
tech2022-12-16  108

In this article, I’ll cover some of the best WordPress multi-author management plugins. Before we dig into the most popular options available, let’s first look at some of the key features we’d expect to see in a good multi-author management plugin.

在本文中,我将介绍一些最佳的WordPress多作者管理插件。 在深入探讨可用的最受欢迎的选项之前,让我们首先看一下我们期望在良好的多作者管理插件中看到的一些关键功能。

管理多作者网站的关键 (The Key to Managing a Multi-author Site)

If you decide to build a multi-author blog or website, you may wish to consider the following features. The associated plugins mentioned below will be described in further detail in the next section of this article.

如果您决定建立一个多作者博客或网站,则不妨考虑以下功能。 下面提到的相关插件将在本文的下一部分中进行详细说明。

隐藏WordPress仪表板 (Hiding the WordPress Dashboard)

Firstly, you don’t want every WordPress role to have control of your admin area. You should hide this from user roles such as Contributors and Authors where it’s not needed. This can also help make things simpler for your authors.

首先,您不希望每个WordPress角色都可以控制您的管理区域。 您应该在不需要它的用户角色(例如,贡献者和作者)中隐藏它。 这也可以帮助您简化作者的工作。

Use: WP User FrontEnd plugin

使用:WP User FrontEnd插件

管理已提交的帖子 (Managing Submitted Posts)

When managing multiple authors, providing a frontend form via template tag or a shortcode that can enable visitors to submit posts and upload images is an important feature.


Use: User Submitted Post plugin


作者简介和简历 (Author Profile and Bio)

Authors usually want their content to be published on a website to help with recognition and to boost their author profile, showcasing their contributions to other professionals. So, the author profile and bio should look attractive, but simple enough to grab attention of the readers.

作者通常希望将其内容发布在网站上,以帮助其认可并提高作者的个人资料,从而展示他们对其他专业人员的贡献。 因此,作者的个人资料和简历应该看起来很吸引人,但要足够简单以引起读者的注意。

Use: Author Avatars plugin


通过电子邮件发送多个用户 (Email Multiple Users)

An editor can get frustrated with the time spent emailing multiple users when coordinating a busy schedule. A plugin that can make the task easier to email multiple users at a time is certainly another valuable option.

当协调繁忙的日程安排时,编辑者可能会为通过电子邮件发送给多个用户所花费的时间感到沮丧。 可以使任务更容易一次发送给多个用户的插件无疑是另一个有价值的选择。

Use: Email Users plugin


进行中的内容 (In-progress Content)

Looking for incomplete posts individually or trying to remember what to do with an incomplete or partially complete document can be tiresome. Managing the editorial workflow can make everything simpler, such as marking incomplete posts with notes or auto detecting empty posts.

单独查找不完整的帖子或试图记住如何处理不完整或部分完整的文档可能很麻烦。 管理编辑工作流程可以使一切变得更简单,例如用注释标记不完整的帖子或自动检测空白的帖子。

Use: Content Progress plugin


用户扩展(Cimy用户额外字段) (User Extended (Cimy User Extra Fields))

The registration page comes with a predefined workflow and standard fields. Eliminate some of the unwanted fields and allow other important fields to be added. This helps give the registration page personal touch.

注册页面带有预定义的工作流程和标准字段。 消除一些不需要的字段,并允许添加其他重要字段。 这有助于使注册页面更具个性。

Use: Cimy User Extra Fields plugin

使用:Cimy User Extra Fields插件

关于用户和作者的说明 (Notes about Users and Authors)

Adding notes in the form of a text area around the profile of each user in the dashboard is a useful feature. Don’t worry, this is not visible to others, only Administrators have access to the notes.

在仪表板上的每个用户的个人资料周围以文本区域的形式添加注释是一项有用的功能。 别担心,这对其他人不可见,只有管理员才能访问注释。

Use: User Notes plugin


WordPress多作者管理插件 (WordPress Multi-author Management Plugins)

用户提交的帖子 (User Submitted Posts)

Active Installs: 20,000+


User Submitted Posts is a plugin that lets you easily create frontend form to enable visitors to submit posts and upload images via a template tag or shortcode.


Some of the main features include:


Allowing visitors to submit posts from anywhere on your site

允许访问者从您网站上的任何位置提交帖子 Setting submitted images as featured images

将提交的图像设置为特色图像 Including input validation and customizable captcha and hidden field to stop spam

包括输入验证以及可自定义的验证码和隐藏字段以阻止垃圾邮件 Post submissions may include title, tags, category, author, url, post etc.

帖子提交可以包括标题,标签,类别,作者,URL,帖子等。 WP’s built-in rich text editor for post content

WP内置的用于帖子内容的富文本编辑器 Redirecting a user to anywhere or to return to a current page after a successful post submission

成功提交帖子后,将用户重定向到任何地方或返回到当前页面 HTML5 submission form with streamlined CSS styles

具有简化CSS样式HTML5提交表单 Use your own custom form template and stylesheet


用户须知 (User Notes)

Active Installs: 300+


The User Notes plugin allows you to keep private notes about users that only Administrators can see. It adds a text area to the profile of each user in the dashboard so that Administrators can maintain private notes. Also importantly, the notes are visible to only Administrators.

使用“用户注释”插件,您可以保留有关只有管理员才能看到的用户的私人注释。 它在仪表板中的每个用户的个人资料中添加了一个文本区域,以便管理员可以维护私人注释。 同样重要的是,注释仅对管理员可见。

WP用户前端 (WP User Frontend)

Active Installs: 10,000+


Through the WP User Frontend plugin the user can easily create new posts and edit their profile from the site frontend, without needing to enter the backend admin dashboard.

通过WP User Frontend插件,用户可以轻松创建新帖子并从网站前端编辑其个人资料,而无需输入后端管理仪表板。

Features include:


The user can create a new post from the frontend

用户可以从前端创建新帖子 The user can edit post also from the frontend

用户也可以从前端编辑帖子 They can view their page in the frontend custom dashboard

他们可以在前端自定义仪表板中查看其页面 Edit profile from the frontend

从前端编辑个人资料 Administrator can restrict any user level on accessing the WordPress backend

管理员可以限制任何用户级别访问WordPress后端 Uploading attachments from the frontend

从前端上传附件 Uploading post featured image

上传帖子精选图片 Managing users from the frontend would be possible for administrators


内容进度 (Content Progress)

Active Installs: 300+


Content Progress is a plugin to manage the editorial work flow. Here are some of the features:

Content Progress是用于管理编辑工作流程的插件。 以下是一些功能:

Adds icons to the content listings, such as Posts, Pages, and custom post types indicating what you need

将图标添加到内容列表,例如“帖子”,“页面”和自定义帖子类型,以指示您需要的内容 Auto-detects empty posts or documents with less text

自动检测文本较少的空帖或文档 Flag any document if it’s incomplete or needs review


Creating custom content flags, for example i.e “Add Video”, “Needs formatting”

创建自定义内容标志,例如“添加视频” , “需要格式化”

Adding notes to the post for making communication between groups easier


Cimmy用户额外字段 (Cimmy User Extra Fields)

Active Installs: 20,000+


The Cimmy User Extra Fields plugin adds more useful fields to your registration page. You can also add various options to the registration page, including a picture and URL. You can also hide some certain fields if you wish.

Cimmy User Extra Fields插件将更多有用的字段添加到您的注册页面。 您还可以向注册页面添加各种选项,包括图片和URL。 您也可以根据需要隐藏某些字段。

电邮使用者 (Email Users)

Active Installs: 10,000+


The Email Users plugin allows the site editors to send an email to the registered site users.


管理 (Adminimize)

Active Installs: 100,000+


Adminize is an amazing plugin to remove some items from the dashboard for non-admin users. If you’re an admin, you often want to hide certain items in the dashboard to prevent contributors and authors from viewing it.

Adminize是一个了不起的插件,可以为非管理员用户从仪表板上删除某些项目。 如果您是管理员,则通常希望在仪表板上隐藏某些项目,以防止贡献者和作者查看它。

功能管理器增强 (Capability Manager Enhanced)

Active Installs: 30,000+


Not to be confused with the WordPress rules and capabilities, the Capability Manager Enhanced plugin helps you manage the roles (such as Subscriber, Author, Contributor, Editor and Admin) with ease.

不要与WordPress规则和功能混淆,Capability Manager Enhanced插件可帮助您轻松管理角色(例如订户,作者,贡献者,编辑者和管理员)。

Here are the main features:


Add new roles

新增角色 View or change the role capabilities

查看或更改角色功能 Easily copy the existing roles into new ones

轻松将现有角色复制到新角色 Add new capabilities to existing roles


限制作者发表 (Restrict Author Posting)

Active Installs: 2,000+


The Restrict Author Posting plugin will allow the Admin to restrict a specific category to a user profile. This makes it easier for the author or editor to post only in specific categories.

限制作者发布插件将允许管理员将特定类别限制为用户个人资料。 这使作者或编辑者仅在特定类别中发帖更为容易。

修订版 (Revisionary)

Active Installs: 4,000+


The Revisionary plugin moderates the editing of published content. The revision can be published immediately or scheduled following consent by an editor. It also gives contributors an ability to submit revisions to their own published content.

修订版插件可简化发布内容的编辑。 该修订版可以立即发布,也可以在编辑同意后安排。 它还使贡献者能够提交对其自己发布的内容的修订。

作者头像列表 (Author Avatars List)

Active Installs: 10,000+


The Author Avatars List plugin makes it easy to display lists of user avatars on your multi-user blog or website. You can use widgets or shortcodes to display a list of user avatars. A TinyMCE editor plugin comes in addition with this plugin that allows inserting shortcodes easily.

作者头像列表插件使您可以轻松地在多用户博客或网站上显示用户头像列表。 您可以使用小部件或简码显示用户头像列表。 该插件还附带有TinyMCE编辑器插件,可轻松插入短代码。

Here’s a great list of 11 of the Best WordPress Author Bio Plugins by Sally Wood if you’re after even more options.

如果您需要更多选择,这里是Sally Wood列出的11个最佳WordPress作者生物插件的最佳列表。

摘要 (Summary)

In this article I’ve covered some of the best multi-author management plugins available for WordPress and how they can help you to better manage your multi-author website. Do you have any others you wish to share?

在本文中,我介绍了一些可用于WordPress的最佳多作者管理插件,以及它们如何帮助您更好地管理多作者网站。 您还有其他想要分享的吗?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-multi-author-management-plugins/
