod媒体播放器和广播一词的混搭。 播客定义为:

“A digital audio or video file or recording, usually part of a themed series that can be downloaded from a website to a media player or computer.” Source: Dictionary.com

“数字音频或视频文件或录音,通常是主题系列的一部分,可以从网站下载到媒体播放器或计算机。” 资料来源: Dictionary.com

Adam Curry and Dave Winer are behind the creation of iPodder which forms the building blocks of modern day podcasting. The purpose of the site was to provide users with an elegant broadcasting mechanism enabling them to listen to audio content whenever they’d like.

iPodder的创建由Adam Curry和Dave Winer支持,iPodder构成了现代播客的基础。 该站点的目的是为用户提供一种优雅的广播机制,使他们能够随时收听音频内容。

播客的兴起 (The Rise of Podcasting)

Podcasting has been around since 2004 and, over a decade later, they’re regaining popularity among the masses. According to a study, more people are listening to podcasts in the United States than ever before.

自2004年以来就开始播客,十年后,它们开始在大众中重新流行。 根据一项研究 ,在美国,收听播客的人数比以往任何时候都要多。

Nearly 46 million Americans listen to podcasts per month.


27 million Americans listen to an average of 6 podcasts per week.


More than half of the podcast listeners consume them on their smartphones.


45% of the podcasts listeners hold a college degree.


25% of podcast listeners plug their smartphones into their car’s audio system nearly every day.


Apple has surpassed 1 billion subscriptions for podcasts via iTunes.

苹果通过iTunes播客的订阅量已超过10亿 。

Podcasts are trending once again and this time they’re here to stay for some time. Most of the podcast listeners are young, affluent, and well-educated people who crave audio content on their morning commutes and running their daily errands.

播客再次流行,这次是在这里停留一段时间。 大多数播客听众都是年轻,富裕且受过良好教育的人,他们渴望在上下班途中听音频内容并执行日常任务。

Apple’s products come with the stock Podcast app whereas other apps like SoundCloud, Tune In, and Stitcher are also widely used.

苹果的产品随附有Podcast应用,而其他应用如SoundCloud,Tune In和Stitcher也被广泛使用。

WordPress中的播客 (Podcasting in WordPress)

Podcasting and WordPress are like two peas in a pod (pun intended!). WordPress is an immensely popular CMS and its users like to keep up with the latest trends and styles. You’ve probably noticed that most of the WordPress hubs have added a podcast to their site to supplement their daily blogs covering everything from the latest happenings to tutorials. In a way, website owners are translating written content into audio content.

播客和WordPress就像是荚中的两个豌豆(双关语!)。 WordPress是一个非常受欢迎的CMS,它的用户喜欢跟上最新趋势和样式。 您可能已经注意到,大多数WordPress中心都在其站点上添加了一个播客,以补充其日常博客,涵盖从最新事件到教程的所有内容。 网站所有者以某种方式将书面内容转换为音频内容。

A podcast combined with a WordPress site is far more beneficial for website owners from a marketing perspective in that both promote each other and cover twice as much ground. At this point you’re probably convinced that a lot (and I do mean A LOT) of people subscribe to podcasts regularly but are still uncertain as to whether or not it’s worth all the effort.

从市场营销的角度来看,结合WordPress网站的播客对网站所有者而言更为有利,因为两者可以互相促进,并且覆盖的范围是两倍。 在这一点上,您可能已经确信,有很多人(我确实是说很多人 )定期订阅播客,但仍不确定是否值得付出所有努力。

In the next section, we’ll cover the advantages of starting your very own podcast and how it can benefit your online business.


为什么今天应该开始播客 (Why You Should Start Podcasting Today)

Aside from the fact that podcasting gives online businesses an additional channel to promote their online business, this content broadcasting mechanism has an array of advantages that webmasters can leverage.


提高转化率 (Increases Conversion Rates)

Podcasting is a smart way to increase conversion rates. For instance, if you’re selling plugins or themes for WordPress, you can market your products to your podcast listeners through your show. Your site’s visitors are more likely to subscribe to emails if they know they’ll also receive regular podcast updates.

播客是提高转化率的明智方法。 例如,如果您要出售WordPress的插件或主题,则可以通过节目将产品推销给播客听众。 如果您的网站访问者知道他们还将收到定期的播客更新,则他们更有可能订阅电子邮件。

Adding personality and using a conversational tone throughout your writing builds trust between the author and the reader. Imagine the difference a podcast will make.

在整个写作过程中增加个性并使用对话语调可以建立作者与读者之间的信任。 想象一下播客将带来的变化。

吸引更多流量 (Attracts More Traffic)

Currently there are tens of millions of blogs all over the Internet whereas the number of podcasts is still a few hundred thousand. That’s a huge difference which means that there’s a whole lot of room for new entrants.

目前,Internet上有数以千万计的博客,而播客的数量仍为数十万。 这是一个巨大的差异,这意味着新进入者还有很大的空间。

Starting a podcast enables webmasters to attract more traffic to their website and make the most of popular podcasting platforms to gain recognition.


增进与访客的互动 (Improves engagement with visitors)

An audio channel supplements your website massively in terms of building trust between your viewers (or in this case, listeners). If your site has a blog then your site’s visitors are interacting with you through the written word. Enabling visitors and readers to become listeners adds a human element to your site and your team.

音频频道在建立观看者(或本例中的听者)之间的信任方面对您的网站起到了很大的补充作用。 如果您的站点有博客,则站点的访问者正在通过文字与您进行互动。 使访问者和读者成为听众,可以为您的网站和团队增添人为的元素。

A picture may speak a thousand words and a blog may convey your message but a voice is can make all the difference when it comes to improving engagement with your visitors.


For most people, making the switch from typing words onto a text editor to speaking their heart out into a microphone is smooth and feels natural. Others may find it to be a rather daunting task. The important thing is to be comfortable in whatever you decide to choose.

对于大多数人来说,从将单词输入文本编辑器到用麦克风说出自己的心声的切换很顺畅,感觉自然。 其他人可能会发现这是一项艰巨的任务。 重要的是要适应任何您决定选择的东西。

播客入门 (Getting Started With Podcasting)

The concept of podcasting is a little overwhelming at first (believe me, I know!) and figuring out how to start is difficult. In this section of the article, I’d like to walk you through a step by step procedure on getting started with podcasting in WordPress.

播客的概念起初有点让人不知所措(相信我,我知道!),弄清楚如何开始是很困难的。 在本文的此部分中,我想向您逐步介绍如何开始使用WordPress中的播客。

Without further ado, let’s begin!


第1步:设置WordPress网站 (Step 1: Setting up your WordPress Site)

The first step in creating a podcasting channel is to set up a WordPress site. If you don’t already have one, you can follow WordPress’ famous 5-minute install tutorial to get on board. Once your site is set up, you’ll need to select a decent hosting provider.

创建播客频道的第一步是设置WordPress网站。 如果您还没有一个,可以按照WordPress著名的5分钟安装教程上手。 建立网站后,您需要选择一个不错的托管服务提供商。

A media host is recommended because media files (audio, video, etc.) are larger than regular HTML documents. This essentially means that they will use up more resources and hosting them separately guarantees better performance. We’ll look at some WordPress-specific solutions a little later on in the next section.

建议使用媒体主机,因为媒体文件(音频,视频等)比常规HTML文档大。 从本质上讲,这意味着它们将消耗更多的资源,并分别托管它们可以确保更好的性能。 在下一节稍后,我们将介绍一些特定于WordPress的解决方案。

步骤2:工具和资源 (Step 2: Tools and Resources)

The most important asset in your podcasting career will be your microphone. The audio quality that reaches your listeners depends entirely on the microphone you use so it’s best to spend a fair amount of time (and of course, money) when buying your first microphone.

在播客生涯中,最重要的资产就是麦克风。 听众所能听到的音频质量完全取决于您使用的麦克风,因此,最好在购买第一个麦克风时花大量的时间(当然还有金钱)。

Most podcasting experts suggest that you start out with a dynamic microphone that features front-firing with rejection. This feature enables the microphone to pick up your voice and cancel out any other noises in the recording environment.

大多数播客专家建议您从动态麦克风开始,该麦克风具有前置发射和拒绝功能。 此功能使麦克风可以拾音并消除录制环境中的任何其他噪音。

Rode Podcaster USB Dynamic Microphone. Rode products are popular among many podcasters. The best part is that they are extremely handy to use and you’ll get a dynamic microphone without breaking the bank. A fair trade, I must say.

Rode Podcaster USB动态麦克风 。 Rode产品在许多播客中都很流行。 最好的部分是,它们非常易于使用,并且您会得到动圈的麦克风而不会花很多钱。 我必须说,公平交易。

Snowball USB Microphone by Blue Microphones. The Snowball USB microphone is a great choice if you’re just starting out with podcasting or are in the experimentation stage.

蓝色麦克风的Snowball USB麦克风 。 如果您只是开始播客或处于实验阶段,则Snowball USB麦克风是一个不错的选择。

Heil PR-40 Dynamic Studio Recording Microphone. The Heil PR-40 is a professional microphone used by experts. I suggest that you put off buying the Heil PR-40 until you’re comfortable with podcasting and your show really kicks it off.

Heil PR-40 Dynamic Studio录音麦克风 。 Heil PR-40是专家使用的专业麦克风。 我建议您推迟购买Heil PR-40,直到您对播客感到满意为止,并且您的节目真正开始了。

You’ll also need some other equipment like a microphone arm and a decent pair of headphones. We’ve covered the hardware aspect but a good podcasting show takes their software seriously too. Those of you using PCs won’t have to spend a dime recording (Pamela) and editing (Audacity) their podcasts. On the other hand, if you own a Mac, the recording software (Call Recorder for Skype) will cost you a few dollars but you can edit (GarageBand) free of charge.

您还需要其他一些设备,例如麦克风臂和一副像样的耳机。 我们已经介绍了硬件方面的内容,但是一场出色的播客节目也非常重视他们的软件。 那些使用PC的人不必花一毛钱录制( Pamela )并编辑( Audacity )他们的播客。 另一方面,如果您拥有Mac,则录制软件( Skype的Call Recorder )将花费您几美元,但您可以免费编辑(GarageBand)。

I recommend that you adopt a lean approach to podcasting which means that you should deliver the bare minimum first, evaluate the listeners’ response and then go forward from there. Save more by investing wisely and on time!

我建议您采用精益方法进行播客,这意味着您应该首先提供最低限度的内容,评估听众的React,然后再进行下一步。 通过明智和及时的投资节省更多!

步骤3:发布您的播客 (Step 3: Publishing Your Podcasts)

The last step is to publish your recorded podcast on a site or have it go live on iTunes. Platforms like SoundCloud and Libsyn are a great place to start. The advantage of publishing your podcast episodes on a well-known platform is that you’ll have a large pool of potential listeners right off the bat.

最后一步是在网站上发布录制的播客,或在iTunes上直播该播客。 SoundCloud和Libsyn等平台是一个很好的起点。 在知名平台上发布播客节目的好处是,您马上就能拥有大量潜在的听众。

We’ll look at some WordPress-specific publishing solutions in the next section in detail.


如何使用WordPress开始播客 (How to Start Podcasting With WordPress)

By now you’re familiar with the absolute basics of getting started with podcasting. In this section, we’ll walk you through a tutorial for using one of the simplest podcasting plugins for WordPress, Seriously Simple Podcasting, to help you get a hands-on experience with actually using the plugin.

到目前为止,您已经熟悉播客入门的绝对基础。 在本节中,我们将引导您完成使用WordPress最简单的播客插件之一“ 认真简单播客”的教程,以帮助您获得实际使用该插件的动手经验。

安装与配置 (Installation and Configuration)

Seriously Simple Podcasting is a free podcasting plugin for WordPress, so you can either search for “Seriously Simple Podcasting” in the back end of your site (Plugins > Add New) or download it directly from WordPress.org and upload the plugin to your site.

认真简单播客是WordPress的免费播客插件,因此您可以在网站的后端( 插件 > 添加新内容 )中搜索“认真简单播客”,也可以直接从WordPress.org下载该插件并将其上传到您的网站。

Once you activate the plugin from the Plugins screen, a new menu item, Podcast, will be added to the WordPress navigation bar. Follow the plugin’s documentation to configure its settings (Podcast > Settings) based on your preferences.

从“ 插件”屏幕激活插件后,新的菜单项Podcast将添加到WordPress导航栏中。 按照插件的文档 ,根据您的首选项配置其设置( Podcast > Settings )。

添加新剧集 (Adding a New Episode)

A podcast is made up of many shows called episodes. Here’s how you can add a new episode with the Seriously Simple Podcasting Plugin.

播客由许多称为情节的节目组成。 这是您可以使用“非常简单的播客插件”添加新剧集的方法。

Select the Audio radio box:


Navigate to Podcast > Add New from the WordPress Dashboard.

从WordPress控制台导航到Podcast > Add New 。

you’ll be redirected to the Add New Episode screen where you can enter details about the podcast’s episode:

您将被重定向到Add New Episode屏幕,您可以在其中输入有关播客的剧集的详细信息:

Episode title.

剧集标题。 Description of the episode.

剧集的描述。 Podcast series.

播客系列。 Podcast episode details.


Select the Audio episode type under the Podcast Episode Details section.

在“ 播客片段详细信息”部分下选择“ 音频片段”类型。

Upload the audio file or provide its URL if it’s hosted on another server.


Click Publish when you’re done.

完成后,单击发布 。

自定义小部件 (Customizing the Widgets)

Seriously Simple Podcasting comes with three widget configurations right out of the box to help you display your podcast episodes in the most engaging way possible. Navigate to Appearance > Widgets to explore the options in detail.

严格来说,简单的Podcasting随附了三种小部件配置,可帮助您以最引人入胜的方式显示播客片段。 导航到“ 外观” >“ 小部件”以详细浏览选项。

播客:单集 (Podcast: Single Episode)

Those of you who are starting out would find it best to leverage the Podcast: Single Episode widget to display their episodes one by one. It offers a neat and clean solution that enables webmasters to display the epsiode’s details in an elegant manner. You can choose to display the latest episode or a particular episode along with any (or all) of the following episode details:

刚开始的人会发现最好利用Podcast:Single Episode小部件来逐一显示他们的剧集。 它提供了一种干净整洁的解决方案,使网站管理员可以优雅地显示Epiode的详细信息。 您可以选择显示最新的情节或特定情节以及以下任何(或全部)情节详细信息:


标题。 Excerpt.

摘抄。 Content.

内容。 Audio player.

音频播放器。 Details.


播客:最新剧集 (Podcast: Recent Episodes)

The Podcast: Recent Episodes widget enables users to display multiple episodes in the Widget Area. This option lets you manually add how many recent episodes to display in the widget area and lets you choose whether you want to display an episode date with each episode or not.

播客:最近情节小部件使用户可以在小部件区域中显示多个情节。 此选项使您可以手动添加要在窗口小部件区域中显示多少个最近的情节,并可以选择是否要显示每个情节的情节日期。

播客:系列 (Podcast: Series)

The Podcast: Series option is great for those of you who publish episodes for different podcast series. This widget enables users to select the series they’d like to display and choose which episode details to show in the Widget Area:

播客:系列选项非常适合那些发布不同播客系列的剧集的人。 通过此小部件,用户可以选择要显示的系列,并选择要在小部件区域中显示的剧集详细信息:


标题。 Description.

描述。 Date


As you can see, the Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin offers several configuration options to help you set up a feature-full podcast and make it visually appealing. It also provides the flexibility of displaying podcast episodes in various formats on your WordPress site.

如您所见,Seriously Simple Podcasting插件提供了几个配置选项,可帮助您设置功能齐全的Podcast, 并使其具有视觉吸引力。 它还提供了在WordPress网站上以各种格式显示播客片段的灵活性。

We’ve deliberately chosen the simplest scenario for the sake of this tutorial, but it’s fair to say that even this opens up new possibilities for aspiring podcasters.


最佳5个播客插件可帮助您入门 (Top 5 Podcasting Plugins to Help You Get Started)

In this section, we’ll take a closer look at some of the best WordPress plugins that will help you get started with setting up a podcast show from the get go.


TSG播客插件 (Podcasting Plugin by TSG)

The Podcasting Plugin by TSG features the bare minimum resources you’ll need to host your podcast through your WordPress site. The plugin enhances the default podcast support by incorporating iTunes support and adding its compatible feeds.

TSG的Podcasting插件提供了通过WordPress网站托管播客所需的最少资源。 该插件通过合并iTunes支持并添加其兼容的feed,增强了默认播客支持。

With this plugin, users are able to have multiple podcasting feeds based on pre-defined factors. They can also use its media player to enable visitors to listen to (or view) podcasts without having to leave the site.

使用此插件,用户可以根据预定义的因素拥有多个播客feed。 他们还可以使用其媒体播放器使访问者无需离开站点即可收听(或查看)播客。

The Podcasting Plugin by TSG is free to use and it’s definitely worth giving a try if you’re experimenting with podcasting.


认真简单的播客 (Seriously Simple Podcasting)

The name says it all! Seriously Simple Podcasting saves you from getting into the nitty gritty details of hosting a podcasting show in WordPress. This plugin is especially suitable for webmasters who shy away from advanced settings pages and are often found asking: “Is there a plugin for that?” (Don’t worry, I’m one of them).

这个名字说明了一切! 认真简单的Podcasting可以使您免于进入在WordPress中主持播客节目的细节。 该插件特别适合那些避开高级设置页面并经常问:“是否有该插件的网站管理员?” (不用担心,我就是其中之一)。

The plugin features an easy-to-use interface and a simple process for setting up and managing your podcast. Although the plugin is straightforward to use by default, users can go into its settings to customize their experience.

该插件具有易于使用的界面以及用于设置和管理播客的简单过程。 尽管默认情况下该插件易于使用,但用户可以进入其设置来自定义他们的体验。

Seriously Simple Podcasting features powerful functionality which makes it one of the most popular choices for both newbies and pros.


模糊的PowerPress (Blubrry PowerPress)

Blubrry PowerPress is a feature-rich plugin that’s got everything you’ll need to host and manage your podcast show – without having to leave your WordPress site. The developers have declared this plugin to be the No. 1 Podcasting plugin for WordPress.

Blubrry PowerPress是一个功能丰富的插件,它具有托管和管理播客节目所需的一切,而无需离开WordPress网站。 开发人员已宣布此插件为WordPress的第一播客插件。

The Blubrry PowerPress plugin supports some of the most popular podcasting platforms right out of the box, including, iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play. The standout feature that users receive with Blubrry PowerPress is that it takes care of your podcast’s SEO, as well.

Blubrry PowerPress插件开箱即用地支持一些最受欢迎的播客平台,包括iTunes,Stitcher和Google Play。 用户通过Blubrry PowerPress获得的突出功能是,它还可以处理播客的SEO。

With this plugin, users can set up a custom subscription menu and create multiple podcasting channels through their WordPress site. Whether you’re entering the podcasting world or looking for a more powerful tool, Blubrry has got you covered.

使用此插件,用户可以设置自定义订阅菜单,并通过其WordPress网站创建多个播客频道。 无论您是进入播客界还是在寻找功能更强大的工具,Blubrry都可以满足您的需求。

Libsyn播客插件 (Libsyn Podcast Plugin)

Libsyn is one of the most popular platforms for publishing your podcast and its Libsyn Podcast Plugin makes the entire process much, much simpler for WordPress users.


The Libsyn Podcast Plugin enables users to publish their podcasts directly to their Libsyn account from within their WordPress site. It takes care of updating your RSS feed and ensures that the media files are stored on Libsyn’s servers. How cool is that?

Libsyn播客插件使用户可以从其WordPress网站内直接将其播客发布到其Libsyn帐户。 它负责更新RSS提要,并确保媒体文件存储在Libsyn的服务器上。 多么酷啊?

The plugin automatically takes care of your podcast hosting and generates your RSS feeds. This saves your web host from crowding up and having the resources used up by podcasts alone.

该插件会自动处理您的播客托管并生成您的RSS feed。 这样可以避免您的虚拟主机拥挤,并避免播客仅占用资源。

辛科帕 (Cincopa)

Cincopa is a multipurpose solution that features a host of options for WordPress users to add all sorts of media to their sites. One of their many services features a media player for podcasters which is designed to simplify the entire podcasting process.

Cincopa是一个多用途解决方案,为WordPress用户提供了许多选项,可以将各种媒体添加到他们的网站。 他们的众多服务之一具有用于播客的媒体播放器,该媒体播放器旨在简化整个播客过程。

The best part about Cincopa’s plugin is that it comes with a ton of built-in options that enable users to get started right away. This light-weight podcasting solution gives users a subscription RSS feed minus the maintenance efforts.

关于Cincopa插件的最好的部分是,它带有大量内置选项,使用户可以立即开始使用。 这个轻量级的播客解决方案为用户提供了订阅RSS源,而无需进行维护。

播客网站的WordPress主题 (WordPress Themes for a Podcasting Site)

In this section, we’ll check out two of the best podcasting themes for WordPress for webmasters who want to go all in with their podcasting show. Let’s check them out.

在本部分中,我们将为想要完全参与其播客节目的网站管理员介绍WordPress的两个最佳播客主题。 让我们检查一下。

Podcast Pro(59.95美元) (Podcast Pro ($59.95))

Appendipity’s Podcast Pro is an all-round, versatile podcast theme for WordPress users who want to showcase multiple podcast shows through a single platform. The theme features support for .mp3, SoundCloud files, and Libsyn files. Podcast Pro has a wide range of customization options that enable webmasters to configure its styling by selecting either a dark or light template.

Appendipity的Podcast Pro是一个全方位,通用的播客主题,适用于希望通过一个平台展示多个播客节目的WordPress用户。 主题功能支持.mp3,SoundCloud文件和Libsyn文件。 Podcast Pro具有多种自定义选项,使网站管理员可以通过选择深色或浅色模板来配置其样式。

In addition to the overall design, users can also get into the nitty gritty design details and tweak the theme’s highlight color, typography, and custom headers to fit their site’s brand. The Podcast Pro theme also comes with detailed tutorials to help beginners set up their site without any hassle.

除了总体设计之外,用户还可以深入了解具体的设计细节,并调整主题的突出显示颜色,版式和自定义标题,以适合其网站的品牌。 Podcast Pro主题还附带了详细的教程,以帮助初学者轻松设置站点。

Podcaster(44美元) (Podcaster ($44))

Podcaster is a fully responsive, retina ready WordPress theme for webmasters who want to create and manage their own podcast website. This theme comes with support for native audio and video players right out of the box. It enables webmasters to choose from one of two templates – light or dark.

Podcaster是一个完全响应的,视网膜就绪的WordPress主题,适合想要创建和管理自己的播客网站的网站管理员。 此主题附带了对本机音频和视频播放器的支持。 它使网站管理员可以从两个模板(浅色或深色)中选择一种。

One of the standout features Podcaster has on offer is that it enables users to set up podcast archives to allow their viewership quick access to previous episodes. The theme is optimized for the Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin and comes with comprehensive documentation.

Podcaster提供的杰出功能之一是,它使用户能够设置播客档案,以使他们的观众可以快速访问以前的剧集。 该主题针对“非常简单的播客”插件进行了优化,并随附全面的文档 。

粉碎多媒体(免费) (Smashing Multimedia (Free))

Smashing Multimedia is a free WordPress theme for podcasting websites that allows webmasters to showcase podcasts and allow their site’s visitors to rate them without having to leave the site. One of the standout features on offer with this theme is that it allows users to add media files using simple shortcodes or by using a media plugin.

Smashing Multimedia是用于播客网站的免费WordPress主题,它允许网站管理员展示播客,并允许其站点的访问者无需离开站点即可对其进行评分。 此主题提供的突出功能之一是,它允许用户使用简单的短代码或使用媒体插件来添加媒体文件。

Those of you who are into designing a custom site can mess around with the themes PSD source files to create a truly unique podcasting site. The theme is localized from the get-go and can be translated into any language.

那些想要设计自定义站点的人可以将主题PSD源文件弄乱,从而创建一个真正独特的播客站点。 主题从一开始就已本地化,可以翻译成任何语言。

TA音乐(免费) (TA Music (Free))

TA Music is an incredibly feature-rich WordPress theme that comes with an audio player right out of the box. Webmasters can schedule special podcast events, launch podcast albums and even publish blog posts with this one of a kind podcasting theme. The theme features a modern music-esque layout and design that is bound to capture your viewers’ attention.

TA Music是一个功能非常丰富的WordPress主题,它带有开箱即用的音频播放器。 网站管理员可以安排特殊的播客事件,启动播客专辑,甚至发布带有这种播客主题之一的博客文章。 该主题具有现代音乐风格的布局和设计,势必会吸引观众的注意力。

The theme also allows users to classify podcasts into different genres. This makes it easy to host multiple podcasters on a single site. In addition to all of this, TA Music also features membership functionality which allows viewers to register with your site.

该主题还允许用户将播客分类为不同的流派。 这使得在单个站点上托管多个播客变得容易。 除此之外,TA Music还具有会员功能,使观众可以在您的网站上注册。

我们的乐队(免费) (Our Band (Free))

Our Band is a free WordPress theme that is jam-packed with features and offers a visually appealing layout for your podcasting site. It works with the HTML5 MP3 Playlist Player plugin to enable native audio playback within the user’s browser. Our Band supports gravatars and author info boxes.

我们的乐队是一个免费的WordPress主题,其中包含许多功能,并为您的播客网站提供了视觉吸引力的布局。 它与HTML5 MP3 Playlist Player插件一起使用,可以在用户的​​浏览器中播放本地音频。 我们的乐队支持gravatars和作者信息框。

This one-of-a-kind theme features a responsive parallax slider which further enhances your site’s visual appeal and allows you to display featured podcasts without exhausting valuable screen real estate. The theme’s shortcode integration makes it incredibly easy to get started with – even for users who aren’t particularly tech-savvy.

这种独一无二的主题具有响应式视差滑块,可进一步增强站点的视觉吸引力,并允许您显示精选的播客,而不会耗尽宝贵的屏幕空间。 主题的短代码集成使其非常容易上手,即使对于不是特别精通技术的用户也是如此。

音乐剧(免费) (Musical (Free))

Musical is a fully responsive podcasting theme that features an incredible layout paired with eye-catching typography. The theme ships with social share buttons and a custom slider right out of the box. The Musical theme is a great starting point for podcasters who are just starting out with their podcasting venture.

音乐剧是一种完全响应式的播客主题,具有令人难以置信的布局以及醒目的字体。 该主题随附了社交共享按钮和一个自定义滑块。 音乐主题对于刚刚开始播客业务的播客来说是一个很好的起点。

One of the best things about Musical is its simple yet elegant design. Setting up a full-on podcasting site with this theme is a breeze. You can add audio files to your podcast posts directly from the media library and share them with your site’s viewership.

Musical最好的事情之一就是其简洁而优雅的设计。 轻松地设置一个以该主题为主题的播客站点。 您可以直接从媒体库将音频文件添加到播客文章中,并与站点的观众共享。

选择音频设备的简要指南 (A Brief Guide to Selecting Audio Gear)

The audio setup your podcast is recorded on holds central importance to how well you’ll do. When it comes to software, they’ve all got the right features in place to help you get started with podcasting. The actual hardware gear you’ll use is far more complicated though and there’s a ton of factors that should be taken into consideration before any purchases are made. Let’s go go through it step by step.

录制您的播客的音频设置对于您的工作状况至关重要。 在软件方面,他们都有正确的功能,可帮助您开始播客。 但是,您将使用的实际硬件设备要复杂得多,在进行任何购买之前,应考虑很多因素。 让我们逐步进行一下。

传声器 (Microphones)

The microphones you’ll ultimately end up choosing from for a podcast setup can largely be categorized into two categories:


Condenser. These types of mics pick up even the slightest sounds and are often paired with a phantom power mixer to function properly. If you have a recording studio then you should definitely go for a condenser mic.

冷凝器。 这些类型的麦克风甚至可以听到最细微的声音,并且通常与幻像电源混合器配对以正常工作。 如果您有录音室,那么绝对应该选择电容麦克风。

Dynamic. Dynamic microphones are directional which means that it’ll only pick up the loudest noise. These microphones are most suitable for podcasters who will be recording in a noisier environment. Basically, if you’re recording anywhere but a recording studio then you should go for a dynamic microphone.

动态。 动态麦克风是定向的,这意味着它只会拾取最大的噪音。 这些麦克风最适合在嘈杂环境中录制的播客。 基本上,如果您要在录音室之外的任何地方录音,则应该选择动态麦克风。

As we discussed above, our top choices for podcasting microphones are:


Rode Podcaster USB Dynamic Microphone.

Rode Podcaster USB动态麦克风 。

Cost: $229

费用:229美元 Type: Dynamic

类型:动态 Port: USB


Used by: We Grow Media and Mac Power Users

用于: 我们增加了媒体和Mac Power用户

Snowball USB Microphone by Blue Microphones.

蓝色麦克风的Snowball USB麦克风 。

Cost: $59.99

费用:59.99美元 Type: Condenser

类型:冷凝器 Port: USB


Used by: One of Swords and Google-Weekly

使用: 剑和谷歌周刊之一

Heil PR-40 Dynamic Studio Recording Microphone.

Heil PR-40 Dynamic Studio录音麦克风 。

Cost: $327

价钱:327美元 Type: Dynamic

类型:动态 Port: XLR


Used by: The Paranormal Podcast and 5by5

用于: 超自然播客和5by5

音频接口 (Audio Interfaces)

If you’re running a one-man podcast show then you’re good to go with a USB microphone. Those of you who are planning on starting out with a few regular team members hosting the show with you or are planning to conduct interviews from your studio would go for a microphone with an XLR port (or multiple USB microphones, depending upon your preference). A team of podcasters is incomplete without an audio interface. Here’s a list of factors you need to take into account:

如果您正在进行单人播客节目,那么最好使用USB麦克风。 那些计划从几个固定的团队成员开始与您一起主持演出或计划从您的工作室进行采访的人,会选择带有XLR端口的麦克风(或多个USB麦克风,具体取决于您的喜好)。 没有音频接口的播客团队是不完整的。 以下是您需要考虑的因素列表:

Number of input channels.

输入通道数。 A USB interface to connect to your computer.

USB接口,用于连接计算机。 Your budget.

您的预算。 Phantom power (in case of condenser microphones).


Let’s take a look at some of the most popular audio interface and mixer options available.


Yamaha MW12CX Mixer


Cost: $359.99

费用:359.99美元 Channels: 12

频道:12 USB: Yes

USB:是的 Phantom power: Yes


Alesis MultiMix 8 USB FX

Alesis MultiMix 8 USB FX

Cost: $113

费用:113美元 Channels: 8

频道数:8 USB: Yes

USB:是的 Phantom power: Yes


Behringer XENYX 802 8-Input 2-Bus Mixer

Behringer XENYX 802 8输入2母线调音台

Cost: $59.99

费用:59.99美元 Channels: 8

频道数:8 USB: Yes

USB:是的 Phantom power: Yes


An audio interface is not a bare necessity for those of you who selected USB microphones and are the sole hosts of their podcast show. We recommend that you start out small and, if you like it, invest in a mixer or audio interface later on once you’ve got the whole podcasting thing down.

对于选择USB麦克风并且是他们播客节目的唯一主持人的人来说,音频接口并不是绝对必要的。 我们建议您从小处着手,如果您喜欢的话,等到您完成整个播客工作后,再投资购买调音台或音频接口。

录音机上 (On The Go Recorders)

Love to travel and dream of podcasting? We haven’t forgotten about all of you travelling podcasters! Those of you who’ve always dreamt of hosting your own podcast show but didn’t pursue it because you were always on the go and couldn’t set up a recording studio in a new location every so often can get the job done with one of these recommended powerful, portable recorders.

喜欢旅行和播客的梦想? 我们没有忘记你们所有旅行的播客! 那些一直梦想着举办自己的播客节目但不追求它的人,因为您总是在旅途中,并且无法经常在新的位置建立录音棚,因此可以完成一个工作这些推荐的功能强大的便携式记录器中。

Roland R-05


Cost: $199


Zoom H2n


Cost: $159.99


Zoom H1


Cost: $96.97


如何使用SoundCloud (How to Use SoundCloud)

SoundCloud has grown to become one of the most widely used services that brings online streaming and a sense of community to a single platform enabling users to share music and podcasts. Though SoundCloud is mostly used for music, a growing number of members have started hosting their podcast shows through this powerful application.

SoundCloud已发展成为最广泛使用的服务之一,该服务将在线流媒体和社区感引入一个平台,使用户可以共享音乐和播客。 尽管SoundCloud主要用于音乐,但越来越多的成员已开始通过此功能强大的应用程序托管其播客节目。

In this section, we’ll take a look at some of the standout features SoundCloud offers and how you can broadcast your first podcast show in less than five minutes. Let’s begin.

在本节中,我们将介绍SoundCloud提供的一些出色功能,以及如何在不到五分钟的时间内播出您的第一个播客节目。 让我们开始。

步骤1:在SoundCloud上创建一个帐户 (Step 1: Create an Account on SoundCloud)

SoundCloud enables first-time users to sign up using either their email address or social media accounts (Facebook or Google).


Once you’ve entered your credentials, tick the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy box and click Create account.

输入凭据后,在“ 使用条款和隐私政策”框中打钩,然后点击创建帐户 。

步骤2:设定播客设定档 (Step 2: Set Up Your Podcast Profile)

This step is perhaps the most crucial step in the entire process because it’ll end up defining how your users perceive your podcast show. When you’re setting up your profile on SoundCloud (or anywhere for that matter), you must keep in mind that you’re branding yourself. Everything you write will become a part of the brand you’re marketing. Here’s a quick checklist of items you should cover in the Description box:

这一步可能是整个过程中最关键的一步,因为它将最终定义用户如何看待您的播客节目。 当您在SoundCloud上(或与此相关的任何地方)设置个人资料时,必须记住要在烙印自己。 您撰写的所有内容都将成为您所营销品牌的一部分。 这是您应在“ 说明”框中涵盖的项目的快速清单:

Your name/name of your website.

您的名称/网站名称。 What your podcast is about.

您的播客是关于什么的。 Who should listen to your podcast.

谁应该听您的播客。 How listeners can benefit from it.


There are hundreds of pretty awesome podcasts out there. This Description box, although small, is one of the biggest platforms through which users can learn what your show is about and most importantly why they should listen to what you have to say without actually streaming it. Pat Flynn has a really good description on his podcast Smart Passive Income.

那里有数百个很棒的播客。 这说明中,虽然小,是用户通过它可以了解你的节目是关于什么的,最重要的他们为什么要听你的有什么不实际流可以说最大的平台之一。 帕特·弗林(Pat Flynn)的播客“ 聪明的被动收入”(Smart Passive Income)的描述非常好。

步骤3:上传曲目 (Step 3: Upload a Track)

Now that you’ve set up your profile, it’s time to get down to business. By clicking on the Upload button (in between the search bar and your avatar), you can choose to:

现在,您已经设置好个人资料,现在该开始做生意了。 通过单击“上传”按钮(位于搜索栏和头像之间),您可以选择:

Upload a file

上传一个文件 Start a new recording


With a free account, you’ll be allotted a total of 180 minutes – it’s not a lot but it’s enough to get your podcast started. Once you’ve entered your track’s Basic Info (name, description, etc), switch to the next tab over Metadata that allows you to set a buy link on the track. This essentially means that you can sell your tracks instead of putting them up for free. You can even add a license to it!

使用免费帐户,您总共可以分配180分钟的时间-虽然不多,但足以开始播客了。 输入曲目的基本信息 (名称,描述等)后,切换到元数据上的下一个标签,该标签可让您在曲目上设置购买链接。 从本质上讲,这意味着您可以出售曲目,而不必免费添加。 您甚至可以为其添加许可证!

There you have it! You can have your first podcast show up and running in three simple steps.

你有它! 您可以通过三个简单的步骤显示并运行您的第一个播客。

成功播客示例 (Examples of Successful Podcasts)

职位状态:草稿 (Post Status: Draft)

Hosted by Brian Krogsgard and Joe Hoyle, the Post Status: Draft podcast informs WordPress developers and enthusiasts about the industry. This podcast includes Post Status interviews, conversations, and editorial for the WordPress and web community.

由Brian Krogsgard和Joe Hoyle主持的帖子状态:草稿播客向WordPress开发人员和爱好者介绍了该行业。 该播客包括WordPress和网络社区的发布状态采访,对话和社论。

WordPress每周 (WordPress Weekly)

WPTavern’s WordPress Weekly is weekly podcast that talks about all things WordPress-related with its speciality being news and special interviews. The show is hosted by Jeff Chandler and has 223 episodes at the time of writing.

WPTavern的WordPress Weekly每周播客,讨论与WordPress相关的所有事情,其特长是新闻和特别采访。 该节目由杰夫·钱德勒(Jeff Chandler)主持,在撰写本文时有223集。

序列号 (Serial)

The creators of (yet another massively popular) podcast This American Life created Serial. Each season of this podcast show covers a true story in detail. This podcast is one of the best ones to tune into if you’re hunting for an engaging and well-formed storyline to follow.

播客“这本美国生活”的创建者(但又一次广受欢迎)创作了《连载》。 这个播客节目的每个季节都详细介绍了一个真实的故事。 如果您正在寻找引人入胜且格式正确的故事情节,则此播客是最适合收听的播客之一。

金莱特媒体 (Gimlet Media)

Fast Company has declared Gimlet Media as one of the Top 10 most innovative media companies. Gimlet Media’s podcasts are split up into five shows: Surprisingly Awesome, Mystery Show, Reply All, Science Vs, and StartUp.

Fast Company已宣布Gimlet Media为最具创新性的十大媒体公司之一 。 Gimlet Media的播客分为五个节目:“令人惊讶的超赞”,“神秘节目”,“全部答复”,“科学Vs”和“启动”。

造雨者 (Rainmaker.fm)

Rainmaker.fm covers everything from best practices to success stories and techniques to tried-out strategies that will help you accelerate your online business. Each episode has invaluable advice to offer backed up by real experiences and in line with the trending digital marketing landscape.

Rainmaker.fm涵盖了从最佳实践到成功案例和技术,再到已尝试过的策略的所有内容,可帮助您加速在线业务。 每个插曲都有宝贵的建议,可以提供真实经验的支持,并与趋势的数字营销格局保持一致。

SitePoint的版本播客 (SitePoint’s Versioning Podcast)

You may be familiar with SitePoint’s Versioning Podcast which brings you the best people the tech industry has to offer, learning what makes their brain tick to gain their insights into the evolving world of web development and design. The goal is to keep you in touch with the people pushing the envelope on web design and development, mining their brains and sharing their insights and ideas so you can take your own work to the next level.

您可能熟悉SitePoint的Versioning Podcast,它为您带来了技术行业必须提供的最好的人才,学习使他们的大脑tick动的原因,以获取对不断发展的Web开发和设计世界的见解。 目标是使您与其他人保持联系,从而推动Web设计和开发的极限,挖掘他们的大脑,分享他们的见解和想法,以便您将自己的工作提升到一个新的水平。

结论 (Conclusion)

Podcasting is an unsaturated market and making a strong entrance today is entirely possible. Though traditional podcasting might be over a decade old, it’s still growing rapidly today.

播客是一个不饱和的市场,如今完全有可能进入播客。 尽管传统的播客可能已经有十多年的历史了,但是今天它仍在Swift发展。

Setting up a podcast with WordPress is super easy once you’ve got the equipment set up. We covered some tools and plugins to help you get started and hopefully you’re in a better place now to take things further yourself. For even more information, be sure to check out The Definitive Guide to Podcasts.

设置好设备后,使用WordPress设置播客非常容易。 我们介绍了一些工具和插件来帮助您入门,并希望您现在处于一个更好的位置,以进一步发展自己。 有关更多信息,请确保查看《权威播客指南》 。

Which plugins do you use for podcasting? Which podcasts do you listen to and what do you like best about them? We’d love to hear from you so let us know in the comments section below!

您使用哪个插件进行播客? 您收听哪些播客,并且您最喜欢它们? 我们希望收到您的来信,因此请在下面的评论部分中告诉我们!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/a-beginners-guide-to-podcasting-with-wordpress/

