
tech2022-10-10  118


You might have heard the saying, “the money is in the list”. Your email list, to be exact. Email marketing is widely considered to be the most powerful form of marketing today, and there are plenty of stats to back it up.

您可能已经听说过这样的说法:“钱在清单中”。 确切地说,您的电子邮件列表。 电子邮件营销被广泛认为是当今最强大的营销形式,并且有很多统计数据可以支持它。

A big email subscriber base gives you a lot of power. You have an audience at your fingertips who like your brand and are ready to invest in it. If you have any sort of product or service, an email list is invaluable to you.

庞大的电子邮件订阅者群体为您提供了强大的功能。 您触手可及的受众群体喜欢您的品牌,并准备对其进行投资。 如果您有任何产品或服务,那么电子邮件列表对您来说是无价的。

The problem? It can be difficult to get email addresses. Some people hate popups with a passion and won’t give them the time of day. Even if you offer something great in exchange for an email address, some people may not be interested.

问题? 获取电子邮件地址可能很困难。 有些人会充满激情地讨厌弹出窗口,因此不会给他们时间。 即使您提供了一些很棒的东西来交换电子邮件地址,某些人也可能对此不感兴趣。

One particularly effective method of getting email addresses is to include an auto-checked box in your contact form. Whenever someone contacts you through the form, there will be a pre-checked box that automatically signs them up for your newsletter. Of course, they can uncheck it if they want to, but many people don’t.

获取电子邮件地址的一种特别有效的方法是在您的联系表中包括一个自动选中的框。 每当有人通过表单与您联系时,都会有一个预先选中的框,该框会自动为他们注册您的新闻通讯。 当然,如果愿意,他们可以取消选中它,但是很多人却不愿意。

In this article, I’ll show you how to use the free and highly versatile Contact Form 7 plugin for WordPress to create an auto-checked box that will help your email list grow by leaps and bounds.

在本文中,我将向您展示如何使用免费且功能广泛的WordPress Contact Form 7插件创建一个自动选中的框,该框将帮助您的电子邮件列表突飞猛进。

I’d recommend checking your local spam laws and regulations before implementing this. I’d be interested to hear more about your thoughts and preferred approach in the comments below.

建议您在执行此操作之前,先检查您当地的垃圾邮件法律和法规。 我很想在下面的评论中听到更多关于您的想法和首选方法的信息。

您需要什么: (What you’ll need:)

联络表格7 (Contact Form 7)

联系表格7 MailChimp扩展 (Contact Form 7 MailChimp extension)

如何创建自动选中的优化框 (How to Create an Auto-Checked Optin Box)

1.创建一个新的联系表 (1. Create a New Contact Form)

In your Dashboard, navigate to ‘Contact’ > ‘Add New’. You’ll see a text field where you can code your contact form. The plugin conveniently provides several handy choices. All you have to do is click on the element you want (a drop-down menu, for example), modify it to your liking, and then click ‘Insert tag.’

在控制台中,导航至“联系人”>“添加新”。 您会看到一个文本字段,您可以在其中编写联系表单。 该插件方便地提供了几种方便的选择。 您所要做的就是单击所需的元素(例如,下拉菜单),将其修改为自己喜欢的样式,然后单击“插入标签”。

After you’re done creating the form itself, you can head over to the ‘Mail’, ‘Messages’, and ‘Additional Settings’ tabs to further customize your form.


2.将您的MailChimp帐户与联系表7集成 (2. Integrate Your MailChimp Account with Contact Form 7)

Next, click on the ‘MailChimp’ tab. You’ll see four fields here: ‘Subscriber Name’, ‘Subscriber Email’, ‘MailChimp API Key’, and ‘MailChimp List ID’.

接下来,单击“ MailChimp”选项卡。 您将在此处看到四个字段:“订户名称”,“订户电子邮件”,“ MailChimp API密钥”和“ MailChimp列表ID”。

In the ‘Subscriber Name’ field, enter [your-name]. In the ‘Subscriber Email’ field, enter [your-email]. In the other two fields, you simply enter your MailChimp API key and List ID. (Here’s how to find your API key, and here’s how to find your List ID.)

在“订户名称”字段中,输入[your-name] 。 在“订阅者电子邮件”字段中,输入[your-email] 。 在其他两个字段中,只需输入MailChimp API密钥和列表ID。 ( 这是找到您的API密钥的方法 , 这也是找到列表ID的方法。 )

3.输入复选框简码 (3. Enter the Checkbox Shortcode)

Finally, head back to the ‘Form’ tab. You’re going to insert one simple line of shortcode wherever you want the checkbox to appear. Here’s the shortcode:

最后,回到“表单”标签。 您将在希望出现复选框的任何位置插入一行简单的短代码。 这是简码:

[mc4wp_checkbox "Sign up for the email list!"]

You can replace the text with any message you’d like, and I recommend replacing it with a compelling phrase that’s targeted to your audience.


Save the form, and you’re all done! Now, whenever someone contacts you and doesn’t uncheck the box, they’ll be signed up for your list.

保存表单,您就完成了! 现在,只要有人与您联系并且不取消选中该框,他们就会注册您的列表。

NB: If you have double optin enabled on your MailChimp account, the sender will still receive an email asking them to confirm their subscription.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/contact-form-7-for-wordpress/

