
tech2022-10-20  111


This article was sponsored by Elegant Themes. Thank you for supporting the sponsors who make SitePoint possible.

本文由“ 优雅主题”赞助。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的赞助商。

If you’ve ever created a website, you know there’s a fine line between ease and power. Simple website design platforms like Wix, Weebly, or Squarespace allow for simple drag-and-drop editing, but they don’t offer much power or flexibility. They don’t have the massive plugin library of WordPress and you’re forced to work within the rather strict limitations of the platform. WordPress offers maximum flexibility and plugins, but it lacks the simplicity of drag-and-drop editing.

如果您曾经创建过一个网站,那么您就会知道在易用性和功能性之间有一条很好的界限。 Wix,Weebly或Squarespace等简单的网站设计平台允许进行简单的拖放编辑,但它们并没有提供强大的功能或灵活性。 他们没有大量的WordPress插件库,因此您不得不在平台的严格限制下工作。 WordPress提供了最大的灵活性和插件,但是缺少拖放编辑的简单性。

What if there were a way to combine both simplicity and power?


Now there is with the new Divi 3 theme from Elegant Themes.

现在有来自优雅主题的新Divi 3主题。

真正的所见即所得体验 (A True WYSIWYG Experience)

Divi 3 is a WordPress theme built using React and Flux, which allows it to be customized using a robust visual builder. When you activate the visual builder, you can instantly make changes to your site and see them exactly as they’ll appear live.

Divi 3是使用React和Flux构建的WordPress主题,可使用强大的视觉生成器对其进行自定义。 激活可视化构建器后,您可以立即对网站进行更改,并完全看到它们的实时显示。

No more working in cluttered style sheets or digging through files. The visual builder truly is a WYSIWYG interface which allows you to instantly drag, drop, type in new text, resize, copy, paste, delete and duplicate. It’s as if the page itself is alive.

不再需要处理混乱的样式表或浏览文件。 视觉生成器确实是一个所见即所得的界面,使您可以立即拖放,输入新文本,调整大小,复制,粘贴,删除和复制。 好像页面本身还活着。

Additionally, Divi 3 includes 40 modules which can literally be dropped anywhere on a page. These elements include bar counters, blogs, audio, buttons, blurbs, and a rich variety of others. These elements don’t need to be dragged and dropped from a dock because they are always available and easily accessible. You are in complete control of the content and layout of your site and you don’t need to be a web developer to customize the look and feel.

另外,Divi 3包括40个模块,可以从字面上将其放置在页面上的任何位置。 这些元素包括酒吧柜台,博客,音频,按钮,blurbs以及其他各种元素。 这些元素不需要从底座上拖放,因为它们始终可用并且易于访问。 您完全可以控制网站的内容和布局,而无需成为Web开发人员即可自定义外观。

Once you’ve laid out the page, you can change colors, fonts, add margins, add background images, enable parallax elements, and much more. With Divi 3, you can style to your heart’s content.

布置页面后,您可以更改颜色,字体,添加页边距,添加背景图像,启用视差元素等等。 借助Divi 3,您可以根据自己的喜好设计风格。

起泡速度 (Blistering Speed)

The Divi 3 visual builder is also one of the fastest website building experiences you’ll find. There are almost no page refreshes or Ajax loading bars. In fact, no traditional loading of any kind is used, and all changes happen almost instantly.

Divi 3视觉生成器也是您会发现的最快的网站构建体验之一。 几乎没有页面刷新或Ajax加载栏。 实际上,没有使用任何传统的加载方式,并且所有更改几乎都是即时发生的。

Additionally, thanks to the “Invisible Interface” design of the visual builder, you work in a clean, open space, uncluttered by unnecessary lines, headers, or grids. There are no floating headers or sidebars to obscure your vision or screenspace and some people don’t even realize they’re in the visual builder when they initially load it.

此外,得益于可视化构建器的“不可见界面”设计,您可以在干净,开放的空间中工作,避免不必要的线条,标题或网格的干扰。 没有浮动的标题或侧边栏来遮盖您的视觉或屏幕空间,有些人甚至在最初加载它们时都没有意识到它们在视觉生成器中。

致力于未来 (Committed to The Future)

We are committed to the future of the web, which is why we spent time building this theme from the ground up using React and Flux. Being committed to the future means building truly elegant themes that are both powerful and simple to use. We believe we achieved that with the Divi 3 theme.

我们致力于网络的未来,这就是为什么我们花时间使用React和Flux从头开始构建这个主题的原因。 致力于未来意味着建立真正强大而又易于使用的优雅主题。 我们相信我们通过Divi 3主题实现了这一目标。

For more information on Divi 3, click here.

有关Divi 3的更多信息, 请单击此处 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/divi-3-0-from-elegant-themes-is-the-ultimate-marriage-of-power-and-simplicity/


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