
tech2022-11-04  123


Most visitors to your commercial-purpose website will navigate to the pricing section before they even consider the product or service you’re offering.


Several themes and some of the most popular frameworks don’t have pricing tables built-in and those who use them need ideal substitutes. A pricing table is going to be the first thing your visitors see which makes it important for you to display your product or service’s price the best way possible.

几个主题和某些最受欢迎的框架没有内置的价格表,使用这些主题的人需要理想的替代品。 定价表将是您的访客看到的第一件事,这对您以最佳方式显示产品或服务的价格至关重要。

There are a number of premium pricing table plugins for WordPress available in the market that will help you fabricate well-designed pricing tables that will fit right in with your site’s theme. In this article, we’ll look at the Top 5 Premium Pricing Tables for your WordPress site.

市场上有许多适用于WordPress的高级定价表插件,它们将帮助您构建精心设计的定价表,以适合您网站的主题。 在本文中,我们将查看WordPress网站的前5个高级定价表。

Let’s get started.


WordPressCSS3自适应Web定价表网格 (CSS3 Responsive Web Pricing Tables Grids For WordPress)

Overview The CSS3 Responsive Web Pricing Tables Grids For WordPress made it to the bestsellers list on Code Canyon. The plugin is in pure CSS and HTML which makes it lightweight and efficient. This pure coded table can be implemented among responsive layout – and is the best one for the job, too.

概述适用于WordPressCSS3自适应Web定价表网格已跻身Code Canyon的畅销书列表。 该插件采用纯CSS和HTML编写,使其轻巧高效。 可以在响应式布局中实现此纯编码表-也是工作的最佳选择。

This plugin is one of the few pricing table plugins that does not require you to have coding knowledge.


The regular license costs $18 which gives users the plugin quality-checked by Envato and enables them to receive future updates for it. The developers, QuanticaLabs, provide 6 months of support with every license.

普通许可证的价格为18美元,这使用户可以通过Envato对插件的质量进行检查,并使其能够接收将来的更新。 QuanticaLabs开发人员为每个许可证提供6个月的支持。

Features The CSS3 Responsive Web Pricing Tables Grids For WordPress offers users a pack of two attractive styles of tables with 20 color variations to choose from. The plugin allows you to alter the dimensions of the pricing table, create unlimited rows / columns and add hover effects to it.

功能适用于WordPressCSS3自适应Web定价表网格为用户提供了两种有吸引力的样式表包,其中包括20种颜色变化供您选择。 该插件允许您更改定价表的尺寸,创建无限的行/列并向其添加悬停效果。

The intuitive admin panel with live configuration makes it easier (and faster) to see what your pricing table will ultimately look like. It lets you enable the responsive mode which allows you to configure responsive steps or dimensions in it. With the responsive mode configurator, you’ll be able to set different font sizes and dimensions for the columns in each responsive step.

直观的管理面板具有实时配置,可以更轻松(更快速)地查看定价表的最终外观。 它使您可以启用响应模式,该模式允许您在其中配置响应步骤或尺寸。 使用响应模式配置器,您将能够在每个响应步骤中为列设置不同的字体大小和尺寸。

If you want to temporarily remove columns from the pricing table, its quick disable feature lets you hide columns. You can pretty much do anything you’d like with the rows and columns from setting them as active (popped up) to selecting expandable rows and 20 pre-defined configurations to the ability to add ribbons!

如果要临时从定价表中删除列,则其快速禁用功能可让您隐藏列。 您几乎可以对行和列进行任何操作,从将它们设置为活动(弹出)到选择可扩展的行和20种预定义的配置来添加功能区!

Plugmatter Pro定价表插件 (Plugmatter Pro Pricing Table Plugin)

Overview Don’t want to code? You don’t have to. One of the best things about the Plugmatter Pro Pricing Table Plugin is that you get an intuitive WYSIWYG editor which powers you to customize critical elements.

概述不想编码? 不用了 Plugmatter Pro定价表插件的优点之一就是您获得了直观的WYSIWYG编辑器,该编辑器可让您自定义关键元素。

The differentiating feature that comes with this premium plugin is that it allows you to conduct A/B split-testing on button colors, package names, charges, fonts etc. Split-testing makes it simpler to improve conversion rate optimization and design the very best pricing table for your site.

该高级插件随附的差异化功能是,它使您可以对按钮的颜色,包装名称,费用,字体等进行A / B拆分测试。拆分测试可以更轻松地提高转化率优化并设计出最佳产品您网站的价格表。

The Plugmatter Pro Pricing Table Plugin is a little, well, pricey. The Basic package costs $47 here with which you get 5 templates and 3 site licenses. However, if you’re looking for a little more, the Professional package will get you 10 templates and 3 site licenses for an additional 20 bucks.

Plugmatter Pro定价表插件有点昂贵。 基本软件包的价格为47美元,您将获得5个模板和3个站点许可证。 但是,如果您需要更多,Professional软件包将为您提供10个模板和3个站点许可证,额外收取20美元。

Features The Plugmatter Pro Pricing Table plugin offers 10 premium pricing table templates with a WYSIWYG editor built-in. You can pair them up with any one of 23 button designs.

功能 Plugmatter Pro定价表插件提供了10种带有内置WYSIWYG编辑器的高级定价表模板。 您可以将它们与23种按钮设计中的任何一种配对。

All 10 templates are fully responsive, customizable and designed to boost your site’s conversion rates. They have been categorized into two different structures – matrix and card. Matrix templates are most commonly employed among services offering tons of features whereas card templates are used to highlight the packages that are offered.

所有10个模板都是完全可响应的,可自定义的,旨在提高您网站的转化率。 它们被分为两种不同的结构–矩阵和卡片。 矩阵模板最常用于提供大量功能的服务中,而卡模板则用于突出显示所提供的软件包。

The WYSIWYG editor lets you try your input on all templates, drag and drop rows or columns and choose from a set of 10 check and cross icons and 23 customizable buttons.


Visual Composer Ultimate定价表附加组件 (Visual Composer Ultimate Pricing Tables Add-on)

Overview The Visual Composer Ultimate Pricing Tables Add-on is an easy to use, responsive plugin that was designed specifically for themes that were created using Visual Composer.

概述 Visual Composer Ultimate定价表加载项是一个易于使用的响应式插件,专门针对使用Visual Composer创建的主题而设计。

The regular license is priced at $17 which includes six months of support from the developers, -ACODA-.


Features Those of you who are familiar with Visual Composer’s columns won’t have any trouble adjusting to their pricing table. The plugin offers custom column layouts. The originality of this plugin lies in its ability to let you fully customize the pricing table’s background, text colors and transparency.

功能那些熟悉Visual Composer的专栏的人不会对调整价格表感到任何麻烦。 该插件提供自定义列布局。 该插件的独创性在于它可以让您完全自定义定价表的背景,文本颜色和透明度的功能。

You’ll also get Font Awesome Icons to make your custom-made pricing table more appealing. Top that off with little animation effects and you’ve got yourself a lean, mean sales-making machine!

您还将获得Font Awesome Icons(字体真棒图标),以使自定义定价表更具吸引力。 最重要的是,几乎没有动画效果,您将拥有一台精益,刻薄的销售机器!

The structure of -ACODA-’s pricing table makes it great for you to use the built-in icons as call to action buttons. The plugin lets you toggle padding between the pricing plans which may be a little confusing to some – it means that you can toggle the space between the pricing plans (not the ability to toggle between pricing options for monthly or yearly packages).

-ACODA-定价表的结构非常适合您使用内置图标作为号召性用语按钮。 该插件使您可以在定价计划之间切换填充,这可能会使某些人感到困惑–这意味着您可以在定价计划之间切换空间(而不是在每月或每年套餐的定价选项之间切换的功能)。

简易定价表 (Easy Pricing Tables)

Overview Easy Pricing Tables by Fatcat Apps are the most widely used pricing tables online. They have ten fully customizable table designs on offer that come with tooltips to get more information across without cluttering the table.

概述 Fatcat Apps的简易定价表是在线上使用最广泛的定价表。 他们提供了十种完全可自定义的表格设计,并附带工具提示,以使您获得更多信息而又不会造成表格混乱。

This plugin owes its popularity to its ease of use. Users don’t need any prior coding knowledge to create good-looking pricing tables. It offers a great solution for local businesses, marketers, bloggers, service providers, software companies and anyone offering products and services with multiple pricing tiers.

该插件之所以受欢迎,是因为它易于使用。 用户不需要任何先验编码知识即可创建美观的价格表。 它为本地企业,营销人员,博客,服务提供商,软件公司以及提供具有多个定价层的产品和服务的任何人提供了绝佳的解决方案。

You can get a Personal license for $29 that can be used on one website which also includes access to all ten design structures and email support.


Let’s take a closer look at the features it has to offer.


Features Easy Pricing Table lets you customize every aspect of your pricing table to fit the theme your site is running. Once you install the plugin, your pricing table will, as their website says, ‘just work’ – you’ll have it up and running in minutes without any CSS or HTML.

特点简单的价格表可以让您自定义的价格表的每一个环节,以适应您的网站正在运行的主题。 安装插件后,您的定价表将如其网站上所说的那样“正常工作” -您无需安装任何CSS或HTML,即可在几分钟内启动并运行它。

Its responsive tables will look great on all devices regardless of the operating system they’re running or the size of the screen. Tooltips let you add additional information to features or packages without cluttering the pricing table. When your visitors hover over a feature, they’ll see the additional details. It’s a win-win scenario – your customers get all the information they need in one place and you get a clean-cut pricing table.

它的响应表在所有设备上看起来都不错,无论它们运行的​​是操作系统还是屏幕大小。 工具提示使您可以向功能部件或程序包添加其他信息,而不会使定价表混乱。 当您的访客将鼠标悬停在某个功能上时,他们会看到其他详细信息。 这是双赢的方案-您的客户将他们需要的所有信息集中在一个地方,并且获得了明确的价格表。

If you’re looking for a bigger pricing table, Easy Pricing Table plugin offers its Business and Agency plans that have pricing toggles and Google Analytics add-ons. The pricing tables add-on makes purchases easier for your customers. They can view the rates you’re charging for a particular service in multiple currencies and on monthly or yearly basis. Google Analytics is one of my favorite add-ons when it comes to pricing tables because it lets you gain valuable insight on how your visitors interact with the tables by tracking button clicks.

如果您正在寻找更大的定价表,则Easy Pricing Table插件会提供其业务和代理商计划,其中包含定价选项和Google Analytics(分析)插件。 定价表附加组件使您的客户更容易购买。 他们可以按月或按年以多种货币查看您为特定服务收取的费率。 在定价表方面,Google Analytics(分析)是我最喜欢的附加组件之一,因为它可以让您通过跟踪按钮点击来获得有关访问者如何与定价表进行交互的宝贵见解。

If you’re still not impressed with the features, you can take Fatcat Apps up on their 60 day money back guarantee.

如果您仍然对这些功能不满意,可以使用Fatcat Apps的60天退款保证。

HeroWP高级价格表 (HeroWP Premium Pricing Tables)

Overview HeroWP Premium Pricing Tables by Simion Radu Lucian offers the most extensive list of icons and ribbons to pick from. This colorful pricing table plugin is sure to make your website pop.

概述 Simion Radu Lucian撰写的HeroWP Premium定价表提供了最丰富的图标和功能区列表供您选择。 这个丰富多彩的定价表插件一定会让您的网站流行起来。

The plugin is priced at $49 and comes with on-going support and updates. Let’s take a look at the features you can use to create a stunning pricing table in seconds.

该插件的价格为49美元,并带有持续的支持和更新。 让我们看一下可用于在几秒钟内创建惊人价格表的功能。

Features HeroWP Premium Pricing Tables offers more than 100 ribbons in four different colors to pair up with the 1,100+ icons you can choose from. The pricing table lets you customize the colors for every element that’s displayed.

功能 HeroWP Premium定价表提供了100多种不同颜色的色带,可与1100多种图标配对。 通过定价表,您可以为显示的每个元素自定义颜色。

The plugin is compatible with Bootstrap 3 which makes it fully responsive. With its drag and drop features you can move your rows and columns around to see which format looks best without having to manually type the details all over again.

该插件与Bootstrap 3兼容,从而使其具有充分的响应能力。 借助其拖放功能,您可以移动行和列,以查看哪种格式最合适,而无需再次手动键入详细信息。

This one-of-a-kind plugin is bound to generate more sales for your site with its vivid colors and eye-catching design.


最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

There are features specific to every one of the plugins that we covered that makes them stand out from the crowd. Some offer a vast range of icons and ribbons to pick from, while others focus more on the user experience.

我们涵盖的每个插件都有特定的功能,使它们在人群中脱颖而出。 有些提供大量图标和功能区供您选择,而另一些则更多地关注用户体验。

Both these factors are of great importance when designing pricing tables. After all, they are the primary front your site offers visitors when making sales. Ultimately, it all boils down to one simple question: What is it that you’re looking for in a pricing table?

这两个因素在设计价格表时都非常重要。 毕竟,它们是您的网站在进行销售时为访问者提供的主要服务。 最终,所有这些都可以归结为一个简单的问题:您在价格表中寻找的是什么?

Which pricing table plugins have you tried out? Did they offer any features that our top 5 didn’t? Let us know in the comments below.

您尝试了哪些定价表插件? 他们提供了我们前5名没有的功能吗? 在下面的评论中让我们知道。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/top-5-premium-pricing-table-plugins-for-wordpress/

