
tech2022-12-06  91


Learning anywhere, any time, is what a student wants. There are many Learning Management Systems (LMS) for creating a course management system online. However, we can also create a course management system through WordPress plugins. Yes, you heard it correctly; a Content Management System (CMS) with course management plugins for building a powerful online learning platform.

学生想要随时随地学习。 有许多用于在线创建课程管理系统的学习管理系统(LMS)。 但是,我们也可以通过WordPress插件创建课程管理系统。 是的,您没听错; 具有课程管理插件的内容管理系统(CMS),用于构建功能强大的在线学习平台。

In this article, we’ll compare six of the best course management and e-learning plugins for WordPress, covering the following:



教书出版社 Sensei

老师 WP Courseware

WP课件 StudyPress

StudyPress CoursePress Pro

CoursePress Pro Educator


Before we get started, let’s first look at some of the key features we’d expect to see in a good course management plugin.


关键课程管理电子学习插件的功能 (Key Course Management E-learning Plugins Features to Look for)

课程与课程 (Courses and Lessons)

The key feature of every course management plugin is the addition of courses. Moreover, lessons are added under these courses, which may also be called modules. Almost every course management plugin provides this feature.

每个课程管理插件的主要功能是添加课程。 此外,在这些课程下增加了课程,也可以称为模块。 几乎每个课程管理插件都提供此功能。

Figure 1: Adding new course


导出课程列表 (Exporting Course Lists)

It’s an advantage if course lists are able to be exported in XLS/CSV format. This makes things easier as the complete list gets generated on a button click. teachPress provides this feature for its users.

如果课程列表能够以XLS / CSV格式导出,那么这是一个优势。 单击按钮即可生成完整列表,从而使事情变得更加容易。 TeachingPress为其用户提供了此功能。

简易介面 (Easy Interface)

Drag and drop interface for adding functions while creating lessons and quiz.


学生评分/评估 (Student Grading/Assessment)

Sensei course management provides automatic quiz grading or manual grading if there is a need for teacher review. However, there are different forms of questions in a quiz.

如果需要教师复习,Sensei课程管理可提供自动测验评分或手动评分。 但是,测验中有不同形式的问题。

Multiple Choice

多项选择 True/False

真假 Gap Fill

填补空白 Multi Line

多线 Single Line

单线 Upload File Question


Figure 2: The assessment report of a student provided by Educator Plugin (Image Source).

图2:由教育工作者插件提供的学生评估报告( 图片来源 )。

扩展名 (Extensions)

These plugins also provide a list of plugin extensions which makes them more interesting and innovative.


Some extensions are for developers.


Course Progress

课程进度 Course Participants

课程参加者 Media Attachments

媒体附件 Certificates


证明书 (Certificates)

Extensions are available for automatically creating certificates for participants. Sensei comes with an extension for automatically and manually generating certificates for students. CoursePress also provides a certificate of completion as shown below.

扩展可用于自动为参与者创建证书。 Sensei带有一个扩展,可以自动和手动为学生生成证书。 CoursePress还提供结业证书,如下所示。

Figure 3: Certification of completion by CoursePress (Image Source).

图3:CoursePress的结业证书( 图像来源 )。

付款 (Payment)

Students can pay using multiple payment options and through different payment gateways. Multiple payment methods are provided by the Educator plugin including PayPal, check, cash and bank transfer. CoursePress Pro supports more than 13 payment gateways.

学生可以使用多种付款方式并通过不同的付款网关进行付款。 Educator插件提供了多种付款方式,包括PayPal,支票,现金和银行转帐。 CoursePress Pro支持13个以上的支付网关。

Figure 4: CoursePress Pro supports 13+ Payment Gateways (Image Source).

图4:CoursePress Pro支持13个以上的支付网关( 图像源 )。

语言能力 (Languages)

The plugins are available in different languages for making localization easier. Also different people from distinct regions can work on them with ease. teachPress is available in 6 languages for example.

插件提供了不同的语言,以简化本地化。 来自不同地区的不同人也可以轻松地进行工作。 例如,teacherPress支持6种语言。

反馈 (Feedback)

The students can easily rate the courses and lessons by ranking them and providing feedback messages.


WordPress课程管理插件 (WordPress Course Management Plugins)

教书出版社 (teachPress)

Downloads: 900+


A course and publications management plugin optimized to fulfil the needs of professors and researchers. It unites a course management system and BibTeX compatible publication management.

课程和出版物管理插件经过优化,可以满足教授和研究人员的需求。 它结合了课程管理系统和BibTeX兼容的出版物管理。

Some of its features include:


Course lists can be exported in XLS/CSV.

课程列表可以以XLS / CSV格式导出。 Supports 6 languages.

支持6种语言。 Publications can be imported in BibTeX format.

出版物可以BibTeX格式导入。 For publication lists, enrolments and course overviews; easy shortcodes are available.

对于出版物清单,注册和课程概述; 简单的简码可用。 Provides RSS feeds for publication.

提供用于发布的RSS feed。

Figure 5: teachPress


老师 (Sensei)

A learning management system plugin by WooThemes for creating and writing lessons and courses. They provided quick registration with WordPress registration facilities and some extensions for making things easier.

WooThemes提供的学习管理系统插件,用于创建和编写课程。 他们提供了使用WordPress注册工具进行快速注册的功能,并提供了一些扩展功能,使事情变得更加轻松。

Some of its other features include:


It has been designed to work with any WordPress installation.

它旨在与任何WordPress安装一起使用。 Integrates with a well-known theme marketplace, WooThemes, and WooCoomerce (e-commerce plugin) for selling courses online.

与著名的主题市场WooThemes和WooCoomerce(电子商务插件)集成,以在线销售课程。 Quizzes with a combination of question types; True or False, Multiple Choice, fill in the gaps, short-answers, etc.

结合问题类型进行测验; 是非题,多项选择,填补空白,简短答案等。 Free extension available for creating certificates. It also comes with different designs for different courses.

免费扩展名可用于创建证书。 它还为不同的课程提供不同的设计。 It creates a bank of questions and displays a random selection for learners when they’re attempting a quiz


Figure 6: Sensei


WP课件 (WP Courseware)

A learning management tool with unlimited courses, a modules addition with dynamic progress page, question tagging and other features.


Some of its features include:


Provides unlimited courses, modules and lessons.

提供无限的课程,模块和课程。 Some of its clients include CNN, Miami University, Indianapolis, etc.

它的一些客户包括CNN,迈阿密大学,印第安纳波利斯等。 Downloadable quiz results.

可下载的测验结果。 Grades can be easily tracked and grade books (report cards) can be exported.

可以轻松跟踪成绩,并可以导出成绩书(成绩单)。 Tool available for creating surveys.


Figure 7: WP Courseware


StudyPress (StudyPress)

Downloads: 100+


StudyPress is an E-learning authoring tool to create multimedia learning content. These are then published on WordPress posts and pages.

StudyPress是用于创建多媒体学习内容的电子学习创作工具。 然后将它们发布在WordPress帖子和页面上。

Some of its features include:


Students can give their feedback by rating lessons and quizzes.

学生可以通过对课程和测验进行评分来提供反馈。 Full-screen mode option for accessing lessons and attempting quizzes.

全屏模式选项,用于访问课程和尝试测验。 Automatic correction of quizzes.

自动校正测验。 Automatic reporting of a quiz to teachers.

自动向老师报告测验。 Provides multi-teachers support by integrating WordPress author user role.

通过集成WordPress作者用户角色提供多老师支持。 The creation of lessons and quizzes is easier in StudyPress as different functions can be added through drag-drop interface.


Figure 8: Course video in StudyPress (Image Source).

图8:StudyPress中的课程视频( 图像源 )。

CoursePress Pro (CoursePress Pro)

Downloads: 2000+


CoursePress is a course management plugin which turns WordPress into a powerful online learning platform by easily creating, managing and selling online courses. If you only want to provide a few courses, freely available CoursePress could work, but for accessing every feature; go for CoursePress Pro.

CoursePress是一个课程管理插件,可通过轻松创建,管理和销售在线课程将WordPress变成功能强大的在线学习平台。 如果您只想提供几门课程,则可以免费使用CoursePress,但是可以访问所有功能。 选择CoursePress Pro。

Some of its features include:


Before registering, students can see the complete course description with a promotional video. This helps them to know what they’re paying for.

在注册之前,学生可以看到带有促销视频的完整课程说明。 这可以帮助他们了解所支付的费用。 Tools for course promotion and marketing.

课程推广和营销工具。 Course teaser for video preview, course description with other elements. This appeals to new students.

用于视频预览的课程预告片,以及具有其他元素的课程说明。 这吸引了新生。 More than 13 payment gateway options available for selling courses.


Figure 9: CoursePress Pro

图9:CoursePress Pro

教育家 (Educator)

Downloads: 600+


Educator is a course management plugin for creating courses, adding lessons, creating quizzes, etc. The course can be sold independently or through multiple memberships.


Some of its features include:


Lecturers can easily edit their courses and lessons.

讲师可以轻松地编辑他们的课程和课程。 It supports multiple payment methods like PayPal, check, cash and bank transfer.

它支持多种付款方式,例如PayPal,支票,现金和银行转帐。 Shortcode for courses.

课程的简码。 The slugs for courses, lessons, course archives, lessons archives and course category can be edited.


Figure 10: Educator


摘要 (Summary)

In this article, I’ve covered six of the most popular course management E-learning plugins for WordPress. I definitely recommend Sensei and CoursePress Pro. However, others also have some unique features as shown below in summary.

在本文中,我介绍了六个最流行的WordPress课程管理电子学习插件。 我绝对推荐Sensei和CoursePress Pro。 但是,其他的也有一些独特的功能,如下所示。

教书出版社 (teachPress)

For publication lists, enrolments and course overviews; easy shortcodes are available.

对于出版物清单,注册和课程概述; 简单的简码可用。 Provides RSS feeds for publication.

提供用于发布的RSS feed。 Course lists can be exported in XLS/CSV.

课程列表可以以XLS / CSV格式导出。

老师 (Sensei)

Extensions are available for extending the capabilities of the plugin like adding certificates.

扩展可用于扩展插件的功能,例如添加证书。 Can work with any WordPress installation.

可以与任何WordPress安装一起使用。 It creates a bank of questions and displays a random selection for learners when they’re attempting a quiz.


WP课件 (WP Courseware)

The quiz results can be downloaded.

测验结果可以下载。 Grade book can be easily tracked and exported.

成绩簿可以轻松跟踪和导出。 Excellent demo modules are provided for creating courses and configuring them with an easy to use interface.


StudyPress (StudyPress)

Provides multi-teachers support by integrating WordPress author user role.

通过集成WordPress作者用户角色提供多老师支持。 The creation of lessons and quizzes is easier in StudyPress as different functions can be added through drag-drop interface.

在StudyPress中,课程和测验的创建更加容易,因为可以通过拖放界面添加不同的功能。 Full-screen mode option for accessing lessons and attempting quizzes.


CoursePress (CoursePress)

Tools for course promotion and marketing.

课程推广和营销工具。 Students can see the complete course description with a promotional video before registration. This helps them to know what they’re paying for.

学生可以在注册前通过促销视频查看完整的课程说明。 这可以帮助他们了解所支付的费用。 Course teaser for video preview, course description with other elements. This appeals to new students.

用于视频预览的课程预告片,以及具有其他元素的课程说明。 这吸引了新生。

教育家 (Educator)

Lecturers can easily edit their course and lessons.

讲师可以轻松地编辑他们的课程和课程。 The slugs for course, lessons, course archives, lesson archives and course category can be edited.

可以编辑课程,课程,课程档案,课程档案和课程类别的子弹。 It supports multiple payment methods like PayPal, check, cash and bank transfer.


What about you? What E-learning plugins have you used to convert your website into a powerful E-learning management system?

你呢? 您使用哪些电子学习插件将您的网站转换为功能强大的电子学习管理系统?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/e-learning-plugins-for-wordpress/


相关资源:wordpress 图片浏览插件