
tech2022-12-04  124


Learn to protect your WordPress site with our tutorial Backup Your WordPress Sites Manually and Easily.

通过我们的教程手动轻松地备份 WordPress网站,了解如何保护WordPress网站。

As Hunter Boyle says, popups are like Just Bieber: “You either love ‘em, or hate ‘em, but lately you see ‘em everywhere – because they still pull in big crowds”.

正如亨特·博伊尔(Hunter Boyle)所说, 弹出窗口就像Just Bieber :“您要么爱他们,要么恨他们,但是最近您到处都看到他们了-因为它们仍然吸引着大批人”。

Popups work… really, really, really well. I’ve yet to see a case study where optin popups decreased the site’s conversion rate, and I’ve seen countless case studies where popups catapulted CRO by as high as 300%.

弹出窗口可以工作…… 真的 , 真的 , 真的很好。 我还没有看到案例研究,其中optin弹出窗口降低了网站的转化率,而且我也看到了无数案例研究,其中弹出窗口使CRO高达300%。

If you’re not convinced, don’t take my word for it. Simply use one of these top popup plugins for WordPress. They are quick, easy, and several are completely free.

如果您不确定,请不要相信我。 只需使用这些WordPress顶级弹出式插件之一。 它们快速,简单,并且其中一些是完全免费的。

1. SumoMe ListBuilder (1. SumoMe ListBuilder)

I started using SumoMe’s List Builder app because of the ridiculously easy-to-use free version. It’s literally the easiest plugin I’ve ever set up. Within 5 minutes, you have a basic, lightbox optin-popup on your website.

由于容易使用的免费版本,我开始使用SumoMe的List Builder应用程序。 从字面上看,这是我设置过的最简单的插件。 5分钟之内,您的网站上就会出现一个基本的灯箱弹出框弹出窗口。

It can collect emails and you can adjust where it displays on your website, as well as how often it displays. Upgrade to premium, and the popup becomes fully customizable, with access to numerous templates and data collection options.

它可以收集电子邮件,并且您可以调整它在网站上的显示位置以及显示频率。 升级到高级版本,弹出窗口变得完全可自定义,可以访问许多模板和数据收集选项。

Best of all, the List Builder app is one of an entire suite of must-have marketing apps that are all included on the same SumoMe plugin.

最棒的是,List Builder应用程序是全部包含在同一SumoMe插件中的一整套必备营销应用程序之一。

2. 忍者弹出窗口 (2. Ninja Popups)

Ninja popups is one of CodeCanyon’s top selling plugins of all time… and with good reason. This plugin allows you to custom build a variety of popups with different goals in mind, from email signups to video displays to social shares. In terms of sheer customizability, this is the most creative freedom you’ll find for just $20.

忍者弹出窗口是CodeCanyon历来最畅销的插件之一……这是有充分理由的。 此插件可让您自定义构建各种弹出式窗口,并牢记不同的目标,从电子邮件注册到视频显示再到社交共享。 就纯粹的可定制性而言,这是您只需花费20美元即可找到的最具创意的自由。

3. OptinMonster (3. OptinMonster)

OptinMonster was one of the first companies to popularize the use of premium optin popups for marketing purposes. They led the market for several years, and their popup plugin is still one of the best around today.

OptinMonster是最早将优质optin弹出窗口用于营销目的的公司之一。 他们领导了市场好几年了,他们的弹出插件仍然是当今最好的插件之一。

OptinMonster’s primary selling point is its Exit-Intent Technology, a feature that recognizes when users are about to leave your page and allows you send in an optin popup at the optimized moment.


4. 弹出控制 (4. PopUp Domination)

PopUp Domination is a great, mid-priced option that includes all the features you look for in an optin popup. It includes A/B testing and a wide variety of targeting options, and while many of the templates have a slightly dated look to them, the functionality is rock solid.

PopUp Domination是一个不错的中档价格选择,其中包括您在optin弹出窗口中寻找的所有功能。 它包括A / B测试和各种各样的定位选项,尽管许多模板看起来有些过时,但功能却是坚如磐石。

5. Dreamgrow滚动触发框 (5. Dreamgrow Scroll Triggered Box)

This useful plugin is a great, free way to get a simple popup onto your website. It offers a single template with a variety of color options. The Dreamgrow Scroll Triggered Box is a fantastic example of a plugin that does only one thing, but does it very well.

这个有用的插件是一种很好的免费方法,可将简单的弹出窗口显示在您的网站上。 它提供具有多种颜色选项的单个模板。 Dreamgrow Scroll Triggered Box是一个出色的插件示例,它只做一件事,但做得很好。

6. Icegram (6. Icegram)

Icegram is a free popup plugin that offers a number of other marketing-focused functionalities as well. It’s one of the more feature-rich free options available and would be much higher on the list if it was a bit more user friendly. For those with a duck-tape approach to web design, Icegram is a great option for sneaking in a few premium features at no cost.

Icegram是一个免费的弹出式插件,还提供了许多其他针对营销的功能。 它是可用的功能更丰富的免费选项之一,如果对用户更友好的话,它在列表中的位置会更高。 对于那些采用鸭式磁带方式进行网页设计的人来说,Icegram是不需花钱就可以潜入一些高级功能的绝佳选择。

7. 皮ipp (7. Pippity)

For those who aren’t looking for the advanced customizability of something like Ninja Popups, but want more options than a one-trick pony, Pippity is a great option to consider. This plugin prides itself on being ridiculously easy to use, and while it’s price/feature ratio brings it down a bit on our list, it’s a useful option for those whose top priority is ease-of-use.

对于那些不希望像Ninja Popups这样的东西实现高级可定制性,但是想要比一招小马更能提供更多选择的人,Pippity是一个不错的选择。 该插件以其简单易用而引以为傲,虽然它的价格/功能比使它在我们的清单上有所下降,但对于那些将易用性放在首位的人来说,它是一个有用的选择。

8. YITH通讯弹出窗口 (8. YITH Newsletter Popup)

If you’re looking for a popup that takes up the entire screen, this plugin is another free, one-trick pony that will do just that. The spacing and styling only really work if you have a lot to say, but for those looking for a big, bold, in-your-face popup template, look no further.

如果您正在寻找一个占据整个屏幕的弹出窗口,则此插件是另一个免费的单技巧小马。 仅在您有很多话要说的情况下,间距和样式才真正起作用,但是对于那些寻找大型,大胆,脸部弹出菜单的人来说,别无所求。

结论 (Conclusion)

Many of your site’s visitors may never land on your pages again. You have one chance to convert them into a lead or capture them as part of your regular audience.

您网站的许多访问者可能永远不会再次进入您的页面。 您有机会将其转化为潜在客户或将其吸引为常规受众的一部分。

Popups allow you to stick a CTA front and center, demanding an action. If readers liked your content, they will be much more likely to give you their email when asked then to search your site for a sidebar subscription box.

弹出窗口允许您将CTA放在前面和中间,要求采取措施。 如果读者喜欢您的内容,则当他们被问到然后在您的网站上搜索侧边栏订阅框时,他们更有可能给您发送电子邮件。

These 8 popup plugins make utilizing popups on your website ridiculously easy.


But don’t take my word for it. Test them out and see for yourself.

但是不要相信我。 测试一下,看看自己。

The results may surprise you.


Learn to protect your WordPress site with our tutorial Backup Your WordPress Sites Manually and Easily.

通过我们的教程手动轻松地备份 WordPress网站,了解如何保护WordPress网站。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-popup-plugins/


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