我们知道,创建Java对象会涉及到对象初始化、内存分配、类加载等多个步骤。当对象比较重量级时,频繁创建对象会带来可观的性能开销,所以在上古时代(大雾)就产生了对象池化(object pooling)的技术。顾名思义,对象池中维护了一批已经创建好的重量级对象,要使用时就从中取出一个,用完就归还到池里,通过复用对象来提高效率。
我们在日常工作中时刻都在应用池化技术:线程池、数据库连接池、网络连接池等等。自行实现对象池要考虑的细节太多,所以Apache Commons Pool提供了可以开箱即用的通用对象池实现,Jedis、DBCP等我们耳熟能详的组件都充分利用了它。本文择重点分析一下Commons Pool 2的设计思路。
Commons Pool 2把面向接口编程的理念发挥得淋漓尽致,其三要素都可以很容易地从接口规范中看出来。下面分别讨论之。
public interface PooledObject<T> extends Comparable<PooledObject<T>> { T getObject(); long getCreateTime(); long getActiveTimeMillis(); default long getBorrowedCount() { return -1; } long getIdleTimeMillis(); long getLastBorrowTime(); long getLastReturnTime(); long getLastUsedTime(); @Override int compareTo(PooledObject<T> other); @Override boolean equals(Object obj); @Override int hashCode(); @Override String toString(); boolean startEvictionTest(); boolean endEvictionTest(Deque<PooledObject<T>> idleQueue); boolean allocate(); boolean deallocate(); void invalidate(); void setLogAbandoned(boolean logAbandoned); default void setRequireFullStackTrace(final boolean requireFullStackTrace) { // noop } void use(); void printStackTrace(PrintWriter writer); PooledObjectState getState(); void markAbandoned(); void markReturning(); }Commons Pool 2提供了两种PooledObject的实现,一是默认的DefaultPooledObject,二是基于软引用的PooledSoftReference,如下图所示。
public interface ObjectPool<T> extends Closeable { void addObject() throws Exception, IllegalStateException, UnsupportedOperationException; default void addObjects(final int count) throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { addObject(); } } T borrowObject() throws Exception, NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException; void clear() throws Exception, UnsupportedOperationException; @Override void close(); int getNumActive(); int getNumIdle(); void invalidateObject(T obj) throws Exception; void returnObject(T obj) throws Exception; }Commons Pool 2提供了3种ObjectPool的实现,分别是通用的GenericObjectPool、基于软引用的SoftReferenceObjectPool、基于动态代理的ProxiedObjectPool。本文接下来的分析主要关注GenericObjectPool。
public interface PooledObjectFactory<T> { PooledObject<T> makeObject() throws Exception; void destroyObject(PooledObject<T> p) throws Exception; boolean validateObject(PooledObject<T> p); void activateObject(PooledObject<T> p) throws Exception; void passivateObject(PooledObject<T> p) throws Exception; }上面的5个方法分别用来创建、销毁、校验、(在借用时)激活和(在归还时)钝化对象。
private final Map<IdentityWrapper<T>, PooledObject<T>> allObjects = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();注意IdentityWrapper只是简单地用System.identityHashCode()方法覆盖了默认的hashCode()实现,从而保证key的唯一性。
private final LinkedBlockingDeque<PooledObject<T>> idleObjects;上文讲配置参数时已经说过,空闲队列是可以配置FIFO和LIFO两种出入队方式的,在队头和队尾都能插入元素,所以双端队列是必要的。
private PooledObject<T> create() throws Exception { int localMaxTotal = getMaxTotal(); long newCreateCount = createCount.incrementAndGet(); if (localMaxTotal > -1 && newCreateCount > localMaxTotal || newCreateCount > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { createCount.decrementAndGet(); return null; } final PooledObject<T> p; try { p = factory.makeObject(); } catch (Exception e) { createCount.decrementAndGet(); throw e; } AbandonedConfig ac = this.abandonedConfig; if (ac != null && ac.getLogAbandoned()) { p.setLogAbandoned(true); } createdCount.incrementAndGet(); allObjects.put(p.getObject(), p); return p; }borrowObject()方法的完整源码如下。
public T borrowObject(long borrowMaxWaitMillis) throws Exception { assertOpen(); AbandonedConfig ac = this.abandonedConfig; if (ac != null && ac.getRemoveAbandonedOnBorrow() && (getNumIdle() < 2) && (getNumActive() > getMaxTotal() - 3) ) { removeAbandoned(ac); } PooledObject<T> p = null; // Get local copy of current config so it is consistent for entire // method execution boolean blockWhenExhausted = getBlockWhenExhausted(); boolean create; long waitTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (p == null) { create = false; if (blockWhenExhausted) { p = idleObjects.pollFirst(); if (p == null) { p = create(); if (p != null) { create = true; } } if (p == null) { if (borrowMaxWaitMillis < 0) { p = idleObjects.takeFirst(); } else { p = idleObjects.pollFirst(borrowMaxWaitMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } } if (p == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException( "Timeout waiting for idle object"); } if (!p.allocate()) { p = null; } } else { p = idleObjects.pollFirst(); if (p == null) { p = create(); if (p != null) { create = true; } } if (p == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Pool exhausted"); } if (!p.allocate()) { p = null; } } if (p != null) { try { factory.activateObject(p); } catch (Exception e) { try { destroy(p); } catch (Exception e1) { // Ignore - activation failure is more important } p = null; if (create) { NoSuchElementException nsee = new NoSuchElementException( "Unable to activate object"); nsee.initCause(e); throw nsee; } } if (p != null && (getTestOnBorrow() || create && getTestOnCreate())) { boolean validate = false; Throwable validationThrowable = null; try { validate = factory.validateObject(p); } catch (Throwable t) { PoolUtils.checkRethrow(t); validationThrowable = t; } if (!validate) { try { destroy(p); destroyedByBorrowValidationCount.incrementAndGet(); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore - validation failure is more important } p = null; if (create) { NoSuchElementException nsee = new NoSuchElementException( "Unable to validate object"); nsee.initCause(validationThrowable); throw nsee; } } } } } updateStatsBorrow(p, System.currentTimeMillis() - waitTime); return p.getObject(); }代码很长,但是思路也非常清晰。简要叙述流程:
public void returnObject(T obj) { PooledObject<T> p = allObjects.get(new IdentityWrapper<T>(obj)); if (p == null) { if (!isAbandonedConfig()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Returned object not currently part of this pool"); } else { return; // Object was abandoned and removed } } synchronized(p) { final PooledObjectState state = p.getState(); if (state != PooledObjectState.ALLOCATED) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Object has already been returned to this pool or is invalid"); } else { p.markReturning(); // Keep from being marked abandoned } } long activeTime = p.getActiveTimeMillis(); if (getTestOnReturn()) { if (!factory.validateObject(p)) { try { destroy(p); } catch (Exception e) { swallowException(e); } try { ensureIdle(1, false); } catch (Exception e) { swallowException(e); } updateStatsReturn(activeTime); return; } } try { factory.passivateObject(p); } catch (Exception e1) { swallowException(e1); try { destroy(p); } catch (Exception e) { swallowException(e); } try { ensureIdle(1, false); } catch (Exception e) { swallowException(e); } updateStatsReturn(activeTime); return; } if (!p.deallocate()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Object has already been returned to this pool or is invalid"); } int maxIdleSave = getMaxIdle(); if (isClosed() || maxIdleSave > -1 && maxIdleSave <= idleObjects.size()) { try { destroy(p); } catch (Exception e) { swallowException(e); } } else { if (getLifo()) { idleObjects.addFirst(p); } else { idleObjects.addLast(p); } if (isClosed()) { // Pool closed while object was being added to idle objects. // Make sure the returned object is destroyed rather than left // in the idle object pool (which would effectively be a leak) clear(); } } updateStatsReturn(activeTime); }简要叙述流程: