
tech2022-10-18  113

This article is part of a series created in partnership with SiteGround. Thank you for supporting the partners that make SitePoint possible.

本文是与SiteGround合作创建的系列文章的一部分。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

InfiniteWP is an administration panel that provides almost effortless management of multiple WordPress websites.


Do you administer more than one WordPress website for your organization? Do you host WordPress websites, or are you a developer who maintains sites for clients? This is the perfect tool for you, if so!

您是否为组织管理多个WordPress网站? 您是否托管WordPress网站,或者您是为客户维护网站的开发人员? 如果是这样,这是最适合您的工具!

它解决什么问题? (What Problems Does It Solve?)

Plugin Updates – Keeping track of the endless security updates, bug fixes, and new-feature updates of every plugin deployed on your WordPress sites can be extremely tedious, especially if you have multiple sites to manage. These plugin updates can be done with a click of a button from InfiniteWP.

插件更新 –跟踪部署在WordPress网站上的每个插件的无休止的安全更新,错误修复和新功能更新可能非常繁琐,尤其是在要管理多个站点的情况下。 这些插件更新可以通过单击InfiniteWP中的按钮来完成。

Platform Updates – In addition, updates to the WordPress platform can be conducted from this central location as well. Are you familiar with the changes in the new version? If so, you can easily update all of your sites to it.

平台更新 –此外,也可以从该中心位置对WordPress平台进行更新。 您是否熟悉新版本中的更改? 如果是这样,您可以轻松地将所有站点更新到该站点。

Theme Updates – What about updates to themes (or parent themes) that have been used to build the UI of your websites? Those, too, can be updated all from the admin panel, whether you’re using the same themes on multiple sites, or all unique ones. If it is updatable within WordPress, it will be updatable using InfiniteWP.

主题更新 –关于用于构建网站UI的主题(或父主题)的更新呢? 无论您是在多个站点上使用相同主题还是在所有站点上使用相同主题,都可以从管理面板进行全部更新。 如果可以在WordPress中更新,则可以使用InfiniteWP进行更新。

Backups – In addition to all of the update features, InfiniteWP also allows you to take backups of your attached websites, the files and database of them. This enables you to update with confidence. Have some untested plugins to update? Back the site up first!

备份 –除所有更新功能外,InfiniteWP还允许您对附加的网站,其文件和数据库进行备份。 这使您可以放心地进行更新。 有一些未经测试的插件要更新吗? 首先备份网站!

设置InfiniteWP (Setting up InfiniteWP)

Installation and setup can be done in one of three ways:


Install via WordPress Plugin


Install via cPanel


Manual Installation


This mix of options means that whether you’re on a shared host with a cPanel, on a VPS, or any other hosting option, it’s likely that you’ll be able to find a solution that meets your needs, and deploy InfiniteWP to manage your WordPress sites!


在InfiniteWP上建立网站 (Setting up a Site on InfiniteWP)

Once you’ve installed InfiniteWP and logged into the admin panel successfully, you’ll encounter the dashboard screen.


Your next step in connecting a website to your InfiniteWP dashboard will be to add the InfiniteWP plugin to the WordPress website you wish to manage with InfiniteWP. You can do this easily by going to your Plugins menu, choosing to Add a Plugin, and searching for InfiniteWP.

将网站连接到InfiniteWP仪表板的下一步是将InfiniteWP插件添加到要使用InfiniteWP管理的WordPress网站上。 通过转到“插件”菜单,选择“添加插件”,然后搜索InfiniteWP,可以轻松完成此操作。

Once this is done, and the plugin activated, you will see an alert panel in WordPress conveying important InfiniteWP information to you.


Now, head back to the InfiniteWP panel and click the “Add Website” button in the bottom left. This should bring you to a new website form.

现在,返回InfiniteWP面板,然后单击左下方的“添加网站”按钮。 这将带您进入新的网站表单。

You can paste the website information into this form. And now your WordPress website is connected to the admin panel!

您可以将网站信息粘贴到此表单中。 现在,您的WordPress网站已连接到管理面板!

Checking the connection is a breeze. You can click the WordPress icon in the bottom left to pull out the Websites Drawer. This will contain a list of WordPress websites you’ve linked to the InfiniteWP admin panel.

轻松检查连接。 您可以单击左下角的WordPress图标以拉出网站抽屉。 这将包含您已链接到InfiniteWP管理面板的WordPress网站列表。

Hovering over the name of one of your sites in the list will pop out an information panel next to it. Here, you’ll see several links. One lets you go straight to the WordPress admin panel for that site, one to start a post, one to do updates for that site, etc. You can also choose “Reload Data”, and see the progress of that operation in the Process Queue in the bottom right of the admin panel, as well as whether it succeeds or fails. If it succeeds, all is working well!

将鼠标悬停在列表中您站点之一的名称上,将在其旁边弹出一个信息面板。 在这里,您会看到几个链接。 一个可以让您直接进入该站点的WordPress管理面板,一个可以开始发布帖子,一个可以对该站点进行更新,等等。您还可以选择“重新加载数据”,然后在Process Queue中查看该操作的进度在管理面板的右下角,以及它是否成功。 如果成功,则一切正常!

运行更新或备份 (Running Updates or Backups)

Running updates and backups is a breeze with InfiniteWP. You have options to run specific updates on specific sites, to run them as groups, or to run all available updates.

使用InfiniteWP轻松运行更新和备份。 您可以选择在特定站点上运行特定更新,将它们作为组运行或运行所有可用更新。

具体更新 (Specific updates)

Particular updates can be run from the admin panel’s dashboard. You’ll see a list of your websites which have updates which need your attention. If you click one, it will break down into a list of necessary updates.

可以从管理面板的仪表板运行特定的更新。 您会看到网站列表,其中包含需要引起您注意的更新。 如果单击一个,它将分解为必要更新的列表。

This makes it easy to cherry-pick particular updates from the list and do only those updates for the selected site, one at a time.


批量更新 (Batch updates)

You can also do updates in a batch – for example, if you wish to simply update everything that can be updated on every site, you can just hit “Update All Sites” on the dashboard, and InfiniteWP will attempt to update the platform, plugins, and themes of every connected site and report on its success or failure in the Process Queue.

您也可以批量进行更新-例如,如果您只想更新每个站点上可以更新的所有内容,则可以点击仪表板上的“更新所有站点”,然后InfiniteWP将尝试更新平台,插件,以及每个已连接站点的主题,并在Process Queue中报告其成功或失败。

团体 (Groups)

Website can also be added to Groups in order to further segment your managed sites. This can be done by going to the Drawer, hovering over your site, and choosing “Edit Site Details”. On this screen, you will see an Assign to Groups option.

也可以将网站添加到组中,以进一步细分您管理的网站。 这可以通过以下方式完成:转到抽屉,将鼠标悬停在您的站点上,然后选择“编辑站点详细信息”。 在此屏幕上,您将看到“分配给组”选项。

After you have sites assigned to Groups, from the dashboard you can pick to show specific Groups rather than “All Websites” – and then use “Update All” to update all of the websites in that particular group.


There are many reasons you might wish to have Groups – here are a few ideas:


Production and Staging Groups. If your website management dictates that you have staging environments for each of your sites, you might wish to do batch updates to the staging environments first, to ensure there are no compatibility or other issues with the updates, before then proceeding to deploy the same updates to the production sites.

生产和暂存组。 如果您的网站管理部门指示每个站点都具有暂存环境,则可能希望先对暂存环境进行批处理更新,以确保更新不存在兼容性或其他问题,然后再继续部署相同的更新到生产现场。 Project type is another Group that might prove useful. Differentiating between your own projects and paying clients, for example, might be useful.

项目类型是另一个可能有用的组。 例如,区分您自己的项目和付费客户可能会很有用。 Another useful Group could be client types. You might have monthly maintenance clients, quarterly maintenance clients, clients who only want critical security updates, etc. The possibilities are endless!

另一个有用的组可以是客户端类型。 您可能有每月维护客户,每季度维护客户,只需要关键安全更新的客户,等等。可能性无穷无尽!

设定值 (Settings)

InfiniteWP has several different features that can be customized in the Settings panel.


Account settings allow you to change the administrator email, and setup email notifications (if a cron job is set up)

帐户设置可让您更改管理员电子邮件和设置电子邮件通知(如果设置了cron作业) App settings contain things like limits on requests, logging, and basic app level requests

应用程序设置包含诸如请求限制,日志记录和基本应用程序级别请求之类的内容 Security settings allow you to lock down InfiniteWP to allow access only from certain IPs, as well as a few other options.

安全设置允许您锁定InfiniteWP以仅允许从某些IP以及其他一些选项进行访问。 Email settings allow you to set up an email provider for alerts and messages from the admin panel.

电子邮件设置可让您设置电子邮件提供商,以便通过管理面板发送警报和消息。 Cron settings allow you to set up cron jobs to run updates on a schedule

通过Cron设置,您可以设置Cron作业以按计划运行更新 And lastly, you can also update the InfiniteWP app itself from the App Update settings


结论 (Conclusions)

When you are on the hunt for an easy way to manage multiple WordPress installations, take a look at InfiniteWP. It will save you a considerable amount of time when you do updates in batches, and the more sites you manage, the more valuable it becomes. The only thing you have to invest is a little setup time at the start, and you’ll be ready to start being more efficient with your WordPress multi-site management!

当您正在寻找一种管理多个WordPress安装的简便方法时,请查看InfiniteWP。 批量进行更新将为您节省大量时间,并且您管理的站点越多,它变得越有价值。 您唯一需要投资的就是开始时只需一点设置时间,并且您将准备好开始使用WordPress多站点管理提高效率!

Alternatively, you can let your hosting provider take care of WordPress maintenance. SiteGround offers automatic WordPress core and plugin updates, and automatic daily backups. SiteGround also makes backups before each automatic update and runs checks afterwards so that you can easily restore to the latest working version if something goes wrong.

另外,您可以让您的托管服务提供商负责WordPress维护。 SiteGround提供自动WordPress核心和插件更新,以及每日自动备份。 SiteGround还可以在每次自动更新之前进行备份,并在之后进行检查,以便在出现问题时可以轻松地还原到最新的工作版本。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/managing-wordpress-updates-with-infinitewp/
