
tech2022-10-15  126


Remote pair programming is something developers have grappled with since well before the pandemic began. Fifteen years ago, most online collaboration and remote work involved email threads, Skype calls, and lots of zip files. Things have changed a lot — many for the better (Google Docs!) and some things for worse (always-on messaging). Either way, it’s fair to say that a lot of the friction has been removed from remote work.

自从大流行开始之前,开发人员就一直在努力进行远程对编程。 十五年前,大多数在线协作和远程工作都涉及电子邮件线程,Skype呼叫和许多zip文件。 事情已经发生了很大的变化-许多事情变得更好(Google Docs!),有些事情变得更糟( 始终在线的消息传递 )。 无论哪种方式,可以公平地说,远程工作已消除了很多摩擦。

While other tools have moved ahead, real-time code collaboration has been a point of contention and viable solutions have only recently arrived on the scene. Developers working on the world’s top code editors have put forward their solutions, and they’re pretty good.

尽管其他工具已经取得了进步,但是实时代码协作一直是争论的焦点,可行的解决方案直到最近才出现。 致力于世界顶级代码编辑器的开发人员提出了他们的解决方案,而且还不错。

You might work on a distributed team and need collaborative coding tools to serve you every day — a category that suddenly includes most of us, thanks to COVID-19. Or perhaps you just need something for the occasional problem-solving session with a friend. Either way, you’ll find something you can use here.

您可能需要在分布式团队中工作,并且需要协作的编码工具来为您提供服务-由于COVID-19,这一类别突然涵盖了我们大多数人。 或者也许您只需要一些与朋友偶尔解决问题的环节。 无论哪种方式,您都会在这里找到可以使用的东西。

1. Visual Studio Live共享 (1. Visual Studio Live Share)

Visual Studio Live Share is Microsoft’s own real-time collaborative development solution for Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code.

Visual Studio Live Share是Microsoft自己的针对Visual Studio和Visual Studio Code的实时协作开发解决方案。

Live Share allows teams to collaborate on a shared codebase, while maintaining the ability of each collaborator to navigate and work independently. While many code collaboration tools are bound to the host’s perspective, Microsoft’s entrant allows each person to navigate between files and make changes to code on their own terms.

Live Share使团队可以在共享的代码库上进行协作,同时保持每个协作者独立导航和工作的能力。 尽管许多代码协作工具受宿主的约束,但Microsoft的参赛者允许每个人在文件之间导航并以自己的方式更改代码。

Live Share can share your workspace, terminal, and local servers, and you can communicate over voice from within the tool. This is a polished option with other useful touches, like group debugging and a focus-and-follow feature that allows you to draw the attention of your collaborators. With a price tag of free, this choice is a no-brainer — particularly if you’re already a Visual Studio Code user.

Live Share可以共享您的工作区,终端和本地服务器,并且您可以通过语音从工具内进行通信。 这是一个精巧的选项,具有其他有用的功能,例如组调试和“关注与跟随”功能,可让您吸引合作者的注意力。 带有免费价格标签,这种选择非常容易-特别是如果您已经是Visual Studio Code用户。

While you’re at it, check out our Visual Studio Code power user’s guide and our VS Code extension recommendations for JavaScript developers.

在使用时,请查阅我们的Visual Studio Code高级用户指南和针对JavaScript开发人员的VS Code扩展建议 。

2. 电传打字机 (2. Teletype for Atom)

Teletype for Atom, an early entrant among real-time code collaboration tools, allows Atom users to share their workspace with team members.

Teletype for Atom是实时代码协作工具中的早期参与者,它使Atom用户可以与团队成员共享工作区。

While Live Share users can move around a project freely, Teletype is a little more host-centric. After the host opens a “portal”, their active tab becomes a shared workspace, and collaborators follow the host as they move between files. Teletype is well-suited to the pair programming use-case — with its driver and navigator model — but not as robust for all purposes as Live Share’s open-ended collaborative development environment.

尽管Live Share用户可以自由地在项目中移动,但Teletype还是以主机为中心。 主机打开“门户”后,其活动选项卡将变为共享工作区,并且协作者在文件之间移动时会跟随主机。 Teletype具有驱动程序和导航器模型,非常适合结对编程用例,但在所有方面都不如Live Share的开放式协作开发环境强大。

3. SublimeText的远程协作 (3. Remote Collab for SublimeText)

Remote Collab brings virtual pair programming to SublimeText. Remote Collab is a barebones plugin, but if you’re invested in SublimeText it might do the trick for you.

Remote Collab将虚拟对编程带到SublimeText。 Remote Collab是一个准系统插件,但是如果您对SublimeText有所投资,它可能会帮您解决问题。

Each session is bound to a particular document. Once the host has begun a session, collaborators just need the host’s IP address to join, and any changes made will be reflected across machines.

每个会话都绑定到一个特定的文档。 主机开始会话后,协作者只需要加入主机的IP地址,所做的任何更改都将反映在计算机上。

4. CodeSandbox Live (4. CodeSandbox Live)

CodeSandbox allows you to collaborate on your sandboxes with its Live feature.


Users can make a sandbox live and share the URL with collaborators. You can determine whether anyone can edit at will, or control who can edit at a given time (classroom mode). File changes, dependency changes, and selections are all kept up-to-date across sessions.

用户可以启用沙盒,并与协作者共享URL。 您可以确定是否有人可以随意编辑,还是控制谁可以在给定时间编辑(教室模式)。 文件更改,依赖项更改和选择在所有会话中都保持最新。

CodeSandbox has a robust free offering, and the $9/month Pro plan provides unlimited private sandboxes and support for private GitHub repos.


5. 随处可见 (5. Codeanywhere)

Codeanywhere is a browser-based development environment that aims to help you code from any device without friction — editor, terminal, revision tracking, and other features all included. Codeanywhere has a collaborative focus. For example: instead of having to zip up your project every time you want to share it (without adding someone to your private repo), you can generate a sharing link instantly.

Codeanywhere是基于浏览器的开发环境,旨在帮助您从任何设备进行编码,而不会遇到麻烦 -编辑器,终端,修订跟踪以及所有其他功能。 Codeanywhere具有协作重点。 例如:您不必每次都要共享项目时都将其压缩(无需在私人仓库中添加任何人),而可以立即生成共享链接。

The feature of interest here is Codeanywhere’s live pair programming. Like Live Share or Teletype, this promises a Google Docs style of document editing, with no limit on the number of collaborators. Another handy feature we know from Docs: click on your collaborator’s icon and you’ll be taken to the line they’re working on.

这里感兴趣的功能是Codeanywhere的实时对编程 。 与Live Share或Teletype一样,这保证了Google Docs风格的文档编辑,而协作者的数量不受限制。 我们从“文档”中了解到的另一个便捷功能:单击协作者的图标,您将被带到他们正在处理的行。

Codeanywhere will cost you anywhere from $2.50/month to $40/month, depending on plan tier and billing frequency.


6. CodePen (6. CodePen)

CodePen Pro subscribers can access Collab Mode, allowing multiple users to edit a single pen at the same time. Only the owner of the pen needs to have a Pro subscription for this to work.

CodePen Pro订户可以访问“ 协作模式” ,从而允许多个用户同时编辑单个笔。 只有钢笔的所有者才需要具有Pro订阅才能生效。

Each user’s changes, selections, and settings changes are reflected in Collab Mode, and there’s a live chat area built-in.


The pen’s owner can decide whether to save the changes, and collaborators can fork the results off into their own pens.


While you’re probably not doing your primary development out of a CodePen, this is a great way to run through a troubleshooting session with a friend or coworker, conduct interviews, or collaborate in other ad hoc situations.


CodePen Pro costs anywhere from $8/month to $39/month, depending on plan tier and billing frequency, and places collaborator limits on each of the three tiers: 2 people, 6 people, and 10 people respectively.

CodePen Pro的费用从8美元/月到39美元/月不等,具体取决于计划等级和计费频率,并在三个等级中的每个等级上设置协作者限制:分别为2人,6人和10人。

7. CodeTogether (7. CodeTogether)

CodeTogether is a new contender in the space since the first edition of this article was published, and it is purpose-built to enable remote pair programming.

自从本文的第一版发布以来, CodeTogether是该领域的新竞争者,它是专门为实现远程对编程而设计的。

Most of the tools we’ve explored are built around a single editor, which limits their practicality given that editor choices are often not standardized across a team. CodeTogether is particularly appealing because it is available for Eclipse, VS Code, and IntelliJ-based IDEs. Participants can jump into a browser-based editor regardless of their personal editor preference, so CodeTogether works for a solid cross-section of users.

我们探索的大多数工具都是围绕一个编辑器构建的,由于整个团队中的编辑器选择通常没有标准化,这限制了它们的实用性。 CodeTogether特别吸引人,因为它可用于Eclipse,VS Code和基于IntelliJ的IDE。 参加者可以随意使用基于浏览器的编辑器,而无需考虑其个人编辑器的偏好,因此CodeTogether适用于众多用户。

As with Live Share, CodeTogether participants can move about the project freely. Users can work on their own tasks independently, search across all shared projects, or choose to follow another user’s viewpoint.

与Live Share一样,CodeTogether参与者可以自由地进行项目移动。 用户可以独立完成自己的任务,搜索所有共享项目,或者选择遵循其他用户的观点。

Between its editor-agnosticism and collaborative flexibility, CodeTogether now looks like the best option for many real-world teams.


Genuitec has made all CodeTogether features free during the COVID-19 pandemic. Normally, CodeTogether’s free plan permits one-on-one sessions for 45 minutes at a time, while the Premium plan costs $8 and allows up to 16 participants without session time limits. Until that pricing kicks in, there’s little risk in trying this option out.

Genuitec已在COVID-19大流行期间免费提供所有CodeTogether功能。 通常,CodeTogether的免费计划允许一次45分钟的一对一会话,而Premium计划的费用为8美元,最多允许16位参与者不受会话时间的限制。 在开始定价之前,尝试该选项的风险很小。

结语 (Wrapping It Up)

It’s a great time to be a remote developer — there are a lot of solid tools out there for collaborating on code. We hope this helped you find the right one for you. If you’re struggling to narrow it down, though, we’d recommend Visual Studio Live Share for those committed to Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code, CodeTogether for mixed editor teams, and CodePen for ad hoc collaboration.

现在是成为远程开发人员的好时机-那里有很多可靠的工具可以协作进行代码。 我们希望这可以帮助您找到适合您的产品。 但是,如果您想缩小范围,我们建议为那些致力于Visual Studio和Visual Studio Code的用户推荐Visual Studio Live Share,为混合编辑团队推荐CodeTogether,为临时协作推荐CodePen。

Now you’ve got your toolkit sorted, make sure you’re making the most out of pair programming with our in-depth pair programming guide by M. David Green, development workflow expert and author of Scrum: Novice to Ninja.

现在,您已经对工具包进行了排序,请使用开发工作流专家,《 Scrum:从新手到忍者》一书的作者M. David Green的深入配对编程指南 ,确保充分利用配对编程。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/collaborative-coding-tools-for-remote-pair-programming/

