AtoZ CSS截屏视频:CSS @supports规则

tech2022-12-01  139

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This screencast is a part of our AtoZ CSS Series. You can find other entries to the series here.

该截屏视频是我们的AtoZ CSS系列的一部分。 您可以在此处找到该系列的其他条目。

成绩单 (Transcript)

When using new or experimental CSS, it can be useful to know if the browser supports the features we’re writing code for.


Feature detection is often done in JavaScript with tools like Modernizr but in some browsers, we can now detect capabilities from CSS.


The @supports rule allows us to conditionally apply styles for features that are or are not supported.


In this episode we’ll learn all about


Browser support for various CSS features


How the @supports at-rule works


and how to provide alternative styles for unsupported features


浏览器支持 (Browser Support)

If you’ve been writing CSS for any length of time, you’ve probably discovered that not all browsers render things the same way and don’t all support the same features.


A fantastic resource that I use almost daily for checking browser support is the website


This site allows you to search a database of support tables to find out which versions of which browsers support which features.


In the previous episode, we learned about the :required pseudo class, which is supported in IE10, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera and Blackberry but not Opera Mini or iOS Safari or Android Browser.

在上一集中,我们了解了:required伪类,它在IE10,Firefox,Chrome,Safari,Opera和Blackberry中受支持,但Opera Mini或iOS Safari或Android Browser不支持。

We also learned about @keyframes in “Episode 11: @keyframes“. which are supported in all current browsers apart from Opera Mini but is only available in IE from version 10 and is prefixed in Chrome, Safari, Opera, Android and Blackberry.

我们还在“ 第11集: @keyframes ”中了解了@keyframes 。 除Opera Mini之外,当前所有浏览器均支持该功能,但仅在版本10的IE中可用,并且在Chrome,Safari,Opera,Android和Blackberry中具有前缀。

As you can see, the feature support landscape is vast and complex. This resource is amazing and an integral part of knowing what will work under what browsing conditions. It allows us to decide what features we may need to provide fallbacks for in case the required feature is key to the design or functionality of the site.

如您所见,功能支持范围广阔而又复杂。 该资源是惊人的,并且是了解在什么浏览条件下将起作用的重要组成部分。 如果所需的功能是站点设计或功能的关键,它使我们可以决定需要哪些功能来提供后备功能。

@supports规则 (The @supports rule)

@supports is an at-rule, a bit like the @media queries which we looked at in “Episode 13: Media Queries“.

@supports是一个规则,有点像我们在“ 第13集:媒体查询 ”中介绍的@media查询。

These at-rules apply styles contained within them, only if a condition is true.


The condition is contained within parentheses and contains a CSS property followed by a value, separated by a colon.


@supports (property: value) { /* styles applied if the condition is true */ }

If the CSS property inside the brackets accepts a value with the specified syntax, the condition is true.


If we wanted to detect support for unprefixed CSS animations, we could use the following snippet:


@supports (animation-name: test) { body {background: #cc3f85;} }

Here I’m using a visual cue of making the background of the page pink to show whether the feature is supported or not. We can see that the background is still black, so unprefixed animations are not supported in Chrome, which is what I’m currently using here.

在这里,我使用视觉提示使页面background变成粉红色,以显示是否支持该功能。 我们可以看到background仍然是黑色的,因此Chrome不支持无​​前缀的动画,这就是我目前在这里使用的动画。

@supports (animation-name: test) or (-webkit-animation-name: test) { body {background: #cc3f85;} }

We can use the keyword or to check multiple properties or multiple vendor prefixes. In this case, the background does change color, which tells me that Chrome supports the webkit prefixed version of the animation property.

我们可以使用关键字or检查多个属性或多个供应商前缀。 在这种情况下, background确实会更改颜色,这告诉我Chrome支持animation属性的webkit前缀版本。

It’s also possible to specify multiple conditions with and or to negated a condition with the not keyword.


提供后备样式 (Providing fallback styles)

We can use these support conditions to check for features but we can also use them to provide fallback styles in the case where a feature isn’t supported.


I’ve got an image here with a caption positioned over the top of it. The caption has a semi-transparent background using hsla which we covered way back in “Episode 3: CSS color Syntax“.

我在这里有一个图像,其标题位于其顶部。 该标题使用hsla具有半透明的背景,我们在“ 第3集:CSS color语法 ”中进行了介绍 。

hsla isn’t supported in old versions of IE so users of that browser will see no background at all. Due to the nature of this image and the color of the text, the caption is barely legible which is a real usability problem.

IE的旧版本不支持hsla ,因此该浏览器的用户将看不到任何background 。 由于该图像的性质和文本的颜色,标题几乎难以辨认,这是一个实际的可用性问题。

We could create the default style with a solid background color that fits the design and then use @supports to add the semi-transparent background if the feature is available.


.caption { background: #000; } @supports (background: hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.5) { .caption { background: hsla(0,0%,0%,0.5); } }

You could argue that this is a little long winded and a much more common approach to this particular problem would be to just allow the hsla declaration to override the solid background as follows:


.caption { background: #000; background: hsla(0,0%,0%,0.5); }

This simple approach works fine in this case, but if we wanted to add a lot of CSS if a certain feature was or wasn’t supported, we’d need something more comprehensive.


A good example would be something like flexbox which is a completely different layout model for creating complex user interfaces.


We could start with a float or position based layout as a good solid base, but then detect flexbox with @supports and take advantage of all the features that new layout engine provides.


Here I’ve made an app-like header bar which shows the name of the view with back and forward buttons to the left and right. To get this effect, we can use a combination of absolute positioning and text-align center.

在这里,我制作了一个类似于应用程序的标题栏,该标题栏使用向左和向右按钮向左和向右显示视图的名称。 为了获得这种效果,我们可以结合使用绝对定位和文本居中对齐。

However, with flexbox support, we can just set the nav container to display:flex and justify-content with space-between to equally space the three elements out.

但是,有了flexbox支持,我们可以将nav容器设置为display:flex ,并在两端之间留有space-between justify-content ,以将三个元素均等地隔开。

We could wrap the flexbox styles in an @supports rule and wrap the fallback styles with one for not (display:flex).

我们可以将flexbox样式包装在@supports规则中,并将后备样式包装为not (display:flex)样式not (display:flex) 。

nav { background: #eee; padding: 10px; } @supports not (display:flex) { nav { text-align: center; } .nav-back { position: absolute; left: 1em; } .nav-forward { position: absolute; right: 1em; } } @supports (display:flex) { nav { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; } .nav-back, .nav-forward { position: static; } }

It’s worth noting that browsers that don’t support flexbox, almost certainly don’t support @supports so to make this backwards compatible, the @supports not (display:flex) condition would have to be removed.

值得注意的是,不支持flexbox的浏览器,几乎可以肯定不支持@supports因此要使其向后兼容,必须删除@supports not (display:flex)条件。

While I’m really looking forward to this feature gaining more traction, it’s still a long way off being useful as the browser support for @supports itself is quite limited.


In the meantime, I tend to use the Modernizr JavaScript library for feature detection instead.

同时,我倾向于使用Modernizr JavaScript库进行特征检测。

This will add classes to the html element like flexbox if the feature is supported or no-flexbox if it’s not. These can then be used in place of the @supports rule:

如果该功能受支持,则会将类添加到html元素(如flexbox如果no-flexbox支持,则将其添加到no-flexbox 。 然后可以使用这些代替@supports规则:

nav { background: #eee; padding: 10px; } .no-flexbox { nav { text-align: center; } .nav-back { position: absolute; left: 1em; } .nav-forward { position: absolute; right: 1em; } } .flexbox { nav { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; } .nav-back, .nav-forward { position: static; } }

Feature detection and cross-browser support are an important but often frustrating part of front-end design and development. But with the tools we’ve looked at here, hopefully, some of that pain can be eased and we can continue to focus on just making awesome websites.

功能检测和跨浏览器支持是前端设计和开发的重要但通常令人沮丧的部分。 但是,希望借助我们在这里介绍的工具,可以减轻一些痛苦,并且我们可以继续专注于制作出色的网站。

