vs2017 css压缩

tech2022-10-06  92

vs2017 css压缩

Last year SitePoint released The Ultimate CSS Survey, the first of what we hope to be an annual event to help us and the community understand the habits and practices of modern CSS developers.

去年,SitePoint发布了The Ultimate CSS Survey ,这是我们希望成为年度活动的第一项活动,旨在帮助我们和社区了解现代CSS开发人员的习惯和做法。

The 2017 version of the survey is ready, and you can fill it out now. Or read on for more info on the survey and how it differs from last year’s.

该调查的2017年版本已准备就绪, 您可以立即填写 。 或继续阅读有关调查的更多信息,以及与去年有何不同。

调查涵盖了什么? (What’s Covered in the Survey?)

For those who didn’t take part last year, here’s a quick summary of some of the things the survey covers:


CSS coding practices and preferences

CSS编码惯例和偏好 Use of CSS-related tools

使用CSS相关工具 Use of popular frameworks

使用流行的框架 Code maintenance habits

代码维护习惯 Learning habits


As you can see, the survey seeks to gain an understanding of CSS developers from the learning steps right down to code maintenance and habits on big projects.


去年调查的改进 (Improvements on Last Year’s Survey)

Last year’s survey was well received and had tons of participation. We also received a lot of feedback that helped us refine the survey this year. For example, while last year’s survey was a 3-part survey that included a total of 72 questions, this year’s survey has been trimmed down to 50 questions and is not divided into separate parts.

去年的调查很受欢迎,并且参与人数众多。 我们还收到了很多反馈,这些反馈有助于我们今年完善调查。 例如,虽然去年的调查是一个分为3部分的调查,总共包括72个问题,但今年的调查已被缩减为50个问题,并且没有分为几个部分。

Additionally, a lot of people pointed out that the questions were slanted towards freelance developers who work on numerous projects, as opposed to developers working on a single website continuously. Unfortunately, that bias and others still exist in this year’s survey to some degree. But I did my best to include answers like “does not apply to me” or similar, so that participants can answer in a way that makes sense for them.

此外,很多人指出,问题是针对从事多个项目的自由开发人员,而不是持续在单个网站上工作的开发人员。 不幸的是,这种偏见和其他偏见在某种程度上仍然存在于今年的调查中。 但是我竭尽全力包括“不适用于我”或类似的答案,以便参与者可以以对他们有意义的方式进行回答。

We also got a lot of feedback from less experienced developers who said that the survey opened their eyes to a number of different technologies, tools, and techniques that they had never heard of before. Many people said they felt they had a lot to learn. I’m sure it was somewhat overwhelming for some, but they said they were excited to search for some of these new topics and tools and start learning something new.

我们还从经验不足的开发人员那里获得了很多反馈,他们表示,调查使他们看到了许多以前从未听说过的不同技术,工具和技术。 许多人说他们觉得他们有很多东西要学。 我敢肯定,对于某些人来说,这有点令人不知所措,但是他们说,他们为寻找这些新主题和工具并开始学习新东西而感到兴奋。

今天填写调查 (Fill Out the Survey Today)

We’re excited to see the results of this year’s survey, so we hope you can take 20 minutes or so out of your day to answer all the questions. We know it will be valuable to you and to the community to see the results. I’m sure many of you filled it out last year, but please don’t let that stop you from filling it out again. If you’ve changed your CSS habits over the past year, it would be great to have that reflected in the results.

我们很高兴看到今年的调查结果,因此希望您每天花20分钟左右的时间回答所有问题。 我们知道,看到结果对您和社区都很有价值。 我敢肯定,去年你们中的很多人都填写了这份报告,但请不要阻止它再次填写。 如果您在过去一年中改变了CSS习惯,那么在结果中反映出这一点将是很棒的。

Also, at the end of the survey you can fill in your email address (optional) and we’ll notify you of the results when they’re ready (we won’t use your email address for anything else, just as a one-time notification when the survey results are released).


So what are you waiting for? You can Fill out the 2017 Ultimate CSS Survey here or use the embedded survey found below.

那你还在等什么? 您可以在此处填写2017年终极CSS调查或使用下面的嵌入式调查。

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翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/ultimate-css-survey-2017/

vs2017 css压缩
