
tech2022-11-05  112

This is a sample of one of our live talks with industry experts. For more, check out our Talk with the Experts compilation, available for SitePoint members.

这是我们与行业专家进行的实时对话之一。 有关更多信息,请查看适用于SitePoint成员的“与专家交谈”汇编。

重新封装CodePen (Recapping CodePen)

Last week we held our highly anticipated live webinar with Chris Coyier! For those of you who may not know him, he is the Co-Host of The Shop Talk Show podcast, Founder of CSS-Tricks and Co-Founder of CodePen. With CodePen being one of the most popular tools for web developers, we were really excited to have him join us and show us how we can make the most of CodePen, with many useful tricks that may have missed our radar.

上周,我们与Chris Coyier举行了备受期待的实时网络研讨会! 对于可能不认识他的人来说,他是The Shop Talk Show播客的共同主持人,CSS-Tricks的创始人和CodePen的共同创始人。 由于CodePen是Web开发人员最受欢迎的工具之一,我们非常高兴能让他加入我们,向我们展示如何充分利用CodePen,并提供许多有用的技巧,而这些技巧可能已经使我们望而却步了。

If you’re not familiar with CodePen, it’s time you did. CodePen is a development playground which allows you to write HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in your preferred browser, without additional software. As CodePen is also a cloud service, you can share pens with your team, with other developers, or between your devices — convenient huh! With CodePen, you can build full applications or just demo a quick bug fix, or even just share snippets of code – it’s all up to you. With our webinar now over, you now have a new set of tricks at your CodePen disposal which means you can do even more than you probably realized!

如果您不熟悉CodePen ,那么该您该了。 CodePen是一个开发游乐场,它使您可以在首选的浏览器中编写HTML,CSS和JavaScript,而无需其他软件。 由于CodePen还是云服务,因此您可以与团队,其他开发人员或在设备之间共享笔-方便! 使用CodePen,您可以构建完整的应用程序,或者只是演示快速的错误修复程序,或者甚至只是共享代码片段,这一切都取决于您。 随着我们的网络研讨会结束,您现在可以使用CodePen掌握一套新的技巧,这意味着您可以做的甚至比您想像的还要多!

We’ll be giving you a sample of the webinar with a small recap of some of the 24 questions asked. However, you can immerse yourself in the complete webinar experience by watching the recap below.

我们将为您提供网络研讨会的样本,并简要概述所提出的24个问题中的一些。 但是,您可以通过观看下面的回顾来沉浸在完整的网络研讨会体验中。

Loading the player… 正在加载播放器…

问:可以向CodePen添加其他插件和扩展吗? (Q: Can you add other plugins and extensions to CodePen?)

Chris: If you can do it on the client, you can do it on CodePen.


问:告诉我们即将推出的功能吗? (Q: Tell us about upcoming features?)

Chris: There is lots of new stuff! We have most of our team just cranking away on a new feature! The hint: Let’s say you’re taking a web design 101 class, and the first thing they taught you is how to make a website for your aunt’s sewing business or, something like that, and you want an index page, a contact page, and a work page to show off all the photos of her work. How would you do that on CodePen? It would be a little hard, huh? That’s… kind of coming.

克里斯:有很多新东西! 我们大多数团队都在努力开发新功能! 提示:假设您要参加101网页设计课程,而他们教给您的第一件事是如何为您的姨妈的制衣业或类似网站建立网站,并且您想要索引页,联系页,还有一个工作页来展示她的所有照片。 您将如何在CodePen上做到这一点? 会有点困难吧? 那是……来了。

问:可以用CodePen编写PHP吗? (Q: Can you write PHP in CodePen?)

Chris: No, you can’t, it’s all client side stuff entirely right now, no PHP or Ruby or Python or any background language.


问:其他用户浏览/搜索现有笔的最简单方法是什么? (Q: What’s the easiest way to browse/search existing pens by other users?)

Chris: Our search is pretty darned good, and you can kinda get customized with it.


问:我们可以在其他应用程序中热链接来自CodePen的资源吗? (Q: Can we hotlink resources from CodePen in other apps?)

Chris: I would say, I guess, feel free to hotlink stuff? I’m not overly worried about that kind of thing. Just be warned that there’s no versioning or anything, you can screw yourself up that way if the the thing you are hotlinking to changes, it’s just gonna change. There’s no guarantees for that kind of thing.

克里斯:我想说,我可以随意链接内容吗? 我不太担心这种事情。 请注意,没有版本控制或其他任何内容,如果您热链接到的内容发生更改,那么您可能会以这种方式搞砸自己,这只会改变。 这种事情没有保证。

问:CodePen团队有多大? (Q: How big is the CodePen team?)

Chris: There’s nine of us now, so that’s about it? You can check out the team page at About CodePen.

克里斯:我们现在有九个人,仅此而已? 您可以在About CodePen上查看团队页面。

问:告诉我有关CodePen专业计划的更多信息吗? (Q: Tell me more about the pro plan on CodePen?)

Chris: There is some pretty cool, compelling, interesting advantages of this. They can do some things that I think people are kinda interested in [such as live views in other browser windows, or even in mobile testing, like via Xcode].

克里斯:这有一些非常酷,引人注目的有趣的优点。 他们可以做一些我认为人们感兴趣的事情(例如在其他浏览器窗口中的实时取景,甚至在移动测试中,例如通过Xcode)。

问:如何拔起刚刚使用过的笔? (Q: How can you pull up the pens you’ve just worked on?)

Chris: We’ve tried to make that easier over the years. One of the things is, if you pull up the home page, if you’re kind of exploring and checking out cool stuff, there’s this “My Recent Pens” thing… so right on the homepage we put that there. Also in the User dropdown, there’s a link right to Pens.

克里斯:多年来,我们一直在努力简化这一过程。 事情之一是,如果您打开主页,如果您正在探索并检查一些很酷的东西,那么就有“我最近的笔”这件事……所以在主页上我们就放在那里。 同样在“用户”下拉列表中,有一个指向“笔”的链接。

好了,到此为止 (Well that’s the end)

There we have it, 8 out of the 24 questions. If that’s not enough for you, you don’t have to feel as if you had missed out. Watch the complete webinar whenever you like and once that’s done, show us what amazing thing(s) you’ve built on CodePen by tagging it “makingthemostofcodepen”.

在那里,有24个问题中的8个。 如果这对您来说还不够,那么您就不必觉得自己错过了。 随时随地观看完整的网络研讨会,完成后,通过将其标记为“使代码使用量最大”,向我们展示您在CodePen上构建的惊人功能。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/talk-with-the-experts-chris-coyier/
