
tech2022-10-16  113


This article is part of a series created in partnership with SiteGround. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文是与SiteGround合作创建的系列文章的一部分。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

We’ve been talking a lot about web hosting recently. It’s important that your hosting plan matches the needs of your website, and your hosting provider is reliable, responsive, and around for the long haul.

最近,我们讨论了很多有关虚拟主机的问题 。 重要的是,您的托管计划必须与您的网站需求相匹配,并且托管提供商必须可靠,响应Swift并且长期存在。

What if you’ve realized that your current plan doesn’t meet your needs. Or you’re dissatisfied with the service of your current provider? What’s involved in moving your WordPress site from one hosting provider to another? How can you achieve this without major headaches or downtime?

如果您意识到当前的计划不能满足您的需求该怎么办。 还是您对当前提供商的服务不满意? 将您的WordPress网站从一个托管服务提供商迁移到另一个托管服务提供商涉及什么? 如何在没有严重头痛或停机的情况下实现这一目标?

I have to admit I’ve been thinking about changing hosting providers for a while, but since my websites were actually up and running, there wasn’t a sense of urgency. So I procrastinated.

我不得不承认,我已经在考虑改变托管服务提供商一段时间了,但是由于我的网站实际上已经启动并正在运行,因此没有紧迫感。 所以我拖延了。

It seems that a lot of people procrastinate about changing hosting providers. Here are three reasons why:

似乎很多人都在拖延更改托管服务提供商。 以下是三个原因:

They’re not sure what type of hosting plan will give them a better experience. If that’s you, check out our article What Sort of Hosting Should I Choose for My Website?

他们不确定哪种托管计划会给他们带来更好的体验。 如果是您,请查看我们的文章我应该为我的网站选择哪种托管?

They’re not sure which company will do a better job than their current provider. “Better the devil you know…” If that’s you, follow the checklists in our article The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Hosting Provider.

他们不确定哪个公司会比目前的提供商做得更好。 “让您更了解恶魔……”如果您是,请按照我们的文章《选择托管服务提供商的终极指南》中的清单进行操作。

They’re not sure what steps to take, and don’t want to make things worse by making a wrong turn. After all, you don’t migrate a website every day. You might even wish someone would just do it for you!

他们不确定要采取什么步骤,也不想通过错误的转弯使情况变得更糟。 毕竟,您并不是每天都迁移网站。 您甚至可能希望有人会为您做!

In this article we’ll explain what’s involved in a WordPress migration. Then we’ll show you how you can simplify the process by the use of plugins, or by passing the job on to someone who will just do it for you.

在本文中,我们将解释WordPress迁移涉及的内容。 然后,我们将向您展示如何通过使用插件或将工作交给专门为您完成任务的人员来简化该过程。

What’s the best way to migrate your website? Read on and decide for yourself.

迁移网站的最佳方法是什么? 阅读并自己决定。

首先,WordPress迁移涉及什么? (First, What’s Involved in a WordPress Migration?)

Migrating your WordPress site to a new hosting provider is a three step process:


Transfer the WordPress files, including WordPress itself, your themes and plugins, and your media files.

传输WordPress文件 ,包括WordPress本身,主题和插件以及媒体文件。

Migrate the WordPress database that contains your posts and comments.

迁移包含您的帖子和评论的WordPress数据库 。

Reconfigure WordPress to work from the new server, and also update your DNS records to point to the new host.

重新配置WordPress以在新服务器上运行 ,并更新DNS记录以指向新主机。

Depending on the options available to you, there are a number of ways to do each step. Check your hosting provider’s documentation for their recommendations.

根据您可用的选项,有很多方法可以完成每个步骤。 查看托管服务提供商的文档以获取建议。

Typically, you transfer the WordPress files (Step 1) using FTP or the online file manager provided by your hosting provider. You can save time by zipping the files on your current server, and unzipping them on the new server. Migrating the WordPress database (Step 2) can be completed by using your hosts database management tool (likely phpMyAdmin).

通常,您使用FTP或托管服务提供商提供的在线文件管理器传输WordPress文件(第1步)。 您可以通过在当前服务器上压缩文件,然后在新服务器上解压缩文件来节省时间。 可以使用主机数据库管理工具(可能是phpMyAdmin)完成WordPress数据库的迁移(第2步)。

Or you can simplify the process by the use of the following tools or services.


使用备份插件开始迁移 (Kick Start Your Migration with Backup Plugins)

Hopefully you’re backing up your site regularly. If you are, why not use your current backup as the first step in the migration. You’ve just saved yourself half the work.

希望您能定期备份您的网站。 如果是这样,为什么不将当前备份用作迁移的第一步。 您已经节省了一半的工作。

Plugins make backups easy. Here are some good ones:

插件使备份变得容易。 这里有一些不错的:

VaultPress by Automattic costs $39 per year for a personal plan. The staff obviously know all about WordPress, and are available to help backup and restore your site.

VaultPress by Automattic的个人计划每年收费39美元。 员工显然很了解WordPress,并且可以帮助您备份和还原您的网站。

BackupBuddy (Backup, Restore, Move) costs $80 per year for one site, and other plans available. It’s a backup plugin with the ability to clone a WordPress install to a new location, all from the dashboard of your existing site.

一个站点的BackupBuddy (备份,还原,移动)每年的费用为80美元,并提供其他套餐。 它是一个备份插件,能够将WordPress安装克隆到现有站点的仪表板中,并将其克隆到新位置。

UpDraftPlus is popular, with 1,000,000+ active installs, and is free. (A premium version is available.) The free version does backups, while the premium version (see below) does cloning and migration.

UpDraftPlus很受欢迎,主动安装量超过 1,000,000,并且是免费的。 (提供了高级版本。)免费版本进行备份,而高级版本(请参见下文)进行克隆和迁移。

BackUpWordPress currently has 200,000+ active installs, and is free.


WordPress Backup to Dropbox has 90,000+ active installs, and is free.


Once you’ve backed up your site, you’ll need to perform a restore on the new server. Check out the plugin’s documentation for the recommended way to do this. You may restore manually following the steps above, or some plugins offer assistance.

备份站点后,需要在新服务器上执行还原。 请查看插件的文档以获取推荐的方法。 您可以按照上述步骤手动还原,或者某些插件可以提供帮助。

使用迁移插件移动您的网站 (Move Your Site with Migration Plugins)

Taking the use of plugins a step further, some are able to both backup and restore your site, providing a complete migration in one tool.


Here are some plugins capable of cloning and migrating your WordPress site:


Duplicator (Backup, Copy, Clone) is a popular solution, with 900,000+ active installs, and is free. Duplicator Pro (“migrate a site in just minutes”) has extra features and costs $39 for a personal license. This plugin has plenty of useful features, but is not the easiest to understand for beginners.

复制器 (备份,复制,克隆)是一种流行的解决方案,具有900,000多个活动安装,并且是免费的。 Duplicator Pro (“在几分钟之内迁移网站”)具有其他功能,个人许可证的费用为39美元。 该插件具有许多有用的功能,但对于初学者来说并不是最容易理解的。

All-In-One WP Migration has 400,000+ active installs, and is free (with premium extensions). It migrates your site to a fresh WordPress install that must also have the plugin installed and activated. This one has an easy-to-use interface.

多合一WP迁移具有40万多个活动安装,并且是免费的(带有高级扩展)。 它将您的网站迁移到全新的WordPress安装中,该安装还必须安装并激活该插件。 这个具有易于使用的界面。

WP Clone by WP Academy has 300,000+ active installs, and is free. It migrates your site to a fresh WordPress install without using FTP. While highly rated, some people report quirks, and the developers admit it may fail in 10-20% of cases, especially when migrating larger sites.

WP Academy的WP Clone具有30万以上的免费安装,并且免费。 它将您的站点迁移到全新的WordPress安装中,而无需使用FTP。 虽然获得了很高的评价,但有些人报告了一些古怪的现象,开发人员承认,在10%到20%的情况下,它可能会失败,尤其是在迁移较大的站点时。

UpDraftPlus Premium is a highly-rated backup plugin. The premium version costs $70-$145 is able to clone your site and migrate it to a fresh WordPress install.

UpDraftPlus Premium是一个高度评价的备份插件。 高级版本的价格为70-145美元,可以克隆您的网站并将其迁移到全新的WordPress安装中。

Super Backup & Clone – Migrate for WordPress is a comprehensive backup plugin with migration features. It costs $34, and is available from CodeCanyon.

超级备份和克隆– WordPress迁移是具有迁移功能的全面备份插件。 它的价格为34美元,可从CodeCanyon购买。

WP Migrate DB currently has 200,000+ active installs. The personal plan costs $89 for 12 installs. If you’re comfortable transferring your files to the new host via FTP, this plugin will do the trickier database migration for you.

WP Migrate DB当前具有200,000多个活动安装。 个人计划12安装的费用为$ 89。 如果您愿意通过FTP将文件传输到新主机,则此插件将为您完成棘手的数据库迁移。

For more details on the best WordPress backup and migration plugins, check out Jeff Smith’s article, 5 WordPress Plugins for Backups and Migrations.

有关最佳WordPress备份和迁移插件的更多详细信息,请查看Jeff Smith的文章“ 5个用于备份和迁移的WordPress插件” 。

将工作移交给迁移服务提供商 (Hand Off the Job to a Migration Service Provider)

Rather than performing the migration yourself, you may prefer to pay someone else to do it for you. Perhaps you lack the time or expertise. Or perhaps there’s a lot at stake—say an enterprise website—and it’s wise to put the job in the hands of experts.

与您自己执行迁移相比,您可能更愿意付钱给其他人替您完成迁移。 也许您缺乏时间或专业知识。 或者,也许存在很多风险(例如,企业网站),将工作交给专家是明智的。

Web development freelancers and companies of all sizes offer WordPress migration services. Here are some suggestions about how to find the right service provider for you:

Web开发自由职业者和各种规模的公司都提供WordPress迁移服务。 以下是有关如何为您找到合适的服务提供商的一些建议:

Search Google for “WordPress migration services”. Many WordPress developers offer WordPress migration services. Some specialize in it. If you already have a web developer you trust, start there.

在Google上搜索“ WordPress迁移服务”。 许多WordPress开发人员提供WordPress迁移服务。 一些专门研究它。 如果您已有信任的Web开发人员,请从此处开始。

Search Envato Studio for “WordPress migration”. Prices start around $50.

在Envato Studio中搜索“ WordPress迁移”。 价格从50美元左右开始。

Search Fiverr.com for “WordPress migration”. Prices start around $5.

在Fiverr.com中搜索“ WordPress迁移”。 价格从5美元左右开始。

Fanstastik specialize in enterprise builds, migrations and support. Prices start at $99 and are typically completed in two or three days.

Fanstastik专门从事企业构建,迁移和支持。 价格从99美元起,通常在两到三天内完成。

Valet.io (formerly WP Valet) started out specializing in WordPress migrations. While they now offer more services, they’re still one of the best for migration services of any size. Contact them for pricing.

Valet.io (以前是WP Valet)最初是专门从事WordPress迁移的。 尽管它们现在提供更多服务,但它们仍然是各种规模迁移服务中最好的之一。 与他们联系以获取价格。

向您的托管服务提供商寻求帮助 (Ask for the Help of Your Hosting Provider)

Many hosting providers also offer migration services. After all, they want your business, so it’s in their interest to make switching to them from your current host as easy as possible.

许多托管服务提供商还提供迁移服务。 毕竟,他们想要您的公司,因此尽可能简化从当前主机切换到他们的工作符合他们的利益。

Check the company’s website or phone customer support to check whether such a service is available, and how much it will cost. They may even offer a limited number of migrations for free.

检查公司的网站或电话客户支持,以检查是否可以使用该服务,以及要花费多少。 他们甚至可能免费提供有限数量的迁移。

什么是最适合您的方法? (What’s the Best Method for You?)

How confident are you of your own tech skills? How much is your time worth? When choosing the best migration plan, you’ll have to balance price with features and ease of use.

您对自己的技术技能有多自信? 您的时间值多少钱? 选择最佳迁移计划时,您必须在价格与功能和易用性之间取得平衡。

Plugins with the most features or most friendly interface will cost you, as do migration services. Alternatively there are a number of ways you can migrate your site for free, including the use of plugins, or with the help of your new hosting provider.

拥有最多功能或最友好界面的插件以及迁移服务都会使您付钱。 另外,您可以通过多种方式免费迁移网站,包括使用插件或在新的托管服务提供商的帮助下。

SitePoint recently partnered with SiteGround as our official recommended host, and they offer a WordPress migration service. In fact, they’ll migrate your first website for free.

SitePoint最近与SiteGround合作,成为我们的官方推荐主机 ,他们提供WordPress迁移服务。 实际上,他们将免费迁移您的第一个网站。

I decided to try their service out. I’ll let you know how it goes in my next article.

我决定尝试他们的服务。 我会在下一篇文章中告诉您它的进展情况。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/migrate-wordpress-site-new-hosting-provider/

