
tech2022-11-22  139


Despite its original intended use as blogging software, WordPress has succeeded to surpass many expectations and serve for much more universal purposes, turning it into a “Jack of all trades”. In many cases, WordPress is able to save a lot of effort and money for a range of rather complex websites, which would require much more resources.

尽管WordPress原本打算用作博客软件,但它已成功超越了许多期望,并用于更广泛的用途,将其转变为“万事通”。 在许多情况下,WordPress可以为一系列相当复杂的网站节省大量的精力和金钱,这将需要更多的资源。

报到! (Check-in!)

Hotel and accommodation websites are among the group of websites which don’t require highly complex website infrastructure. That said, it isn’t always possible to meet requirements with a WordPress installation out-of-the-box. You might not be a hotel owner, but you may need to deal with a hotel project at some point. For this case, I will introduce you to a fine selection of tasty hotel themes for WordPress which will get the job done, no matter it’s a 5 star hotel or an AirBnB-like hostel.

酒店和住宿网站属于不需要高度复杂的网站基础结构的网站。 也就是说,开箱即用安装WordPress并非总是可以满足要求。 您可能不是酒店所有者,但有时可能需要处理酒店项目。 对于这种情况,无论是五星级酒店还是类似于AirBnB的旅馆,我都会向您介绍WordPress的一系列美味酒店主题,这些主题可以完成工作。

主人酒店 (Hotel Master)

The first thing you will notice when previewing Hotel Master by GoodLayers is that it offers 3 different theme styles, allowing you to save time (and money) if you want to have additional customizations on the theme. A Dark, a Light and a flat Modern style are offered within Hotel Master, contributing to the flexibility the theme offers.

预览GoodLayers的Hotel Master时,您会注意到的第一件事是,它提供了3种不同的主题样式,如果您希望对该主题进行其他自定义,则可以节省时间(和金钱)。 Master酒店内提供了深色,浅色和扁平化的现代风格,为主题提供了灵活性。

Hotel Master is suited more for luxury hotels or branches who need to automate booking processes wherever they can, so using it for a small guest house or hostel might be overkill. It features fancy yet minimalist looks which is even more emphasized in the Modern style of the theme. The theme is fully responsive and aligned with modern web standards so that is also taken care of for you (it might seem self explanatory nowadays).

Master Master更适合需要在任何可能的地方自动执行预订过程的豪华酒店或分支机构,因此将其用于小型旅馆或旅馆可能会显得过大。 它具有花哨却极简的外观,在主题的现代风格中更加突出。 该主题具有充分的响应能力,并与现代Web标准保持一致,因此也可以为您解决(当今看来,这很容易解释)。

The theme supports multiple branches which is obviously a must if you’re creating a website for more than a single location. Seasonal pricing is also supported by the theme, and you can even take advantage of various payment gateways (PayPal, Stripe, PayMill or Authorized.net) to process the payments. The theme also includes the Master Slider plugin and the home brewed GoodLayers page builder, which is a solid deal for the price tag of $58 that the theme comes with.

主题支持多个分支,如果您要为一个以上的位置创建一个网站,那么这显然是必须的。 主题还支持季节性定价,您甚至可以利用各种付款网关(PayPal,Stripe,PayMill或Authorized.net)来处理付款。 主题还包括Master Slider插件和自制的GoodLayers页面生成器,对于该主题随附的58美元的价格来说,这是一笔不小的交易。

Tons of other features are included in Hotel Master which would explode the boundaries of this article, so have a look and decide for yourself.

Hotel Master包含许多其他功能,这些功能可能会扩大本文的范围,因此请自己看看并自己决定。

Purchase Demo (Dark)

购买 演示(深色)

星际酒店 (Starhotel)

Starhotel is a good alternative to Hotel Master if you have no need for complex infrastructure like online payments or multiple hotel branches, but want to settle with something simpler yet powerful. Similar to Hotel Master, it comes in 3 different styles: Starhotel, Starmotel and Citytrip Edition.

如果您不需要复杂的基础设施(如在线支付或多个酒店分支机构),但想要以更简单但功能强大的方式解决问题,Starhotel可以替代Hotel Master。 与Hotel Master相似,它有3种不同风格:Starhotel,Starmotel和Citytrip Edition。

Admittingly, the theme sports slighter less modern visuals than today’s web design standards, which is not necessarily bad (I mean my grandpa doesn’t care if the booking button is flat or shiny and round). The UX of Starhotel is pretty straightforward and probably won’t cause the visitors any trouble (I checked with my grandpa, he approves).

诚然,该主题所具有的现代视觉效果不如今天的网页设计标准低,这并不一定是不好的(我的意思是爷爷不在乎预订按钮是平整的还是闪亮的或圆形的)。 Starhotel的UX非常简单,可能不会给游客带来任何麻烦(我批准了我的祖父的提议)。

The theme includes the Revolution Slider plugin and Visual Composer page builder (even though WordPress page builders might not be everyone’s cup of tea). You are also able to import the theme content of the live demo into your new installation, which will most likely save you some time experimenting with the new theme. The theme will cost you $48 which is an average price for ThemeForest themes.

主题包括Revolution Slider插件和Visual Composer页面构建器(即使WordPress页面构建器可能不是每个人都喝的茶)。 您还可以将实时演示的主题内容导入到新的安装中,这很可能会节省您尝试新主题的时间。 该主题的价格为$ 48,这是ThemeForest主题的平ASP格。

Purchase Demo

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天堂湾 (Paradise Cove)

Paradise Cove is another exotic looking theme with lots of white space and a huge slider, making the theme ideal if you want to emphasize images. It offers a modern interface with flat visual elements, which look great on the eye. Its colorful interface makes it perfect for more exotic or vacation hotels out of the box, but like with so many other WordPress themes, it can be changed easily.

Paradise Cove是另一个充满异国情调的主题,具有大量的白色空间和巨大的滑块,如果您要强调图像,则使其成为理想的主题。 它提供了具有平面视觉元素的现代界面,在视觉上看起来很棒。 其色彩丰富的界面使其非常适合开箱即用的异国情调或度假酒店,但就像其他许多WordPress主题一样,可以轻松更改。

The theme includes a very handy weather widget which I personally love. It also features a vector icon font which will be useful in various situations. With many layout options and the mega menu to choose from, Paradise Cove doesn’t disappoint when it comes to flexibility. The theme is also Retina ready, responsive and built on the Twitter Bootstrap framework.

主题包括一个我个人非常喜欢的天气小部件。 它还具有矢量图标字体,在各种情况下都将很有用。 拥有许多布局选项和大型菜单供您选择,Paradise Cove在灵活性方面并不令人失望。 该主题还支持Retina,响应Swift,并基于Twitter Bootstrap框架构建。

A nice plus is the ability to install and test the theme via an account on ThemeFuse’s TestLabs area on their website. This feature allows you to test and play with all the areas of the theme, including the WordPress dashboard. As with the other themes, you are able to import the live demo content for Paradise Cove into your new installation via the ‘1 Click Install’ in order to have a starting point to begin with.

一个不错的优点是可以通过ThemeFuse网站上TestLabs区域上的帐户安装和测试主题。 此功能使您可以测试和使用主题的所有区域,包括WordPress仪表板。 与其他主题一样,您可以通过“一键安装”将Paradise Cove的实时演示内容导入到新安装中,以作为起点。

The theme will set you back $55 for the Standard License and is available on ThemeFuse’s website (not on ThemeForest).


Purchase Demo

购买 演示

费洛尼亚 (Philoxenia)

With an even fancier and more luxurious look, Philoxenia boasts a classical feel. Round corners, gradients and Serif fonts make the theme a great fit for luxurious hotel out-of-the-box.

Philoxenia拥有更时尚,更豪华的外观,拥有经典的感觉。 圆角,渐变色和衬线字体使该主题非常适合开箱即用的豪华酒店。

The theme features the usual Booking form, various content types (rooms, galleries, videos and slider items) custom widgets and many other little features, including a set of ready-to-use color schemes which are also customizable without touching code. The theme also features a blog, which is not necessarily phenomenal, but should do the job if needed. I was not impressed by the Full Width page which didn’t offer much more than a clean Twenty Fifteen theme. Philoxenia makes up for this with a great collection of shortcodes and a straightforward, but solid gallery feature. The theme is responsive and Retina ready.

该主题具有通常的预订表单,各种内容类型(房间,画廊,视频和滑块项目),自定义小部件和许多其他小功能,包括一组即用型配色方案,这些方案也可以在不触摸代码的情况下进行自定义。 该主题还具有一个博客,该博客不一定非凡,但在需要时应做。 全宽页面给我留下了深刻的印象,该页面仅提供了一个干净的二十十五主题。 Philoxenia通过收集大量的短代码和简单明了的图库功能来弥补这一点。 主题是响应式的,视网膜已准备就绪。

There is no single license available for Philoxenia, however you are able to pay $49/year for a year of access and support for all of CSSIgniter’s themes (in total 64 themes, which is a good value). Also, take a look at the other themes they offer (they have solid experience in creating themes for hotels and resorts).

没有适用于Philoxenia的单一许可证,但是您可以每年支付49美元来访问和支持CSSIgniter的所有主题(总共64个主题,这是很有价值的),一年。 另外,请查看它们提供的其他主题 (他们在为酒店和度假村创建主题方面具有丰富的经验)。

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维瓦酒店 (VivaHotel)

VivaHotel takes a more minimalist and flexible approach here, making it a very powerful solution. With straightforward menus and features, it is very easy to setup and a recommended solution for anyone who wants a solid website up and running in short time.

VivaHotel在这里采用了更加简约和灵活的方法,使其成为非常强大的解决方案。 凭借简单易用的菜单和功能,它非常易于设置,并为希望在短时间内建立并运行可靠网站的任何人提供了推荐的解决方案。

The theme offers flat visuals and slick animations, aligning it well to today’s web standards (apart from some headers and background images which look a bit out of place). It includes various color schemes which make customizing the theme easy as pie. VivaHotel also boasts an interesting blog layout with lots of white space and a minimalistic structure.

该主题提供了扁平化的视觉效果和流畅的动画,使其与当今的Web标准保持一致(除了一些标头和背景图像看起来有些不合适)。 它包括各种配色方案,可轻松将主题自定义为馅饼。 VivaHotel还拥有一个有趣的博客布局,其中包含大量空白和简约的结构。

The Google Fonts API is integrated within the theme allowing you to use hundreds of fonts from Google Fonts directly, making your life a bit easier. Furthermore, VivaHotel includes the Revolution Slider plugin. There is also a big hyped Promo page feature included in the theme, but clicking on it gave me a 404 error, so I’m not sure what to expect of that.

Google Fonts API集成在主题中,使您可以直接使用Google Fonts中的数百种字体,使您的生活更轻松。 此外,VivaHotel还包括Revolution Slider插件。 主题中还包含一个大肆宣传的“促销”页面功能,但是单击它会给我一个404错误,因此我不确定该怎么做。

Included is also the usual, like: reservation form, responsiveness, Retina ready, custom widgets, shortcodes and tons of other small tweaks. Worth mentioning here are the PSD files which are also included in the standard license. The theme will set you back $48.

还包括通常的内容,例如:预订表,响应能力,Retina就绪,自定义小部件,短代码以及大量其他小调整。 这里值得一提的是PSD文件,这些文件也包含在标准许可证中。 主题价格为48美元。

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退房? (Check-Out?)

Hotel themes are one of the most complex categories WordPress is widely used for. Taking advantage of the right theme to get the job done is critical and could save you hours of work trying to make a theme work for you. I hope this small selection will help you to narrow down your needs and find a suitable solution for your next hotel website gig.

酒店主题是WordPress被广泛使用的最复杂的类别之一。 利用正确的主题来完成工作至关重要,这可以节省您尝试使主题工作所需的工作时间。 我希望这个小的选择可以帮助您缩小需求范围,并为下一个酒店网站演出找到合适的解决方案。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/5-beautiful-hotel-themes-for-wordpress/

