
tech2022-11-28  108


Did you know that the majority of Internet users are browsing through websites on their mobile devices?


If you’re a website owner, go to your Google Analytics account and see for yourself. It may not be the majority in your case but I bet at least 30% of your visitors are looking at your website from their smartphones or tablets.

如果您是网站所有者,请转到您的Google Analytics(分析)帐户并亲自查看。 在您的情况下,它可能不是大多数,但我敢打赌,至少有30%的访问者正在通过智能手机或平板电脑浏览您的网站。

Even Google realized the importance of mobile browsing and because of that have updated their algorithm, earlier this year, to show ‘mobile friendly’ websites higher in rankings than websites not optimized for mobile devices.

甚至Google都意识到了移动浏览的重要性,并因此在今年早些时候更新了其算法 ,以向“移动友好”网站展示比未针对移动设备优化的网站更高的排名。

Assuming that you are a WordPress user, there is a big probability that your website is already optimized for the perfect mobile experience and that’s awesome.


But what about the social sharing buttons on your website? This is where social sharing WordPress plugins come in.

但是您网站上的社交分享按钮呢? 这是社交共享WordPress插件出现的地方。

If your social sharing icons are not optimized for mobile devices you are missing out a huge deal here. Your job as a website owner is to give the best experience possible to your visitors, and that includes the ability to share your content on various social channels as easily as possible.

如果您的社交共享图标未针对移动设备进行优化,那么您将错过很多。 作为网站所有者,您的工作是为访问者提供最佳体验,其中包括尽可能轻松地在各种社交渠道上共享您的内容的能力。

Today I am going to show you what some of the best WordPress plugins are, which you can use to provide a perfect social sharing experience for both desktop and mobile users on your website.


迅捷酒吧 (Swifty Bar)

Swifty Bar is a relatively new plugin but it is getting a lot of traction lately because of its extreme quality.

Swifty Bar是一个相对较新的插件,但由于其极高的质量,最近受到了广泛的关注。

It’s a lightweight plugin, very fast with a clean code and a lot of amazing features. It shows:

这是一个轻量级的插件,具有干净的代码和许多令人惊奇的功能,非常快速。 表明:

a category of your article

您文章的类别 a title and author info

标题和作者信息 the time to read and a progress bar

阅读时间和进度条 the number of comments on your article

您的文章评论数 social sharing icons

社交共享图标 previous/next post links with a preview on hover


I use it on my own blog if you want to see it in action on your desktop or maybe your smartphone.


The main reason why Swifty Bar is so fast is because it doesn’t show the number of shares from the articles. If that’s not a deal breaker than this is a plugin you might want to install.

Swifty Bar之所以如此之快的主要原因是,它没有显示文章中的共享数量。 如果这不是交易突破者,那么您可能需要安装该插件。

SumoMe分享 (SumoMe Share)

SumoMe provides a set of Internet marketing tools which can help you grow your email list, share your content and even track your visitors with heat maps (and more).


Their Share tool is an interesting one because it gives you a wide range of possibilities like:


Desktop and mobile optimization – Your sharing icons will look great on any device

桌面和移动设备优化–您的共享图标在任何设备上看起来都很棒 Smart share buttons – Automatically optimize which sharing options are most effective on a per page basis

智能共享按钮–自动优化每个页面上最有效的共享选项 Historical share data

历史份额数据 UTM tracking (for Google Analytics)

UTM跟踪(用于Google Analytics(分析))

I’ve used SumoMe before and it really looks amazing on any device. Besides that, the customization possibilities are endless, you can choose the size, positioning and select the social sharing buttons you want to use from their wide range of options.

我以前使用过SumoMe,在任何设备上看起来都很棒。 除此之外,自定义的可能性是无限的,您可以选择大小,位置并从其广泛的选项中选择要使用的社交共享按钮。

混搭 (Mashshare)

Like its name suggests, Mashshare was inspired by Mashable’s social sharing buttons and as you can see from the image above, it looks stunning.


Finally, you can have your social sharing icons looking professional and clean, no more bad or amateur designs.


Some of the main Mashshare features highlighted on their plugin page are:


High Performance Social Media Icons – it’s easy to use and includes share buttons for most networks

高性能社交媒体图标–易于使用,并包含适用于大多数网络的共享按钮 High Resolution lossless vector font share button icons

高分辨率无损矢量字体共享按钮图标 Show the Total Social Media Share count at a glance

一览显示社交媒体总份额 Object and transient caches to provide incredibly fast execution speed of Social Media Icons

对象和暂态缓存可提供极快的社交媒体图标执行速度 Shortcodes

简码 Extensible with many Add-Ons (Google Analytics, More Social Networks, Responsive, YouTube Video Share and more…)

可通过许多附加组件进行扩展(Google Analytics(分析),更多社交网络,自适应,YouTube视频共享等) Developer friendly with several filters and actions.

与开发人员友好的几个过滤器和操作。 Highly customizable

高度可定制 Smart (virtual) share count function. Add virtual shares to new articles. Use psychological aspects to increase real shares.

智能(虚拟)共享计数功能。 将虚拟共享添加到新文章。 利用心理方面来增加实际份额。

Honestly, Mashshare looks amazing and I can’t wait to try it. What do you think?

老实说,Mashshare看起来很棒,我迫不及待想尝试一下。 你怎么看?

君主 (Monarch)

Monarch is a premium WordPress plugin made by well known WordPress theme designers, Elegant Themes.

Monarch是由知名WordPress主题设计师Elegant Themes生产的高级WordPress插件。

With Monarch, they didn’t just make a simple social sharing WordPress plugin, they made a complete social sharing solution. Literally, there are so many features in Monarch that you will fall in love with it instantly.

使用Monarch,他们不仅制作了一个简单的社交共享WordPress插件,还制作了一个完整的社交共享解决方案。 从字面上看,Monarch有太多功能,您将立即爱上它。

Here are the main Monarch features:


Inline or Floating Sharing Links

内联或浮动共享链接 Media Sharing

媒体分享 Social Sharing Pop-ups and Fly-ins (with automatic triggers)

社交共享弹出窗口和插入窗口(带有自动触发器) Total and Individual Counts


I don’t know about you but to me Monarch seems sleek, elegant and powerful. If you want premium social sharing features for your website you may want to consider the Monarch plugin.

我不了解您,但对我而言,君主似乎时尚,优雅而强大。 如果您想要网站的高级社交共享功能,则可以考虑使用Monarch插件。

社会战争 (Social Warfare)

Social Warfare is another premium WordPress plugin providing beautifully responsive, lightning fast share buttons for your WordPress website.

Social Warfare是另一个高级WordPress插件,可为您的WordPress网站提供精美的响应式,闪电般的快速共享按钮。

On their website they say that Social Warfare plugin will boost your shares and traffic without compromising the speed of your website. Although I don’t know if that’s true (testimonials on their website confirm that it is), there are some really interesting features you might find useful for your website.

他们在他们的网站上说,Social Warfare插件将在不影响网站速度的情况下增加您的份额和流量。 尽管我不知道这是否是正确的(他们网站上的证明证实了这一点),但是您可能会发现一些非常有趣的功能对您的网站有用。

Some of the cool features you get with Social Warfare include:


Minimum share count

最低股份数 Analytics integration

分析整合 Popular posts

热门帖子 Shareable posts

共享的帖子 Content protection

内容保护 Shareable quotes


Custom tweets


… and more

… 和更多

For a really affordable price you can try Warfare yourself and see if it’s a good fit for your business. I think it has some cool features and might give it a try.

以真正实惠的价格,您可以自己尝试Warfare,看看它是否适合您的业务。 我认为它具有一些很酷的功能,可以尝试一下。

AddThis共享按钮 (AddThis Sharing Buttons)

AddThis ‘Sharing Buttons’ have been around for a long time and are one of the most popular WordPress sharing plugins with 200,000+ active installs at the time of writing.


Their popularity didn’t happen by accident – they are free (with basic options) and they have a lot to offer. Although, their responsive sharing buttons are part of the PRO package (paid).

它们的流行并不是偶然发生的-它们是免费的(具有基本选项),并且可以提供很多功能。 虽然,它们的响应式共享按钮是PRO软件包的一部分(收费)。

Here are some of the best features you get with AddThis WordPress plugin:

这是您通过AddThis WordPress插件获得的一些最佳功能:

Responsive sharing buttons

响应式共享按钮 Sharing sidebar counters

共享侧边栏计数器 Jumbo share counter

巨型股份柜台 Mobile sharing toolbar


Custom sharing buttons


… and more

… 和更多

The free version of AddThis Sharing Buttons might be good for you, but if you want real power, then I suggest you go with the PRO version. Before you decide, make sure to check out the other plugins on this list first.

免费的AddThis Sharing Buttons版本可能对您有用,但是如果您需要真正的功能,那么我建议您选择PRO版本。 在决定之前,请确保首先检查此列表中的其他插件。

WordPress的简易社交分享按钮 (Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress)

Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress is one of the most popular WordPress plugins on CodeCanyon with over 10,000 sales.

适用于WordPress的Easy Social Share Buttons是CodeCanyon上最受欢迎的WordPress插件之一,销售额超过10,000。

I have to admit, I have purchased this plugin, which I use on my personal Internet Marketing blog if you want to take a look and see it in action.


To give you a better perspective of what this plugin can do for you, here’s a list of the most important features:


Social sharing icons

社交分享图标 After share actions

分享动作后 Add sharing buttons in 19 different locations

在19个不同位置添加共享按钮 Mobile optimized display methods

移动优化的显示方法 22 included templates

包含22个模板 Different button styles

不同的按钮样式 Different counter styles

不同的柜台风格 Automatic share pop-up and fly in display

自动共享弹出窗口并在显示中飞行 Social share analytics … and much more


If you are serious about your social sharing give this plugin a try. It has so many features and options that you won’t know where to start!

如果您认真对待社交分享,请尝试使用此插件。 它具有如此众多的功能和选项,您将不知道从哪里开始!

耀斑 (Flare)

Flare for WordPress (and other types of websites) offers one of the nicest looking share buttons out there. They are not just here for the looks, they know the importance of mobile optimization and they talk about it on their site too:

WordPress Flare(和其他类型的网站)提供了其中最漂亮的共享按钮之一。 他们不仅在这里看起来,还知道移动优化的重要性,并且还在其站点上谈论它:

“Over half of all web traffic comes from mobile devices, but sharing from mobile browsers is still difficult and annoying! Flare Pro is fully responsive, optimized for iOS and Android, and offers a gorgeous, snappy sharing experience within the browser – just like your favorite native apps.”

“所有网络流量的一半以上来自移动设备,但是通过移动浏览器共享仍然是困难而烦人的! Flare Pro具有完全响应能力,针对iOS和Android进行了优化,并在浏览器中提供了华丽,活泼的共享体验,就像您最喜欢的本机应用一样。”

As you can see Flare comes in two versions, Lite (free) and Pro (paid). Before choosing which one to use, make sure to check all of the features that each version has to offer. Here’s an overview of the features from their plugin page:

如您所见,Flare有两个版本,Lite(免费)和Pro(付费)。 在选择使用哪个版本之前,请确保检查每个版本必须提供的所有功能。 以下是其插件页面中的功能概述:

Add a Follow Me widget – place widgets on your site with links to your social networks to get more followers.

添加“关注我”窗口小部件–将窗口小部件放置在您的网站上,并带有指向您的社交网络的链接,以吸引更多关注者。 Configure multiple share icons for some of the most popular sharing services like Twitter, Facebook, Stumble Upon, Reddit, Google+ and Pinterest! (more coming soon)

为某些最受欢迎的共享服务(例如Twitter,Facebook,Stumble On,Reddit,Google +和Pinterest)配置多个共享图标! (更多即将推出) Easily order your icons, customize the icons’ appearance

轻松订购图标,自定义图标的外观 Control which post types your Flare appears on

控制您的耀斑出现在哪种帖子类型上 Display your Flare at the top, bottom, left or right sides of your post content

在帖子内容的顶部,底部,左侧或右侧显示您的耀斑 Flare displayed on the left and right of your post will follow your visitors down the page as they scroll and conveniently hide when not needed


GetSocial.io的社交共享,关注栏和共享按钮 (Social Sharing, Follow Bar and Share Buttons by GetSocial.io)

While doing my research for this article, I came across this cool little plugin. It’s a freemium WordPress plugin, which means that it offers some features for free and others are available to you if you pay.

在研究本文时,我遇到了这个很棒的小插件。 这是一个免费的WordPress插件,这意味着它提供了一些免费的功能,如果您付费则可以使用其他功能。

What I like about GetSocial is the design. All icons are available in two versions, as flat or gradient, and they are beautiful.

我喜欢GetSocial的是设计。 所有图标都有平面和渐变两种版本,它们都很漂亮。

Besides the great looks, there is also great functionality too. Here’s the list of their best features as listed on their plugin page:

除了美观外,还具有出色的功能。 以下是其插件页面上列出的最佳功能列表:

Free features:


Horizontal Sharing Bar

水平共享栏 Native Sharing Bar

本机共享栏 Floating Sharing Bar

浮动分享栏 Welcome Bar

迎宾酒吧 Custom Facebook Shares

自定义Facebook分享 Horizontal Follow Bar

水平跟随杆 Floating Follow Bar

浮动跟随栏 Most Shared Pages


Paid features:


Mobile Share Bar

移动共享栏 Mobile Follow Bar

移动跟随栏 Image Sharing

图片分享 Big Total Shares Horizontal and Floating

总股本水平浮动 Subscribe Bar

订阅栏 Price Alert

价格提醒 Extended Customization (Shape, Color, Twitter handle in several apps)

扩展自定义(多个应用程序中的形状,颜色,Twitter句柄) Address Bar Tracking

地址栏跟踪 Conversion Tracking

转化跟踪 Google Analytics Integration

Google Analytics(分析)整合 Social Sharing Analytics


结论 (Conclusion)

And there you go. Now you don’t have any excuse not to have mobile optimized social sharing icons on your WordPress powered website.

然后你去。 现在,您没有任何借口不要在WordPress驱动的网站上拥有针对移动设备优化的社交共享图标。

However, before you decide which one to use, here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a social sharing plugin:


Design – Make sure you like the look (design) of the icons, and that they go well with your website design.

设计 –确保您喜欢图标的外观(设计),并确保它们与您的网站设计相配。

Functionality – Some plugins have less, and some have more options to choose from. Before you decide which one to get, make sure it has all of the options that you’re looking for.

功能性 -有些插件的功能较少,有些插件的选择更多。 在决定选择哪一个之前,请确保它具有您要寻找的所有选项。

Speed – Test the speed of your website before and after you install any social sharing plugin. If the plugin slows your website significantly, you might want to reconsider your decision and try another one.

速度 –在安装任何社交共享插件之前和之后测试网站的速度。 如果该插件大大降低了您的网站速度,则您可能需要重新考虑您的决定,然后再尝试一次。

Which social sharing plugin do you use? Which one from this list do you find the best? Share your thoughts in the comment area below, and don’t forget to share this article if you find it useful.

您使用哪个社交分享插件? 您从此列表中找到哪一个最好? 在下面的评论区域中分享您的想法,如果您觉得有用,请不要忘记分享此文章。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/social-sharing-wordpress-plugins-optimized-for-mobile/

