
tech2022-10-19  113

As website code becomes more complicated and repetitive steps that just beg for optimization become ever more commonplace, there should be a better and more efficient development process out there.


In this tutorial, I’ll introduce Gulp, and how to integrate it with WordPress theming to automate and enhance the theme development process by putting together an automated workflow.


为什么需要自动化开发流程 (Why You Need to Automate Your Development Workflow)

Workflow optimization can be incredibly beneficial and rewarding for your development process. Here are some of the reasons to give it a go:

工作流程优化可能对您的开发过程非常有益,并为您带来回报。 以下是一些原因:

It removes all those repetitive and boring tasks, replacing them with custom tools.

它删除了所有那些重复性和无聊的任务,将其替换为自定义工具。 It saves a lot of time for doing other important core development work.

这样可以节省大量时间进行其他重要的核心开发工作。 It helps optimizes your website for performance by minifying and optimizing all assets.


您需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

WordPress installed on your development machine.


Node.js and npm installed.

已安装Node.js和npm 。

Command line basic knowledge.


Gulp简介 (Introduction to Gulp)

Gulp is a JavaScript task runner that will help automate time-consuming tasks like CSS compressing, Sass compiling, image optimization and browser reloading.


Gulp gives you the tools to do various actions automatically after certain trigger events. For example, consider the following scenarios:

Gulp为您提供了在某些触发事件发生后自动执行各种操作的工具。 例如,请考虑以下情形:

Every time you save a Sass file, Gulp will compile Sass and output a minified CSS file.

每次保存Sass文件时,Gulp都会编译Sass并输出一个缩小CSS文件。 When you add a new image to a folder, Gulp will optimize this image and move it to a new dedicated folder.

当您将新图像添加到文件夹时,Gulp将优化该图像并将其移至新的专用文件夹。 When you save a PHP or a Sass file, Gulp will automatically reload the browser.


Gulp设置 (Gulp Setup)

First, you need to install Gulp globally in your system. Later, I will show you how to install it as a package inside your theme.

首先,您需要在系统中全局安装Gulp 。 稍后,我将向您展示如何将其作为软件包安装在主题中。

Assuming Node.js is installed, open the command line tool, then install Gulp using npm via:


npm install gulp -g

Now, run gulp -v (Gulp’s version command) to test that Gulp is installed correctly. You should get output similar to:

现在,运行gulp -v (Gulp的version命令)以测试Gulp的安装正确。 您应该获得类似于以下内容的输出:

➜ ~ gulp -v [09:33:59] CLI version 3.9.1

主题设定 (Theme Setup)

In this tutorial, I will use Underscores as the base theme. To download it, navigate to underscores.me, generate a new theme and give it a name like “gulp-wordpress”, download it to the WordPress themes directory, then activate it from the dashboard.

在本教程中,我将使用Underscores作为基本主题。 要下载它,请导航至underscores.me ,生成一个新主题,并为其命名,如“ gulp-wordpress”,然后将其下载到WordPress主题目录,然后从仪表板将其激活。

From the command line, navigate to the gulp-wordpress directory where you have added the theme, for example in my case:


cd ~/www/wordpress/wp-content/themes/gulp-wordpress

Next, run the npm init command and follow a few simple steps to create a package.json file which will include some information about the theme and the packages that will be installed later.

接下来,运行npm init命令,并按照几个简单步骤创建package.json文件,其中将包含有关主题和稍后将安装的软件包的一些信息。

After finishing up the steps, you will have a starting file that looks similar to this:


{ "name": "gulp-wordpress", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "WordPress Theme Development Automation with Gulp", "author": "Name" }

Next, install Gulp as a development dependency:


npm install gulp --save-dev

A node_modules directory is now created containing Gulp package source files, and your package.json file has been updated to include Gulp as a development dependency.


{ "name": "gulp-wordpress", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "WordPress Theme Development Automation with Gulp", "author": "Author Name", "devDependencies": { "gulp": "^3.9.1" } }

Some Gulp tasks like gulp-autoprefixer require ES6-style Promises support so that you can install the es6-promise polyfill, and then require it at the top of the gulpfile.js as we will do next.

一些Gulp任务(例如gulp-autoprefixer)需要ES6风格的Promises支持,以便您可以安装es6-promise polyfill ,然后在gulpfile.js的顶部将其gulpfile.js就像我们接下来要做的那样。

npm install es6-promise --save-dev

The last step to configure Gulp is to create an empty gulpfile.js configuration file, which will be used to define Gulp tasks such as JavaScript and Sass.


The gulpfile.js starter file will look like this:


require('es6-promise').polyfill(); var gulp = require('gulp'); // default task gulp.task('default');

What we have done above is:


Required the es6-promise polyfill on top of the file, then we have imported in gulp.

在文件顶部要求使用es6-promise ,然后我们就用es6-promise导入了。

Created a default task.


To make sure that Gulp is running and everything is done perfectly, run gulp in the command line to execute the default task created in the gulpfile.js file. The output should be similar to:

为了确保咕嘟咕嘟运行,一切都完全可以做到的,运行gulp在命令行中执行default创建的任务gulpfile.js文件。 输出应类似于:

[09:48:23] Using gulpfile ~/www/wordpress/wp-content/themes/gulp-wordpress/gulpfile.js [16:33:13] Starting 'default'... [16:33:13] Finished 'default' after 58 μs

使用Gulp任务加速开发 (Speeding up Development with Gulp Tasks)

At this point, the theme is ready for new tasks, and it’s time to go through some common tasks that you can use to speed up your theme development.


使用CSS(Sass) (Working with CSS (Sass))

If you are using Sass to write CSS, two main things needed to be automated, the first one is to compile Sass to CSS, the second is to use autoprefixer to add vendor prefixes to your CSS. Also note that I’m using Sass as an example, if you prefer another option like Less for example, you can find a Gulp plugin for it too.

如果您使用Sass编写CSS,则需要自动化两个主要方面,第一个是将Sass编译为CSS,第二个是使用autoprefixer将供应商前缀添加到CSS。 还要注意,我以Sass为例,如果您喜欢其他选项(例如Less) ,也可以找到一个Gulp插件。

First, install gulp-sass and gulp-autoprefixer.

首先,安装gulp-autoprefixer gulp-sass和gulp-autoprefixer 。

npm install gulp-sass gulp-autoprefixer --save-dev

The next step is to create a Sass directory with a basic structure.


├── sass │ └── style.scss

The style.scss file is the main starting point, you are free to create your Sass architecture and import other components, modules, functions inside it based on your preference.


The first few lines will be the stylesheet header required by WordPress.

前几行将是WordPress所需的样式表标题 。

/* Theme Name: Gulp WordPress Theme URI: http://example.com/ Author: Author Name Author URI: http://example.com/ Description: Description Version: 1.0.0 License: License URI: Text Domain: gulp-wordpress */ body { color: #333; background-color: #fff; }

The next step is to create a sass task that will do the following things:


Compile and autoprefix Sass.


Build a style.css file, which is the final CSS file used by WordPress.


require('es6-promise').polyfill(); var gulp = require('gulp'); var sass = require('gulp-sass'); var autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer'); gulp.task('sass', function() { return gulp.src('./sass/**/*.scss') .pipe(sass()) .pipe(autoprefixer()) .pipe(gulp.dest('./')) }); gulp.task('default', ['sass']);

Now, run the gulp sass task directly from the command line, this will compile the style.scss file, and build a new style.css file in the theme root.

现在,直接从命令行运行gulp sass任务,这将编译style.scss文件,并在主题根目录中构建一个新的style.css文件。

Another way to run sass, is to pass the task name as a second parameter to the default task as I did above, so by running gulp, the sass task will be executed.

运行sass另一种方法是,像上面一样,将任务名称作为第二个参数传递给default任务,因此通过运行gulp ,将执行sass任务。

A good WordPress practice is to include the CSS table of contents in the final CSS file at the top just after the stylesheet header, and then add a CSS comment before any code or import related to the section.


Note that the comment is a standard CSS style comment like (/*----- 1.0 Normalize -----*/), and not a Sass comment like (//----- 1.0 Normalize -----). This is important because this comment needs to be to exist in the final CSS file, but with a Sass style comment it will be hidden by the Sass compiler. Also, note that this is used in the stylesheet header and the table of contents.

请注意,该注释是标准CSS样式注释,例如( /*----- 1.0 Normalize -----*/ ),而不是Sass注释,例如( //----- 1.0 Normalize ----- )。 这很重要,因为此注释必须存在于最终CSS文件中,但是具有Sass样式的注释将被Sass编译器隐藏。 另外,请注意,这在样式表标题和目录中使用。

The following is an example of the style.scss file containing the table of content, and some imports to external sass files.


/* Stylesheet Header ... */ /*-------------------- >>> TABLE OF CONTENTS: ---------------------- 1.0 Normalize 2.0 Typography 3.0 Icons 4.0 Components --------------------*/ /*----- 1.0 Normalize -----*/ @import 'normalize'; /*----- 2.0 Typography -----*/ @import 'typography';

To automate generating the rtl.css file automatically, the gulp-rtlcss plugin can be used to auto convert LTR (left to right) CSS to RTL (right to left), so you can write Sass in one file then Gulp will generate two CSS files, the first is style.css file, and the second is a rtl.css file.


The idea behind gulp-rtlcss is to convert all the CSS properties like floats, text-align, text direction, and other properties from left to right.

gulp-rtlcss背后的想法是gulp-rtlcss转换所有CSS属性,例如float,text-align,text direction和其他属性。

The second plugin is gulp-rename which will rename the file to rtl.css automatically.

第二个插件是gulp-rename ,它将自动将文件重命名为rtl.css 。

npm install gulp-rtlcss gulp-rename --save-dev

The next step is to include the newly installed plugins at the top of gulpfile.js file, and modify the sass task to use rtlcss() after the style.css is generated to do the conversion.

下一步是将新安装的插件包括在gulpfile.js文件的顶部,并在生成style.css进行转换后,将sass任务修改为使用rtlcss() 。

In this step, the plugin will convert all the CSS properties like floats and text direction from left to right, then rename the file to rtl.css, and then output the file to the theme root:

在此步骤中,插件将从左到右转换所有CSS属性,例如float和文本方向,然后将文件重命名为rtl.css ,然后将文件输出到主题根目录:

var rtlcss = require('gulp-rtlcss'); var rename = require('gulp-rename'); gulp.task('sass', function() { return gulp.src('./sass/*.scss') .pipe(sass()) .pipe(autoprefixer()) .pipe(gulp.dest('./')) // Output LTR stylesheets (style.css) .pipe(rtlcss()) // Convert to RTL .pipe(rename({ basename: 'rtl' })) // Rename to rtl.css .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); // Output RTL stylesheets (rtl.css) });

Run gulp sass, and you will have style.css and rtl.css files generated.

运行gulp sass ,您将生成style.css和rtl.css文件。

To read more about Sass structure, and how to use it with Gulp, have a read of the following:


Architecture for a Sass Project


A Simple Gulp’y Workflow For Sass


观看文件 (Watching Files)

Instead of running gulp sass whenever you change a Sass file, a new task is required to do this automatically for you.

无需在更改Sass文件时运行gulp sass而是需要执行新任务来自动为您执行此操作。

The watch task will be used to view any changes made to a file, so once that file has changed, it will run another action. For example, when you save a Sass file, then the sass task should run automatically.

watch任务将用于查看对文件所做的任何更改,因此,一旦该文件发生更改,它将运行另一个操作。 例如,当您保存Sass文件时, sass任务应自动运行。

Inside our gulpfile.js file, add a new watch task to watch for any changes in the /sass directory, then run the sass task. The next step is to update the default task with the watch task.

在我们的gulpfile.js文件中,添加一个新的watch任务以监视/sass目录中的任何更改,然后运行sass任务。 下一步是使用监视任务更新default任务。

gulp.task('watch', function() { gulp.watch('./sass/**/*.scss', ['sass']); }); gulp.task('default', ['sass', 'watch']);

Now you can run gulp in the command line to execute sass task first then the watch task will continue working after that.


错误处理 (Error Handling)

Sometimes while you are writing code, you might write an undefined Sass variable while in the middle of work. While you are watching files, Gulp will break because the particular task can’t compile that variable, this is annoying because you have to start Gulp again to continue working.

有时在编写代码时,您可能会在工作中编写未定义的Sass变量。 当您查看文件时,Gulp会中断,因为特定的任务无法编译该变量,这很烦人,因为您必须再次启动Gulp才能继续工作。

You can fix this by using gulp-plumber plugin, which will prevent Gulp breaking caused by errors.


To improve error handling, install the gulp-util utility functions package to customize the error message, add beep sound once the error occurred, plus adding colors to the error message which is useful identifying the error.


npm install gulp-plumber gulp-util --save-dev var plumber = require('gulp-plumber'); var gutil = require('gulp-util'); var onError = function (err) { console.log('An error occurred:', gutil.colors.magenta(err.message)); gutil.beep(); this.emit('end'); }; gulp.task('sass', function() { return gulp.src('./sass/*.scss') .pipe(plumber({ errorHandler: onError })) // // });

What has been done above:


Added an onError function to log the error message, and create a beep sound.


Updated the sass task to use the plumber function, then passed the onError function to the errorHandler object property.


By doing this you can know exactly what’s happening with errors and in which file. Most importantly, it will also prevent Gulp from stopping!

通过执行此操作,您可以准确了解发生了什么错误以及在哪个文件中发生了什么。 最重要的是,它也可以防止Gulp停止!

An example of an undefined Sass variable $color.


JavaScript (JavaScript)

For working with JavaScript, there are different tools that can speed up and improve your accompanying JavaScript development workflow, for example:


Concatenating many JavaScript files into a single file.

将许多JavaScript文件串联为一个文件。 Checking code errors with JSHint.

使用JSHint检查代码错误。 Minifying code to get a much smaller file size.


You can install these plugins as following:


To concatenate files:


npm install gulp-concat --save-dev

To validate JavaScript:


npm install gulp-jshint --save-dev

To minify code:


npm install gulp-uglify --save-dev

Next, inside the gulpfile.js file, we require the newly installed plugins and add a new js task.


var concat = require('gulp-concat'); var jshint = require('gulp-jshint'); var uglify = require('gulp-uglify'); gulp.task('js', function() { return gulp.src(['./js/*.js']) .pipe(jshint()) .pipe(jshint.reporter('default')) .pipe(concat('app.js')) .pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'})) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(gulp.dest('./js')) });

This task takes any file that ends with .js inside the ./js directory, checks for code errors with jshint, then concatenates them into app.js, and as we need a minified output, it is time to rename the file to app.min.js. We then minify the code, and in the last step, output the file to the ./js directory.

此任务将在./js目录中获取任何以.js结尾的文件,使用./js检查代码错误,然后将其连接到app.js ,并且由于我们需要缩小的输出,现在该将该文件重命名为app.min.js 然后,我们将代码压缩为最小,并在最后一步中,将文件输出到./js目录。

At this point, you’ll want to create a .jshintrc configuration file in the theme root, which is a simple JSON file that specifies which JSHint options to turn on or off, for example:


{ "undef": true, "unused": true, "browser": true }

undef: Warns when you use a variable that was not declared.

undef :当您使用未声明的变量时发出警告。

unused: Warns when defining a variable and never using it.

unused :定义变量且从不使用时发出警告。

browser: Defines globals exposed by modern browsers, like navigator and document.

browser :定义现代浏览器(如navigator和document公开的全局变量。

JSHint comes with a whole series of options that you can use based on your preference.

JSHint附带了一系列选项 ,您可以根据自己的喜好使用它们。

Now, run gulp js from the command line (or terminal). A new app.min.js file will be generated which will be used later in the theme.

现在,从命令行(或终端)运行gulp js 。 将生成一个新的app.min.js文件,该文件稍后将在主题中使用。

By default, the _underscore theme includes customizer.js, navigation.js, and skip-link-focus-fix.js files under the /js directory.

默认情况下, _underscore主题在/js目录下包含customizer.js , navigation.js和skip-link-focus-fix.js文件。

If you only need to include specific files, you can add them inside the gulp.src array as:


gulp.task('js', function() { return gulp.src([ './js/navigation.js', './js/skip-link-focus-fix.js' ]) });

The code above will do all the operations on those two files. If you need to add another new file you can append it to the array.

上面的代码将对这两个文件执行所有操作。 如果您需要添加另一个新文件,则可以将其附加到数组中。

You can also update the watch task to watch changes to any JavaScipt file, and also update the default task to run the js actions automatically when running gulp, just as we did with Sass.


gulp.task('watch', function() { gulp.watch('./sass/**/*.scss', ['sass']); gulp.watch('./js/*.js', ['js']); }); gulp.task('default', ['sass', 'js', 'watch']);

Inside the functions.php theme file, enqueue the generated app.min.js file as:


wp_enqueue_script( 'gulp-wordpress-javascript', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/app.min.js', array(), '20151215', true );

You can remove other enqueued JavaScript files as they already concatenated and minified into a single file. In the current state of HTTP, including one file rather than many will speed up and improve website performance.

您可以删除其他已排队JavaScript文件,因为它们已经串联并缩小为一个文件。 在HTTP的当前状态下,仅包含一个文件而不是多个文件将加快并提高网站性能。

The enqueue scripts function inside functions.php file will end up to looking similar to:


/** * Enqueue scripts and styles. */ function gulp_wordpress_scripts() { wp_enqueue_style( 'gulp-wordpress-style', get_stylesheet_uri() ); wp_enqueue_script( 'gulp-wordpress-javascript', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/app.min.js', array(), '20151215', true ); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'gulp_wordpress_scripts' );

图片 (Images)

Let’s now try to optimize images with Gulp, by doing this we will ensure that all the used pictures in the theme are automatically optimized for speed. To make this automation easier, you can set up a Gulp task to watch the images directory, and once you drag an image there, gulp will optimize it and move it to another folder for optimized and ready to use images.

现在,让我们尝试使用Gulp优化图像,这样做将确保自动优化主题中所有使用的图像。 为了使这种自动化更加容易,您可以设置一个Gulp任务来查看图像目录,一旦将图像拖到那里,gulp就会对其进行优化并将其移动到另一个文件夹中以进行优化并准备使用图像。

Create two folders:


/images/src: Source folder contains the original images.

/images/src :源文件夹包含原始图像。

/images/dest: Destination folder contains the optimized images.

/images/dest :目标文件夹包含优化的图像。

Install gulp-imagemin to minify PNG, JPEG, GIF, and SVG images.


npm install gulp-imagemin --save-dev

Create a new task (images), that will watch images located in the source folder (/images/src), optimize them, and move them to the optimized folder (/images/dest).

创建一个新任务( images ),它将监视位于源文件夹( /images/src )中的/images/src ,对其进行优化,然后将其移动到优化的文件夹( /images/dest )中。

var imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin'); gulp.task('images', function() { return gulp.src('./images/src/*') .pipe(plumber({errorHandler: onError})) .pipe(imagemin({optimizationLevel: 7, progressive: true})) .pipe(gulp.dest('./images/dist')); });

You can also watch the /images/src folder, so that every time you drag a new image there, the images task will run. Also, update the default task to run the images action.

您还可以观看/images/src文件夹,以便每次在其中拖动新图像时, images任务都会运行。 另外,更新default任务以运行images操作。

gulp.task('watch', function() { // gulp.watch('images/src/*', ['images']); }); gulp.task('default', ['sass', 'js', 'images', 'watch']);

使用BrowserSync刷新浏览器 (Browser Refresh with BrowserSync)

What if you want to refresh the browser after any code changes whether the code is PHP, Sass, or JavaScript? What if you are testing with more than one browser or mobile device? You will have to hit the refresh button on every single screen. BrowserSync will help in doing this effectively and automatically!

如果无论代码是PHP,Sass还是JavaScript,在更改任何代码后想要刷新浏览器怎么办? 如果要使用多个浏览器或移动设备进行测试怎么办? 您将必须在每个屏幕上都单击刷新按钮。 BrowserSync将帮助您有效而自动地做到这一点!

First, you’ll need to install BrowserSync as a development dependency.


npm install browser-sync --save-dev

Next, require BrowserSync inside your gulpfile.js file, and update the watch task to include BrowserSync:


var browserSync = require('browser-sync').create(); var reload = browserSync.reload; gulp.task('watch', function() { browserSync.init({ files: ['./**/*.php'], proxy: 'http://localhost:8888/wordpress/', }); gulp.watch('./sass/**/*.scss', ['sass', reload]); gulp.watch('./js/*.js', ['js', reload]); gulp.watch('images/src/*', ['images', reload]); });

Notice that you will need to update the proxy option to the local development URL. For example, if your local URL is localhost:8888/wordpress, update the proxy value above with that.

请注意,您将需要将proxy选项更新为本地开发URL。 例如,如果您的本地URL是localhost:8888/wordpress ,则使用它更新上面的代理值。

As BrowserSync can watch your files as you work, for example, I configured the task to watch any changes to PHP files.


I also updated the sass, js, and images watch tasks to reload the page if any changes happened to the files, or the content of the images folder has changed.

如果文件发生任何更改,或者images文件夹的内容已更改,我还更新了sass , js和images监视任务以重新加载页面。

Now, you can run gulp, a new tab will be opened automatically in the browser to the localhost URL, and your console will look something like this:

现在,您可以运行gulp ,将在浏览器中自动打开一个新标签页,指向localhost URL,您的控制台将如下所示:

[BS] Access URLs: -------------------------------------------- Local: http://localhost:3000/wordpress/ External: -------------------------------------------- UI: http://localhost:3001 UI External: --------------------------------------------

You can use the External URL in any device connected to the same network, so in every change browserSync will reload all the browsers.

您可以在连接到同一网络的任何设备中使用外部 URL,因此在每次更改中,browserSync都会重新加载所有浏览器。

The UI External URL is used for the Browsersync control panel, which allows you to change sync options, manage devices.

UI外部 URL用于Browsersync控制面板,它使您可以更改同步选项,管理设备。

结论 (Conclusion)

As you’ve seen, working with automation tools is incredibly valuable and can improve the speed of the development process. There are lots of Gulp plugins out there you can try and use based on your requirements, so there is anything that could be automated to save time, do so!

如您所见,使用自动化工具非常有价值,并且可以提高开发过程的速度。 您可以根据自己的需求尝试使用许多Gulp插件 ,因此可以自动节省时间!

I’ve created a GitHub repo for this article’s WordPress theme and you can check out the code here. Let me know if you use any Gulp plugins in your development process that makes your life easier.

我已经为本文的WordPress主题创建了GitHub存储库, 您可以在此处查看代码 。 让我知道您是否在开发过程中使用了任何Gulp插件,从而使您的生活更轻松。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-theme-automation-with-gulp/
