vs2017 css压缩

tech2022-10-10  92

vs2017 css压缩

On April 26 I posted this year’s version of the Ultimate CSS Survey, a way for us to gather information from CSS developers on their practices, habits, knowledge, and understanding of CSS.

4月26日,我发布了今年版本的Ultimate CSS Survey,这是我们从CSS开发人员那里收集有关CSS的实践,习惯,知识和理解的信息的一种方式。

More than 1,600 people filled out the survey over the past 6 weeks and now it’s time to show you the numbers. I’ve embedded the results below, and after the embed I’ve posted some of my follow-up comments and observations, especially in comparison to last year’s results. I’ve also included notes on comments that many readers posted in the survey (included as an optional field).

在过去的6周中,有1600多人填写了调查问卷,现在是时候向您显示数字了。 我将结果嵌入到下面,在嵌入之后,我发布了一些后续评论和观察结果,特别是与去年的结果相比。 我还包括了许多读者在调查中发表的评论注释(作为可选字段包括在内)。

Use the up/down arrows to cycle through the survey results ↑


调查的目的是什么? (What is the Goal of the Survey?)

One person wanted to know why we were doing this survey and whether the feedback would change anything. As an editor here at SitePoint, my main priority is to understand my readers. I want to know what level they’re at with different technologies, which CSS features they work with the most, which ones give them the most trouble, and what CSS-related tooling they incorporate. It also helps to know if developers are following best practices. Understanding these things will help us here at SitePoint to commission new articles and new Premium Content that gives readers the most benefit.

一个人想知道为什么我们要进行这项调查,以及反馈是否会改变任何事情。 作为SitePoint的编辑,我的首要任务是了解读者。 我想知道他们使用不同技术的水平,他们使用最多CSS功能,给他们带来最大麻烦的功能,以及它们结合了哪些CSS相关工具。 它还有助于了解开发人员是否遵循最佳实践。 了解这些内容将有助于SitePoint上的我们撰写新文章和新的高级内容 ,使读者受益最大。

Also, many people last year and this year pointed out that the survey has given them an introduction to CSS tools, features, and technologies that they had never heard of before or maybe had forgotten about. And of course, the results might help some developers to see which direction things are trending, which can help with upgrading skills and what to look for in job searches.

另外,去年和今年的许多人指出,该调查向他们介绍了他们以前从未听说过或者可能已经忘记CSS工具,功能和技术。 当然,结果可能会帮助一些开发人员了解事物发展的方向,这有助于提高技能以及在求职中寻找的内容。

结果评论 (Comments on the Results)

Feel free to analyze the results above on your own, but here are some points that stand out (I’ve included links to different subjects):


一般资料和最佳做法 (General Stuff and Best Practices)

When asked to describe themselves (Question 2), 30% of respondents said they are full-stack developers. In last year’s survey, I neglected to include an option for “full-stack”, so it’s hard to compare results. I’m surprised so many respondents are full-stack. I think to some extent that’s a reflection of the SitePoint readership.

当被要求描述自己时(问题2),有30%的受访者表示他们是全栈开发人员 。 在去年的调查中,我忽略了“全栈”选项,因此很难比较结果。 令我如此惊讶的是,有这么多的受访者。 我认为在某种程度上反映了SitePoint的读者群。

Another big increase is the number of developers using a CSS methodology (Question 32). This year, 32% said they’re using a predefined methodology compared to 23% last year. BEM use in particular rose from 21% last year to 29% this year.

另一个大增加是使用CSS方法的开发人员数量(问题32)。 今年,有32%的人表示他们正在使用预定义的方法,而去年这一比例为23%。 特别是BEM的使用从去年的21%增加到今年的29%。

Only 23% of respondents said they produce documentation for their CSS (Question 39), which is down from about 28% last year. I wouldn’t expect this number to be too high in general, but I’m surprised there was a dip.

只有23%的受访者表示他们为自己CSS编写文档(问题39),低于去年的约28%。 我不希望这个数字总体上过高,但是我感到惊讶的是下降了。 Testing CSS on a variety of mobile devices is on the increase (Question 41). About 82% do a moderate to thorough amount of mobile testing, compared to 72% last year.

在各种移动设备上测试CSS的需求正在增加(问题41)。 大约82%的用户进行了中度到全面的移动测试,而去年这一比例为72%。 8% of respondents said they still test on and support IE8, and 4% include IE6/7 (Question 42). Two respondents even said they support IE5.5. I think these numbers are a little higher than they should be.

8%的受访者表示,他们仍在测试和支持IE8,其中4%包括IE6 / 7(问题42)。 两名受访者甚至表示他们支持IE5.5。 我认为这些数字比应有的数字高一些。 Generally speaking, more developers than last year are happy with the W3C and the standards process. (Questions 43 & 44)

一般来说,对W3C和标准流程感到满意的开发人员比去年多。 (问题43和44) This year 23% of respondents said that they had attended a CSS conference (Question 48), which is a 6% increase from last year. Good to hear!

今年,有23%的受访者说他们参加了CSS会议(问题48),比去年增加了6%。 很高兴听到! More than 70% of respondents said they learn about CSS from viewing the source on random websites they come across (Question 50).


CSS功能 (CSS Features)

More CSS developers are using rem units (Questions 11 & 12) for both typography and sizing in general in comparison to last year’s survey.

与去年的调查相比,更多CSS开发人员正在使用rem单元 (问题11和12)进行排版和调整大小。

One of the biggest increases from last year’s survey was (not surprisingly) the use of flexbox (Question 14). Last year 31% said they hadn’t started using it. This year, only 18% said that. Also, 62% said they are using flexbox on most or all new projects, compared to only 39% last year.

与去年的调查相比,最大的增长之一是使用flexbox (不足为奇)(问题14)。 去年31%的人表示尚未开始使用它。 今年,只有18%的人这么说。 另外,有62%的人表示他们在大多数或所有新项目中都使用了flexbox,而去年这一比例仅为39%。

More developers are using lesser-known CSS units like vw, vh, grad, turn, etc. (Question 24)


The areas of CSS that developers have the most trouble with are: Pseudo-class expressions, CSS typography, styling forms, 3D animations, Grid Layout, and flexbox. (Questions 46 & 47)

开发人员最常遇到CSS领域是: 伪类表达式 , CSS排版 ,样式表,3D动画, Grid Layout和flexbox。 (问题46和47)

工具类 (Tools)

Use of CSS frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation seems to be on the decline. Not a major decline, but there is a noticeable difference from last year to this year. (Questions 25 & 26)

诸如Bootstrap和Foundation之类的CSS框架的使用似乎正在下降。 下降幅度不大,但与去年相比有明显的不同。 (问题25和26)

Sass and Less usage is on the decline while PostCSS use is way up from 19% to 30%. Similarly, use of lesser-known tools like CSS Modules and Pleeease is on the increase. (Question 28)

Sass and Less的使用率在下降,而PostCSS的使用率从19%上升到30%。 同样,越来越少使用诸如CSS模块和Pleeease之类的鲜为人知的工具。 (问题28)

Similar to last year, over 60% of respondents feel the features in preprocessors like Sass should be natively part of CSS. (Question 29)

与去年相似,超过60%的受访者认为像Sass这样的预处理器中的功能应该是CSS的一部分。 (问题29) The most popular code editors and IDEs are Sublime Text, Atom, Visual Studio, and PHPStorm (Question 30). This fits well with the fact that so many that filled out the survey are full-stack devs.

最受欢迎的代码编辑器和IDE是Sublime Text,Atom,Visual Studio和PHPStorm(问题30)。 这与以下事实完全吻合:填写调查的很多人都是全职开发人员。 More than 50% of respondents said they’ve found a CSS-related bug in a browser (15% reported the bug). This seems a little high but I’m guessing many of these bugs turned out not to be bugs at all. (Question 34)

超过50%的受访者表示,他们在浏览器中发现了CSS相关的错误(有15%的人报告了该错误)。 这似乎有点高,但是我猜想其中许多错误根本不是错误。 (问题34)

A higher percentage of people this year feel that managing CSS via JavaScript (like some libraries are doing nowadays) is a good idea (37%, up from 30% last year). (Question 35)

今年,有更高比例的人认为通过JavaScript管理CSS (就像如今的某些库一样)是个好主意(从去年的30%上升到37%)。 (问题35)

受访者的反馈 (Feedback from Respondents)

Just like last year, we allowed respondents to fill out any general comments they had on the survey questions. Below I’ve summarized some of the comments:

与去年一样,我们允许受访者填写他们对调查问题的任何一般性评论。 下面我总结了一些评论:

As expected, a number of people felt the survey had too many questions. This probably won’t change. This year’s was much shorter than last year’s, but there’s too much ground I want to cover and I’d rather get answers to all these subjects rather than trim it down just to get higher numbers of entries.

不出所料,许多人认为调查有太多问题。 这可能不会改变。 今年比去年短得多,但是我想讲的内容太多了,我宁愿为所有这些主题找到答案,而不是为了得到更多的参赛作品而将其削减。

Last year, many people chose “Grid Layout Module” for their primary layout technique, even though it was barely a standard yet. Those respondents thought this was referring to using a framework-based grid system. This year, I made it more clear what I meant and many people entered “Bootstrap” in the “other” field. I think it’s best to include an option for “framework” in the next survey, because most people seem to forget (or don’t know) that most grids are using floats (or another technique) behind the scenes.

去年,许多人选择“网格布局模块”作为他们的主要布局技术,尽管它还只是一种标准。 那些受访者认为这是指使用基于框架的网格系统。 今年,我更加清楚了我的意思,许多人在“其他”字段中输入了“ Bootstrap ”。 我认为最好在下一个调查中包括“框架”选项,因为大多数人似乎忘记(或不知道)大多数网格在幕后使用浮点(或其他技术)。

It might be good to include a question on CSS for internationalization, RTL languages, etc.

包括有关CSS的国际化问题,RTL语言等问题可能会很好。 Some still felt there should be a “doesn’t apply to me” answer for all questions. I think this is a result of people working on a single website with a CMS like WordPress, so certain questions don’t apply to everyone. I improved on this from last year, but there were still a few comments like this.

有些人仍然认为所有问题都应该有一个“不适用于我”的答案。 我认为这是人们在单个网站上使用WordPress之类的CMS的结果,因此某些问题并不适用于所有人。 我从去年开始对此进行了改进,但是仍然有一些这样的评论。 Some readers wanted an emailed summary of their answers. I think this is a good idea, but I have no idea if this is possible with Typeform, the service SitePoint uses for surveys. We can look into it.

一些读者希望通过电子邮件发送其答案的摘要。 我认为这是个好主意,但我不知道SitePoint用于调查的Typeform是否可行。 我们可以调查一下。

For Question 22, “How often do you use the !important keyword?”, the answer “Only when absolutely necessary, but I always refactor later” is too specific. One user said they do it only when absolutely necessary, but they don’t refactor. In the future, I’ll just drop the part about refactoring.

对于问题22“您多久使用一次!important关键字?”,答案“仅在绝对必要时才使用,但我以后总是重构”。 一位用户说,他们仅在绝对必要时才这样做,但他们没有重构。 将来,我将只讨论重构。

A lot of people wanted questions to be included that aren’t really related to CSS (work environment, build process, etc). This is deliberately a CSS-only survey, so I’m only including questions that pertain to CSS. There are other surveys for more general stuff.

许多人希望包含与CSS无关的问题(工作环境,构建过程等)。 这是故意的仅限CSS的调查,因此我只包含与CSS有关的问题。 对于更一般的内容,还有其他调查。 A future survey will include questions about what JavaScript tools are used to manage CSS, seeing as that’s gaining more popularity. Multiple readers requested this.

未来的调查将包括有关使用哪些JavaScript工具管理CSS的问题,因为它越来越受欢迎。 多个读者要求这样做。 Some questions naturally assume that CSS is being used only for work. There are people who write CSS just as a hobby or similar, so it might be beneficial to have a question about that, or incorporate it into Question 2.

有些问题自然会假定CSS仅用于工作。 有些人写CSS只是出于业余爱好或类似爱好,因此对此有一个问题或将其纳入问题2可能会有所帮助。 A few people pointed out that Safari, not IE, is now their most troublesome browser when it comes to testing.


For Question 34 on finding a browser bug, it might be good to have an option for people who don’t know how to report a bug, or who tried to report it but found a duplicate.


Some other topics to consider for a future survey: CSS linting, Shadow DOM, Web Components.

将来的调查还需要考虑其他一些主题:CSS linting,Shadow DOM, Web Components 。

结论 (Conclusion)

So that’s it for this year’s survey. I hope you found the results to be interesting and maybe something in the survey has helped you to go down a new journey of learning that will make you a better and more informed developer going forward.

这就是今年的调查。 我希望您发现结果有趣,也许调查中的某些内容可以帮助您踏上新的学习旅程,从而使您成为一个更好,更明智的开发人员。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/results-ultimate-css-survey-2017/

vs2017 css压缩
