wordpress 数据库

tech2022-10-30  110

wordpress 数据库

Out of the box, WordPress provides tons of functions that can be used to interact with the database. In most cases, the WP_Query class and related functions such as wp_insert_post, update_post_meta, get_posts will be sufficient to get the job done. However, there will be times that we’re required to do something that is not provided by WordPress natively, especially when we need to deal with custom tables.

WordPress开箱即用,提供了大量可用于与数据库进行交互的功能。 在大多数情况下, WP_Query类和相关功能(例如wp_insert_post , update_post_meta , get_posts足以完成工作。 但是,有时候我们需要做一些WordPress本身不提供的事情,尤其是当我们需要处理自定义表时。

In this tutorial, we’ll walk through the most important class to deal with databases in WordPress – wpdb, including a few tips and tricks that can be implemented in our development workflow later on. We’ll also touch on dbDelta that can be used to create custom tables in our plugin. We won’t cover the basics of creating your original WordPress database in this tutorial, but feel free to check out this tutorial on creating databases from cPanel

在本教程中,我们将遍历最重要的类以处理WordPress中的数据库– wpdb ,其中包括一些可以在稍后的开发工作流程中实现的技巧。 我们还将触摸dbDelta ,它可用于在插件中创建自定义表。 在本教程中,我们将不介绍创建原始WordPress数据库的基础知识,但是请随时查看有关从cPanel创建数据库的本教程。

使用wpdb类 (Working with the wpdb Class)

wpdb is perhaps the single most important class that we use when we need to deal with database directly. It is based on the ezSQL class written by Justin Vincent, adapted to work with WordPress.

wpdb可能是我们需要直接处理数据库时使用的最重要的单个类。 它基于Justin Vincent编写的ezSQL类,适用于WordPress。

The basic methods and properties of the wpdb class is already well explained on the WordPress Codex page so there’s no point to reiterate them here. Instead, we’re going to go through a few common mistakes that WordPress developers can make, how to rectify them, as well as best practices that can be applied when using the wpdb class.

wpdb类的基本方法和属性已经在WordPress Codex页面上得到了很好的解释,因此这里没有必要重申它们。 相反,我们将遇到WordPress开发人员可能犯的一些常见错误,如何纠正这些错误以及使用wpdb类时可以应用的最佳实践。

不要将表名称硬编码到SQL查询中 (Do Not Hardcode Table Names into the SQL Query)

Some developers make the general assumption that the table prefix will be unchanged and use default value of wp_. A basic example of the wrong way to do this is illustrated in the snippet below:

一些开发人员通常假设表前缀将保持不变,并使用wp_默认值。 下面的代码段演示了错误方法的一个基本示例:

global $wpdb; $result = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT * FROM wp_posts LIMIT 10');

This is of course is an over simplification of what a plugin will be actually doing, but this example shows how quickly things can go wrong. What if our users change the table prefix to something else? This can be easily fixed by replacing the wp_ string with actual properties provided by using prefix.

当然,这是对插件实际操作的过度简化,但是此示例显示了出错的速度有多快。 如果我们的用户将表前缀更改为其他内容怎么办? 通过使用prefix提供的实际属性替换wp_字符串,可以轻松解决此问题。

The above code can be made portable by applying the changes as below:


global $wpdb; $result = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT * FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'posts LIMIT 10');

Even better, if you’re dealing with WordPress’ default tables, you can skip the prefix part and instead, directly address them as properties in wpdb. Every default WordPress table is represented by a custom property in the wpdb class with the same name of table without the prefix.

更好的是,如果要处理WordPress的默认表,则可以跳过前缀部分,而直接将其作为wpdb属性来wpdb 。 每个默认的WordPress表都由wpdb类中的自定义属性表示,该属性具有与表相同的名称,但没有前缀。

For example, assuming that the table prefix is wp_:

例如,假设表前缀为wp_ :

$wpdb->posts will correspond to wp_posts table


$wpdb->postmeta will correspond to wp_postmeta table


$wpdb->users will correspond to wp_users table


And so on. The above code can be improved further, since we’re querying the posts table by doing things this way instead:

等等。 上面的代码可以进一步改进,因为我们通过这种方式来查询posts表:

global $wpdb; $result = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT * FROM ' . $wpdb->posts . ' LIMIT 10');

使用特定的辅助方法进行数据库操作 (Use Specific Helper Methods for Database Operations)

Although the query method is designed to handle any SQL queries, it’s preferable to use more appropriate helper methods. This is usually provided by methods such as insert, update, get_row and others. Besides that it is more specific to our use cases, it’s also safer as the escaping and other grunt work is taken care of.

尽管query方法旨在处理任何SQL查询,但最好使用更合适的帮助程序方法。 通常由诸如insert , update , get_row等方法提供。 除了它对于我们的用例更特定之外,它也更安全,因为可以进行转义和其他繁琐的工作。

Let’s take a look at this example:


$global wpdb; $post_id = $_POST['post_id']; $meta_key = $_POST['meta_key']; $meta_value = $_POST['meta_value']; $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->postmeta ( post_id, meta_key, meta_value ) VALUES ( $post_id, $meta_key, $meta_value )" );

Apart from the unsafe nature of this snippet, it should run just fine with proper values. However, this snippet can be improved further by using the insert method instead. The above code can be changed to look like the following:

除了该代码段的不安全特性外,还应使用适当的值来正常运行。 但是,可以改为使用insert方法来进一步改善此代码段。 上面的代码可以更改为如下所示:

$global wpdb; $post_id = $_POST['post_id']; $meta_key = $_POST['meta_key']; $meta_value = $_POST['meta_value']; $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->postmeta, array( 'post_id' => $_POST['post_id'], 'meta_key' => $_POST['meta_key'], 'meta_value' => $_POST['meta_value'] ) );

If we’re not supplying the format as a third parameter for insert method, all of the data provided in the second parameter will be escaped as a string. Plus, we can easily know what this code does at a glance, since the method name is clearer.

如果我们没有将格式作为insert方法的第三个参数提供,则第二个参数中提供的所有数据都将以字符串形式转义。 另外,由于方法名称更清晰,我们一眼就能知道该代码的作用。

正确调试数据库查询 (Properly Debugging Database Queries)

By default, error reporting is turned off. However, wpdb provides two methods that can be used to toggle the state of error reporting.

默认情况下,错误报告处于关闭状态。 但是, wpdb提供了两种可用于切换错误报告状态的方法。

To turn on the error reporting feature, simply run this code.



And to turn it off:



Another thing to note is that if we’re setting both WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY to true, the show_errors method will be automatically called. There is another useful method that can be used that deals with errors, namely print_error:

要注意的另一件事是,如果将WP_DEBUG和WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY都设置为true ,则会自动调用show_errors方法。 可以使用另一种有用的方法来处理错误,即print_error :


As the name suggests, it will only show the error for the most recent query, regardless of the state of error reporting.


Another neat trick is to enable SAVEQUERIES in wp-config.php. This will store all of the database queries that run, times taken, and where it’s originally called from into a property called queries in the wpdb class.

另一个巧妙的技巧是在wp-config.php启用SAVEQUERIES 。 这将存储所有的数据库查询该运行,采取倍,并在它最初是从一个叫做属性调用queries在wpdb类。

To retrieve this data, we can do the following:


print_r( $wpdb->queries );

Note that this will have a performance impact on our site, so use it only when necessary.


Most of the time, these functions will be enough to debug what is going wrong with our code. However, for more extensive debugging and reporting, there’s always the Query Monitor plugin that can help debugging more than database queries.

大多数时候,这些功能足以调试我们的代码出了什么问题。 但是,对于更广泛的调试和报告,总有Query Monitor插件可以比数据库查询更多地帮助调试。

确保查询免受潜在攻击 (Securing Queries Against Potential Attacks)

To completely secure our code from SQL injection, wpdb also provides another helpful method called prepare that will take a string of an SQL statement and data that needs to be escaped. This is relevant whenever we’re dealing with methods like query or get_results.

为了完全保护我们的代码免于SQL注入, wpdb还提供了另一个有用的方法,称为prepare ,它将采用SQL语句的字符串和需要转义的数据。 每当我们处理诸如query或get_results类的方法时,这都是相关的。

$wpdb->prepare( $sql, $format... );

The prepare method supports both syntax of sprintf and vsprintf. The first parameter, $sql is an SQL statement that’s filled with placeholders. These placeholders can exist in three different formats:

prepare方法同时支持sprintf和vsprintf语法。 第一个参数$sql是一个占位符填充SQL语句。 这些占位符可以以三种不同的格式存在:

%s for string


%d for integer


%f for float


$format can be a series of parameters for sprintf like syntax, or an array of parameters that will be used to replace the placeholder in $sql. The method will return the SQL with properly escaped data.

$format可以是sprintf的一系列参数,例如语法,或者是将用于替换$sql的占位符的参数数组。 该方法将返回带有正确转义数据SQL。

Let’s take a look at how we can achieve the process of deleting meta_key in wp_postmeta for a specific post ID:


$global wpdb; $post_id = $_POST['post_id']; $key = $_POST['meta_key']; $wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE post_id = $post_id AND meta_key = $key" );

Note that this is not the recommended way to delete a record in the database using wpdb. It’s because we’re leaving the code open to SQL injection, since the user input is not properly escaped and used directly in the DELETE statement.

请注意,这不是使用wpdb删除数据库中记录的推荐方法。 这是因为我们没有对SQL注入开放代码,因为用户输入没有正确转义并直接在DELETE语句中使用。

However, this can be easily fixed! We simply introduce the prepare method before doing the actual query, so that the generated SQL is safe to use. This can be illustrated in the snippet below:

但是,这很容易解决! 我们仅在进行实际查询之前简单介绍一下prepare方法,以便可以安全地使用生成SQL。 可以在下面的代码段中进行说明:

$global wpdb; $post_id = $_POST['post_id']; $key = $_POST['meta_key']; $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "DELETE FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE post_id = %d AND meta_key = %s", $post_id, $key ) );

连接到单独的数据库 (Connecting to Separate Databases)

By default, the $wpdb variable is an instance of the wpdb class that connects to the WordPress database defined in wp-config.php. If we want to interact with other databases, we can instantiate another instance of wpdb class. This benefits us greatly, because methods like insert, update and get_results are available.

默认情况下, $wpdb变量是wpdb类的实例,该类连接到wp-config.php定义的WordPress数据库。 如果要与其他数据库进行交互,可以实例化wpdb类的另一个实例。 这使我们受益匪浅,因为可以使用诸如insert , update和get_results类的方法。

The wpdb class accepts four parameters in construct, which are username, password, database name and database host, in that order. Here’s an example:

wpdb类在构造中接受四个参数,分别是用户名,密码,数据库名称和数据库主机。 这是一个例子:

$mydb = new wpdb( 'username', 'password', 'my_database', 'localhost' ); // At this point, $mydb has access to the database and all methods // can be used as usual // Example query $mydb->query('DELETE FROM external_table WHERE id = 1');

If we’re using the same username, password and database host, but only need to change the selected database, there’s a handy method called select on the global $wpdb variable. This is achieved internally by using the mysql_select_db/mysqli_select_db function.

如果我们使用相同的用户名,密码和数据库主机,但只需要更改选定的数据库,则在全局$wpdb变量上有一个方便的方法叫做select 。 这是通过使用mysql_select_db / mysqli_select_db函数在内部实现的。


This is also particularly useful when we want to switch to another WordPress database, but still want to retain the functionality of functions like get_post_custom and others.


使用自定义数据库表 (Using Custom Database Tables)

The WordPress default tables usually suffice to handle most complex operations. Utilizing custom post types with post metadata, and custom taxonomies and term metadata, we can do almost anything without the need of using custom tables.

WordPress默认表通常足以处理大多数复杂的操作。 通过将自定义帖子类型与帖子元数据,自定义分类法和术语元数据结合使用,我们几乎可以执行任何操作,而无需使用自定义表格。

However, custom tables might be useful whenever we want to have finer control over the data our plugin can handle. Benefits of using custom tables include:

但是,每当我们想要对插件可以处理的数据进行更好的控制时,自定义表可能会很有用。 使用自定义表的好处包括:

Total control of the data structure – Not all types of data fits into the structure of a post, so when we want to store data that does not make any sense as custom post type, a custom table may be a better option.

完全控制数据结构 –并非所有类型的数据都适合post的结构,因此,当我们要存储对自定义帖子类型没有意义的数据时,自定义表可能是一个更好的选择。

Separation of concerns – Since our data is stored in a custom table, it won’t interfere with the wp_posts or wp_postmeta tables as opposed to if we were using custom post types. Migration of our data to another platform is easier since it is not restricted to how WordPress structures its data.

关注点分离 –由于我们的数据存储在自定义表中,因此与我们使用自定义帖子类型相比,它不会干扰wp_posts或wp_postmeta表。 将我们的数据迁移到另一个平台更容易,因为它不仅限于WordPress构造数据的方式。

Efficiency – Querying data from our specific table will be definitely much faster than scouring over the wp_posts table that also contains data unrelated to our plugin. This is an apparent problem when using custom post types to store lots of metadata that can bloat the wp_postmeta table.

效率 –从我们的特定表中查询数据绝对比在wp_posts表中进行查询要快得多,该表还包含与我们的插件无关的数据。 使用自定义帖子类型存储大量可能会使wp_postmeta表膨胀的元数据时,这是一个明显的问题。

dbDelta进行救援 (dbDelta to the Rescue)

Instead of using wpdb to create custom database table, it’s recommended using dbDelta to handle all of your initial table creation, as well as table schema updates. It’s reliable, since WordPress core uses this function as well to handle any database schema updates from version to version, if any.

建议不要使用wpdb创建自定义数据库表,而是建议使用dbDelta来处理所有初始表创建以及表模式更新。 这是可靠的,因为WordPress核心也使用此功能来处理任何版本之间的数据库架构更新(如果有)。

To create a custom table initially on plugin install, we need to hook our function to the register_activation_hook function. Assuming that our main plugin file is plugin-name.php inside a plugin-name directory, we can put this line directly into it:

为了在插件安装时最初创建一个自定义表,我们需要将函数挂钩到register_activation_hook函数。 假设我们的主插件文件是plugin-name.php plugin-name目录中的plugin-name.php ,我们可以直接plugin-name.php下行放入其中:

register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'prefix_create_table' );

Next, we need to create the function prefix_create_table that does the actual table creation on plugin activation. For example, we can create a custom table called my_custom_table that will be used to store simple customer data such as first name, last name and their email address.

接下来,我们需要创建函数prefix_create_table ,该函数在插件激活时进行实际的表创建。 例如,我们可以创建一个名为my_custom_table的自定义表,该表将用于存储简单的客户数据,例如名字,姓氏及其电子邮件地址。

function prefix_create_table() { global $wpdb; $charset_collate = $wpdb->get_charset_collate(); $sql = "CREATE TABLE my_custom_table ( id mediumint(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, first_name varchar(55) NOT NULL, last_name varchar(55) NOT NULL, email varchar(55) NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) $charset_collate;"; if ( ! function_exists('dbDelta') ) { require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php' ); } dbDelta( $sql ); }

To maximize compatibility, we retrieve the database charset collate from wpdb. Plus, the SQL statement needs to abide by some rules to make sure it works as intended. This is taken directly from the Codex page on Creating tables with plugin:

为了最大化兼容性,我们从wpdb检索数据库字符集wpdb 。 另外,SQL语句需要遵守一些规则以确保其按预期工作。 直接从使用插件创建表上的Codex页面获取:

You must put each field on its own line in your SQL statement.

您必须在SQL语句中将每个字段放在自己的行上。 You must have two spaces between the words PRIMARY KEY and the definition of your primary key.

在单词PRIMARY KEY和主键定义之间必须有两个空格。 You must use the key word KEY rather than its synonym INDEX and you must include at least one KEY.

您必须使用关键字KEY而不是其同义词INDEX,并且必须至少包含一个KEY。 You must not use any apostrophes or backticks around field names.

您不得在字段名称周围使用任何撇号或反引号。 Field types must be all lowercase.

字段类型必须全部为小写。 SQL keywords, like CREATE TABLE and UPDATE, must be uppercase.

SQL关键字(例如CREATE TABLE和UPDATE)必须为大写。 You must specify the length of all fields that accept a length parameter. int(11), for example.

您必须指定所有接受长度参数的字段的长度。 例如int(11)。

It’s also generally a good idea to store the database version into the options table, so that we can compare them during a plugin update in case our custom table needs updating. In order to do so, we simply add this line right after we create our table using the dbDelta function:

通常,将数据库版本存储到options表中也是一个好主意,以便我们可以在插件更新期间比较它们,以防自定义表需要更新。 为此,我们只需在使用dbDelta函数创建表之后立即添加以下行:

add_option( 'prefix_my_plugin_db_version', '1.0' );

更新表架构 (Updating the Table Schema)

Using the same example as above, let’s say during development, we change our mind and we also want to store our customer phone number inside our table. What we can do is trigger a table schema update during our plugin update. Since register_activation_hook will not be fired during a plugin update, we can hook into the plugin_loaded action instead, to do our database version checking, and update the table schema if necessary.

使用与上面相同的示例,假设在开发过程中,我们改变了主意,并且还希望将客户电话号码存储在表中。 我们可以做的是在插件更新期间触发表架构更新。 由于在插件更新期间不会触发register_activation_hook ,因此我们可以plugin_loaded而挂接到plugin_loaded操作中,以进行数据库版本检查,并在必要时更新表模式。

First, we add our custom upgrade function to the plugin_loaded hook:


add_action( 'plugin_loaded', 'prefix_update_table' );

The actual functions needs to do a few things:


We need to get the stored database version.

我们需要获取存储的数据库版本。 Compare them with our current database version.


If it’s newer, we run the dbDelta function again.


Finally, we store the updated database version to the option table.


For the most part, we can actually reuse the prefix_create_table function like we did above, with some minor modifications:


function prefix_update_table() { // Assuming we have our current database version in a global variable global $prefix_my_db_version; // If database version is not the same if ( $prefix_my_db_version != get_option('prefix_my_plugin_db_version' ) { global $wpdb; $charset_collate = $wpdb->get_charset_collate(); $sql = "CREATE TABLE my_custom_table ( id mediumint(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, first_name varchar(55) NOT NULL, last_name varchar(55) NOT NULL, phone varchar(32) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, //new column email varchar(55) NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) $charset_collate;"; if ( ! function_exists('dbDelta') ) { require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php' ); } dbDelta( $sql ); update_option( 'prefix_my_plugin_db_version', $prefix_my_db_version ); } }

Notice that we do not need to use the ALTER statement, since dbDelta will take our SQL statement, compare it against existing tables and make the modification accordingly. Pretty handy!

注意,我们不需要使用ALTER语句,因为dbDelta将采用我们SQL语句,将其与现有表进行比较并进行相应的修改。 很方便!

结论 (Conclusion)

WordPress is not limited to creating simple websites, as it’s rapidly moving to a full-fledged application framework. Extending WordPress via custom post types and custom taxonomies should be our main priority. However, when we need finer control of our data, it’s reassuring to know that WordPress itself provides various functions and classes like wpdb for developers to utilize. This is what makes WordPress a mature solution.

WordPress不仅限于创建简单的网站,还因为它正Swift迁移到成熟的应用程序框架。 通过自定义帖子类型和自定义分类法扩展WordPress应该是我们的首要任务。 但是,当我们需要更好地控制数据时,令人欣慰的是,WordPress本身提供了wpdb等各种函数和类供开发人员使用。 这就是使WordPress成为成熟解决方案的原因。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/working-with-databases-in-wordpress/

wordpress 数据库
