
tech2022-10-12  96


It’s IoT Week at SitePoint! All week we’re publishing articles focused on the intersection of the internet and the physical world, so keep checking the IoT tag for the latest updates.

这是SitePoint的IoT周! 我们整周都在发布有关互联网与物理世界交汇点的文章,因此请继续检查IoT标签以获取最新更新。

After e-commerce and social media, the next big thing has arrived — internet-enabled devices, otherwise known as the “Internet of Things” — and WordPress is ready to embrace it.

在电子商务和社交媒体之后,下一个重大事件到来了—启用互联网的设备,也称为“ 物联网 ” — WordPress已准备好接受它。

This revolutionary paradigm shift is set to transform every aspect of our lives, from optimizing our homes to the way we travel. Though the Internet of Things has already made its way into home automation, it hasn’t quite taken off with WordPress integration.

这一革命性的范式转变必将改变我们生活的方方面面,从优化房屋到旅行方式。 尽管物联网已经进入家庭自动化,但还没有与WordPress集成一起发展。

The Internet of Things creates value from gathering data and leveraging it in real time. WordPress and the Internet of Things can work together in a sensor-to-machine relationship (where WordPress is the sensor) to increase productivity, make processes more efficient, and analyze data without employing additional, complex machinery. With this in mind, in this post, we’re going to look at the Internet of Things from a WordPress standpoint and how it will allow our websites to communicate with devices in order to make the Internet of Things WordPress-smart.

物联网通过收集数据并实时利用数据来创造价值。 WordPress和物联网可以传感器到机器的关系(WordPress是传感器)一起工作,以提高生产率,提高流程效率和分析数据,而无需使用其他复杂的机器。 考虑到这一点,在这篇文章中,我们将从WordPress的角度看待物联网,以及它将如何允许我们的网站与设备进行通信以使物联网成为WordPress智能。

Let’s put everything into context before we get started.


物联网概述 (An Overview of the Internet of Things)

In a nutshell, the Internet of Things (IoT) is all about connecting various devices through the Internet. The term Internet of Things itself refers to the concept of the set of Internet-enabled devices that are intelligent, connected, interactive, and autonomous.

简而言之,物联网(IoT)就是通过Internet连接各种设备。 术语“物联网”本身是指智能,连接,交互式和自治的一组支持Internet的设备的概念。

The Internet of Things is about connecting internet-enabled devices that relay information back to us, to cloud-based applications and to each other (device to device). These ‘smart’ devices can be anything from mobile phones, fridges, washing machines to wearables, medical equipment or jet engines. – TechWorld

物联网是指将具有互联网功能的设备连接起来,这些设备将信息转发回我们,基于云的应用程序以及彼此之间(设备到设备)。 这些“智能”设备可以是任何东西,从手机,冰箱,洗衣机到可穿戴设备,医疗设备或喷气发动机。 – TechWorld

When we talk about IoT devices, the most common example that pops into mind is home automation appliances such as lightbulbs, refrigerators, toasters, and espresso machines. However, the effect of IoT is also visible in smart cities and farming. The smart devices connect with the outer world by means of a wireless connection which can be established through Wi-Fi, RFID, NFC, or even Bluetooth.

当我们谈论物联网设备时,最容易想到的例子是家庭自动化设备,例如灯泡 ,冰箱,烤面包机和咖啡机 。 但是,物联网的影响在智慧城市和农业中也很明显。 智能设备通过可以通过Wi-Fi,RFID,NFC甚至蓝牙建立的无线连接与外部世界连接。

一个简短的历史 (A Brief History)

Kevin Ashton is often attributed as the inventor of the term “Internet of Things”. Although we’ve only just been hearing the term for the past decade or so, the concept first originated back in the 70’s and was referred to as pervasive computing or the embedded Internet.

凯文·阿什顿(Kevin Ashton)通常被称为“物联网”一词的发明者。 尽管我们在过去的十多年中才刚刚听到这个词,但是这个概念最早可以追溯到70年代,被称为普及计算或嵌入式Internet 。

After several tries, IoT has finally moved past all the hype and into today’s modern technological infrastructure. Nevertheless, it started out gradually with the first Internet-enabled device created in 1990 by John Romkey a year after the advent of the World Wide Web – the Internet toaster.

经过几次尝试,物联网终于摆脱了所有宣传,进入了当今的现代技术基础架构。 然而,开始了逐渐在1990年创建的第一个互联网功能的设备约翰·罗马基一年来临后万维网 - 因特网烤炉 。

The first IoT device was created a year before the first web page!


According to IoT Analytics, the term Internet of Things was given to this revolutionary phenomenon in 1999 by Ashton with a purpose to promote RFID technology. IoT has grown rapidly in the last few years which is in part thanks to the cloud. If you’d like to know more about how IoT started out and how it took off, check out this timeline piece by Postscapes: A Brief History of the Internet of Things.

根据物联网分析 , 物联网一词互联网给予了这一革命性的现象,在1999年由阿什顿有目的,推动RFID技术。 在过去的几年中,物联网发展Swift,这在一定程度上要归功于云 。 如果您想了解有关IoT如何开始以及如何起飞的更多信息,请查看Postscapes: 《物联网简史》中的这一时间表。

物联网有多大? (How Big Is the Internet of Things?)

You might have heard that ‘the Internet of Things is far bigger than you realize’ thrown around. But how big is it really?

您可能已经听说过“物联网远比您想象的要大” 。 但是它到底有多大?

IDC predicts that the Internet of Things market will cross $3 trillion by 2020.

IDC预测,到2020年,物联网市场将超过3万亿美元 。

According to Gartner, a typical household could potentially contain nearly 500 Internet-enabled devices by the year 2022.

根据Gartner的调查 ,到2022年,一个典型的家庭可能拥有将近500个支持Internet的设备 。

According to Business Insider, a total of 24 billion IoT devices is expected to be connected to the Internet by 2020 surpassing the 10 billion traditional computing devices such as smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers.

根据Business Insider的数据 ,到2020年,预计将有240亿个IoT设备连接到Internet,超过智能手机,平板电脑和台式计算机等100亿个传统计算设备。

使物联网WordPress智能化 (Making IoT WordPress-Smart)

IoT is making huge advancements in almost every industry with connected devices ranging from light bulbs to espresso makers and indoor heating to livestock. Its implications in WordPress is finally possible with various implementations surfacing. One of these technologies is the WP REST API which works to make IoT integration with WordPress infinitely easier. We’ve covered the WordPress REST API previously on SitePoint for those who are interested:

物联网在几乎每个行业中都取得了巨大的进步,其连接的设备从灯泡到浓缩咖啡机,再到室内供暖到牲畜。 随着各种实现的出现,它最终在WordPress中的含义成为可能。 这些技术之一就是WP REST API,它可以使IoT与WordPress的集成变得无限轻松。 我们已经在SitePoint上为感兴趣的人介绍了WordPress REST API:

WP API – Using the WordPress REST API

WP API –使用WordPress REST API



“With billions of devices out in the wild chatting away to each other, the future of the web is obviously going to be heavily dependent on having clear protocols and open APIs available to facilitate that communication – which is exactly what the REST API is designed to do.” – Tom Ewer, WPMU DEV

“随着数十亿台设备在野外相互聊天,网络的未来显然将在很大程度上取决于拥有清晰的协议和开放的API来促进这种通信-这正是REST API旨在实现的目标做。” – WPMU开发人员 Tom Ewer

The WP REST API in collaboration with WordPress’ established plugin ecosystem is essentially designed to allow real-world devices to connect with WordPress via the Internet which, in turn, allows WordPress users to connect with real-world devices.

WP REST API与WordPress已建立的插件生态系统协作,其本质上旨在允许现实世界的设备通过Internet与WordPress连接,从而允许WordPress用户与现实世界的设备连接。

WordPress中物联网的现象实现 (Phenomenal Implementations of the IoT in WordPress)

Combining WordPress with popular automation services you can improve user experience and work towards generating user engagement and interactivity. Here are a few case scenarios are taken from RC Lations’ WordCamp Maine:

将WordPress与流行的自动化服务相结合,可以改善用户体验,并努力实现用户参与度和互动性。 以下是来自RC Lations的WordCamp Maine的一些案例:

A professional blogger can set up a bell to ring every time you get a new comment on a blog post or page to reply to readers immediately.

每当您在博客帖子或页面上收到新评论以立即回复读者时,专业博客作者可以设置响铃。 Business owners can use IoT devices with WordPress to light up every time a support ticket is received or answered to keep the staff motivated and let employees know which team members responded to the most tickets.

企业主可以在每次收到或回答支持票时使用带WordPress的IoT设备,以保持员工的积极性,并让员工知道哪个团队成员对票的React最多。 Keep track of how many sales you’ve made in a given period of time and wave a flag when your company’s sales goals are achieved.

跟踪给定时间内的销售量,并在达到公司的销售目标时挥舞旗帜。 Set your site to give you a mobile notification if your site experiences downtime so you can rectify the problem.


Several different services allow webmasters to connect real-world devices with their WordPress sites. Webmasters can use these systems to integrate their website with all kinds of IoT devices. In this section, we’ll take a look at four of these services and highlight the features they offer users.

网站管理员可以通过几种不同的服务将现实世界的设备与其WordPress网站连接起来。 网站管理员可以使用这些系统将其网站与各种IoT设备集成。 在本节中,我们将研究其中的四种服务,并重点介绍它们为用户提供的功能。

littleBits (littleBits)

littleBits consists of electronic building blocks that can be used to invent all kinds of new devices and then connect them to the Internet through the platform’s own API.


littleBits makes a platform of easy-to-use electronic building blocks empowering everyone to create inventions, large and small. – littleBits

littleBits提供了一个易于使用的电子构建平台,使每个人都可以创建大小型的发明。 – littleBits

The electronic building blocks are color-coded which makes them super easy to use, magnetic which makes it convenient to join with one another and reusable which saves means that you can use a set of building blocks to create several different inventions.

电子积木采用颜色编码 ,使其非常易于使用; 磁性的积木使彼此之间的连接更加方便; 可重复使用 ,节省了成本,意味着您可以使用一组积木来创建多种不同的发明。

littleBits empowers users to invent everything from smart home devices to remote controlled cars and spin rollers to doodle wizards. As of now, the littleBits library consists of 60 modules that can be connected with the others in virtually millions of different combinations so you never run out of things to invent.

littleBits使用户能够发明各种东西,从智能家居设备到遥控汽车, 旋转滚子再到涂鸦向导。 到目前为止,littleBits库包含60个模块,这些模块几乎可以以数百万种不同的组合与其他模块连接,因此您永远不会花很多时间来进行发明。

The best part about littleBits is that it enables users to easily create modular IoT devices very easily. Users can then automate or control these devices through the littleBits’ built-in dashboard or create custom integrations with the littleBits’ API.

littleBits最好的部分是,它使用户可以非常轻松地轻松创建模块化的物联网设备。 然后,用户可以通过littleBits的内置仪表板来自动化或控制这些设备,或者使用littleBits的API创建自定义集成。

国际金融贸易展览会 (IFTTT)

IFTTT (If This Then That) opens up many creative possibilities for inventors by empowering them to establish simple If-Then connections with apps and real-world products which they call recipes. Currently, there are two types of recipes – DO recipes and IF recipes.

IFTTT(如果这样就那样)通过赋予发明者与他们称为食谱的应用程序和实际产品建立简单的“如果-那么”联系的能力,为发明人打开了许多创造性的可能性。 当前,有两种类型的配方– DO配方和IF配方。

Users can customize the DO recipes to create buttons, cameras, and notepads and then initiate them with a simple tap. DO recipes have to be initiated by the user explicitly whereas IF recipes run in the background automatically. For instance, users can configure a recipe as:

用户可以自定义DO配方以创建按钮,相机和记事本,然后轻按即可启动它们。 DO配方必须由用户显式启动,而IF配方将在后台自动运行。 例如,用户可以将配方配置为:

If I post a picture to Instagram, save the photo to Dropbox.


As of now, IFTTT is compatible with 321 channels including WordPress, MailChimp, Workflow, Slack, littleBits, Particle, and 13 different social networking platforms. Here’s a complete list of the channels you can establish recipes for with IFTTT.

截至目前,IFTTT与321个通道兼容,包括WordPress,MailChimp,Workflow,Slack,littleBits,Particle和13个不同的社交平台。 这是您可以使用IFTTT建立配方的通道的完整列表 。

IFTTT aggregates the channels of your choice in one place and then allows users to create recipes to integrate them to achieve a goal. Every recipe involves two web applications – one to set off the trigger and the other to perform the given action. IFTTT is incredibly easy to get started with and its intuitive interface allows users to create recipes even if they aren’t particularly programming literate. RC Lations has developed a littleBits plugin for WordPress to help webmasters get started with the platform.

IFTTT将您选择的渠道汇总到一个地方,然后允许用户创建配方以将其集成以实现目标。 每个配方都涉及两个Web应用程序-一个用于触发触发器,另一个用于执行给定的操作。 IFTTT非常容易上手,其直观的界面允许用户创建配方,即使他们不是特别擅长编程。 RC Lations为WordPress开发了一个littleBits插件 ,以帮助网站管理员开始使用该平台。

WordPress enables webmasters to connect their site – whether it’s free or self hosted – to IFTTT and use it as either a trigger or as an action. As of now, there are two triggers and two actions available for the IFTTT-WordPress integration.

WordPress使网站管理员可以将其网站(无论是免费的还是自我托管的)连接到IFTTT,并将其用作触发器或动作。 到目前为止,IFTTT-WordPress集成有两个触发器和两个操作可用。

Triggers: The first trigger, Any new post, goes off every time the webmaster publishes a new post on their blog. The second one, New post with tag or category, does the same thing but allows webmasters to set off the trigger only for specific categories or tags.

触发条件:每当网站管理员在其博客上发布新帖子时 ,第一个触发器“ 任何新帖子 ”都会关闭。 第二个是具有标签或类别的新帖子 ,其作用相同,但允许网站管理员仅针对特定类别或标签设置触发条件。

Actions: Create a post and Create a photo post are the two actions that webmasters can have their site perform as a result of a trigger. The former creates a simple post whereas the latter creates a photo post and links the given URL to an image.

操作: 创建网站帖子和创建照片帖子是网站管理员可以通过触发使其网站执行的两个操作。 前者创建一个简单的帖子,而后者创建一个照片帖子,并将给定的URL链接到图像。

You can get started with the IFTTT-WordPress integration by connecting the service to your blog. Be sure to check out these posts on Using IFTTT With WordPress and How to Automate WordPress and Social Media with IFTTT.

您可以通过将服务连接到博客来开始使用IFTTT-WordPress集成。 请务必查看有关将IFTTT与WordPress结合使用以及如何 使用IFTTT 使WordPress和社交媒体自动化的文章 。

粒子 (Particle)

Particle is a popular service that enables users to transit between prototype to production and build an Internet of Things product. The service provides users with a cloud-connected hardware development kit that makes it easy to prototype their ideas.

粒子是一项流行的服务,使用户能够在原型到生产之间过渡并构建物联网产品。 该服务为用户提供了一个与云连接的硬件开发套件,可以轻松地制作他们的想法的原型。

Every product starts as a prototype. Our hardware development kits — the Photon (Wi-Fi) and the Electron (2G/3G cellular) — help you build your first IoT prototype in minutes. – Particle

每个产品都是作为原型开始的。 我们的硬件开发套件-光子(Wi-Fi)和电子(2G / 3G蜂窝)-可帮助您在数分钟内构建第一个IoT原型。 – 颗粒

The standout feature in Particle is that the IoT devices you engineer are essentially powered by a real-time, secure, and scalable cloud platform. The service also features a premium-quality Device Management dashboard that lets you control and manage your collection of products, deploy firmware updates, gather data, and integrate them with other services.

粒子技术的突出特点是,您设计的物联网设备基本上由实时,安全和可扩展的云平台提供支持。 该服务还具有优质的设备管理仪表板,可让您控制和管理产品集合,部署固件更新,收集数据并将其与其他服务集成。

According to their website, the easiest way to get started with an IoT product is an open-source development kit. Particle has the technology in store to enables users to create their own IoT devices that are pre-loaded with the firmware libraries and connected to the cloud.

根据他们的网站,入门IoT产品最简单的方法是开源开发套件。 粒子拥有存储中的技术,使用户能够创建自己的IoT设备,这些设备已预加载了固件库并连接到云。

Particle’s SparkCore plugin for WordPress enables webmasters to directly send requests to their Spark Cores by setting the Access Token, Core ID, and API URL.

Particle的适用于WordPress的SparkCore插件使网站管理员可以通过设置访问令牌,核心ID和API URL将请求直接发送到其Spark Core。

These are some of the most popular services out there that allow WordPress users to integrate their website with IoT devices in order to deliver more value.


物联网和WP REST API (IoT and the WP REST API)

The WordPress REST API allows users to integrate web applications and platforms with WordPress to build integrated systems, tailored solutions, and, of course, IoT applications. Now that part of the WordPress REST API is merged into the WordPress core, it makes it easy to facilitate device-to-device communication with Open Source APIs and protocols.

WordPress REST API允许用户将Web应用程序和平台与WordPress集成在一起,以构建集成系统,量身定制的解决方案以及IoT应用程序。 现在,WordPress REST API的一部分已合并到WordPress核心中,可以轻松地使用开放源API和协议促进设备到设备的通信。

The WordPress REST API fits perfectly into this new era of the integration of Internet-enabled devices with WordPress by allowing web developers to establish a direct communication pathway to transmit and receive data.

通过允许Web开发人员建立直接的通信路径来传输和接收数据,WordPress REST API完全适合这个将Internet启用的设备与WordPress集成的新时代。

现实世界中的IoT和WordPress (IoT and WordPress in the Real World)

wpForGlass (wpForGlass)

wpForGlass, the brainchild of Weber Shandwick’s digital innovation team, is one of the earliest IoT implementations for WordPress that was developed exclusively to work with Google Glass. This plugin allows webmasters to post directly to their WordPress site from their Google Glass.

wpForGlass是Weber Shandwick的数字创新团队的创意,是WordPress最早的物联网实现之一,专门为与Google Glass合作而开发。 该插件使网站管理员可以从其Google Glass直接发布到其WordPress网站。

Be sure to check out this video which illustrates how wpForGlass works.

请务必观看此视频, 该视频说明了wpForGlass的工作原理。

The plugin works by employing Google’s Mirror API and allows users to post photos and videos taken with Google Glass directly to their blog. Setting up this plugin requires some technical knowledge to configure the relevant Google Mirror API.

该插件通过使用Google的Mirror API起作用,并允许用户将用Google Glass拍摄的照片和视频直接发布到他们的博客中。 设置此插件需要一些技术知识才能配置相关的Google Mirror API。

耐克+ (Nike+)

Nike+ is a WordPress plugin that focuses on health by letting you keep track of your running process and then displaying them on your website – complete with widgets and shortcodes. The plugin was designed to work with both individuals or team sites.

Nike +是一个WordPress插件,专注于健康,可让您跟踪运行过程,然后将其显示在您的网站上-包括小部件和简码。 该插件旨在与个人或团队站点一起使用。

The plugin allows users to post four different kinds of stats:


Individual totals

个人总计 Personal records

个人记录 Run history

运行历史 Team totals


Although the plugin hasn’t received updates in the past few years, Nike+ was one of the very first IoT implementations developed for WordPress sites.

尽管该插件在过去几年中未收到任何更新,但Nike +是为WordPress网站开发的首批IoT实施之一。

结语 (Wrapping It Up)

In the near future, most of our devices will be connected to the Internet.


Popular services make it possible for WordPress webmasters to get started with the Internet of Things right away. We encourage you to try them out for yourself and see which one works best for you.

流行的服务使WordPress网站管理员可以立即开始使用物联网。 我们鼓励您自己尝试一下,看看哪个最适合您。

What would you create with an IoT-WordPress pairing? Let us know by commenting below!

您将使用IoT-WordPress配对创建什么? 请在下面评论让我们知道!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/integrating-wordpress-with-the-internet-of-things/

