drupal 使用补丁

tech2022-11-30  118

drupal 使用补丁

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Consider the typical tasks involved when deploying your WordPress or Drupal website to a new web host…


Sign-up and create a new environment.

注册并创建一个新环境。 If you’re using a dedicated or virtual server, install and/or configure a web server, PHP, MySQL and other dependencies.

如果您使用的是专用或虚拟服务器,请安装和/或配置Web服务器,PHP,MySQL和其他依赖项。 Create a new database with a user ID and password.

使用用户ID和密码创建一个新数据库。 Upload several megabytes of application code.

上载几兆的应用程序代码。 Edit the application’s configuration parameters.

编辑应用程序的配置参数。 Run the installer process.

运行安装程序过程。 Upload, install and configure third-party themes and plugins.

上载,安装和配置第三方主题和插件。 Add your content.

添加您的内容。 Test. Swear. Hit your keyboard. Fix the problems. Repeat testing again.

测试。 发誓。 敲键盘。 解决问题。 再次重复测试。 Redo the whole process for your test, staging and production environments.


And then your problems really start…


Updates can be difficult to deploy everywhere

更新可能难以部署到任何地方 A traffic spike caused by a popular article or advertising campaign can bring the server to a halt at the worst possible moment

由热门文章或广告活动引起的流量激增可能会使服务器在最坏的时刻停止运行 A DoS attack can be catastrophic for every site hosted on the same environment

对于在同一环境中托管的每个站点,DoS攻击都可能是灾难性的 The website is difficult to scale as you grow

随着您的成长,该网站很难扩展 Hardware and software updates can cause outages or compatibility problems.


The process may be manageable for a couple of installations but consider hosting a few dozen websites – or thousands. Managing multiple WordPress or Drupal sites is time-consuming, tedious, error-prone and prevents you away working on tasks which add real value.

该过程对于几个安装而言可能是可管理的,但可以考虑托管几十个或数千个网站。 管理多个WordPress或Drupal站点非常耗时,乏味且容易出错,并且使您无法从事增加真正价值的任务。

云托管可以提供帮助吗? (Can Cloud Hosting Help?)

To some extent, yes. However, cloud hosting typically requires one or more separate virtual machines for every site. VMs are large, expensive and still rely on significant hardware resources to scale effectively. The traditional approach to scaling also requires considerable manual intervention by systems administrators or DevOps. Modern Infrastructure-as-a-Service providers such as AWS and Rackspace make it easy to provision new VMs to handle additional workload but someone, somewhere needs to stitch those additional servers together. Deployment takes time – and that may be too late for your traffic spike.

在某种程度上,是的。 但是,云托管通常需要为每个站点使用一个或多个单独的虚拟机。 虚拟机体积大,价格昂贵,并且仍然依赖大量的硬件资源来有效地扩展。 传统的扩展方法还需要系统管理员或DevOps进行大量的手动干预。 像AWS和Rackspace这样的现代基础设施即服务提供商,可以轻松地调配新的VM来处理额外的工作负载,但是需要有人在某个地方将这些额外的服务器缝合在一起。 部署需要时间-对于流量高峰可能为时已晚。

节省理智的第一步:使用版本控制 (Step One to Saving Your Sanity: Use Version Control)

If you’re not using version control it’s time to start. Git is a great choice but any solution is better than none. Version control can be used to create a stable deployment process to improve your workflow. Ideally: Team members will have access to their own, separate development environments which allow them to update or create new features on separate code branches.

如果您不使用版本控制,那就该开始了。 Git是一个不错的选择,但是任何解决方案总比没有好。 版本控制可用于创建稳定的部署过程以改善您的工作流程。 理想情况下:团队成员将可以访问自己的独立开发环境,从而使他们可以在单独的代码分支上更新或创建新功能。

Content – such as your WordPress pages, posts and images – are synchronized from the live environment to all development and staging systems. The team can then work against an accurate snapshot of reality which is critical for a full understanding of the system. Automated quality-assurance tests ensure new code is tested prior to deployment. It should be impossible for problematic features to reach the live server.

内容(例如WordPress页面,帖子和图像)已从实时环境同步到所有开发和登台系统。 然后,团队可以根据准确的现实快照进行工作,这对于全面了解系统至关重要。 自动化的质量保证测试可确保在部署之前对新代码进行测试。 有问题的功能应该不可能到达实时服务器。

第二步:考虑一个网站管理平台 (Step Two: Consider a Website Management Platform)

A what? Website Management Platforms are a new concept. They’re similar to cloud-based Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) hosts such as Heroku or Cloud Foundry. However, a WMP is purpose-built for a specific application such as WordPress and Drupal rather than a development environment such as PHP or Ruby.

什么啊 网站管理平台是一个新概念。 它们类似于基于云的平台即服务(PaaS)主机,例如Heroku或Cloud Foundry。 但是,WMP是为特定应用程序(例如WordPress和Drupal)而不是诸如PHP或Ruby之类的开发环境而专门构建的。

The leader in this field is Pantheon, a company that implements hosting and scaling in a new way. Rather than rely on heavy VMs, sites are constructed on lightweight containers abstracted from the OS and hardware. Only the application is included – not the whole guest OS, PHP, MySQL or other dependencies. WordPress and Drupal applications can then be managed from Pantheon’s dashboard.

该领域的领导者是Pantheon ,这是一家以新方式实施托管和扩展的公司。 站点不依赖重型VM,而是在从操作系统和硬件中抽象出来的轻量级容器上构建。 仅包含应用程序-不包括整个来宾OS,PHP,MySQL或其他依赖项。 然后可以从万神殿的仪表板管理WordPress和Drupal应用程序。

Pantheon has created an infrastructure named the “Runtime Matrix”. This executes your site’s code across hundreds of powerful servers which serve millions of containers. Intelligent routing, load balancing and advanced caching and security services are included as standard. The service also includes Pantheon Content Base which manages databases, files and version control more effectively.

万神殿创建了一个名为“运行时矩阵”的基础架构。 这将在为数百万个容器提供服务的数百个功能强大的服务器上执行站点的代码。 标配包括智能路由,负载平衡以及高级缓存和安全服务。 该服务还包括Pantheon内容库,该库可以更有效地管理数据库,文件和版本控制。

Pantheon’s Website Management Platform has a number of advantages including:


1.快速配置 (1. Fast Provisioning)

Containers are provisioned using software which means they can be added or removed very quickly. Idle sites, such as development containers, are effectively deactivated until a new request is made. The largest websites in the world — like Google, Facebook and Twitter — are managed through software, not by manually adding and configuring new VM’s, servers and services. Software-based provisioning removes human error and greatly increases the speed of new services coming on line. A Website Management Platform quickly provisions all the required services so sites can scale out quickly to handle peak loads with minimal human intervention.

使用软件来配置容器,这意味着可以非常快速地添加或删除它们。 空闲站点(例如开发容器)将被有效停用,直到发出新请求为止。 世界上最大的网站(例如Google,Facebook和Twitter)是通过软件管理的,而不是通过手动添加和配置新的VM,服务器和服务来管理的。 基于软件的配置消除了人为错误,并大大提高了上线新服务的速度。 网站管理平台可快速提供所有必需的服务,以便网站可以快速扩展以最小的人工干预来处理高峰负载。

2.高可用性 (2. High Availability)

High availability means guaranteed uptime even when services fail. One compelling aspect of Website Management Platforms is the ability to handle redirection of traffic and service requests to known working services for code execution, content requests, db…. The multi-tenant, high-availability values introduced by salesforce.com, gmail and Heroku are now finding their way into website management, where a dedicated team of platform engineers deliver services that most companies would not be able to build and manage on their own.

高可用性意味着即使服务失败也能保证正常运行时间。 网站管理平台的一个引人注目的方面是能够处理流量和服务请求到已知工作服务的重定向,以执行代码执行,内容请求,数据库……。 由salesforce.com,gmail和Heroku引入的多租户,高可用性价值现在正进入网站管理领域,在那里,专门的平台工程师团队提供了大多数公司无法自行构建和管理的服务。

3.有效扩展 (3. Effective Scaling)

Your site can scale quickly from a few hundred daily page views to millions without downtime or maintenance. Unlike VMs, no reconfiguration or rebooting is required, no matter how much the demands on your website increase.

您的网站可以Swift从每天几百次的页面浏览量扩展到数百万次,而无需停机或维护。 与VM不同,无论您的网站需求增加多少,都无需重新配置或重新启动。

4.一致性 (4. Consistency)

Every WordPress or Drupal application container is identical. Your development, staging and production systems cannot go out of sync because they all share the same distributed content base, configurations and performance characteristics as the live site.

每个WordPress或Drupal应用程序容器都是相同的。 您的开发,暂存和生产系统不会失去同步,因为它们都共享与实时站点相同的分布式内容库,配置和性能特征。

5.更好的安全性 (5. Better Security)

Website attacks have become increasingly frequent. The Website Management Platform is continually monitored by security experts and designed to prevent Denial of Service, network intrusion, payment card fraud, virus and other attacks.

网站攻击变得越来越频繁。 网站管理平台受到安全专家的持续监视,旨在防止拒绝服务,网络入侵,支付卡欺诈,病毒和其他攻击。

6.更好的表现 (6. Better Performance)

Infrastructure with a single purpose can be highly optimized to serve that purpose. A Website Management Platform is built to deliver content over across the web. Compared to traditional hosting, where the workloads and development languages vary widely, Website Management Platforms can optimize every interaction, from browser to runtime engine, to speed up content delivery. Every aspect of the platform is optimized and tuned to deliver the best possible response times for websites. Your site will remain responsive regardless of demand.

具有单一目的的基础架构可以高度优化以实现该目的。 网站管理平台的构建旨在通过网络交付内容。 与工作负载和开发语言差异很大的传统托管相比,网站管理平台可以优化从浏览器到运行时引擎的每个交互,以加快内容交付。 对该平台的各个方面都进行了优化和调整,以为网站提供最佳的响应时间。 无论需求如何,您的网站都将保持响应状态。

7.头痛减少 (7. Fewer Headaches)

You can forget about hosting and deployment and concentrate on more interesting daily web development tasks. Pantheon claims to have the largest Drupal infrastructure in the world which runs more than 1,000,000 containers for clients including Cisco, Dell, Arizona State University and The New Republic. WordPress support has recently been added and is likely to be even more successful based on the lack of enterprise-grade hosting options for WordPress websites.

您可以忘记托管和部署,而将精力集中在更有趣的日常Web开发任务上。 万神殿声称拥有全球最大的Drupal基础架构,可为包括思科,戴尔,亚利桑那州立大学和新共和国在内的客户运行超过1,000,000个容器。 由于缺少WordPress网站的企业级托管选项,最近增加了WordPress支持,并且可能会更加成功。

结论 (Conclusion)

Of course, it’s difficult to appreciate the benefits a Website Management Platform can offer until you try it. Fortunately, Pantheon offers a free account so you can assess the service then upgrade as your website evolves. For more information about Pantheon’s Website Management Platform and to get the free eBook, Drupal Hosting is Dead, visit pantheon.io.

当然,在您尝试使用它之前,很难理解网站管理平台可以提供的好处。 幸运的是, 万神殿提供了一个免费帐户,因此您可以评估服务,然后随着网站的发展进行升级。 有关Pantheon网站管理平台的更多信息,以及要获取免费的电子书Drupal Hosting is Dead,请访问pantheon.io 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/boost-wordpress-drupal-performance-pantheon/

drupal 使用补丁
