
tech2022-10-17  122


Many aspiring developers looking for a job have the theoretical skills required to be a developer but lack commercial development experience, which can make employers hesitate to take them on. In this article, Paddy Sherry — an experienced recruiter — provides some handy pointers for improving your chances of landing a development job.

许多有抱负的寻求工作的开发人员具备成为开发人员所需的理论技能,但缺乏商业开发经验,这可能会使雇主不愿接受这些技能。 在本文中,经验丰富的招聘人员Paddy Sherry提供了一些方便的指导,以提高您获得开发工作的机会。

For any young Computing or IT graduate, landing your first full-time job without commercial development experience may be the biggest challenge you’ll face in your career.


Fresh out of a technical degree, it’s easy to think you know everything there is to know about building software and that you’ll walk into the job of your choosing. You may have achieved top marks in your degree, built an awesome final project and studied the most bleeding-edge technologies and JavaScript libraries.

刚获得技术学位后,很容易认为您已经了解有关构建软件的所有知识,并且您将踏入自己选择的工作。 您可能已经获得了学位的最高分,建立了一个了不起的最终项目,并研究了最前沿的技术和JavaScript库。

However, unless you’ve demonstrated extensive programming ability from your mid teens, already built relationships with employers or completed an internship with a company, getting that first job offer is going to require time and effort.


为什么这么难? (Why Is It So Difficult?)

Web and Software Development in the real world is nothing like the sterile environment in which you studied.


You’ll be working in a team, and while you may have done a 12-week project at university with some classmates, in a job there are many more variables. Every team member is expected to deliver and work cohesively with each other. That means understanding the product and the part you have to build, committing quality code to the repository that meets the coding standard, delivering your feature on time and making sure it functions on all production environments instead of just your local machine.

您将在一个团队中工作,尽管您可能和一些同学在大学里完成了一个为期12周的项目,但在工作中还有更多的变数。 期望每个团队成员相互交付并紧密协作。 这意味着了解产品和您必须制造的零件,将质量代码提交给符合编码标准的存储库,按时交付功能,并确保其在所有生产环境中都能正常运行,而不仅仅是在本地机器上运行。

There are already production systems in place, so trying to slot in and instantly start cranking out code is difficult, even for the most experienced developers. Time is required to learn the project structure, understand code written by another developer and commit changes that don’t break something elsewhere. Companies spend time and money finding new employees, so they won’t want to sink more effort into hand holding a junior developer through the first six months of their probation.

已经有了生产系统,因此即使对于最有经验的开发人员而言,尝试插入并立即开始编写代码也很困难。 需要时间来学习项目结构,理解另一位开发人员编写的代码以及提交不会破坏其他地方的更改。 公司花时间和金钱寻找新员工,因此他们不希望在试用期的前六个月中花更多的精力来牵手初级开发人员。

Bugs may be tolerated in your own projects and college work, but they cannot happen when working on a commercial development team. The company’s cash is on the line with every deployment, so if you break something they’ll be losing face and revenue until it’s fixed. Every production release needs to be tested, secure, scalable and performant. Experience is required to understand all the areas involved in software products and what you have to test when developing. This is impossible to have when starting your career.

在您自己的项目和大学工作中可能会容忍错误,但是在商业开发团队中工作时不会发生错误。 该公司的现金与每次部署都差不多,因此,如果您遇到一些麻烦,在解决问题之前,他们将失去面子和收入。 每个生产版本都需要经过测试,安全,可扩展和高性能。 需要经验来了解软件产品涉及的所有领域以及开发时必须测试的内容。 开始职业生涯时这是不可能的。

With all that said, when you find an opening for a Junior Developer, there are some things you can do to give yourself an advantage over the other applicants.


决定你最好的语言 (Decide Your Best Languages)

Given the sheer breadth of information, computing courses can only touch lightly on web development, software engineering, databases, networking, UX, architecture and business development. A frequent mistake from new job seekers is listing all of these as things you’re proficient in.

鉴于信息的广度,计算课程只能轻松涉及Web开发,软件工程,数据库,网络,UX,体系结构和业务开发。 新求职者经常犯的错误是将所有这些都列为您精通的事情。

Any recruiter that reads “excellent at Java, C#, Python, PHP, Ruby, Javascript” will instantly move on to the next CV. You may be good at one or two, but it’s impossible to be anything more than a beginner with the others so early in your career.

任何阅读“精通Java,C#,Python,PHP,Ruby,Javascript的人”的招聘人员都将立即转到下一个简历。 您可能擅长一两个,但是在您职业生涯的早期,除了与其他人成为初学者之外,别无其他。

Narrow down your skill set and decide which languages you’re good at.


Back-end languages are less prone to change, so pick one strict language like Java, C# or Python if you want to move into software. If Web Development is the route you want to go, select PHP or Ruby. This is the foundation upon which you’ll build your career.

后端语言不易更改,因此,如果要迁移到软件中,请选择一种严格的语言,例如Java,C#或Python。 如果要进行Web开发,请选择PHP或Ruby。 这是您建立事业的基础。

Pair that with some front-end JavaScript knowledge and you’re setting yourself up as a developer that can offer front- and back-end expertise.


You’re reducing the skills you claim to have but demonstrating that you’re more focussed while still keeping your options open to specialize in front- or back-end development later in your career.


Employers love that flexibility in their workforce.


为自己建立一个投资组合网站 (Build a Portfolio Site for Yourself)

An interviewer isn’t going to ask about the modules you studied at University, as it’s very easy to pass them without really knowing the subject matter. They want to know about experience, and while you may not have much of that, it can be acquired easily by building yourself a portfolio site.

面试官不会询问您在大学学习的模块,因为在不真正了解主题的情况下很容易通过它们。 他们想了解经验,虽然您可能没有太多经验,但是可以通过自己构建投资组合网站来轻松获得经验。

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have anything to list on the portfolio page. Registering a domain, setting up hosting, installing a CMS, creating accounts, submitting to search engines and adding Google Analytics are all vital parts of building a website. Getting traffic and making a success of the site aren’t even important at this stage.

您是否没有要在投资组合页面上列出的内容都没关系。 注册域,设置主机,安装CMS,创建帐户,提交给搜索引擎以及添加Google Analytics(分析)都是构建网站的重要组成部分。 在这个阶段,获取流量和网站成功并不重要。

If you’ve built a site, most likely your friends and family will know someone that needs one built also, so there’s an opportunity add to your portfolio. It gives you the chance to learn from your initial mistakes and carry out work for someone else. This brings you closer to the real world development experience while still offering a relatively risk-free environment to refine your skills.

如果您已经建立了一个站点,那么您的朋友和家人很可能会认识一个也需要建立一个站点的人,因此有机会增加您的投资组合。 它使您有机会从最初的错误中学习并为他人开展工作。 这使您更接近现实世界的开发经验,同时仍提供相对无风险的环境来提高您的技能。

You then have some experience to talk about in interviews and have a greater chance of impressing an interview panel if they think there are some small websites you could work on for them.


创建产品或插件 (Create a Product or Plugin)

While building your portfolio site, you’ll have encountered problems and issues along the way, and these can usually be solved by a plugin or JavaScript library.


However, if there was no solution available or you had a different use case that required some customization, there’s a good chance that another developer is in the same position.


Try to find a way to solve that problem and package it into something that another developer could use, such as a WordPress plugin or public GitHub repo.


This brings you a step further, because you’ve moved past developing for yourself on standalone projects to thinking about the requirements of other products and engineers, the use cases and how your code will slot into a larger code base.


This is gold in the eyes of an interviewer, because it’s a lot closer to a real dev team where you’ll work on a small part of a larger application and ensure your code integrates without causing problems.


A nice little bonus is that you could charge a small fee for your plugin and make a little cash for your efforts.


参与在线社区 (Participate in Online Communities)

Aside from technical ability, employers like to see evidence that you really like your job, as things change so quickly in development that you have to dedicate personal time to furthering your knowledge. You always need to be aware of changing trends and emerging frameworks or tools.

除了技术能力外,雇主还希望看到证据证明您真的很喜欢自己的工作,因为发展变化如此之快,以至于您必须花费个人时间来增进知识。 您始终需要了解不断变化的趋势以及新兴的框架或工具。

The best way to do this is to read blogs and software sites. When you build up enough knowledge to contribute, start commenting on them and providing your ideas. If you can offer a solution that solves a problem for someone else, your social credit will soar.

最好的方法是阅读博客和软件站点。 当您积累了足够的知识以做出贡献时,请开始对它们进行评论并提出您的想法。 如果您可以提供解决其他人问题的解决方案,那么您的社会信誉就会大大提高。

You may think that employers won’t care about this when screening a candidate, but they do. It’s not uncommon for companies to check your LinkedIn, GitHub, Stack Overflow profiles to see evidence that you’re committed to your career. Top level teams will even ask for a minimum Stack Overflow reputation from applicants, as there’s nothing that demonstrates knowledge more than upvotes on your suggested fix from other engineers.

您可能会认为,雇主在甄选候选人时不会在意这一点,但他们会这么做。 对于公司而言,检查您的LinkedIn,GitHub,Stack Overflow配置文件以查看您对自己的职业承诺的证据并不少见。 顶级团队甚至会要求申请人获得最低的Stack Overflow信誉,因为没有什么比其他工程师对您建议的修复有更多的证明。

在GitHub上公开所有代码 (Make All Code Public on GitHub)

Put all your code online for the world to see. This opens you up to critique and analysis, but peer review is a crucial quality assurance tool used by software teams to drive out bugs. If you get used to this early, you’re showing that you won’t have any problems conducting a code review and that you’ll take feedback constructively in a commercial environment.

将您的所有代码在线呈现给全世界。 这使您可以进行批评和分析,但是同行评审是软件团队用来驱除错误的重要质量保证工具。 如果您习惯了这一点,则表明您在进行代码审查时不会有任何问题,并且可以在商业环境中以建设性的方式获得反馈。

It also gives the tech lead the chance to see the code you’ve written. It’s very easy to talk about all the fantastic things you’ve built and problems you’ve solved, but the when a senior developer can view the source, it adds another layer of credibility to your development chops.

它还使技术负责人有机会查看您编写的代码。 谈论所有已构建的奇妙事物和已解决的问题非常容易,但是当高级开发人员可以查看源代码时,它会给开发印记增加另一层可信度。

Your potential team members also have the opportunity to check the quality of your code, what design pattern you use, and how clean your commits are. Most importantly, it shows that you’re familiar with version control systems and how they form the core around which software products and teams are built.

您的潜在团队成员还可以检查代码的质量,使用的设计模式以及提交的清洁程度。 最重要的是,它表明您熟悉版本控制系统以及它们如何构成构建软件产品和团队的核心。

结论 (Conclusion)

Securing your first development job after graduating without experience is a difficult task, but there are proven ways to upskill and attract employer attention.


Choose a back-end and front-end language, build a site and then a plugin. Follow blogs and comment on them without being afraid of what people will say. Put everything you do on GitHub and experiment with all the snazzy new tools.

选择一种后端和前端语言,构建一个站点,然后一个插件。 关注博客并评论它们,而不必担心别人会说些什么。 将您所做的一切都放在GitHub上,并尝试使用所有时髦的新工具。

Remember that everyone is in the same position as yourself and has an equal amount of resources and opportunities. Follow the points in this guide, be committed while having patience, and eventually a well-paid job offer will come.

请记住,每个人都和自己处于同一位置,并且拥有同等的资源和机会。 遵循本指南中的要点,在保持耐心的同时投入精力,最终将获得高薪的工作机会。

While you’re laying this groundwork for your first job, it’s also worth seeking out a development mentor. Developers with mentors get into the workforce faster, and once there, research shows that they’re promoted five times more often than those without.

在为第一份工作奠定基础的同时,也值得寻找一位发展导师 。 拥有导师的开发人员可以更快地进入员工队伍,一旦进入该团队,研究表明他们的晋升频率是没有导师的五倍。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/land-development-job-without-experience/

