
tech2022-10-10  106


Related post plugins help to show your visitors other similar content on your website within the article or page they’re reading. This helps to encourage users to spend more time on your site and therefore improves user engagement.

相关的帖子插件可帮助您的访问者在他们正在阅读的文章或页面上向访问者显示网站上的其他类似内容。 这有助于鼓励用户在您的网站上花费更多的时间,从而提高用户参与度。

Apart from displaying similar related content, these plugins provide a great way to breathe life into some of your older work, which may have been buried back in your archives and not necessarily receive the visits they once did.


There are many different related post plugins available in the WordPress repository. In this article, I’ll be exploring eight of the best free related post plugins available to help you make a decision on the right fit for your site.

WordPress资源库中有许多可用的相关帖子插件。 在本文中,我将探讨八个最佳的免费相关帖子插件,以帮助您做出最适合自己网站的决定。

另一个相关的帖子插件(YARPP) (Yet Another Related Post Plugin (YARPP))

With over 300,000 active installs, and a 4 star rating, YARPP is one of the most popular related post plugins available. The plugin uses an advanced and versatile algorithm to accurately determine whether a post is related or not, and the algorithm takes into consideration the body content, title, tags and categories assigned to the piece.

YARPP拥有超过300,000活跃安装,并获得4星评级,是可用的最受欢迎的相关帖子插件之一。 该插件使用先进且通用的算法来准确确定帖子是否相关,并且该算法考虑了分配给该作品的正文内容,标题,标签和类别。

In addition to this, the plugin comes with a nice templating system which allows you to control how your related post is to be displayed. It also works with pages and post types, giving it even more flexibility.

除此之外,该插件还带有一个不错的模板系统,可让您控制相关帖子的显示方式。 它还适用于页面和帖子类型,从而提供了更大的灵活性。

When running a very large site, the plugin can be resource intensive. The plugin has a pro version that addresses this problem by performing the heavy-lifting on its own servers. In terms of compatibility, the plugin may not be as flexible as other plugins.

当运行一个非常大的站点时,该插件可能会占用大量资源。 该插件具有专业版,可通过在其自己的服务器上执行繁重的任务来解决此问题。 在兼容性方面,该插件可能不如其他插件灵活。

内容相关帖子 (Contextual Related Posts)

The Contextual Related Post Plugin is popular with 60,000+ active installs and a 4.8 star rating. The Contextual Related Post Plugin comes with a very simple settings page, providing shortcodes to display the related posts, and also offers thumbnail support for improved visual appeal.

上下文相关的帖子插件非常受欢迎,具有60,000多个有效安装和4.8星评级。 上下文相关帖子插件带有一个非常简单的设置页面,提供显示相关帖子的简码,并提供缩略图支持以改善视觉效果。

The plugin generates related posts not just by considering the title of the post, but by also scanning the body of the content to provide a truly accurate selection of similar posts to show.


Unfortunately, the plugin does not come with any template to display thumbnails. This means, users can only manually add their own CSS to style it. Similar to YARPP, the plugin is very database intensive and it has led a number of managed WordPress hosting services blacklisting it.

不幸的是,该插件没有任何显示缩略图的模板。 这意味着,用户只能手动添加自己CSS来设置样式。 与YARPP相似,该插件非常占用数据库资源,并且已导致许多托管WordPress托管服务将其列入黑名单。

汤三相关文章 (Yuzo Related Post)

Another plugin on this list that is considered to be one of the fastest and most popular related post plugins is Yuzo Related Post with 20,000+ active installs and a 4.6 star rating. It has a bunch of features you would expect from a good related posts plugin, and it also supports all content — Posts, Pages, and Post Types.

此列表中被认为是最快,最受欢迎的相关帖子插件之一是Yuzo Related Post,它具有20,000多个活跃安装和4.6星评级。 它具有许多您希望从相关的好帖子插件获得的功能,并且还支持所有内容-帖子,页面和帖子类型。

Yuzo Related Post plugin is extremely easy to use and set up. It has a highly customizable widget with lots of options, and users can easily select styles. Customization of text, built-in cache, background, visit count, with other incredible options makes the plugin stand out. The plugin also supports extensive customization capabilities and allows the addition of related posts to any widget area.

Yuzo Related Post插件非常易于使用和设置。 它具有高度可定制的小部件,其中包含许多选项,用户可以轻松选择样式。 自定义文本,内置缓存,背景,访问次数以及其他令人难以置信的选项,使该插件脱颖而出。 该插件还支持广泛的自定义功能,并允许将相关帖子添加到任何小部件区域。

Though the Yuzo Related Post plugin might be extremely fast, it isn’t as lightweight as some of the other plugins in this article.

尽管Yuzo Related Post插件可能非常快,但它不如本文中的其他某些插件轻巧。

Jetpack is one of the most popular and powerful WordPress plugins with over 1 million active installs and a 4 star rating. It comes with many features (you can find a good overview of Jetpack here), and the Related Posts module is just one of these.

Jetpack是最受欢迎和功能最强大的WordPress插件之一,拥有超过一百万次主动安装,并获得4星评级。 它具有许多功能(您可以在此处找到Jetpack的概述 ),并且Related Posts模块只是其中之一。

It’s simple to use and easy to configure. Once configured, it displays the related content either as a list of links, or with attractive thumbnails, depending on the selected option.

它易于使用且易于配置。 配置后,根据所选选项,将相关内容显示为链接列表或有吸引力的缩略图。

Inline Related Posts is a related post plugin which helps to automatically show related post links inside your content, instead of showing them below your content, like most related post plugins do.


The plugin is easy to set up and allows you to control where you want to display inline related post links within your content. The plugin also gives you a higher chance of increasing your page views, as it displays the related content where readers are more likely to open it.

该插件易于设置,可让您控制要在内容中显示与内联相关的帖子链接的位置。 该插件还向您提供了更大的机会来增加页面浏览量,因为它在读者更可能打开它的地方显示了相关内容。

However, some types of related posts seem more appropriate placed below your article, and Inline Related Posts doesn’t provide the option to display related post below your content, so keep this in mind.


WordPress的相关文章 (Related Posts for WordPress)

Related Posts for WordPress has over 7,000 active installs and a 4.6 star rating. It’s a lightweight alternative to the other popular WordPress related post plugins, being faster and less resource intensive. It uses a cache to display related posts, and focuses more on performance.

WordPress的相关文章有7,000多个有效安装和4.6星评级。 它是其他流行的WordPress相关文章插件的轻量级替代品,速度更快且资源占用更少。 它使用缓存来显示相关的帖子,并更多地关注性能。

The plugin supports both thumbnail and text display of the related posts list, and it’s simple to configure. It won’t slow down your site as it uses it’s own cache and carries out all the heavy resource jobs in the admin panel.

该插件支持相关帖子列表的缩略图和文本显示,并且配置简单。 它不会占用您的网站的速度,因为它使用自己的缓存并在管理面板中执行所有繁重的资源作业。

If you want an advanced working related post plugin with lots of features, Related Post for WordPress might not be the best option as it comes with only a few simple features.


Another powerful related post plugin in this category is WordPress Related Posts by Zemanta. It has over 100,000+ active installs with a 4 star rating. The plugin automatically adds similar content to the end of your article and offers unique and elegant design styles compared to some other related posts plugins. It also allows manual customization of the widget design using custom CSS and other advanced settings, just in case you want some extra flexibility.

此类别中另一个功能强大的相关帖子插件是Zemanta的WordPress相关帖子 。 它拥有超过100,000多个活跃安装,并获得4星评级。 与其他相关文章插件相比,该插件会自动在文章末尾添加相似的内容,并提供独特而优雅的设计风格。 它还允许使用自定义CSS和其他高级设置来手动定制窗口小部件设计,以防万一您需要额外的灵活性。

WordPress Related Posts comes with a option where you can manually choose related content for each post, or let the plugin itself automatically recommend related posts.


共享狂 (Shareaholic)

Shareaholic is another popular plugin with 100,000+ active installs and a 4 star rating. The plugin initially began as a social media sharing plugin, and the related post feature was introduced later. The plugin does not only help display related posts, but can also be used to integrate social share buttons, follow buttons and social analytics.

Shareaholic是另一个受欢迎的插件,具有100,000多个活跃安装和4星评级。 该插件最初是一个社交媒体共享插件,后来引入了相关的帖子功能。 该插件不仅有助于显示相关信息,还可以用于集成社交分享按钮,关注按钮和社交分析。

The settings are relatively simple and easy to configure, and the plugin gives you the option to choose the design of the related post to match your site design. You can also use Shareaholic as part of your monetization strategy, by earning extra revenue through their promoted content system.

设置相对简单且易于配置,并且插件为您提供了选择相关帖子的设计以匹配您的网站设计的选项。 您还可以通过其推广的内容系统获得额外的收入,从而将Shareaholic用作获利策略的一部分。

结论 (Conclusion)

In this article, I’ve covered eight of the most popular free related post plugins available in the WordPress repository. If you know of any other powerful related posts plugins I didn’t mention in this article, please feel free to let us know in the comments below.

在本文中,我介绍了WordPress存储库中可用的八个最受欢迎的免费相关帖子插件。 如果您知道我在本文中未提及的任何其他功能强大的相关文章插件,请随时在下面的评论中告诉我们。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/8-of-the-best-free-related-posts-plugins-for-wordpress/

