
tech2022-10-14  143


The life of a writer (whether author or copywriter) is generally quite misunderstood. Friends assume that you’ve landed the dream job. You don’t have to leave your lounge room to get to work. No pesky boss breathing down your neck. And, free from the constraints of the corporate world, you can take a four-hour lunch break every day if it so pleases you.

作家(无论是作家还是文案作家)的生活通常都被误解了。 朋友认为您已经找到了理想的工作。 您不必离开休息室就可以上班。 没有讨厌的老板下呼吸你的脖子。 而且,不受公司环境的限制,如果您愿意的话,您可以每天休息四个小时。

While all these things apply some of the time, people tend to forget that the life of a writer is often characterised by hour upon hour of staring into a flickering laptop screen. Desperately trying to find the right word, the perfectly poised phrase, the exact tone. For writers, the ability to make ends meet is quite often reliant upon an intangible, un-controllable quality — inspiration. If writers are unable to transform an idea into words, they simply don’t make money.

尽管所有这些事情在某些时间都适用,但人们往往会忘记作家的生活通常以盯着闪烁的笔记本电脑屏幕时时盯着小时为特征。 拼命地寻找正确的词,完美的词组和确切的语气。 对于作家而言,维持生计的能力通常取决于一种无形的,不可控制的品质-灵感。 如果作家无法将一个想法转化为文字,他们根本就不会赚钱。

So, on that rather depressing note, I thought it would be a gesture of solidarity amongst the online writing community to follow up on my article, The Best WordPress Plugins for Writers and Writing and provide details of a few more WordPress Plugins designed to make the life of the online writer just that smidgen easier.


复兴旧邮报 (Revive Old Post)

This plugin automatically uploads your old blog posts onto your Twitter feed, saving you from the embarrassment of having to spruik your old copy just to keep it relevant. It also helps to optimize your Twitter feed and save it from dying a slow, painful death because you simply don’t have the time to update it (or got so wrapped up in drafting your novel that you forgot!). With over 80,000 active installs, and regular updates, this plugin could become a key tool in any writer’s social media arsenal.

这个插件会自动将您的旧博客帖子上传到您的Twitter feed,从而免除了您为了保留其相关性而浪费大量旧副本的麻烦。 它还可以帮助优化您的Twitter提要,并使其免于死于缓慢而痛苦的死亡,因为您根本没有时间对其进行更新(或被草草写成自己的小说而忘了!)。 拥有超过80,000个有效安装和定期更新,此插件可以成为任何作家社交媒体中的重要工具。

WpLike2Get (WpLike2Get)

Unfortunately, writers don’t always get paid for everything they pen, particularly budding new writers looking to enhance their portfolio. Occasionally, writers have to pump out a blog post just to keep our names out there. This WordPress plugin is a fantastic tool that effectively creates a wall between the general public and your lovingly crafted blog. This wall can be quickly and easily broken down, as long as your readers share your post on social media first. It’s completely free and it’s a great way to generate some publicity.

不幸的是,作家并不一定总能从笔中得到报酬,特别是对于希望增强自己的作品集的新兴作家。 有时,作家们不得不抽出一篇博客文章,以保持我们的名字在那里。 这个WordPress插件是一个很棒的工具,可以有效地在公众和您精心制作的博客之间建立一堵墙。 只要您的读者首先在社交媒体上分享您的帖子,就可以快速轻松地打破这堵墙。 它是完全免费的,并且是进行宣传的好方法。

A word of warning on this one though; if you don’t already have loyal readers, then this plugin does have the potential to backfire. Readers may not be willing to share something on social media if they haven’t actually read it themselves first.

对此警告一下; 如果您还没有忠实的读者,那么此插件确实有可能适得其反。 读者可能不愿意在社交媒体上分享某些东西,如果他们没有真正先自己阅读。

WordPress的Jetpack (Jetpack by WordPress)

This plugin has something for everyone. If you haven’t already installed it, then I recommend you take a look. It’s a completely free plugin. Rather than waffling on any further, I suggest you check out the plugin page for yourself. You’ll be impressed.

这个插件适合每个人。 如果尚未安装,则建议您看一下 。 这是一个完全免费的插件。 我建议您自己检查一下插件页面,而不是花更多精力。 您会留下深刻的印象。

UpdraftPlus备份和还原 (UpdraftPlus Backup and Restoration)

This plugin forces you to do what every writer should be doing regularly (but doesn’t!) — backing up their work. UpdraftPlus Backup Restore is an automatic backup system. It even allows you to choose where you store your backup, integrating with the likes of Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3, or just plain old email. According to the marketing spiel, UpdraftPlus is the highest ranking backup plugin in the WordPress repository, with over 800,000 active installs. Check out their introductory YouTube video for further details.

这个插件迫使您执行每个作家应该做的定期工作(但不做!)—备份他们的工作。 UpdraftPlus备份还原是一个自动备份系统。 它甚至允许您选择存储备份的位置,并与Dropbox,Google Drive,Amazon S3或普通的旧电子邮件等集成。 根据市场营销专家的说法,UpdraftPlus是WordPress存储库中排名最高的备份插件,活跃安装量超过80万。 观看他们的YouTube入门视频,了解更多详细信息。

W3总缓存 (W3 Total Cache)

Everyone wants a fast website — visitors and site owners alike. A slow, clunky website is a one-way ticket to online irrelevance. Even if your website is mostly dedicated to writing (and avoids the big files and images that can slow things down), it’s no excuse for a slow-loading site. This plugin optimizes your site by using techniques such as minifying and database caching, reducing download times, increasing server performance, and integrating with content delivery networks. With more than one million active installs, its popularity speaks for itself. Here’s an overview on YouTube.

每个人都想要一个快速的网站-访问者和网站所有者都一样。 一个缓慢,笨拙的网站是与在线无关的单程票。 即使您的网站主要致力于写作(并避免使用大文件和大图会减慢速度),但对于加载缓慢的网站而言,这并不是借口。 该插件通过使用最小化和数据库缓存,减少下载时间,提高服务器性能以及与内容交付网络集成等技术来优化您的站点。 主动安装的数量超过一百万,其受欢迎程度不言而喻。 以下是YouTube的概述 。

Akismet (Akismet)

Everyone hates spam. It’s totally annoying. This handy little plugin blocks spam from the comments section of your site, meaning you only have to moderate and respond to the comments that are directly related to the content you have slaved over. You don’t have to delete fifteen comments by Dr. Michael Michelson who wants you to visit his ‘five-steps to pimple free skin’ page anymore. You can keep and respond to quality comments on your page and avoid the dreaded spam.

每个人都讨厌垃圾邮件。 真烦人 这个方便的小插件从您网站的评论部分阻止了垃圾邮件,这意味着您只需要审核和响应与从属内容直接相关的评论即可。 您不必删除迈克尔·迈克尔森(Michael Michelson)博士的15条评论,而他希望您再访问他的“消除粉刺的五个步骤”页面。 您可以在页面上保留并回复高质量的评论,并避免出现可怕的垃圾邮件。

Google文件嵌入器 (Google Doc Embedder)

This plugin is great for writers who want to embed PDFs and other files into their content and allow them to be used with the Google Docs viewer. It also gives your readers the option of downloading the content. That means you can pepper your site with more comprehensive samples of your work.

该插件非常适合希望将PDF和其他文件嵌入其内容并允许它们与Google Docs查看器一起使用的作家。 它还使您的读者可以选择下载内容。 这意味着您可以使用更全面的工作样本来完善您的网站。

Writers often forget that they can use affiliate links to make a little extra cash off their writing. If you find a service or product that you like or want to endorse use the Amazon Affiliate program (and plugin). Or, better yet, if you’ve published a book yourself, be sure to include the details on your own website. You never know, you might just be able to make a little bit of money every time someone clicks-through and purchases.

作家经常忘记,他们可以使用会员链接从他们的写作中赚取一些额外的现金。 如果找到喜欢或想要认可的服务或产品,请使用Amazon Affiliate程序(和插件)。 或者,更好的是,如果您自己出版了一本书,请确保将详细信息包括在自己的网站上。 您永远不会知道,每次有人点击并购买商品时,您可能就只能赚一点钱。

s2Member框架 (s2Member Framework)

An obvious way to make money from your blog is to create a member-only section, jam packed with exclusive, high-quality content for which your members pay a fee. This plugin can protect WordPress pages, posts, tags, and entire categories. It extremely easy to configure, with lots of built-in options available. The s2Member Framework even makes it easy to sell subscriptions to your loyal online readership, integrating with PayPal, to help streamline the entire payment process. There are both free, and paid pro versions (one-off fee of either US

从您的博客中赚钱的一种明显方法是创建一个仅限会员的部分,其中塞满了独家的高质量内容,您的成员为此付费。 该插件可以保护WordPress页面,帖子,标签和整个类别。 它非常易于配置,具有许多内置选项。 s2Member框架甚至使与PayPal集成的忠实在线读者的订阅销售变得容易,从而有助于简化整个付款过程。 有免费版和付费专业版(任一美国的一次性费用

Writers live and die by their portfolios. You need to provide your audience with a stylish sample of work and the types of projects you have worked on. This is a fantastic plugin that allows you to do just that.

作家们依靠自己的作品集生与死。 您需要为您的听众提供时尚的作品样本以及您从事的项目类型。 这是一个了不起的插件,可让您做到这一点。

MyBookTable (MyBookTable)

If you’re in the book writing business you need this plugin. It allows you to showcase your books – complete with descriptions, images, reviews and purchase links – on your WordPress site. You can even bypass the middleman and include a PayPal or eJunkie button on your site and sell the books from your own front yard.

如果您从事书籍写作业务,则需要此插件。 它使您可以在WordPress网站上展示您的书籍-包括描述,图像,评论和购买链接。 您甚至可以绕过中间人,在您的站点上包含一个PayPal或eJunkie按钮,并从自己的前院出售书籍。

Disqus评论系统 (Disqus Comment System)

This is the commenting system that every WordPress site should have. It works as a comment network, meaning the comments that are logged on your site are also logged on the Disqus community, which helps people discover content they might be interested in.

这是每个WordPress网站都应该拥有的评论系统。 它用作评论网络,这意味着您网站上记录的评论也将登录到Disqus社区,这有助于人们发现他们可能感兴趣的内容。

结语 (Wrapping Up)

Once again, it’s important to remember that the more plugins you have installed on your WordPress site, the more it can impact on performance. Make use of the fantastic plugins out there, but only install what you really need.

再一次,重要的是要记住,您在WordPress网站上安装的插件越多,对性能的影响就越大。 充分利用出色的插件,但仅安装您真正需要的插件。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/even-more-wordpress-plugins-for-writers/

