
tech2022-10-14  95


As a designer, it’s no doubt that you require free stock images on a regular basis. Whether you’re a graphic designer, a web designer or a user interface designer, photography is a mighty tool for capturing depth and emotion. And let’s not forget about big headers and hero images, which are oh-so-trendy!

作为设计师,毫无疑问,您需要定期提供免费的库存图片。 无论您是图形设计师,网页设计师还是用户界面设计师,摄影都是捕捉深度和情感的强大工具。 而且,不要忘了大头球和英雄形象,它们太时髦了!

We originally wrote this article way back in 2009, but since design trends have evolved, stock photography has gotten much less-cheesy, and the needs of designers have changed, we thought it’d be a smashing idea to update this article with some of the newer options that are available today.


Let’s take a look at our top 10 best free image sites in 2017 – and 15 more worth a look.


1. Magdeleine (1. Magdeleine)

Credit Required: some no, some yes

所需信用:有些不,有些是 Searchability: average

可搜寻性:一般 Style/Genre: gloomy, ambient and emotional — mostly nature


With a focus on nature, Magdeleine tends to curate images that are dark but soft. Expect a lot of unsaturated tones and an underlying ambiance of loneliness. You can switch between a light and dark background, and also narrow down your search to show free CC0 images only (no attribution required whatsoever).

Magdeleine着眼于自然,往往会策划深色但柔和的图像。 期望有很多不饱和的色调和潜在的孤独氛围。 您可以在浅色和深色背景之间切换,也可以缩小搜索范围以仅显示免费的CC0图像(无需提供任何来源)。

2. 免费的自然种群 (2. Free Nature Stock)

Credit Required: no

所需信用:否 Searchability: pretty decent

可搜索性:相当不错 Style/Genre: unedited, nature-themed images


Royalty-free nature stock images, updated daily. They’re completely unedited, ready to be Photoshopped by you. Apply a filter/mood/ambience of your choosing. Hashtag #nofilter!

免版税的自然库存图片,每天更新。 它们是完全未经编辑的,随时可供您Photoshop处理。 应用您选择的过滤器/心情/环境。 标签#nofilter!

3. SplitShare (3. SplitShare)

Credit Required: no

所需信用:否 Searchability: average

可搜寻性:一般 Style/Genre: bright, uplifting, trendy


SplitShare might be the complete opposite of Magdeleine. Every image is bright, uplifting, colourful, and includes a variety of fully-edited stock images that you’d consider trendy today (MacBooks, double-exposure, etc). You’re really going to want to take a look at their Top Photos section!

SplitShare可能与Magdeleine完全相反。 每张图像都明亮,醒目,色彩丰富,并且包括您认为今天很流行的各种经过完全编辑的股票图像(MacBook,两次曝光等)。 您真的想看看他们的热门照片部分!

4. 新旧库存 (4. New Old Stock)

Credit Required: no, but you should double-check

所需信用:否,但您应仔细检查 Searchability: not bad, it’s hidden in the top-left corner

可搜索性:还不错,它隐藏在左上角 Style/Genre: black and white, sepia, vintage, etc


New Old Stock is about black and white, vintage, sepia, and generally old or old-looking stock images — they’re curated from Flickr, so double-check the license before use to make sure they are in fact free to use!


5. 花式渴望 (5. FancyCrave)

Credit Required: no

所需信用:否 Searchability: decent

可搜索性:体面 Style/Genre: various themes


With two new images every day, there’s always something to discover on FancyCrave. Plenty of categories, minimalist layout, a strong contender.

每天都有两张新图像,因此在FancyCrave上总会发现一些东西。 丰富的类别,简约的布局,强大的竞争者。

6. Skitterphoto (6. Skitterphoto)

Credit Required: no

所需信用:否 Searchability: pretty accurate

可搜索性:相当准确 Style/Genre: anything and everything


Skitterphoto has quite a large database of free stock images, so there’s no specific style or theme here, but I did notice that it’s a useful website for finding closeup shots of things. Many of the images have been edited in Photoshop already, so they look quite snazzy.

Skitterphoto拥有大量免费图片数据库,因此这里没有特定的样式或主题,但我确实注意到它是查找事物特写镜头的有用网站。 许多图像已经在Photoshop中进行了编辑,因此看起来非常时髦。

7.不飞溅 (7. Unsplash)

Credit Required: nope, all images have a CC0 licence

需要信用:不,所有图像均具有CC0许可证 Searchability: very accurate

可搜索性:非常准确 Style/Genre: anything and everything


You’ve obviously heard of Unsplash, right? It’s pretty huge, with plenty of free stock images being added every day. They even have an API — if you’re a user of InVision’s Craft Plugin for Sketch or Photoshop, you might already know that you can insert images from Unsplash directly into your designs!

您显然听说过Unsplash ,对吗? 它非常庞大,每天都会添加大量免费的库存图片。 它们甚至都有一个API —如果您是InVision的Sketch或Photoshop Craft插件的用户,您可能已经知道可以将Unsplash中的图像直接插入设计中!

8. 房地产 (8. Realgraphy)

Credit Required: no

所需信用:否 Searchability: average

可搜寻性:一般 Style/Genre: no specific genre, but all images are unedited


Realgraphy is probably the largest website dedicated to unedited stock photos — you won’t find a filter in sight. Ideal for serious designers.

Realgraphy可能是最大的致力于未经编辑的正版照片的网站-您将看不到过滤器。 认真的设计师的理想选择。

9. 美食家饲料 (9. Foodies Feed)

Credit Required: no

所需信用:否 Searchability: unexpectedly efficient

可搜索性:出乎意料的高效 Style/Genre: food, food and more food


Foodies Feed is dedicated to free stock images of…well…food! Despite its niché nature, the search results are quite efficient (search for “Steak” and you’ll see!). Foodshot is another alternative.

Foodies Feed致力于免费提供...很好的食物图片! 尽管它具有niché性质,但是搜索结果还是非常有效的(搜索“ Steak”,您将看到!)。 Foodshot是另一种选择。

10. 真光 (10. Real Light)

Credit Required: no

所需信用:否 Searchability: unexpectedly efficient

可搜索性:出乎意料的高效 Style/Genre: bright and bold — singular objects and posed shots


Real Light is terrific for finding singular objects or posed shots worthy of an e-commerce site. Imagine your old-school stock photography website, but with a little less cheese!

Real Light非常适合查找值得电子商务站点使用的奇异物体或姿势。 想象一下您的老式库存摄影网站,但是少了一些奶酪!

Tip: many of the of the resources listed here can be found on Zoommy App, a desktop app that collects CC0 (Creative Commons Zero) and Public Domain images from over 50 sources! It’s really come in handy for me this last year!

提示:此处列出的许多资源都可以在Zoommy App上找到, Zoommy App是一个桌面应用程序,可以从50多个来源中收集CC0(知识共享零)和公共领域图像! 去年真的很方便我!

15更多网站免费找到图片 (15 More Websites to Find Free Stock Images)

11. Startup Stock Photos

11. 启动库存照片

A very popular website for business, startup and entrepreneur-themed stock images, however it isn’t updated often enough so many of the photos are overused. It’s a nice backup though!

这是一个非常受欢迎的网站,以商业,初创企业和企业家为主题的图片,但是它的更新频率不够高,因此很多照片被过度使用。 不过,这是一个不错的备份!

12. Jay Mantri

12. 杰伊·曼特里

Jay Mantri is known for its wonderful photography, however it’s updated at random, so unfortunately I couldn’t include it in the top 20. Definitely a resource you’ll want to bookmark though!

杰伊·曼特里(Jay Mantri)以其出色的摄影作品而著称,但它是随机更新的,因此很遗憾,我不能将其列入前20名。

13. Boss Fight

13. 老板打架

A Pinterest-style layout of free stock images with no specific theme, Boss Fight is useful for scanning through multiple photos at once (if you don’t quite know what you’re looking for). It should be noted that Boss Fight isn’t being updated anymore.

Boss Fight是一种Pinterest风格的免费股票图像布局,没有特定主题,对于一次扫描多张照片(如果您不太了解所要查找的内容)很有用。 应当指出,Boss Fight不再更新。

14. Streetwill

14. Streetwill

Streetwill offers a large collection of stock photos of everyday urban life — architecture, food, transport, streets, people — but from a variety of cultures and countries around the world.


15. Freestocks

15. 库存

What I like about Freestocks is that there’s often multiple variations of a single stock image, for those situations when you find a suitable photo, but wish it was taken from a slightly different angle!


16. Travel Coffee Book

16. 旅行咖啡书

Stunning, unedited travel photos — updated frequently.


17. Photo Collections

17. 图片集

Similar to Travel Coffee Book, Photo Collections displays travel-themed stock images alongside nature and animal closeups, although, many of these use filters to create a calm ambience, unlike Travel Coffee Book which offers unedited photos.


18. Freelyphotos

18. Freelyphotos

High-quality, bright, and sometimes edgy, Freelyphotos offers stock images that create impact. All free of course — CC0.

Freelyphotos高品质,明亮且有时会前卫,提供可产生冲击力的库存图像。 当然都是免费的-CC0。

19. Visualhunt

19. 视觉狩猎

Visual Hunt is a huge database so many of the search results might seem random and not as high-quality as the other options, however there are a few hidden gems so it’s worth bookmarking.

Visual Hunt是一个巨大的数据库,因此许多搜索结果可能看起来是随机的,而不是其他选项那样高质量,但是隐藏的宝石很少,因此值得添加书签。

20. Pexels

20. 像素

Similar to Unsplash, Pexels became a huge contender in the stock image space in 2016 and 2017. They offer videos as well, which really sets them apart! You’ll want to bookmark this one!

与Unsplash相似,Pexels在2016年和2017年成为股票图像领域的巨大竞争者。它们还提供视频,这确实使它们与众不同! 您将为此书签添加书签!

21. Pickle Jar

21. 泡菜坛

22. Realistic Shots

22. 逼真的镜头

23. Skuawk

23. 斯库沃克

24. MMT Stock

24. MMT库存

25. Public Domain Archive (more than 30 pages of stock images!)

25. Public Domain存档 ( 超过30页的库存图片! )

Very important note: please remember to check image licenses before use, as many websites and photographers provide photos for personal and/or commercial use on the basis that you provide credit to the owners of the images. Every website and possibly every photographer on each website will usually have different requirements, so it’s important to respect them.

非常重要的注意事项:请记住在使用前检查图像许可证,因为许多网站和摄影师都会根据您为图像所有者提供的信誉提供用于个人和/或商业用途的照片。 每个网站以及每个网站上的每个摄影师通常都会有不同的要求,因此尊重它们很重要。

Which of these free image sites stood out for you? Are there any here that you’ve been using for a while, and/or can personally recommend? Are there any that we’ve missed? Let us know, as we’ll be looking to update this article again in the future!

这些免费图像网站中的哪一个对您特别突出? 您有一段时间在这里使用过,和/或可以亲自推荐吗? 有什么我们想念的吗? 让我们知道,因为将来我们将寻求再次更新本文!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/a-collection-of-30-free-stock-photo-sites/

