
tech2022-10-29  97


We all know that WordPress is the great solution for DIY websites. Virtually any small business can utilize the software to be up and running with a fully functioning site in a short amount of time.

我们都知道WordPress是DIY网站的绝佳解决方案。 实际上,任何小型企业都可以在短时间内利用该软件在功能齐全的站点上启动和运行。

If you are taking the DIY route, however, you are probably seeking to minimize costs. You aren’t looking to tack on a bunch of $50 per month services. You need results now.

但是,如果您采用DIY路线,则可能正在寻求将成本降至最低。 您并不想增加每月50美元的服务费用。 您现在需要结果。

In my opinion, and trust me on this, I wouldn’t use a free WordPress theme. If you have any interest in making money from your site, a one-time payment of $50-100 is NOTHING compared to the value you’ll get from one of the themes listed below. Plus, if you’re not a developer, the support you’ll get with a premium theme is easily worth over $100 all by itself.

我认为并相信我,我不会使用免费的WordPress主题。 如果您有兴趣从自己的网站上赚钱,那么与您从以下主题之一获得的价值相比,一次性支付50到100美元是不算什么。 另外,如果您不是开发人员,那么通过高级主题获得的支持本身价值就很容易超过100美元。

If your goal is immediate conversions, you need a WordPress theme with a well-designed, built-in landing page. This will allow you to start selling right “out of the box” without needing to design and setup a custom or third-party landing page, which will run you way more than $50.

如果您的目标是立即进行转换,则需要具有精心设计的内置目标网页的WordPress主题。 这样一来,您就可以直接“开箱即用”地开始销售,而无需设计和设置自定义或第三方着陆页,这将使您的收入超过50美元。

The following WordPress themes will give you everything you need to start making money with your site. Each includes a customizable homepage that is designed to convert. I use these themes for the vast majority of my clients as well as my own personal sites.

以下WordPress主题将为您提供开始利用网站赚钱所需的一切。 每个页面都包含一个旨在进行转换的可定制主页。 我将这些主题用于绝大多数客户以及自己的个人网站。

Let’s get started!


StudioPress的Genesis Altitude Pro主题 (Genesis Altitude Pro Theme by StudioPress)

If you want great simple themes, anything on the Genesis Framework from StudioPress is a great way to go. Their last few themes, however, have added stellar conversion-focused homepages to the mix for a more complete theme.

如果您想要出色的简单主题,那么StudioPress的Genesis Framework上的任何内容都是不错的选择。 然而,他们的最后几个主题为混合主题添加了以转换为主的恒星首页,从而使主题更加完整。

Altitude Pro allows you to create a stunning hero shot like what you see above. It’s ideal for selling online courses and pre-tailored for a deeper, more earthy color scheme.

Altitude Pro可让您像上面看到的那样创建令人惊叹的英雄镜头。 它是销售在线课程的理想选择,并且是针对更深,更朴实的配色方案预先量身定制的。

2. StudioPress的Genesis Digital Pro Theme (2. Genesis Digital Pro Theme by StudioPress)

Digital Pro is another Genesis theme that looks amazing. Contrasting with Altitude Pro, Digital Pro offers a sleek, modern template ideal for businesses in the technology space.

Digital Pro是另一个Genesis主题,看起来很棒。 与Altitude Pro相比,Digital Pro提供了时尚,现代的模板,非常适合技术领域中的企业。

This theme requires you to follow the documentation from StudioPress in order to set it up correctly, but if you are able to read and follow directions, you’ll have zero problems. StudioPress documentation is second to none.

此主题要求您遵循StudioPress的文档以正确进行设置,但是如果您能够阅读和遵循说明,那么您的问题将为零。 StudioPress文档是首屈一指的。

3.折叠多用途(启动)主题,作者:Kriesi (3. Enfold Multipurpose (Startup) Theme by Kriesi)

The Enfold Multipurpose theme can be configured into a ridiculous number of layouts and looks. With one of the most advanced builders in existence, setting it up is as easy as point and click.

可以将“折叠多功能”主题配置为许多荒谬的布局和外观。 有了现有的最先进的构建器之一,设置起来就很简单。

Enfold has been downloaded an unbelievable 83,000+ times from ThemeForest.net and is the perfect theme for a WordPress newbie looking to get a pro-looking website live in a limited timeframe.


4. ShapingRain的JustLanded主题 (4. JustLanded Theme by ShapingRain)

While many brands these days are looking for a more sleek, modern look, this design style tends to throw off a more creative vibe.


JustLanded is the perfect theme for businesses wanting to display a more linear professionalism to incoming visitors. It has a “professional services” styling but updated for the modern world – perfect for businesses in the career space or those dealing with an older demographic.

对于那些希望向来访者展示更线性的专业精神的企业,JustLanded是一个完美的主题。 它具有“专业服务”风格,但已针对现代世界进行了更新–非常适合职业领域中的企业或与年龄较大的人群打交道的企业。

5. Maskan的Berg多用途(创意)主题 (5. Berg Multipurpose (Creative) Theme by Maskan)

Another clean, modern, multipurpose theme, Berg allows even beginner WordPress users to get the look of a high-end website. Berg’s many themes and layout options make it a one-stop shop for designing any number of website looks.

Berg是另一个干净,现代,多用途的主题,甚至可以让初学者WordPress用户获得高端网站的外观。 Berg的众多主题和布局选项使其成为设计任何数量网站外观的一站式商店。

6. Pirenko的邮票(公司)主题 (6. Stamp (Corporate) Theme by Pirenko)

Stamp is designed to help brands make a statement. It offers a number of exceptional homepage layouts, with “Corporate” being my personal favorite. Whether you are looking to lead into an ecommerce shop or a slate of service landing pages, Stamp is one of the best, conversion-ready themes on the market.

Stamp旨在帮助品牌发表声明。 它提供了许多出色的首页布局,其中“企业”是我个人的最爱。 无论您是想进入电子商务商店还是服务登陆页面,Stamp都是市场上最好的,可立即转换的主题之一。

7.通过ProgressionStudios创建主题 (7. Increat Theme by ProgressionStudios)

Most good WordPress themes have a similar look to them. There’s only so much you can do with a landing page after all.

大多数优秀的WordPress主题都具有相似的外观。 毕竟,登陆页面只能做很多事情。

Increat breaks this rule by offering one of the few truly unique looks available. It’s bold. It’s colorful. It’s designed to convert. While suited best for brands looking to display some fashion, this versatile theme can be tailored to make a splash in almost any genre.

Increat提供了一些真正独特的外观之一,打破了这一规则。 大胆。 真是丰富多彩。 它旨在转换。 虽然最适合希望展示某些时尚的品牌,但可以定制此多用途主题,以在几乎所有类型的游戏中大放异彩。

8. Genesis的Genesis Parallax Pro主题 (8. Genesis Parallax Pro Theme by Genesis)

The Parallax Pro theme is about as bold as they come. It’s stock typography set is one of my personal favorites, and every inch of the theme screams “authority”.

Parallax Pro主题与它们来时一样大胆。 它的股票版式设置是我个人的最爱之一,主题的每一寸都尖叫着“权威”。

If you are looking for a simple, streamlined design that highlights your copywriting and takes people exactly where you want them to go, it doesn’t get much better than Parallax Pro. And of course, it comes with all the perks of being a StudioPress theme on the Genesis framework.

如果您正在寻找一种简单,流线型的设计,以突出您的广告文字并准确地将人们带到您希望他们去的地方,那么它不会比Parallax Pro更好。 当然,它具有在Genesis框架上成为StudioPress主题的所有好处。

设置主题以捕获潜在客户 (Setup Your Theme For Lead Capture)

Once you’ve created your website and home landing page using one of the themes above, you’ll need to set up a lead capture system.


I’ve covered the lead capture and email marketing in previous articles, you can check them out here:


Turn Your WordPress Site into an Email Marketing Machine


8 Top WordPress Popup Plugins and Why You Should Try Them


This will bring you up to speed so you can supplement your direct offer with high-converting popups and begin capturing leads and visitors.


With this combo, you can be up and running with a high-converting website for less than $100.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-themes-with-sales-ready-landing-pages/

