wordpress 占有率

tech2022-10-29  96

wordpress 占有率

A ‘Bounce Rate‘ is simply the percentage of users who visit your site and then navigate away after viewing just a single page.

“ 跳出率 ”只是访问您网站并在仅浏览单个页面后便离开网站的用户所占的百分比。

You can make use of Google Analytics to determine the bounce rate of your site and therefore the percentage of users that are actually clicking away from your site after viewing only one page.

您可以利用Google Analytics(分析)来确定网站的跳出率,从而确定仅浏览一页后实际离开您的网站的用户所占的百分比。

Bounce rate is an important consideration, not only in terms of user engagement and experience, but also SEO. If you’re interested in the bounce rate from an SEO perspective, then it’s worth also having a read of The Top WordPress SEO Plugins Reviewed.

跳出率是一个重要的考虑因素,不仅是在用户参与度和体验方面,还是SEO方面。 如果您从SEO角度对跳出率感兴趣,那么还值得阅读The Top WordPress SEO Plugins Review 。

Bounce rate is a serious issue for many sites, but there are effective methods which can be employed to reduce it. Below, I’ll show you how to reduce bounce rate on your WordPress site with methods that really work.

对于许多网站来说,跳出率是一个严重的问题,但是可以采用有效的方法来降低跳出率。 下面,我将向您展示如何使用有效的方法来降低WordPress网站上的跳出率。

降低跳出率 (Reducing Bounce Rate)

1.提高网站速度 (1. Increase Site Speed)

Internet users are becoming less tolerant of slow loading sites all of the time. A report by Sean Work shows that 47% of consumers expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less, 40% of people abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load, a one second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions, and that if an e-commerce site is making $100,000 per day, a one second page delay could potentially cost it $2.5 million in lost sales every year.

互联网用户一直对网站加载缓慢的容忍度越来越低。 肖恩·沃克(Sean Work)的一份报告显示,有47%的消费者希望网页在2秒或更短的时间内加载完毕,有40%的用户放弃耗时超过3秒的网站,页面响应延迟一秒钟会导致转换次数减少了7%,如果电子商务网站每天的收入为 100,000美元,则延迟一秒钟会导致每年250万美元的销售损失。

If you are the only provider of a specific service or type of content, and you don’t particularly care about the user-experience you’re providing, then you might consider ignoring your site loading speed. Otherwise, speed up your site as much as you can and don’t expect users to sit around waiting for your site to complete loading (they actually won’t) if sluggish.

如果您是特定服务或内容类型的唯一提供者,并且您并不特别在乎所提供的用户体验,那么您可能会考虑忽略网站的加载速度。 否则,请尽可能加快网站的速度,不要指望用户呆滞地等待用户完成网站加载(实际上不会)。

See my article on 12 Ways to Speed up Your WordPress Website for more information.


2.提供优质内容 (2. Provide Quality Content)

Provision of quality content is no doubt the most crucial factor when it comes to the success of a site. Providing poor content will not only increase the bounce rate on your site, but will also make you lose the trust and confidence in your users.

毫无疑问,提供高质量的内容对于网站的成功至关重要。 提供不良内容不仅会增加您网站的跳出率,还会使您对用户失去信任和信心。

When users visit a site and can’t get what they want, they leave and search for other places to get it, and they tend not to return.


3.长文章应分为几部分 (3. Long Articles Should be Split Into Parts)

People tend to be time-poor and want concise, informative articles without unnecessary padding and irrelevant information. Give them what they want, in a form that can be quickly and easily understood and they will stay around and take more interest in your content.

人们往往时间紧缺,想要简洁,内容丰富的文章,而没有不必要的填充和不相关的信息。 以易于快速理解的形式向他们提供他们想要的东西,他们会留下来并对您的内容产生更多的兴趣。

4.您不必使用弹出窗口 (4. You Don’t Have to Use Pop Ups)

Pop-ups may increase subscription rates and conversions but they also run a high risk of annoying people. I myself immediately close a pop-up and navigate away from a site if I come across one.

弹出式窗口可能会提高订阅率和转换率,但同时也冒着让人烦恼的高风险。 我本人立即关闭一个弹出窗口,如果遇到某个弹出窗口,则离开该站点。

There are plenty of alternative ways of presenting call to actions, perhaps a short announcement or subscription widget. You can also conduct A/B split testing to see what works best for your site.

呈现号召性用语的方法有很多,可能是简短的公告或订阅小部件。 您还可以进行A / B拆分测试,以了解最适合您的站点的方法。

5.提高网站的移动响应能力 (5. Improve Site’s Mobile Responsiveness)

With a rapidly growing number of visitors accessing the web via smartphones and tablets, you should really prepare your WordPress site to work just perfectly on small screen sizes.


This shouldn’t be a problem, as you can easily handle this by choosing themes that are responsive. If you can’t afford a paid responsive theme, trust me, you’ll find hundreds of free themes that are responsive. Check out this recent post by Tahir Taous which covers 10 of the Most Popular Free WordPress Themes.

这应该不成问题,因为您可以通过选择响应主题轻松地解决此问题。 如果您负担不起付费的响应主题,请相信我,您会发现数百个响应主题的免费主题。 查看Tahir Taous最近发布的这篇文章,其中涵盖了10个最受欢迎的免费WordPress主题。

You don’t really want to send visitors away with your own links right? So when making reference to resources outside your site, you should ensure they really see the resources “outside” your site.

您真的不希望使用自己的链接将访问者带走吗? 因此,在引用站点外部资源时,应确保它们真正看到了站点外部的资源。

One method that is commonly used is to set the target attribute in links to _blank, this will ensure users are redirected to a new tab when they click on the links, instead of opening the link in the same page with your site. This method is often the subject of hot debate, but it’s something a lot of people do.

一种常用的方法是将链接中的target属性设置为_blank ,这将确保用户在单击链接时将其重定向到新选项卡,而不是在与您的网站相同的页面中打开链接。 这种方法通常是热门话题,但很多人都在做。

<a href="https://link_here" target="_blank"> Some text here </a>

<a href="https://link_here" target="_blank"> Some text here </a>

7.网站设计和用户体验 (7. Site Design and User Experience)

Let’s imagine we open a site with the goal of reading a post or checking out their services and as we land on the site we’re welcomed with a completely yellow background, red text, and a header high enough to house your photo album.


If you’re like me, then you won’t think twice before navigating away from the site.


Site design is a very crucial element that should be well taken care of. Even if your content is not perfect, trust me, if your site is clean and pleasing, you might encourage users to stick around and check out other pages on your website.

站点设计是一个非常关键的元素,应充分注意。 即使您的内容不完美,也请相信我,如果您的网站干净整洁,您可能会鼓励用户走动并查看网站上的其他页面。

This is no doubt a good way to keep users on your site. Rather than linking to external resources all the time, referring to the ones you have on your site is good.

毫无疑问,这是让用户留在您网站上的好方法。 与其一直链接到外部资源,不如引用您网站上的资源。

When users finish reading a post on your site, what do they do next? Stick around or go back to where they came from? Even though great content encourages users to read more, you have to make it as simple as possible, especially when they are interested in staying.

当用户阅读完您网站上的帖子后,下一步该怎么做? 坚持住还是回到他们来自哪里? 尽管精彩的内容鼓励用户阅读更多内容,但您必须使其尽可能简单,尤其是在他们有兴趣留下的时候。

A plugin like YARRP will help achieve this goal without any stress.


9.明智地处理广告 (9. Handle Ads Wisely)

I understand you have to generate some revenue from your site, but if you don’t do this wisely, you might be losing in two ways: reduction in revenue and reduction in the amount of users and their time onsite.


You don’t really want to make visitors wonder what is an ad and what is the real content. Retain just a very few ads on your homepage, or better still if possible have none. On your post pages, arrange the ads the best way you can, text ads would be perfect.

您并不是真的想让访问者怀疑什么是广告,什么是真正的内容。 在您的首页上保留很少的广告,或者如果可能的话,最好不要保留任何广告。 在您的信息页上,以最佳方式安排广告,文字广告将是完美的选择。

10.提供清晰的导航 (10. Provide Clear Navigation)

Assuming you build your business website using WordPress, creating clear and understandable navigation in the header area is ideal. If you can’t provide a clear path through your site for users, they’ll leave and go somewhere else.

假设您使用WordPress建立企业网站,那么在标题区域中创建清晰易懂的导航是理想的选择。 如果您无法为用户提供清晰的网站访问路径,他们将离开并走到其他地方。

For example, when users are only interested in seeing your portfolio to decide if you’d be great to work with, implementing a bad navigation system will have them searching for other alternatives in no time.


Make sure your navigation is clear and easy to access, understandable and not confusing.


结论 (Conclusion)

Keep this in mind, bounce rate reduction doesn’t happen overnight. It is a consistent gradual process, and effective application of the strategies explained above can effectively reduce it on your site.

请记住,跳出率降低并不是一朝一夕的事。 这是一个一致的渐进过程,有效地应用上述策略可以有效地减少您的站点上的时间。

Perhaps you have an additional tip for reducing bounce rates? Please share using the comments section below.

也许您还有其他降低跳出率的技巧? 请使用下面的评论部分分享。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/10-tips-for-reducing-the-bounce-rate-on-your-wordpress-site/

wordpress 占有率
