
tech2022-10-31  146


When you’re on a great website full of information, your first instinct may be to sift through the pages to find the information you’re looking for. After trying a few different pages, it can become apparent that you may want to use the website’s search feature. Depending on the search functionality of the site you’re visiting, this could be the best way to find what you’re looking for.

当您在一个充满信息的优质网站上时,您的第一个直觉可能是浏览页面以查找所需的信息。 在尝试了几个不同的页面之后,很明显您可能想使用该网站的搜索功能。 根据所访问网站的搜索功能,这可能是查找所需内容的最佳方法。

I’ve covered search replacements for WordPress before which you can check out here. It is a viable alternative to the native search feature already built into WordPress. Let’s take a look at faceted search and why you may want to consider using it for your site.

我已经介绍了WordPress的搜索替代品, 您可以在此处查看 。 它是WordPress内置的本机搜索功能的可行替代方案。 让我们看看分面搜索以及为什么要考虑在网站上使用它。

什么是分面搜索? (What Is Faceted Search?)

Faceted search is essentially advanced filtering for WordPress search results. It isn’t just for a basic WordPress site. You can use it in ecommerce applications, resources libraries and more. Advanced filtering allows your visitors to search your site, but they can select different filtering methods to weed out irrelevant search results. It gives the user a more intuitive way of narrowing their search results. Examples would be the ability to check a box, select options from a dropdown menu, or select date ranges.

分面搜索本质上是对WordPress搜索结果的高级过滤。 它不仅适用于基本的WordPress网站。 您可以在电子商务应用程序,资源库等中使用它。 高级筛选允许访问者搜索您的站点,但是他们可以选择不同的筛选方法以清除不相关的搜索结果。 它为用户提供了一种更直观的方式来缩小搜索结果的范围。 例如可以选中一个框,从下拉菜单中选择选项或选择日期范围。

In this article, I’m covering the popular FacetWP plugin to help demonstrate the benefits of using a faceted search plugin. If you have come across other useful faceted search plugins please feel free to mention them in the comments below.

在本文中,我将介绍流行的FacetWP插件,以帮助演示使用多面搜索插件的好处。 如果您遇到其他有用的多面搜索插件,请随时在下面的评论中提及它们。

The advantages of faceted search are that you customize the entire search experience. How many times have you visited a site that you knew had the information you were looking for, but you had to sift through 20 pages of search results to find it? This can be extremely frustrating.

分面搜索的优点是您可以定制整个搜索体验。 您访问过多少次您知道自己具有所需信息的站点,但是必须筛选20页搜索结果才能找到它? 这可能非常令人沮丧。

Other advantages include being able to search custom fields, post types and taxonomies. Many plugins that add search features to your site don’t include custom fields or custom post types in their results.

其他优点包括能够搜索自定义字段,帖子类型和分类法。 许多将搜索功能添加到您的网站的插件在其结果中不包含自定义字段或自定义帖子类型。

FacetWP also integrates with any WordPress theme, so it is more information based and less theme-specific.


Here are a few more features:


Extremely fast

极快 Utilizes AJAX, so all of your searches happen in real time

利用AJAX,因此您的所有搜索都是实时进行的 Works with other plugins


You can use it with plugins you might already have, such as WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, WPML and more. This means that the information that is contained within these plugins won’t be excluded in your visitors’ search results.

您可以将其与可能已经拥有的插件一起使用,例如WooCommerce,Easy Digital Downloads,WPML等。 这意味着这些插件中包含的信息不会被排除在访问者的搜索结果中。

分面搜索可以做的事情 (Things You Can Do with Faceted Search)

In the demo of the FacetWP plugin, you can test out the capabilities of the plugin, and how you can use it. These features are common for ecommerce sites and directories with different products and listings. The demo lists cars by different criteria, which is really handy for helping visitors to narrow their search results. You may be looking for a specific maker, such as Nissan. You can check that box, and everything that isn’t a Nissan is excluded in the results. From the drop down menu, you can sort the results in different orders. This is how sites like eBay and Amazon allow you to list results by the highest or lowest prices, or by name, horsepower, miles per gallon, etc.

在FacetWP插件的演示中,您可以测试该插件的功能以及如何使用它。 对于具有不同产品和列表的电子商务网站和目录,这些功能是常见的。 该演示按照不同的标准列出了汽车,这对于帮助访问者缩小搜索范围非常方便。 您可能正在寻找特定的制造商,例如日产。 您可以选中该框,结果中将排除所有非日产汽车。 从下拉菜单中,您可以按不同顺序对结果进行排序。 这就是eBay和Amazon这样的网站允许您按最高或最低价格,名称,马力,每加仑英里数等列出结果的方式。

You can see from the example, that you can select multiple boxes. Faceted search allows you to be as broad or specific as you would like. In addition to the features I mentioned above, FacetWP will also enable you to add:

您可以从示例中看到,可以选择多个框。 多面搜索可让您根据需要进行广泛或特定的搜索。 除了我上面提到的功能之外,FacetWP还可以使您添加:

滑杆 (Sliders)

The slider option allows you to select results that fit within a specific range. This is great for narrowing your selection by price or for anything that may have a range. This could be a size range in inches or feet, or weight.

滑块选项使您可以选择适合特定范围的结果。 这对于按价格缩小选择范围或任何可能具有范围的商品非常有用。 这可以是英寸或英尺或重量的大小范围。

层次结构 (Hierarchy)

Hierarchy allows your users to refine searches with a hierarchy. This means that you can select an item in a list and that list is included.

层次结构允许您的用户使用层次结构优化搜索。 这意味着您可以在列表中选择一个项目,并且其中包括该列表。

自动完成 (Auto Complete)

Auto complete is great for showing options that are spelled the same as what you’re typing. It will include items that have those letters in the word. This is convenient for those who want to type a few letters and find what they are looking for. In the example, they use states like Alabama and Alaska, but it could be anything. Imagine typing in ‘can’ in an online store and options with those letters coming up, such as candles, canned food, canolis, cantaloupes and so on.

自动完成功能非常适合显示与您输入的拼写相同的选项。 它将包括单词中带有那些字母的项目。 这对于想要输入几个字母并找到所需内容的人来说非常方便。 在示例中,他们使用阿拉巴马州和阿拉斯加州等州,但可以是任何州。 想象一下,在在线商店中输入“罐头”以及出现这些字母的选项,例如蜡烛,罐头食品,油菜籽,哈密瓜等。

日期范围 (Date Range)

This is great for finding something by a specific date range. This would be ideal for a bank website where you could choose a date range for online statements you would like to view. This could narrow your search, so that you wouldn’t have to sift through years of statements, and you can look through just a couple of months. With faceted search, you can pick the starting and ending dates of your search via a calendar.

这对于在特定日期范围内查找内容非常有用。 这对于银行网站非常理想,您可以在其中选择要查看的在线对帐单的日期范围。 这可以缩小您的搜索范围,从而使您不必筛选多年的语句,而只需要花费几个月的时间。 使用多面搜索,您可以通过日历选择搜索的开始和结束日期。

接近 (Proximity)

This feature is for finding something via a specific location. It turns Google’s Geocoding coordinates into an address. One of the great things about this feature is that you can choose a radius. If you know you’re close, you could narrow the search to anywhere within a few miles.

此功能用于通过特定位置查找内容。 它将Google的地理编码坐标转换为地址。 此功能的一大优点是您可以选择半径。 如果您知道距离很近,则可以将搜索范围缩小到几英里以内。

积分 (Integration)

FacetWP also integrates with a couple of the search replacements I mentioned in my previous post. It works nicely with SearchWP and Relevanssi, so even if you’ve already deployed these solutions for your own site, you can still improve search results on your site by adding faceted search.

FacetWP还与我在上一篇文章中提到的一些搜索替换集成。 它与SearchWP和Relevanssi很好地配合使用,因此,即使您已经为自己的网站部署了这些解决方案,您仍然可以通过添加分面搜索来改善网站上的搜索结果。

结论 (Conclusion)

If you want to build a site that’s easy and intuitive for your visitors to search and find relevant information, faceted search is a no-brainer.


The FacetWP plugin makes it easy to filter results, narrowing the amount of results to the ones that are the most relevant. It is essential for larger sites, which may be packed with thousands of possible search results. If you own or plan to build a large online store, faceted search can make it a snap for shoppers to find exactly what they’re looking for, and find it in the price range they want, too. Not only does this make your site easier to use, but it can help you to make more sales because visitors can go straight to the items they’re looking to purchase.

FacetWP插件使过滤结果变得容易,将结果量缩小到最相关的结果。 对于较大的站点(可能包含数千个可能的搜索结果)而言,这是必不可少的。 如果您拥有或计划建立大型在线商店,多面搜索可以使购物者轻松找到确切的所需信息,并在他们想要的价格范围内找到它。 这不仅使您的网站更易于使用,而且可以帮助您增加销售量,因为访问者可以直接进入他们要购买的商品。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/faceted-search-with-wordpress/


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