
tech2022-10-17  98


For years Google and other search engines have been essential for gaining visibility on the web, yet today social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+, and other networks are major sources of traffic. These sites work a bit differently than Google.

多年来,Google和其他搜索引擎对于在Web上获得可见性一直至关重要,但是如今,诸如Twitter,Facebook,Pinterest,Instagram,Google +和其他网络等社交媒体网站已成为主要的流量来源。 这些网站的运作方式与Google有所不同。

If you’re tasked with developing or running a WordPress site, you can’t afford to ignore social search, especially since it’s relatively simple to implement. According to the Content Marketing Institute, Social Search Optimization and Search Engine Optimization go hand in hand.

如果您负责开发或运行WordPress网站,则不能忽视社交搜索,尤其是因为它相对容易实现。 根据内容营销研究所的说法,社交搜索优化和搜索引擎优化是并驾齐驱的。

社会优化代码 (Social Optimization Code)

1.打开图 (1. Open Graph)

Facebook created the Open Graph protocol back in 2010 to enable websites to have the same functionality as social media objects. The other major social networks also came up with their own standards for website owners to customize how their sites appear on social media. The main features of this functionality are that you can choose a custom image, title, and description for your posts if you want text besides your standard meta tags to show.

Facebook早在2010年就创建了Open Graph协议 ,以使网站具有与社交媒体对象相同的功能。 其他主要的社交网络也提出了自己的标准,供网站所有者自定义其网站在社交媒体上的显示方式。 此功能的主要功能是,如果要显示除标准元标记之外的文本,则可以为帖子选择自定义图像,标题和说明。

You can easily integrate Facebook sharing controls on your site by using the WP Facebook Open Graph Protocol plugin.

您可以使用WP Facebook Open Graph Protocol插件轻松将Facebook共享控件集成到您的站点上 。

2. Twitter卡 (2. Twitter Cards)

According to the Twitter documentation, Twitter Cards enable you to add rich media to Tweets shared from your website. Just add a few lines of HTML code and a ‘card’ is created which shows when a reader shares your post. Cards come in a few forms: summary cards (title, description, thumbnail, and Twitter account attribution), summary cards with large image (a summary card with a featured image), and app cards (mobile app direct download), and player cards (shows video/audio/media). Twitter also has built in analytics tools so you can gain insights into how your content is performing.

根据Twitter文档,使用Twitter Cards,您可以将富媒体添加到从您的网站共享的推文中。 只需添加几行HTML代码,就会创建一个“卡片”,显示读者分享您的帖子的时间。 卡有几种形式:摘要卡(标题,说明,缩略图和Twitter帐户归属),大图像摘要卡(具有特色图片的摘要卡)和应用卡(直接移动应用下载)和播放器卡(显示视频/音频/媒体)。 Twitter还内置了分析工具,因此您可以洞悉内容的效果。

If you’re looking to specifically integrate this feature into your WordPress website, you’ll want to take a look at JM Twitter Cards.

如果您希望将此功能专门集成到WordPress网站中,则需要查看JM Twitter Cards 。

3.丰富的大头针 (3. Rich Pins)

A Pinterest for business feature, Rich Pins enables you to include extra information in your pins. Compared to Twitter and Facebook, Pintrest provides publishers with much more power. This feature not only lets you add article information to pins, but also lets your readers: purchase products, instantly see location information, download apps, view recipes, and see movie details. These features make sense since it’s a merchant focused social network.

作为商务用Pinterest功能, Rich Pins使您可以在图钉中包含其他信息。 与Twitter和Facebook相比,Pintrest为发布者提供了更多功能。 此功能不仅可以将商品信息添加到图钉,还可以使读者:购买产品,立即查看位置信息,下载应用程序,查看食谱以及查看电影详细信息。 这些功能很有意义,因为它是针对商家的社交网络。

向WordPress添加社交媒体优化支持 (Adding Social Media Optimization Support to WordPress)

Since WordPress is geared towards people creating tons of content, adding social code manually isn’t practical. Fortunately there are a few popular SEO related plugins which provide all-in-one social media functionality.

由于WordPress专为人们创建大量内容而设计,因此手动添加社交代码是不切实际的。 幸运的是,有一些流行的SEO相关插件提供了多合一的社交媒体功能。

4. Yoast SEO (4. Yoast SEO)

A favorite of thousands of WordPress users, Yoast SEO is known for helping with your Google rankings, but it also has social search optimization built in. The great thing about this plugin is the automatic author Meta information. If you’re running a website with multiple authors, this enables each person to easily enter their social media information so shared posts automatically show the right information.

Yoast SEO是成千上万的WordPress用户的最爱,以帮助您提高Google排名而闻名,但它还内置了社交搜索优化功能。此插件的优点是自动生成作者的Meta信息。 如果您运行的网站有多个作者,则每个人都可以轻松输入其社交媒体信息,因此共享的帖子会自动显示正确的信息。

The official Yoast SEO documentation has a thorough overview of the features and the technical aspects of the settings.

Yoast SEO的官方文档对设置的功能和技术方面进行了全面的概述。

5. WordPress社交共享优化(WPSSO) (5. WordPress Social Sharing Optimization (WPSSO))

Another helpful tool for your social optimization is WPSSO, a lightweight tool which handles the technicalities of Open Graph code for you. Aside from just optimizing your WordPress posts, it also has a collection of add-ons which provide support for enhanced social sharing. A few of the additional features include Facebook location support, responsive designs, and mobile app store data. Most notably however, WPSSO has support for numerous information sources.

另一个有助于社会优化的有用工具是WPSSO ,这是一种轻量级的工具,可以为您处理Open Graph代码的技术性。 除了优化您的WordPress帖子外,它还有一系列附加组件,可为增强的社交共享提供支持。 其他一些功能包括Facebook位置支持,响应式设计和移动应用商店数据。 但是,最值得注意的是,WPSSO支持许多信息源。

bbPress, BuddyPress, WooCommerce, Yoast SEO (aka WordPress SEO), Gravatar, and SlideShare are just a few of the supported integrations. The reason Yoast SEO is included on the list is because this plugin doesn’t conflict with other SEO tools. It’s intended to expand upon what you already have.

bbPress,BuddyPress,WooCommerce,Yoast SEO(又名WordPress SEO),Gravatar和SlideShare只是部分受支持的集成。 Yoast SEO包含在列表中的原因是因为此插件与其他SEO工具没有冲突。 它旨在扩展您已经拥有的内容。

6.喷气背包 (6. Jetpack)

The official Swiss Army Knife of WordPress, Jetpack also has social sharing capabilities built in to streamline the post sharing process. The Publicize feature in Jetpack allows you to automatically share posts to social media sites as soon as you hit publish.

WordPress的官方瑞士军刀Jetpack还具有内置的社交共享功能,可简化发布共享过程。 Jetpack中的“ 公开”功能使您可以在点击“发布”后自动将其分享到社交媒体网站。

Compared to other solutions it’s fairly limited as it doesn’t let you customize the meta information for each social network. Instead it simply takes your existing title, description, and such and sends it to the social networks.

与其他解决方案相比,它相当有限,因为它不允许您自定义每个社交网络的元信息。 取而代之的是,它仅获取您现有的标题,说明等并将其发送到社交网络。

If you just want a tool that works and gets the job done, Jetpack is the tool for you, especially since it includes a few other helpful features.


为行业转变做准备 (Preparing for Shifts in the Industry)

The rise of social search means that you can’t just rely on Google to drive traffic to your website. It’s great for finding specific information (such as restaurants near you, reference information, etc.) but when it comes to general content, semantic search is the next frontier.

社交搜索的兴起意味着您不仅可以依靠Google来吸引网站访问量。 查找特定信息(例如您附近的餐馆,参考信息等)非常有用,但是当涉及到一般内容时, 语义搜索是下一个领域 。

Simply put, it’s all about taking context (location, time of day, interests, device, etc.) and using it to personalize the search results. This ties into social search as measuring sentiment around topics is one of the many factors which affect results.

简而言之,这就是获取上下文(位置,时间,兴趣,设备等)并使用它来个性化搜索结果的全部。 这与社交搜索相关,因为围绕主题的情绪测量是影响结果的众多因素之一。

You might not feel the need to focus on social search at the moment, but as search engines shift towards more intelligent results, social is going to be the best way to gauge the status of brands and their relevance in the space.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/social-search-in-wordpress/

