xmas cissp

tech2022-10-16  120

xmas cissp

We’re at this year’s precipice, and it couldn’t have been a better one. How about we make it even better for some packages and libraries in dire need of contributors and stars? This Xmas, let’s give the gift of open source prestige!

我们处在今年的绝境中,这再好不过了。 我们如何使某些迫切需要贡献者和明星的软件包和库变得更好呢? 这个圣诞节,让我们给开源信誉带来礼物!

frickelbruder /开球 [24★] (frickelbruder/kickoff [24 ★])

KickOff is a continuous website monitoring tool.

KickOff是一个持续的网站监视工具 。

On single-launch, it’ll use a configuration file to check for some common requirements in regards to SEO and performance, like title length, valid redirects, and so on.


The caveat is that such things can only be checked for after a site has already been deployed, so while it is possible to integrate KickOff into your typical continuous deployment pipeline, it’ll require some trickery if you want it integrated with zero downtime.


Since it’s after-deployment, this means a build failing the KickOff test will go live before errors can be detected to stop it. Since the KickOff command returns the number of errors (apart from generating a JUnit report compatible with PHPUnit’s), you can:

由于它是事后部署,这意味着未通过KickOff测试的构建将开始运行,然后才能检测到错误将其停止。 由于KickOff命令返回错误数量(除了生成与PHPUnit兼容的JUnit报告之外),您可以:

set up a “test” subdomain for your project, run your test on that, and propagate to production only after KickOff returns 0 errors on the test site

为您的项目设置一个“测试”子域,在该子域上运行测试,并且仅在KickOff在测试站点上返回0个错误之后才传播到生产环境 create a rollback script in your CD pipeline which returns the page to the previous version if KickOff returns an error number above 0


The former is definitely the more user friendly approach.


KickOff has failed to kick off properly, so we’re hoping we’ll give it some followers and contributors by mentioning it here – it’s definitely an interesting and useful tool.

开球未能正确揭开序幕 ,所以我们希望我们将通过这里提到它给它一些追随者和贡献者-这绝对是一个有趣的和有用的工具。

mpociot / botman [881★] (mpociot/botman [881 ★])

Botman has, since I saw it posted on Reddit, exploded in popularity, but this doesn’t mean it doesn’t deserve another shout out.


It’s a “framework agnostic PHP library” for “developing innovative bots” for multiple platforms – including but not limited to Slack, Messenger, etc.


It’s very mature and stable, with few unsolved issues, and comes with a plethora of instructions for integrating it into anything from Laravel to your own homegrown spaghetti PHP app.


An in depth look at Botman is coming early next year, but in the meanwhile, feel free to give a look and let us know what you think. If you’ve used it to build anything yet, do give us a shout – we’d love to publish a post about it.

明年年初将对Botman进行深入研究,但与此同时,请随时进行观察,并让我们知道您的想法。 如果您已经用它来构建任何东西,请给我们留言-我们很乐意发表有关它的文章。

PHPOffice / PhpSpreadsheet [401★] (PHPOffice/PhpSpreadsheet [401 ★])

PhpSpreadsheet is the newest addition to the PHPOffice family – this time intended as a full replacement of the somewhat outdated PHPExcel.


Adopting best practices, modern PHP, and newfound design principles, Mark Baker decided it was time to start from scratch and just deprecate PHPExcel, rather than go the Sisyphus and try updating it.

通过采用最佳实践,现代PHP和新发现的设计原则,Mark Ba​​ker决定是时候从头开始,只是弃用PHPExcel,而不是去Sisyphus尝试更新它。

The result is a phenomenal new library that easy and pleasant to use – something would would never expect to say about anything spreadsheet related.


The project is, while popular, not yet stable, so if you have some time on your hands and nothing to do over the holidays, PhpSpreadsheet has some missing features to gain before getting its first release (all documented in the project’s README). Now’s your chance to make a mark on a package that’s guaranteed to have hundreds of thousands of users.

该项目虽然很受欢迎,但还不稳定,因此,如果您有一些时间在假期中无事可做,那么PhpSpreadsheet会有一些缺少的功能需要获取才能获得其第一个版本(所有内容记录在该项目的README中)。 现在,您可以在一个可以保证成千上万用户的包装上打上标记。

cweiske / phinde [10★] (cweiske/phinde [10 ★])

Phinde is a self-hosted search engine for your website – including static blogs if you have them. Its full explanation and context can be found here.

Phinde是您网站的自托管搜索引擎-包括静态博客(如果您拥有的话)。 在这里可以找到其完整的解释和上下文。

Phinde uses Elasticsearch to achieve its speed and accuracy, and Gearman behind the scenes to run regular updates and crawls of the target domains and sites. This means your index is automatically rebuilt when needed, and your search is always fast, effective, and available. What’s more, the search engine can be hosted on its own server – completely separate from the app it’s searching – so you can easily add it to other sites with widgets. For example, you can add your blog’s search field onto your personal blog, your company website, and into a mobile app – it’s all just an API call away.

Phinde使用Elasticsearch来实现其速度和准确性,而Gearman在后台运行以定期更新和爬网目标域和站点。 这意味着您的索引会在需要时自动重建,并且搜索始终快速,有效且可用。 此外,搜索引擎可以托管在其自己的服务器上-与正在搜索的应用程序完全分开-因此您可以轻松地将其添加到带有小部件的其他站点。 例如,您可以将博客的搜索字段添加到个人博客,公司网站以及移动应用程序中-只需一个API调用即可。

Phinde currently uses Bootstrap to layout the search and results page, but this is easily changed to something more modern or prettier.


With very few stars, we think Phinde deserves much more attention – if only for the much needed upgrades in features and styles – and there’s also an opportunity to contribute to documentation if that’s more up your alley – the Setup Procedure section is empty and in dire need of attention.


phpstan / phpstan [461★] (phpstan/phpstan [461 ★])

Submitted by @MartinHujer, PHPStan is a static analysis tool for PHP code. It runs through code before you execute it, and checks for syntax errors like these:

由@MartinHujer提交,PHPStan是用于PHP代码的静态分析工具。 在执行之前,它会遍历代码,并检查以下语法错误:

Existence of classes and interfaces in instanceof, catch, typehints, other language constructs and even annotations. PHP does not do this and just stays silent instead.

在instanceof,catch,typehints,其他语言构造甚至注释中存在类和接口。 PHP不会这样做,而是保持沉默。 Existence of variables while respecting scopes of branches and loops.

在遵守分支和循环范围的同时,存在变量。 Existence and visibility of called methods and functions.

被调用方法和函数的存在性和可见性。 Existence and visibility of accessed properties.

访问属性的存在性和可见性。 Correct types assigned to properties.

正确分配给属性的类型。 Correct number of parameters passed to constructors, methods and functions.

传递给构造函数,方法和函数的参数数目正确。 Correct types returned from methods and functions.

纠正从方法和函数返回的类型。 Correct number of parameters passed to sprintf/printf calls based on format strings.

根据格式字符串,正确传递给sprintf / printf调用的参数数量。

There’s an in depth look at the tool here.

这里有一个深入了解的工具在这里 。

It supports rules, exclusions, different and custom types of errors you can define, and more – and is easy to integrate in your continuous testing pipeline.


For more information please see the README, or one of the open issues.

有关更多信息,请参阅自述文件或未解决的问题之一 。

amphp / aerys [572★] (amphp/aerys [572 ★])

Aerys, submitted by Markus Staab, is

Markus Staab提交的Aerys是

“A non-blocking HTTP application, WebSocket and file server.”


Sounds powerful, no? Indeed, like something a PHP game could use.

听起来很厉害,不是吗? 确实,就像PHP游戏可以使用的东西一样。

We have mentioned amphp before, but we’ve yet to cover aerys to a meaningful degree. Aerys is in fact a PHP server that’s ready for use, if you don’t mind the “non-stable” tags.

我们之前已经提到过amphp,但是我们还没有涵盖有意义的范围。 实际上,如果您不介意“不稳定”标签,Aerys就是可以使用PHP服务器。

It’s attracted a large following already, but few seem willing to contribute so why not change that? The authors are actively looking for help (see README), in particular with open issues and battle testing the tool so it can be released as stable, and unleashed on the world in all its glory.

它已经吸引了一大批追随者,但是似乎很少有人愿意为此做出贡献,为什么不改变呢? 作者一直在积极寻求帮助(请参阅README),特别是在未解决的问题上,并对该工具进行了实战测试,以便可以稳定地发布该工具,并以其所有的荣耀向全世界发布。

A nice set of docs is available here, along with some nifty guides.

一套很好的文档可以在这里 ,有一些沿着漂亮的 导游 。

节日快乐! (Happy Holidays!)

It’s been a great year, everyone. We’ve seen unprecedented traffic growth, and that only lets us publish more interesting more awesome content.

大家度过了美好的一年。 我们看到了前所未有的流量增长,这只能让我们发布更有趣,更棒的内容。

We couldn’t have done it without you, and we still can’t, so we’re asking – what do you want to see more of at SitePoint? In depth tutorials? Framework specific articles? Reviews of programming books? Maybe dissections and explanations of popular open source PHP projects? Anything goes! Just let us know in the comments how we did, and what you’d like us to publish.

没有您,我们无法做到这一点,而我们仍然无法做到,所以我们要问–您想在SitePoint上看到更多内容吗? 深入教程? 特定于框架的文章? 编程书籍的评论? 也许是对流行的开源PHP项目的剖析和解释? 什么都行! 请在评论中让我们知道我们的工作方式,以及您希望我们发布的内容。

Don’t forget, we’re always on the lookout for new authors, too, so if you’re interested in sharing some knowledge and earning cash on the side, get in touch!


That’s it for this month (and year!) – it’s been a blast! Remember – you can easily let me know about some huntable projects by using the #sourcehunt Twitter hashtag!

就这个月(一年)!–真是大爆炸! 记住–您可以使用#sourcehunt Twitter标签轻松地让我了解一些可狩猎的项目!

See you on the other side, happy holidays!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/sourcehunt-xmas-2016-give-the-gift-of-open-source-prestige/

xmas cissp
