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查找电子商务主题 (Finding Ecommerce Themes)

As the internet and the number of commercial operations taking place within it grow, so does WordPress. An easy-to-use tool for creating your website, whether it be a blog on politics or an online candle shop, it offers an array of options to choose from.

随着互联网及其内部商业运营的增长,WordPress也随之增长。 一个易于使用的工具,可以用来创建您的网站,无论是政治博客还是在线蜡烛商店,它都提供了多种选择。

Customization is a defining feature of WordPress, offering you the possibility to design the interface of your website yourself or to choose from a number of free or paid ecommerce themes, perhaps doing some of your own design tweaks using child themes. Readily usable for a multitude of purposes, these ecommerce themes serve as the basis of countless online businesses that have reached success.

定制是WordPress的一项定义功能,它使您可以自己设计网站的界面,或者从许多免费或付费的电子商务主题中进行选择,也许可以使用子主题进行一些自己的设计调整。 这些电子商务主题可轻松用于多种目的,是无数在线业务取得成功的基础。

The first thing that most customers do when they wish to purchase a product is search for it (or for the outlet that sells it) online. A user-friendly website may convince them to linger on the page and buy even more, while a slow and disorganized one will turn them away from your business altogether. On-page user experience can thus mean the difference between profit and bankruptcy.

大多数客户希望购买产品时要做的第一件事就是在线搜索产品(或寻找销售产品的商店)。 一个用户友好的网站可能会说服他们在页面上徘徊并购买更多商品,而速度缓慢且杂乱无章的网站会使他们完全脱离您的业务。 页面上的用户体验因此可能意味着利润与破产之间的区别。

Choosing a responsive and attractive ecommerce theme that fits your online business is therefore a matter of the utmost importance. Here are seven excellent ecommerce WordPress themes which are trending in 2017.

因此,选择适合您的在线业务的响应式和有吸引力的电子商务主题是至关重要的。 以下是2017年流行的七个出色的电子商务WordPress主题。

杰夫林 (Jevelin)

Still new to the WordPress theme market, Jevelin is specifically designed as an ecommerce theme. Compatible with the WooCommerce plugin, it allows you to turn your website into a professional online store. Although it already offers a standard version, Jevelin also allows customization. This way, you can leave the little things to the plugin while you focus on the design of the major features.

Jevelin仍然是WordPress主题市场的新手,是专门为电子商务主题设计的。 与WooCommerce插件兼容,它使您可以将网站变成专业的在线商店。 尽管它已经提供了标准版本,但Jevelin还允许自定义。 这样,您就可以在专注于主要功能的设计时将一些小东西留给插件。

Rich in store layouts for your page and attractive product showcasing, Jevelin is an obvious choice when it comes to designing an ecommerce page. Easy to modify in order to fit the seller’s preferences and product type, this WordPress theme will certainly appeal more to corporate customers looking for a professional look.

在设计电子商务页面时,Jevelin拥有丰富的页面商店布局和有吸引力的产品展示,是显而易见的选择。 易于修改以适合卖家的喜好和产品类型,此WordPress主题无疑会吸引更多寻求专业外观的公司客户。

工作室 (Atelier)

As both customers and the online sellers can attest, the forte of the Atelier theme is its excellent customer support features. With an incorporated user forum, you can easily and directly receive feedback from the visitors perusing your website. Coupled with a few friendly technicians eager to help, this system ensures that the customers will return to your website and retain an overall good impression of it.

正如客户和在线卖家都能证明的那样, Atelier主题的长处是其出色的客户支持功能。 通过合并的用户论坛,您可以轻松直接地从访问您的网站的访问者那里获得反馈。 加上一些乐于助人的友好技术人员,此系统可确保客户返回您的网站,并在总体上保持良好的印象。

Moreover, Atelier offers endless options regarding customization, allowing the customer to browse your store with great flexibility. Intuitive and simple in design, this WordPress ecommerce theme allows you to grasp its possibilities immediately and to ask for expert aid whenever you’re in trouble. Few themes are as effective and practical as Atelier.

此外,Atelier提供了有关定制的无穷选择,使客户可以非常灵活地浏览您的商店。 WordPress电子商务主题设计直观,简单,可让您立即掌握其可能性,并在遇到麻烦时寻求专家帮助。 很少有主题能像Atelier一样有效和实用。

斯卡利亚 (Scalia)

Scalia is a multi-purpose, multi-concept WordPress theme. This trendy and sharp look is ideal for corporations, personal portfolios or even blogs.

Scalia是一个多用途,多概念的WordPress主题。 这种时尚,锐利的外观非常适合公司,个人投资组合甚至博客。

Borderline flashy, Scalia focuses its attention on visual presentation. Eye-catching and glossy, it attracts the customer like a moth to the flame. It includes impressive slideshows, galleries, news feeds, company profiles and product showcases. In terms of SEO, Scalia is easy to set up and ready for optimization. In this way, it couples an attractive packaging for your website with an enhanced user experience and high organic traffic, making it a great choice as an ecommerce theme. If a customer visits a website using Scalia, chances are they will remember the pleasant shapes and relaxing color it uses to enhance accessibility and time spent on the page.

华丽的边界线,Scalia专注于视觉呈现。 醒目的且有光泽,它像飞蛾一样吸引顾客。 它包括令人印象深刻的幻灯片放映,画廊,新闻提要,公司简介和产品展示。 在SEO方面,Scala易于设置并可以进行优化。 通过这种方式,它可以为您的网站提供有吸引力的包装,并具有增强的用户体验和高有机流量,使其成为电子商务主题的绝佳选择。 如果客户使用Scalia访问网站,则他们很可能会记住其用来增强可访问性和在页面上花费时间的令人愉悦的形状和轻松的颜色。

店主 (Shopkeeper)

In the 2.0 version, which is compatible with the WooCommerce 3.0 plugin, the Shopkeeper theme comes with a wide variety of layouts and features. Moreover, it is able to support YouTube video items in galleries, and frames displayed products with the help of zooming and lightbox techniques.

在与WooCommerce 3.0插件兼容的2.0版本中, Shopkeeper主题具有多种布局和功能。 此外,借助缩放和灯箱技术,它能够支持画廊中的YouTube视频项目,并为显示的产品构架。

Sold by one of the top ThemeForest sellers, Shopkeeper is regularly updated and documented in order to ensure efficiency and simplicity. Quick to set up, easy to maintain and easy to customize even without coding, this WordPress theme is on the path to becoming one of the user favorites.

Shopkeeper由ThemeForest顶级销售商之一出售,并定期进行更新和记录,以确保效率和简便性。 快速设置,易于维护和易于自定义,即使无需编写代码,此WordPress主题也已成为用户的最爱之一。

Rich in headlines and easy to pick up and learn due to its use of the drag and drop method familiar to users, Shopkeeper is the definition of a user-friendly theme. It goes beyond the typical basic needs of an ecommerce theme, combining functionality with the quirky style of a blog and the professional feel of a portfolio. Any daring startup or small business looking to make a name for itself should consider Shopkeeper for constructing its online storefront.

由于使用了用户熟悉的拖放方法,因此标题丰富,易于上手和学习,Shopkeeper是用户友好主题的定义。 它超越了电子商务主题的典型基本需求,将功能,博客的古怪风格和投资组合的专业感相结合。 任何大胆的初创企业或小型企业希望自己出名,都应该考虑使用Shopkeeper来构建其在线店面。

主题 (BeTheme)

Functionality and the ready-to-use features make up the bread and butter of the BeTheme. With more than 250 pre-built website layouts on offer, this WordPress theme has been the choice of many businesses around the world. When it comes to online presence, BeTheme has an unparalleled feature availability.

功能性和即用型功能构成了BeTheme的基础 。 WordPress提供了250多种预建的网站布局,已成为全球许多企业的选择。 当涉及在线状态时,BeTheme具有无与伦比的功能可用性。

Moreover, this multi-site theme allows you to create separate sites with the same theme, for purposes that could not be more different from one another, with just a few clicks. Aside from the ready-made layouts, BeTheme is fully customizable, with a shortcode generator and a powerful admin panel that helps you organize your page according to your needs and preferences.

而且,此多站点主题使您可以单击几次来创建具有相同主题的单独站点,以达到彼此之间没有更多不同的目的。 除了现成的布局外,BeTheme还可以完全自定义,并带有短代码生成器和功能强大的管理面板,可帮助您根据需要和偏好来组织页面。

Other features incorporated in BeTheme are:


A powerful search tool used to navigate the site

强大的搜索工具,用于浏览网站 Optimization for loading speed and for search engines

优化加载速度和搜索引擎 Compatibility with plugins like WooCommerce, bbPress, Yoast and others

与WooCommerce,bbPress,Yoast等插件兼容 A maintenance mode that can be utilized until the site is ready to go.


扁平的 (Flatsome)

Flatsome is another WordPress theme that offers amazing user experience without needing any coding. Simple and elegant, it has quickly reached the top ranks of the WordPress theme markets.

Flatsome是另一个WordPress主题,无需任何编码即可提供惊人的用户体验。 简单而优雅,它已Swift达到WordPress主题市场的顶级位置。

With Flatsome’s Live Page Builder and impressive element library, building a page becomes easy, even for beginners. Layout and slide effects, banners and backgrounds are easily set and changed in an instant, without having to go into a maintenance mode. The same goes for any customization you might want to bring to your page, thanks to the Live Theme Options panel.

使用Flatsome的Live Page Builder和令人印象深刻的元素库,即使对于初学者来说,构建页面也变得容易。 您可以立即设置和更改布局和幻灯片效果,横幅和背景,而无需进入维护模式。 借助“实时主题选项”面板,您可能希望带入页面的任何自定义设置也是如此。

Flatsome’s quality design has made it one of WooCommerce’s top selling themes. It’s SEO friendly, and responsiveness is not a problem for Flatsome, as it is entirely desktop and mobile-friendly and kept constantly up to date with any software improvements required. With its quick loading and the impressive quality of its features, Flatsome should definitely be on anyone’s list of best WordPress ecommerce themes.

Flatsome的高质量设计使其成为WooCommerce最畅销的主题之一。 它对SEO友好,对于Flatsome来说,响应性不是问题,因为它完全对台式机和移动设备友好,并且在需要进行任何软件改进时始终保持最新状态。 凭借其快速加载和令人印象深刻的功能质量,Flatsome绝对应该在任何人的最佳WordPress电子商务主题列表中。

北极星 (Polaris)

The Polaris theme is perfect for high-end shops as it exudes professionalism and has the serious appearance fit for a top retailer. Able to support a wide variety of content, this theme is however especially made for ecommerce.

Polaris主题散发着专业精神,并具有严肃的外观,适合高端零售商,是高端商店的理想之选。 能够支持多种内容,但是该主题是专门为电子商务而设计的。

Online shops, storefronts and sites aiming to attract buyers in the online environment have thus found their perfect tool in the Polaris WordPress theme. Simple yet rich in features, Polaris comes with a responsive slider meant for custom sale tags, switchable collections, hover effects, QuickShop functions, Google Maps directs to your shops, intuitive product filters and ingenious newsletter popups.

旨在吸引在线环境中的购买者的在线商店,店面和站点因此在Polaris WordPress主题中找到了其完美的工具。 Polaris功能简单而丰富,带有一个响应式滑块,用于自定义销售标签,可切换的收藏集,悬停效果,QuickShop功能,Google Maps到您的商店,直观的产品过滤器和巧妙的新闻通讯弹出窗口。

Powered by a jQuery framework and enhanced by CSS3 effects and animation, the Polaris theme adds quality to your online presence and gives your shop a brand-name look for an affordable price. The return it provides is well worth the initial investment.

Polaris主题由jQuery框架提供支持,并由CSS3效果和动画增强,可以为您的在线形象增加品质,并以实惠的价格为您的商店提供品牌外观。 它提供的回报非常值得初始投资。

结论 (Conclusions)

Today, ecommerce has become an essential part of running a business. These seven trending WordPress ecommerce themes all provide unique features suited to constructing your online storefront. They are the ship in which your products navigate the competitive seas of the growing ecommerce industry. The more performant the ship, the more successful and profitable your business.

如今,电子商务已成为经营企业的重要组成部分。 这七个趋势不断的WordPress电子商务主题均提供适合构建您的在线店面的独特功能。 它们是您的产品在不断发展的电子商务行业的竞争海洋中航行的船。 船舶性能越好,您的业务就越成功和盈利。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/7-trending-wordpress-ecommerce-themes-2017/

