WordPress 4.3的新功能

tech2022-12-07  100

This article is outdated, check out what’s new in WordPress 4.6 here.

本文已过时, 请在此处查看WordPress 4.6的新增功能 。

WordPress 4.3 was released today, including more than 100 changes. If you’re running WordPress on any of your websites, you might have already seen the following message in your dashboard.

WordPress 4.3今天发布,包括100多项更改。 如果您在任何网站上运行WordPress,则可能已经在信息中心中看到以下消息。

By now, we all know that WordPress doesn’t stand still for too long. Just four months after the release of WordPress 4.2, the newest version is out: WordPress 4.3.

到目前为止,我们都知道WordPress不会停滞太久。 WordPress 4.2发布仅四个月,最新版本就已发布:WordPress 4.3。

Codenamed “Billie”, after jazz legend Billie Holiday, this release was lead by Konstantin Obenland. According to WordPress, this update “makes it even easier to format your content and customize your site”. Version 4.3 sees plenty of new features that users will appreciate.

该版本的代号为“ Billie”,以爵士乐传奇人物Billie Holiday为首,由Konstantin Obenland领导。 根据WordPress的说法,此更新“使您更轻松地格式化内容和自定义网站”。 4.3版提供了许多新功能,用户会喜欢。

更新到WordPress 4.3 (Updating to WordPress 4.3)

As a responsible website owner, we should all be maintaining our sites regularly. For a more detailed background on the topic, I’d recommend checking out our Definitive Guide to WordPress Maintenance.

作为负责任的网站所有者,我们都应该定期维护我们的网站。 有关该主题的更详细的背景知识,建议您查看我们的WordPress维护权威指南 。

Not only do updates bring new features, they also address bug fixes and security issues keeping your site safe.


Updating to WordPress 4.3 is as simple as pie:

升级到WordPress 4.3非常简单:

Backing up your site to ensure you have a full, reliable backup if you happen to encounter any problems.

如果碰巧遇到任何问题,请备份您的站点以确保您拥有完整,可靠的备份。 Logging into your WordPress dashboard and clicking on the ‘WordPress 4.3 is available! Please update now’ link.

登录您的WordPress仪表板,然后单击“ WordPress 4.3可用! 请立即更新”链接。 Selecting ‘Update Now’ and then letting WordPress do it’s thing. You will then see screen below letting you know the update is complete.

选择“立即更新”,然后让WordPress完成。 然后,您将在下面看到屏幕,通知您更新已完成。 Testing your site thoroughly to make sure that it is functioning as you expect.


As with all core WordPress updates, in my experience they work flawlessly. The issues that I personally come across are always related to third party themes and plugins, particularly those of lower quality, those that are unmaintained or have been incorrectly modified. This is another good reminder to stick to using only reputable themes and plugins, and most importantly, using a testing/staging site for any high-value websites.

与所有核心WordPress更新一样,以我的经验,它们可以完美地工作。 我个人遇到的问题始终与第三方主题和插件有关,尤其是质量较低,未维护或未正确修改的主题和插件。 这是另一个提醒,要坚持只使用信誉良好的主题和插件,最重要的是,对于任何高价值网站都使用测试/分期网站。

If you’re after more information about how WordPress updates work, check out our Guide to Updating WordPress.

如果您想了解有关WordPress更新方式的更多信息,请查看我们的WordPress更新指南 。

WordPress 4.3的主要功能 (Key Features of WordPress 4.3)

文字模式和捷径 (Text Patterns and Shortcuts)

This new feature is one for all the bloggers and copywriters out there. WordPress 4.3 includes a whole range of new shortcuts for text formatting, which are not unlike those used in Markdown markup.

这项新功能适用于所有博客作者和撰稿人。 WordPress 4.3包含了一系列用于文本格式的新快捷方式,与Markdown标记中使用的快捷方式没有什么不同。

For instance:


# creates a H1, ## creates a H2, ### creates a H3 (and so on)

#创建H1,##创建H2,###创建H3(依此类推) Asterisks and dashes become bullets

星号和破折号变成项目符号 Numbers (followed by a full stop or a bracket) become a numbered list

数字(后跟句号或方括号)成为编号列表 Use >, and you create a quote


It’s quick, easy, and no fiddling around with the editor toolbar. This will help those of us who spend a lot of time in the WordPress content editor.

它快速,简便,并且无需摆弄编辑器工具栏。 这将帮助那些在WordPress内容编辑器中花费大量时间的人。

在定制器中管理菜单 (Manage Menus in the Customizer)

This update brings a new way of managing menus. Users can now create, update and assign menus all within the live-preview enabled customizer.

此更新带来了一种新的菜单管理方式。 用户现在可以在启用实时预览的定制程序中全部创建,更新和分配菜单。

The idea behind this change is to make menu building much more mobile friendly, with the new mobile-friendly interface offered by the customizer panel. Plus, you can see, in real-time, exactly how your menu is going to look on your site, streamlining the site build process.

进行此更改的想法是使用定制器面板提供的新的移动友好界面,使菜单构建更加移动友好。 另外,您可以实时查看菜单在站点上的外观,从而简化了站点构建过程。

安全改进 (Security Improvements)

WordPress 4.3 security has been enhanced by a few significant improvements. It’s great to see more user-facing security features, these changes will definitely benefit all users.

WordPress 4.3的安全性已通过一些重大改进得到增强。 很高兴看到更多面向用户的安全功能,这些更改肯定会使所有用户受益。

默认情况下安全密码 (Secure Passwords by Default)

Generated passwords are now stronger by default, by removing the need for users to come up with their own passwords. The password strength meter is also now smarter.

现在,默认情况下,通过消除用户提供自己的密码的需求,生成的密码更加强大。 密码强度计现在也更智能。

密码管理改进 (Password Management Improvements)

There is now a new process for managing passwords. Rather than receiving passwords via email, as has happened previously, web owners will receive a link to reset passwords. This link will have a limited shelf life, to ensure absolute protection if the email account or message becomes compromised. And, if you happen to add new users, then WordPress will generate safe, secure passwords for each one.

现在有一个新的密码管理过程。 网络所有者不会像以前那样通过电子邮件接收密码,而是会收到一个重置密码的链接。 该链接的保存期限有限,以确保在电子邮件帐户或消息遭到泄露时提供绝对的保护。 而且,如果您碰巧添加了新用户,则WordPress将为每个用户生成安全的密码。

Favicon(站点图标)功能 (Favicon (Site Icon) Feature)

WordPress 4.3 gives you the opportunity to add a favicon or site icon (the small ‘badge’ that represents your website in browser tabs and on the home screen of mobile devices) using the customizer as shown in the image below.

WordPress 4.3为您提供了使用自定义程序添加图标或网站图标(在浏览器选项卡和移动设备主屏幕上表示网站的小的“徽章”)的机会,如下图所示。

Your new icon will even remain steadfastly in place if you decide to change the theme and the design of your website. Simply add an icon via the customizer.

如果您决定更改网站的主题和设计,则您的新图标甚至会保持不变。 只需通过定制器添加图标。

默认情况下,页面上的评论处于关闭状态 (Comments Turned Off on Pages by Default)

Previously, the default setting for comments was ‘On’, with WordPress 4.3, it has been switched to ‘Off’. Whenever you create a new page, comments will be switched off (unless, of course you manually switch them back on).

以前,注释的默认设置为“开”,在WordPress 4.3中,它已切换为“关”。 每当您创建新页面时,注释都会被关闭(除非您手动将其重新打开)。

This will save precious time when forgetting to turn off comments when creating pages, which we’ve all done! It will also go a long way in protecting unsuspecting users from being hit by comment spam.

当我们在创建页面时忘记关闭注释时,这将节省宝贵的时间! 它还将在保护毫无戒心的用户免受垃圾评论的侵害方面大有帮助。

This will be a crowd pleaser, as announced in the official field notes: “Comments are now turned off on new pages, by default. And there was much rejoicing”. So let us rejoice!

如官方领域说明中所宣布的那样,这将是一大喜事:“默认情况下,新页面上的评论现在已关闭。 有很多的欣喜”。 让我们为之欢欣鼓舞!

移动友好列表视图 (Mobile Friendly List View)

A new version of the list view has been introduced across the entire back-end dashboard area. This new view is designed to be much more user friendly when it comes to using WordPress on smaller, mobile devices. The columns are no longer truncated. Rather, you can toggle them back into proper view.

已在整个后端仪表板区域中引入了新版本的列表视图。 当在较小的移动设备上使用WordPress时,此新视图旨在使用户更加友好。 列不再被截断。 相反,您可以将它们切换回正确的视图。

超链接预览 (Hyperlink Previews)

In the WordPress 4.3 visual editor, when you click on hyperlinked anchor text or a hyperlinked URL, a link toolbar now pops up. This toolbar contains the URL in full, along with ‘Edit’ and ‘Remove’ buttons. This nifty little feature will save time, allowing you to avoid using the ‘Insert/edit link’ button in the editor toolbar.

在WordPress 4.3可视编辑器中,当您单击超链接的锚文本或超链接的URL时,将弹出一个链接工具栏。 该工具栏包含完整的URL,以及“编辑”和“删除”按钮。 这个漂亮的小功能将节省时间,从而避免使用编辑器工具栏中的“插入/编辑链接”按钮。

更改管理栏 (Changes to the Admin Bar)

When logged-in and browsing the site, the menu bar at the top of the page has been changed to make it easier to go straight to various admin pages.


The second menu item (next to the WordPress logo) has been simplified to include only the main top-level items.


Next is a direct link to the new-improved Customizer, a link for any pending updates with a notification of how many are available, and then a ‘New’ item which makes it quicker to get to add new users, pages and more, as shown below.


字数统计 (Word and Character Counts)

While not a major change, it is worth noting that the way in which WordPress counts words and characters has changed in this version.


Rather than updating the word and character counts when a user hits ‘enter’, WordPress now updates the counts when you stop typing.


多站点变更 (Multisite Changes)

Multisite has a number of improvements, with more to come throughout the 4.3 life-cycle. For information on what’s been done so far, and what’s planned, check out core developer Jeremy Felt’s post here.

多站点有很多改进,在4.3生命周期中还有更多改进。 有关到目前为止已完成的事情和计划的信息,请查看核心开发人员Jeremy Felt 在此处的帖子。

WordPress 4.3开发人员的主要功能 (Key Features of WordPress 4.3 for Developers)

There have also been quite a few new features released with developers in mind, including:


In preparation for WordPress to support PHP7, PHP4 style constructors have been deprecated in WordPress core.

为了准备WordPress支持PHP7,已在WordPress核心中弃用了PHP4样式构造函数。 Updates have been applied to the Taxonomy Roadmap, with terms that are shared across one or more taxonomies now split into separate terms.

更新已应用于分类学路线图,现在在一个或多个分类法中共享的术语现在分成了单独的术语。 singular.php has been added to the template hierarchy as a fallback for page.php and single.php.

singular.php已作为page.php和single.php的后备添加到模板层次结构中。 It is now possible to define a primary column for a list table, and easier subclassing.


有关WordPress 4.3的更多信息 (More Information on WordPress 4.3)

If you’d like more information on this latest release, I’ve rounded up some links for more information:


WordPress 4.3 Field Notes

WordPress 4.3字段注释

Editor Improvements


Security Improvements


Please feel free to share your thoughts and experiences with WordPress 4.3 below.

请随时与下面的WordPress 4.3分享您的想法和经验。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/whats-new-in-wordpress-4-3/

相关资源:Modown v4.3资源下载WordPress主题网站源码模板