wordpress ssl

tech2022-10-19  103

wordpress ssl

It’s relatively easy to enable SSL (HTTPS) on a WordPress website. Once you’ve purchased or enabled your SSL certificate on your web server, in theory all you need to do is update the home and site URL (in Dashboard > Settings, or using wp-config.php) and you’re done! In practice however, there can be a few stumbling blocks depending on how your site has been built and configured.

在WordPress网站上启用SSL(HTTPS)相对容易。 在Web服务器上购买或启用SSL证书后,从理论上讲,您需要做的就是更新主目录和站点URL(在“仪表板”>“设置”中或使用wp-config.php ),您就完成了! 但是实际上,根据站点的构建和配置方式,可能会有一些绊脚石。

Using SSL secures communication on your website using encryption, keeping traffic between web browser and web server private. Aside from the security benefits, it’s also strongly encouraged by search engines. SSL has even been a ranking factor since 2014.

使用SSL可以通过加密保护您网站上的通信,从而保持Web浏览器和Web服务器之间的通信私密。 除了安全性优势,搜索引擎还强烈鼓励它。 自2014年以来, SSL甚至一直是排名因素 。

For many years, web browsers have displayed padlocks and various icons to help users identify secure sites, these are now becoming more noticeable. SSL is an important trust factor, however if you need further convincing on why you should be using HTTPS rather than HTTP, check out a recent article on WP Tavern that reports that more than 50% of web traffic is now encrypted. They also dig into some of the current usage statistics.

多年来,Web浏览器显示了挂锁和各种图标来帮助用户识别安全站点,这些现在变得越来越引人注目。 SSL是一个重要的信任因素,但是,如果您需要进一步说服为什么应该使用HTTPS而不是HTTP, 请查阅WP Tavern上最近的一篇文章,该文章报告说现在有超过50%的Web流量已加密。 他们还挖掘了一些当前的使用情况统计信息。

In this article, I’ll cover some of the popular plugins that I’ve come across, and been recommended by others in the WordPress community. I’ll also list a few useful testing tools that have helped me when troubleshooting both client and server SSL related issues.

在本文中,我将介绍一些我遇到的流行插件,并受到WordPress社区中其他人的推荐。 我还将列出一些有用的测试工具,这些工具可以在对客户端和服务器SSL相关问题进行故障排除时为我提供帮助。

It’s worth noting that all modern web browsers are equipped with “Developer Tools”, including several that can assist with SSL and certificate problems.


WordPress的SSL插件 (SSL Plugins for WordPress)

All of these plugins require you to have an SSL certificate successfully installed on hosting environment. They can help with fixing mixed content issues, however I’ve found there isn’t a silver bullet, which is why I’ve listed several for you to research and test.

所有这些插件都要求您在托管环境中成功安装SSL证书。 他们可以帮助解决混合内容问题,但是我发现并没有灵丹妙药,这就是为什么我列出了几个供您研究和测试的原因。

WP Force SSL (WP Force SSL)

Active Installs: 20,000+ Rating: 4.8 out of 5 stars Last Updated: 6 months ago Link: https://en-au.wordpress.org/plugins/wp-force-ssl/

有效安装次数:20,000 +评分:4.8星(满分5星)最近更新:6个月前链接: https ://en-au.wordpress.org/plugins/wp-force-ssl/

轻松的HTTPS重定向 (Easy HTTPS Redirection)

Active Installs: 20,000+ Rating: 3.8 out of 5 stars Last Updated: 2 weeks ago Link: https://en-au.wordpress.org/plugins/https-redirection/

有效安装次数:20,000 +评分:3.8星(满分5星)最近更新:2周前链接: https ://en-au.wordpress.org/plugins/https-redirection/

真正简单的SSL (Really Simple SSL)

Active Installs: 100,000+ Rating: 4.8 out of 5 stars Last Updated: 6 days ago Link: https://en-au.wordpress.org/plugins/really-simple-ssl/

有效安装次数:100,000 +评分:4.8星(满分5星)最近更新:6天前链接: https : //en-au.wordpress.org/plugins/really-simple-ssl/

SSL不安全内容修复程序 (SSL Insecure Content Fixer)

Active Installs: 60,000+ Rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars Last Updated: 1 week ago Link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/ssl-insecure-content-fixer/

有效安装次数:60,000+评分:4.9星(满分5星)最近更新:1周前链接: https ://wordpress.org/plugins/ssl-insecure-content-fixer/

SSL故障排除工具 (SSL Troubleshooting Tools)

SSL problems can stem from either your website itself, or the web server. Using the tools below should help point you in the right direction and give you more information on what to look at next.

SSL问题可能源于您的网站本身或Web服务器。 使用下面的工具应该有助于您找到正确的方向,并为您提供更多有关下一步的信息。

Qualys SSL实验室 (Qualys SSL Labs)

Qualys have several SSL tools available, their SSL Server Test is one of the most popular. This tool checks your web server and SSL configuration for any issues. It also gives a score based on the configuration of your web server and SSL implementation.

Qualys有几种可用的SSL工具,其SSL服务器测试是最受欢迎的工具之一。 该工具检查您的Web服务器和SSL配置是否存在任何问题。 它还根据您的Web服务器的配置和SSL实施给出分数。

They also offer a client testing tool (https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/viewMyClient.html) which reports on the security capabilities of your web browser. This can be useful, especially if you’re working with older browsers, which can be problematic when it comes to SSL.

他们还提供了客户端测试工具( https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/viewMyClient.html ),该工具报告了Web浏览器的安全功能。 这可能很有用,尤其是在使用较旧的浏览器时,这在SSL方面可能会出现问题。

Link: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/

链接: https : //www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/

为什么没有挂锁 (Why No Padlock)

Why No Padlock is a quick and easy way to check for assets referenced using HTTP causing mixed content issues. Your web browser can give you the same information, but this can be handy when working with colleagues or clients, since it’s remotely hosted and provides a simple report.

为什么没有挂锁是一种快速简便的方法来检查使用HTTP引用的资产而导致混合内容问题。 您的Web浏览器可以为您提供相同的信息,但是与同事或客户一起使用时可以方便使用,因为它是远程托管的,并且提供简单的报告。

Mixed content issues are some of the most common SSL problems you’ll run into. Even if you’ve done everything correctly, using a poorly developed plugin, or embedding code from the third party can sometimes introduce elements with hard coded assets served over HTTP.

混合内容问题是您会遇到的一些最常见的SSL问题。 即使您已正确完成所有操作,使用开发不良的插件或嵌入第三方的代码,有时也可能会引入具有通过HTTP服务的硬编码资产的元素。

Link: https://www.whynopadlock.com/

链接: https : //www.whynopadlock.com/

SSL购物者 (SSL Shopper)

This tool is great for reporting on SSL certificate configuration and installation problems. It’s a simple check, but quite often it’s exactly the information you need to highlight the root cause of an SSL related problem.

该工具非常适合报告SSL证书配置和安装问题。 这是一个简单的检查,但是很多时候,这恰恰是突出显示SSL相关问题的根本原因所需的信息。

Link: https://www.sslshopper.com/

链接: https : //www.sslshopper.com/

结论 (Conclusion)

SSL/HTTPS can be a complex topic, but luckily you don’t need to get your hands too dirty to start using it. There’s a wealth of plugins, guides and troubleshooting tools on the web to help get you up and running.

SSL / HTTPS可能是一个复杂的话题,但是幸运的是,您不需要太费力就可以开始使用它。 网络上有大量的插件,指南和故障排除工具,可帮助您启动并运行。

If you have any other useful tools or plugins you’d recommend, please let us know in the comments below.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-ssl-plugins-to-make-switching-to-https-easier/

wordpress ssl
