
tech2022-10-13  101


With the web development industry booming, many are asking the question: How do I become a web developer? I think that’s the wrong question to ask. It should rather be: How do I become a successful web developer?

随着Web开发行业的蓬勃发展 ,许多人都在问一个问题:我如何成为Web开发人员? 我认为这是一个错误的问题。 应该是:如何成为一名成功的 Web开发人员?

This is important to ask, because so many people around the world are web developers, but how many of them are successful at it?


My goal for this article is to equip you with the mindset, knowledge and skills to stand out from the crowd and make a success of your web development career — whether that’s at a company or freelancing for yourself.


This article is intended for aspiring web developers and web developers who are struggling to break through the “barrier of mediocrity.”


These 21 steps will help you succeed in web development and beyond.


1.这是您真正感兴趣的事情吗? (1. Is This Something You’re Truly Passionate About?)

“Passion” is a word so commonly used that the actual meaning gets distorted. It actually means “a strong and barely controllable emotion.”

“热情”是一个非常常用的词,其实际含义会失真。 它实际上意味着“强烈而几乎无法控制的情绪”。

Passion is not passive: it’s a pursuit to act. Most people hate their 9–5 jobs, but few do jobs they love and are passionate about.

激情不是消极的:是对行动的追求。 大多数人讨厌他们的9-5工作 ,但很少有人喜欢并热衷于工作。

It’s important to ask yourself these three questions:


Does the thought of creating websites and web apps excite me?

创建网站和Web应用程序的想法让我兴奋吗? Would this be an exciting career for me to do?

这对我来说是一个令人兴奋的职业吗? Would becoming a web developer be in line with the lifestyle I’d like to have for myself (and my family)?


If you answered yes to the above questions, you’re on the right path to becoming a web developer.


2.您的“为什么”? (2. What’s Your “Why?”)

This is one of the most important questions to ask yourself. Why would you like to become a (successful) web developer?

这是问自己最重要的问题之一。 您为什么要成为一名(成功的)Web开发人员?

To make a difference and change the lives of others?

要有所作为并改变他人的生活? To build projects for others?

为别人建造项目? To build your own projects?

要建立自己的项目? To earn a good income?


One of my “Whys” is to empower and equip others to make a positive difference in their lives as a whole, so that they can do the same for others.


When you’re tired, distracted, upset or not motivated, your “Why” will get you to act if you really want to fulfill it.


3.您感兴趣的是什么? (3. What Interests You?)

Do you prefer logic and problem solving or design and visual?


If you prefer logic and problem solving, you’ll enjoy back-end web development.


If you prefer design and visual, you’ll enjoy front-end web development.


Backend programming is everything you can’t see on a website. Think of a server (a big hard drive with all the site’s information) in a location somewhere in the world, processing all the website data and then sending it to the browser.

后端编程是您在网站上看不到的一切。 考虑一下位于世界某处的服务器(包含所有站点信息的大硬盘),处理所有网站数据,然后将其发送到浏览器。

Front-end programming is everything you can see, click and interact with on a website.


Maybe you prefer both?


4.制定行动计划 (4. Create an Action Plan)

Once you figure out what interests you and what you will enjoy doing, it’s time to plan.


How much time do you have available to study? How much are you willing to invest on learning?

您有多少时间可以学习? 您愿意在学习上投入多少?

Create a plan that works for you. It may look something like this:

创建一个适合您的计划。 它可能看起来像这样:

I only have 2 hours to study every day. My budget is under $500 and I’m interested in front-end web development.

我每天只有2个小时的学习时间。 我的预算在$ 500美元以下,并且我对前端Web开发感兴趣。

After some research about what to learn and where, the outline should look something like this:


Month 1: Learn HTML and CSS

第1个月:学习HTML和CSS Month 2: Learn Bootstrap and design fundamentals

第二个月:学习Bootstrap和设计基础 Month 3: Create websites using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap

第3个月:使用HTML,CSS和Bootstrap创建网站 Month 4: Learn JavaScript

第4个月:学习JavaScript Month 5: Learn more advanced JavaScript

第5个月:了解更多高级JavaScript Month 6: Create websites using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

第6个月:使用HTML,CSS和JavaScript创建网站 Month 7: Focus on creating a personal portfolio website and building a personal brand

第7个月:专注于创建个人投资组合网站并建立个人品牌 Month 8: Reach out to businesses and organizations to create websites for them (for free to gain experience)

第8个月:与企业和组织联系,为他们创建网站(免费获得经验) Month 9: Focus on improving knowledge and see what you need to work on

第9个月:专注于提高知识并了解您需要从事的工作 Month 10: Must have a minimum of five client websites on portfolio

第10个月:投资组合中必须至少有五个客户网站 Month 11: Learn freelancing fundamentals and business essentials

第11个月:学习自由职业者的基础知识和业务要点 Month 12: Reach out to prospective clients, promote your work and get paid clients or apply for a job.


Note that this is just a general guideline for illustration purposes and not a definitive action plan.


5.行动 (5. Act)

If you want to do something great, it comes with compromise and sacrifice.


If you want to be a successful web developer or freelancer and you’re complaining that you don’t have time, then just look at your daily/weekly/monthly routine to see what you can remove to free up more time so you can learn more, develop your skills and apply what you know.


One of the biggest distractions I’ve eliminated in my life is watching TV: I’ve been “TV-free” for over 2 years now, and it feels great!


I’m not the only strange one out there who does this. Seth Godin, one of the greatest marketers and thought leaders of our time, is also a big advocate for not wasting time watching TV.

我不是这样做的唯一奇怪的人。 塞思·戈丁(Seth Godin)是当今时代最伟大的营销人员和思想领袖之一,也是不浪费时间看电视的坚定倡导者。

How badly do you want your “Why”? Don’t procrastinate or make excuses. Act and do it!

您多么想“为什么”? 不要拖延或找借口。 行动起来吧!

6.惩戒特朗普的动机 (6. Discipline Trumps Motivation)

Motivation is always good, but it can be temporary. Discipline will get you to act when you’re not feeling like doing anything or when you aren’t excited to carry on.

动机永远是好的,但也可能是暂时的。 纪律会让您在不想做任何事情或不热衷于继续时采取行动。

7.社交媒体 (7. Social Media)

It’s imperative to build your online presence, and social media is one avenue to grow it.


Make sure you have a profile on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.


8.创建投资组合网站 (8. Create a Portfolio Site)

Your portfolio is your online resume.


I always say that it’s more important to show what you’ve done than tell people what you can do.

我总是说, 展示自己的成就比告诉别人你可以做什么更重要。

Three excellent portfolio examples are:


Robby Leonardi

罗比·伦纳迪(Robby Leonardi)

Adam Dannaway


Denise Chandler


Look at these three websites above. They were beginners at some stage, but look how they showcase their work and expertise today.

看看上面的这三个网站。 他们是某个阶段的初学者,但请看看他们今天如何展示自己的工作和专业知识。

If your portfolio is good enough, clients and/or potential employers will come to you. Build up a good list of projects/websites — even if you have to work for free for a period of time.

如果您的投资组合足够好,那么客户和/或潜在的雇主就会来找您。 建立一个好的项目/网站列表-即使您必须免费工作一段时间。

9.为开源项目做贡献 (9. Contribute to Open-source Projects)

Contributing to open-source projects shows a number of things like:


passion for what you’re doing

对您正在做的事情充满热情 team-building skills

团队建设能力 your skill set.


The best part about it is if you really do it well, you can become recognized within the community — and that boosts your overall credibility as well.


John Resig, the founder of jQuery, said something interesting:

jQuery的创始人John Resig说了一些有趣的话:

When it comes to hiring, I’ll take a GitHub commit log over a resume any day.


Here are five places to contribute to open-source projects:


GitHub (read this article on GitHub for beginners)

GitHub (为初学者在GitHub上阅读本文 )








10.你固执己见吗? (10. Are You Stubborn Enough?)

Why stubbornness?


Web developers often face challenges along the way. If you have an error in your code, or if it’s not coming out how you planned, don’t just move on if you can’t find the solution, and don’t cut any corners. Be stubborn and figure it out.

Web开发人员通常在此过程中面临挑战。 如果您的代码中有错误,或者没有按照计划提出错误,请不要在找不到解决方案的情况下继续前进,也不要走捷径。 固执己见 。

Although it may take you longer to figure out, what you learn by being stubborn in this regard will remain with you, and you’ll be more efficient and effective in your future projects because of this.


11.聪明地工作 (11. Work Smart)

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.


Abraham Lincoln’s famous quote has really impacted me. It’s so easy to just focus on doing the technical side of coding or running a freelance business that one often neglects better and faster ways of doing things.

亚伯拉罕·林肯的名言确实对我产生了影响。 只专注于进行编码的技术方面或经营自由职业者是如此容易,以至于人们常常忽略了更好,更快的做事方式。

Successful developers work smart and achieve better results.


12.不仅仅是知道多少 (12. It’s Not Just About How Much You Know)

I know more programming languages than you so I will be more successful.


It’s not just about how much you know, but rather what you do with what you know.


If it came down to interviews, the person who knows the most would always get the job, right?


If you live in the “real world”, we both know that this is far from the truth. It’s not only the skill set that guarantees you the job (or getting a freelance client), but also many other factors as well.

如果您生活在“现实世界”中,我们都知道这与事实相去甚远。 不仅是可以保证您工作(或获得自由客户)的技能,还包括许多其他因素。

13.成长 (13. Growth)

Experts in any industry are always learning to improve their knowledge and skill set. With web development, it’s even more important to keep learning.

任何行业的专家都在不断学习以提高他们的知识和技能水平。 通过Web开发,继续学习变得更加重要。

If you studied C++ 20 years ago, and didn’t keep up to date with the new releases, your knowledge is pretty much irrelevant today.

如果您20年前学习过C ++,并且没有及时了解最新版本,那么今天您所掌握的知识就已经无关紧要了。

No matter what your experience level is, stay relevant and always keep learning.


14.经验 (14. Experience)

Who would you rather hire?


a 35-year-old business coach who has just finished his/her MBA with distinction, or

一个35岁的商业教练,刚刚以优异的成绩完成了MBA学位,或者 a 30-year-old business coach who dropped out of high school with no certifications but has experience in running three multi-million-dollar businesses and has sold two of them for a profit?


Experience trumps Theory. Don’t just say “I can build [insert thing here]”: that’s what every average web developer does. Show what you’ve done.

经验胜过理论。 不要只是说“我可以在[在这里插入东西]”,这就是每个普通Web开发人员所做的。 显示您所做的。

15.定价 (15. Pricing)

Once you start becoming more confident and you build up more experience, you need to price your services better.

一旦开始变得更加自信并积累了更多的经验,就需要对服务进行更好的定价 。

This can make or break you. Would you prefer a salary of $50K per year or $90K per year? How about creating websites for $500 or $5000?

这可以使你成败。 您希望年薪是$ 50K还是年薪$ 90K? 如何以500美元或5000美元的价格创建网站?

If I were selling you a bottle of wine and I told you that I have two bottles, one priced at $5 and the other at $55, you would probably think something is wrong with the $5 bottle, wouldn’t you?


The same pricing principle applies for your services.


Although this mainly applies to freelancing, the principle applies with negotiating your salary as well.


16.生产力 (16. Productivity)

Being highly focused for 1.5 hours with no distractions is far better than 4 hours of being distracted by messages or YouTube or funny GIFs with some work in between.


Eliminate all distractions as much as possible and be productive for a highly focused time frame.


Check out the Pomodoro Technique for this.

请查看番茄技巧 。

17.技能 (17. Skills)

Limiting yourself to just learning “X” programming language is not the right way to go.

限制自己只学习“ X”编程语言不是正确的方法。

To improve your chance of being successful, it’s important to learn other skills like basic marketing, negotiation, communication and social skills as well.


Look at the most successful developers out there: they’re well rounded, talented individuals who have not just focused on coding.


18.与他人在线互动 (18. Interact with Others Online)

Join coding communities, Facebook groups, Twitter chats and other platforms and don’t be afraid to ask (“stupid”) questions.


Ask and answer questions on places like Stack Overflow, Reddit, Quora and blogs as well.

在Stack Overflow,Reddit,Quora和博客等地方提问并回答问题。

19.参加聚会和社交 (19. Go to Meetups and Socialize)

This is where it comes to getting out there and connecting with others.


I am a huge introvert. Seriously. People call me a hermit crab. Guess where I’d be in a group setting? Yep, in the corner…

我性格内向。 说真的 人们称我为寄居蟹。 猜猜我会在哪里分组? 是的,在角落里...

If you’re an introvert (like I am), you need to realize that, at some point, you need to get out of your comfort zone and engage with others.


View meetups near you, using services like Meetup.


PS. don’t just go to meetups and events for developers. If you’re a freelancer, go to business events as well. After all, how often do developers hire other developers?

PS。 不要只是去参加开发人员的聚会和活动。 如果您是自由职业者,还可以参加商务活动。 毕竟,开发人员多久雇用一次其他开发人员?

20.人格分裂 (20. Have a Split Personality)

You need to think like a site visitor and as the business owner (of the website).


As the site visitor, you need to be thinking: What is going through my mind at every stage I’m on this website? Am I getting the answers I came here for? Is the site fulfilling what I wanted? Do I trust this business? etc.

作为站点访问者,您需要思考:在我访问此网站的每个阶段,我的想法是什么? 我得到我来这里的答案了吗? 该网站符合我的要求吗? 我信任这个生意吗? 等等

As the “owner” of the website, you need to be thinking: Is my website answering the questions and doubts my site visitor is thinking at this moment? What can I do to answer their questions? What can I do on my website to convince the site visitor to perform the action I’d like them to take?

作为网站的“所有者”,您需要思考:我的网站现在是否正在回答网站访问者正在思考的问题和疑问? 我该怎么回答他们的问题? 我该如何在网站上说服网站访问者执行我希望他们采取的行动?

21.永不放弃 (21. Never Give Up)

Successful people fail regularly, but one undeniable trait they have is they never give up and find new and better ways of doing things.


Sometimes the only thing separating you from success or failure is the willingness to continue.


Never give up on your dreams, aspirations and your purpose.


结论 (Conclusion)

Don’t ever think you can’t do something and be successful at it. If you need someone who believes in you, I do!

永远不要认为您不能做某事并成功。 如果您需要一个相信您的人,我会的!

I hope this short article has influenced you in a positive way. I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

我希望这篇短文对您有积极的影响。 我希望在下面的评论中收到您的来信。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/21-steps-to-becoming-a-successful-web-developer/

