WordPress 4.5的新功能

tech2022-10-12  98

This article is outdated, check out what’s new in WordPress 4.6 here.

本文已过时, 请在此处查看WordPress 4.6的新增功能 。

WordPress 4.5 has just been officially released, named ‘Coleman’ to honor the jazz musician Coleman Hawkins. The release lead was Mike Schroder, with the help of Adam Silverstein and Mel Choyce, as well as a massive total of 298 contributors.

WordPress 4.5刚刚正式发布,命名为“ Coleman”,以纪念爵士音乐家Coleman Hawkins。 在亚当·西尔弗斯坦(Adam Silverstein)和梅尔·乔伊斯(Mel Choyce)的帮助下,发布负责人是迈克·施罗德(Mike Schroder),以及总共298名贡献者。

In this article, I’ll provide an overview of what’s new in this latest release and what you’ll need to keep in mind when you update your WordPress site.


开始之前–备份网站 (Before You Start – Backup Your Website)

Don’t forget to perform a full website backup (database and files) before upgrading WordPress 4.5. You might choose to run this directly from your hosting (e.g cPanel or Plesk backup), but there are also some popular backup plugins such as Updraft Plus, BackupBuddy and Backup to Dropbox.

升级WordPress 4.5之前,请不要忘记执行完整的网站备份(数据库和文件)。 您可能选择直接从您的托管服务器运行此程序(例如cPanel或Plesk备份),但是也有一些流行的备份插件,例如Updraft Plus , BackupBuddy和Backup to Dropbox 。

Amit Diwan has a great comparison of the best WordPress backup plugins.

Amit Diwan 与最好的WordPress备份插件进行了很好的比较 。

When upgrading your site, you may find issues (typically with third party plugins and themes). If this does occur, you can then roll your site back to the latest backup. It’s also worth checking if the theme or plugin providers have published anything about WordPress 4.5 support.

升级网站时,您可能会发现问题(通常是第三方插件和主题)。 如果发生这种情况,则可以将站点回滚到最新备份。 还值得检查主题或插件提供商是否发布了有关WordPress 4.5支持的任何内容。

Where possible, it’s best to apply updates to a test or staging environment so that you can test the changes before applying them to your live site. If that’s not possible, try to choose a time that will be least disruptive to your visitors.

在可能的情况下,最好将更新应用于测试或临时环境,以便您可以在将更改应用到实际站点之前对其进行测试。 如果那不可能,请尝试选择对您的访客影响最小的时间。

If you experience any issues with the upgrade and need help, try basic troubleshooting steps such as disabling your plugins and selecting a default theme to isolate where the problem is. Charles Costa has shared some tips around common WordPress issues and how to fix them. Don’t forget you can also visit the official WordPress support forum, just make sure you read the welcome post.

如果您在升级过程中遇到任何问题并需要帮助,请尝试基本的故障排除步骤,例如禁用插件和选择默认主题以找出问题所在。 Charles Costa 分享了有关WordPress常见问题以及如何解决这些问题的一些技巧 。 别忘了您还可以访问官方的WordPress支持论坛,只需确保您阅读了欢迎贴即可 。

应用WordPress 4.5更新 (Applying the WordPress 4.5 Update)

First, you’ll need to login to your WordPress dashboard where you should see the following message:


You then click on ‘Please update now’ which will take you to the next page with the prompt to ‘update now’ to WordPress 4.5.

然后单击“请立即更新”,这将带您进入下一页,并提示您“立即更新”到WordPress 4.5。

Finally, when WordPress 4.5 is installed you will see the following success screen to welcome you.

最后,安装WordPress 4.5后,您将看到以下成功屏幕,欢迎您。

WordPress 4.5的新功能 (What’s New in WordPress 4.5)

For experienced developers or power users, this feature might not seem like a big deal, but for a lot of users, the simple process of adding a logo hasn’t always been an option.


You can now find the logo setting in Site Identity > Logo.


Your mileage will vary depending on your choice theme, but the standard default themes and popular themes will start using this method to allow users to easily control the logo.


响应式预览显示 (Responsive Preview Display)

As of WordPress 4.5, you’ll have the ability to preview your website on different device screen sizes via the Customizer in your dashboard.

从WordPress 4.5开始,您可以通过仪表板中的“定制程序”在不同设备屏幕尺寸上预览网站。

Previously, you may have used an extension, your browser developer tools, or even just resizing your window – but now this handy feature is in easy reach in the customizer.


The linking process within the Visual Editor for your pages and posts has been streamlined further. Now when you click the standard link button within the WYSIWYG editor, a field will now automatically appear below the text to allow you to either paste the link or search for the link on your site.

在Visual Editor中,您的页面和帖子的链接过程得到了进一步简化。 现在,当您在WYSIWYG编辑器中单击标准链接按钮时,现在会在文本下方自动显示一个字段,以允许您粘贴该链接或在您的网站上搜索该链接。

If you wanted to bring up the old link screen functionality that used to appear when you clicked this button, simply hit the cog icon.


新捷径 (New Shortcuts)

If you write a lot of content inside of WordPress, there are a few new handy shortcuts will help further streamline your writing:


` a backtick before and after the content to display code


— for a horizontal rule


Here’s what using the backtick to insert code looks like:


评论审核改进 (Comment Moderation Improvement)

WordPress 4.5 features a refreshed comment moderation screen styling to make it easier to manage comments. Comments can also now be viewed in an editor.

WordPress 4.5具有刷新的评论审核屏幕样式,使管理评论变得更加容易。 现在也可以在编辑器中查看评论。

图像优化改进 (Image Optimization Improvements)

Image optimisation has been enhanced even further to create up to 50% smaller files while retaining the image quality.


以用户名和电子邮件登录 (Login as Username and Email)

As of 4.5, you can now login by username and email. You could always use your email address as a username, but now the login accepts your account email address and username. It will come in handy, users are much less likely to forget their email address!

从4.5开始,您现在可以通过用户名和电子邮件登录。 您始终可以将电子邮件地址用作用户名,但是现在登录名可以接受您的帐户电子邮件地址和用户名。 它会派上用场,用户忘记电子邮件地址的可能性大大降低!

开发人员功能 (Developer Features)

There are also a few new features for developers:


JavaScript Library Updates (jQuery 1.12.3, jQuery Migrate 1.4.0, Backbone 1.2.3, and Underscore 1.8.3)

JavaScript库更新(jQuery 1.12.3,jQuery Migrate 1.4.0,Backbone 1.2.3和Underscore 1.8.3) Embedded Templates


Term Edit Page Changes (the addition of wp-admin/term.php)

术语编辑页面更改( wp-admin/term.php的附加wp-admin/term.php )

Selective Refresh


The WordPress 4.5 Field Guide has a detailed list of all of the recent changes relevant for developers, as well as some lively discussions.

WordPress 4.5现场指南详细列出了与开发人员相关的所有最新更改,以及一些生动的讨论。

结语 (Wrapping Up)

If you’d like to find out more about the WordPress 4.5 release, here are some resources for further reading:

如果您想了解有关WordPress 4.5版本的更多信息,请参考以下资源:

WordPress 4.5 ‘Coleman’ Announcement

WordPress 4.5'Coleman'公告

WordPress 4.5 Codex Documentation

WordPress 4.5 Codex文档

Make WordPress Core 4.5 Tag

使WordPress Core 4.5标记

WordPress 4.5 Field Guide

WordPress 4.5实地指南

I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback below on the latest WordPress 4.5 release.

我很想听听您有关以下最新WordPress 4.5版本的想法和反馈。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/whats-new-wordpress-4-5/

相关资源:轻量级个人企业风格博客主题 Vieu去授权无限制版(更新V4.5)WordPress主题模板