
tech2022-12-09  125


Spam is a constant annoyance for website developers and users. For websites, it usually comes in the form of unwanted messages repeatedly posted on your website. However, by using a plugin, spam can be easily handled by your WordPress website.

垃圾邮件一直是网站开发人员和用户的烦恼。 对于网站,它通常以重复出现在您网站上的有害消息的形式出现。 但是,通过使用插件,您的WordPress网站可以轻松处理垃圾邮件。

In this article, we compare the top WordPress anti-spam plugins side-by-side. Before we dig into the common options, let’s first look at some of the key features we’d expect to see in a good anti-spam plugin.

在本文中,我们并排比较了顶级WordPress反垃圾邮件插件。 在深入探讨常见选项之前,让我们首先看一下我们期望在良好的反垃圾邮件插件中看到的一些关键功能。

要寻找的关键反垃圾邮件插件功能 (Key Anti-Spam Plugin Features to Look for)

引用验证 (Trackback Validation)

Trackback Validation consists of a filter that compares the client IP address of the incoming trackback against the IP address of the server. Basically identifying the link source. If both of them don’t match, then it is spam.

引用验证包含一个筛选器,该筛选器将传入引用的客户端IP地址与服务器的IP地址进行比较。 基本上确定链接源。 如果它们都不匹配,则为垃圾邮件。

阻止评论记录模式 (Blocked Comment Logging Mode)

This helps us to know what has been blocked. It is a temporary diagnostic mode which logs blocked comments for a week and then turns it off automatically. It’s a good way to get an idea on what your anti-spam plugin is doing to protect your site.

这有助于我们了解已阻止的内容。 这是一种临时诊断模式,它会记录阻止的注释一周,然后自动将其关闭。 这是一个了解您的反垃圾邮件插件如何保护您的网站的好方法。

统计 (Statistics)

Statistics provide analysis and tracking of data. The plugin should provide weekly or monthly statistics of detected spam which can help in analysis. Some plugins can also provide spam statistics in customizable widgets for display on your site or dashboard.

统计信息提供数据的分析和跟踪。 该插件应提供每周或每月检测到的垃圾邮件的统计信息,以帮助进行分析。 一些插件还可以在可自定义的小部件中提供垃圾邮件统计信息,以显示在您的网站或仪表板上。

评论者的客户端复选框 (Client Side Checkbox for Commenter)

Growmap Anti Spambot Plugin provides a checkbox on the comment form to confirm the identity of a commenter.

Growmap Anti Spambot插件在评论表单上提供了一个复选框,以确认评论者的身份。

避免垃圾邮件队列 (Evade Spam Queue)

Avoid the spam queue by dealing with spam before it hits the WordPress database. This can help save time and resources. WP-SpamShield could be preferred in this case.

通过在垃圾邮件到达WordPress数据库之前进行处理,避免垃圾邮件队列。 这可以帮助节省时间和资源。 在这种情况下,WP-SpamShield可能是首选。

阻止注册垃圾邮件 (Blocks Registration Spam)

The WordPress registration page allows users to register on your website. Here, the risk of user registering a spam account is always present. However, there are several plugins that can help, such as WP-SpamShield which blocks registration spam.

WordPress注册页面允许用户在您的网站上注册。 在此,始终存在用户注册垃圾邮件帐户的风险。 但是,有几个插件可以提供帮助,例如WP-SpamShield可以阻止注册垃圾邮件。

不同的语言 (Different Languages)

Today, more than ever, localization is a critical factor in the success of an application (or in our case, plugin). Luckily, the top anti-spam plugins are available in different languages.

如今,本地化比以往任何时候都成为应用程序(或本例中为插件)成功的关键因素。 幸运的是,顶级反垃圾邮件插件提供了不同的语言。

免费或付费 (Free or Paid)

As with many plugins, some are free and some are paid. Antispam Bee, WP-SpamShield Anti-Spam are free, whereas Akismet is paid for commercial and business websites.

与许多插件一样,有些是免费的,有些是付费的。 Antispam Bee,WP-SpamShield Anti-Spam是免费的,而Akismet是为商业和商业网站付费的。

WordPress反垃圾邮件插件 (WordPress Anti-Spam Plugins)

Akismet (Akismet)

Downloads: 1+ Million


Akismet (by Automattic) is one of the most popular anti-spam plugins, it’s been around for over a decade. With more than 1 million downloads, this plugin is a savior. To use Akismet, you’ll need an API key. If you have a commercial site, you’ll need to pay a small fee, but it’s free for non-profit and personal sites.

Akismet(由Automattic提供)是最受欢迎的反垃圾邮件插件之一,已经存在了十多年。 该插件的下载量超过100万,是一个救星。 要使用Akismet,您需要一个API密钥。 如果您拥有商业网站,则需要支付一小笔费用,但对于非盈利和个人网站是免费的。

Some of its features include:


Since 2005, they’ve kept 221,387,551,318 spam messages out of the web. It comes out with an average of 7.5 million per hour.

自2005年以来,他们已将221,387,551,318封垃圾邮件排除在网络之外。 平均每小时可达到750万。

Integrated with Jetpack and Contact Form 7

与Jetpack和联系表7集成 Comments with a status history which helps you know the comments caught as suspicious. Comments spammed and unspammed by a moderator are also tracked.

具有状态历史记录的评论,可帮助您了解捕获到的可疑评论。 还会跟踪由主持人发送垃圾邮件和未发送垃圾邮件的评论。 The number of approved comments for each user can be seen by the moderator


反垃圾邮件蜜蜂 (Antispam Bee)

This plugin validates the IP address of the commenter, with an option to block or allow specific countries. Its strength is in combating blog spam.

该插件可验证评论者的IP地址,并带有阻止或允许特定国家/地区的选项。 它的优势在于打击博客垃圾邮件。

Downloads: 200,000+


Some of its features include:


Registration is not required

不需要注册 It provides transparency in the examination of comments

它提供了审查意见的透明度 Displays monthly statistics on the dashboard with spam numbers

在信息中心上显示每月统计信息以及垃圾邮件编号 Plugin includes a local spam database


Growmap反Spambot插件 (Growmap Anti Spambot Plugin)

Downloads: 70,000+


It’s a tedious task to complete a CAPTCHA, although to be fair, this is the most well-known method of checking user’s identity. But, this plugin simply adds a client side generated checkbox to the comment box asking users to confirm that they are not a spammer i.e. ‘I’m not a robot’. Here is a video showing the features.

完成CAPTCHA是一项繁琐的任务,尽管公平地说,这是检查用户身份的最著名方法。 但是,此插件只是在注释框中添加了客户端生成的复选框,要求用户确认他们不是垃圾邮件发送者,即“我不是机器人”。 这是显示功能的视频 。

Some of its other features include:


It adds dynamically named fields to the comment form for combating bots

它将动态命名的字段添加到注释表单中以对抗机器人 Set the maximum amount of comments a user can have

设置用户可以拥有的最大评论数 A client side generated checkbox can also be added

也可以添加客户端生成的复选框 Freely available


WP-SpamShield反垃圾邮件 (WP-SpamShield Anti-Spam)

Downloads: 70,000+


WP-SpamShield avoids the spam queue by dealing with them just before their entrance into the WordPress database.


Some of its features include:


Trackback Validation

引用验证 Spam free contact form

无垃圾邮件联系表格 Protection from user registration spam

防止用户注册垃圾邮件 Free to use


没有验证码 Spam queue is avoided which saves time


WordPress零垃圾邮件 (WordPress Zero Spam)

Downloads: 10,000+


This one is not as popular as the others and at the time of writing it’s not yet flagged as compatible with WordPress version 4.1.1. However, it claims to provide a spam free site.

此版本不如其他版本流行,在撰写本文时尚未标记为与WordPress 4.1.1版兼容。 但是,它声称提供了一个无垃圾邮件站点。

Some of its features include:


Blocks spammers by IP address

通过IP地址阻止垃圾邮件发送者 There are no CAPTCHAs and moderation queues

没有验证码和审核队列 Uses JavaScript to block spam registrations and comments

使用JavaScript阻止垃圾邮件注册和评论 Contact Form 7 and Gravity Forms support


摘要 (Summary)

In this article, I’ve covered five of the most popular WordPress anti-spam plugins. I personally recommend Akismet and WP-SpamShield Anti-Spam. However, the others also have some unique features as shown below.

在本文中,我介绍了五个最受欢迎的WordPress反垃圾邮件插件。 我个人推荐Akismet和WP-SpamShield反垃圾邮件。 但是,其他也具有一些独特的功能,如下所示。

Akismet* One of the most trusted WordPress Anti-Spam plugin * Available in 38 languages * Status history which helps in knowing the caught comments on suspicion of spamAntispam Bee* Validates the IP address of the commentator * Doesn’t store personal data * Free for commercial projectsGrowmap Anti Spambot Plugin* Client side checkbox for commenter’s for confirming their identity (not a spammer) * It adds dynamically named fields to the comment form for combating learning bot * Protects from automated spambots WP-SpamShield Anti-Spam* WP-SpamShield avoids the spam queue by dealing with them before its entrance into the WordPress database * WP-SpamShield blocks the registration spam * Blocked Comment Logging Mode for blocked comments log WordPress Zero Spam* No captcha and moderation queues * Compatible with cache plugins * Blocks spam registration and comments Akismet *最受信任的WordPress Anti-Spam插件之一 *提供38种语言 *状态历史记录有助于了解有关垃圾邮件的评论 反垃圾邮件蜜蜂 *验证评论者的IP地址 *不存储个人数据 *商业项目免费 Growmap反Spambot插件 *评论者的客户端复选框,用于确认其身份(不是垃圾邮件发送者) *将动态命名的字段添加到注释表单中,以对抗学习机器人 *防止自动水龙头 WP-SpamShield反垃圾邮件 * WP-SpamShield通过在进入WordPress数据库之前进行处理来避免垃圾邮件队列 * WP-SpamShield阻止注册垃圾邮件 *阻止评论日志的阻止评论日志记录模式 WordPress零垃圾邮件 *没有验证码和审核队列 *与缓存插件兼容 *阻止垃圾邮件注册和评论

What about you? What anti-spam plugins have you used to guard your website from spam?

你呢? 您使用哪些反垃圾邮件插件来保护您的网站免受垃圾邮件的侵害?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/top-wordpress-anti-spam-plugins/

