
tech2022-12-23  123


一、业务库1.1 数据模型1.2生成数据 二、数据仓库2.1 模型搭建2.1.1 选择业务流程2.1.2 粒度2.1.3 确认维度2.1.4 确认事实2.1.4.1 建立物理模型2.1.4.2 建库、装载数据 三.编写脚本配合 crontab 命令实现 ETL 自动化


1.1 数据模型

源系统是 mysql 库,数据模型如下


-- 建库 CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS sales_source DEFAULT CHARSET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; -- 用库 USE sales_source; -- 删表 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS customer; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS product; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sales_order; -- 建表 -- customer表 CREATE TABLE customer ( customer_number INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, customer_name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, customer_street_address VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, customer_zip_code INT(11) NOT NULL, customer_city VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, customer_state VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (customer_number) ); -- product表 CREATE TABLE product ( product_code INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, product_name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, product_category VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (product_code) ); -- sales_order表 CREATE TABLE sales_order ( order_number INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, customer_number INT(11) NOT NULL, product_code INT(11) NOT NULL, order_date DATETIME NOT NULL, entry_date DATETIME NOT NULL, order_amount DECIMAL(18,2) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (order_number) ); -- 插入数据 -- customer表插入数据 INSERT INTO customer ( customer_name , customer_street_address , customer_zip_code , customer_city , customer_state ) VALUES ('Big Customers', '7500 Louise Dr.', '17050', 'Mechanicsburg', 'PA') , ( 'Small Stores', '2500 Woodland St.', '17055', 'Pittsburgh', 'PA') , ('Medium Retailers', '1111 Ritter Rd.', '17055', 'Pittsburgh', 'PA' ) , ('Good Companies', '9500 Scott St.', '17050', 'Mechanicsburg', 'PA') , ('Wonderful Shops', '3333 Rossmoyne Rd.', '17050', 'Mechanicsburg', 'PA') , ('Loyal Clients', '7070 Ritter Rd.', '17055', 'Pittsburgh', 'PA') ; -- product表插入数据 INSERT INTO product(product_name,product_category) VALUES ('Hard Disk','Storage'), ('Floppy Drive','Storage'), ('lcd panel','monitor') ; -- 使用存储过程生成一个临时表,然后向sales_order表插入数据 -- 如果存在则删除存储过程 DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS usp_generate_order_data; -- 创建存储过程 DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE usp_generate_order_data() BEGIN DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_sales_order; CREATE TABLE tmp_sales_order AS SELECT * FROM sales_order WHERE 1=0; SET @start_date := UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2018-1-1'); SET @end_date := UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2018-11-23'); SET @i := 1; WHILE @i<=100000 DO SET @customer_number := FLOOR(1+RAND()*6); SET @product_code := FLOOR(1+RAND()* 3); SET @order_date := FROM_UNIXTIME(@start_date+RAND()*(@end_date-@start_date)); SET @amount := FLOOR(1000+RAND()*9000); INSERT INTO tmp_sales_order VALUES (@i,@customer_number,@product_code,@order_date,@order_date,@amount); SET @i := @i +1; END WHILE; TRUNCATE TABLE sales_order; INSERT INTO sales_order SELECT NULL,customer_number,product_code,order_date,entry_date,order_amount FROM tmp_sales_order; COMMIT; DROP TABLE tmp_sales_order; END // -- 调用存储过程插入数据 CALL usp_generate_order_data(); 建完库后的表和数据如下:


数仓是建立在 hive 上,有两层(ODS 层 rds 库)和 DW 层(tds 库),存储格式日期维度 textfile,其他 orc。

2.1 模型搭建


2.1.1 选择业务流程

维度方法的基础是首先确认哪些业务处理流程是数据库需要覆盖的,因此建模的第一个步骤是描述需要建模的业务流程,描述业务流程,可以简单的使用文本记录下或者使用 MPMN(业务流程建模标注)的方法,也可以使用 UML 等. 我们的案例业务很明确就是:销售订单

2.1.2 粒度

粒度用于确定事实表中表示的是什么,在选择事实表存储最细粒度的事务记录,每小时更新增量,凌晨 2 两点更新昨天全量

2.1.3 确认维度

产品、客户以及日期,日期维度用于业务集成,每个数据仓库都应该有一个日期维度,日期维度数据一旦生成就不会改变,因此不需要版本号、生效日期和过期日期,一般情况下直接生成 10 年或者 20 年的数据,初始化的数据远高于数据仓库的有效时长即可。在有变化的维度表上增加版本号、生效日期、过期日期,能看到维度的历史变化,当维度属性发生变化的时候,根据不同的策略,生成一条新的维度记录或者更改原记录。渐变维 slow changing dimensions SCD代理键是维度表的主键,一般加 sk 表示即 surrogate key,是每行记录的唯一标识,由系统生成的主键,不是应用数据,没有业务含义.

2.1.4 确认事实

订单是唯一事实,订单金额是唯一度量,按天分区。 建立物理模型

rds层 dw层 建库、装载数据

rds层建库建表 -- 创建rds层数据库 create database sales_rds; -- 使用库 USE sales_rds; -- 删除表 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS rds.customer; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS rds.product; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS rds.sales_order; drop table if exists cdc_time; -- 创建sales_rds.customer表 CREATE TABLE sales_rds.customer ( customer_number INT , customer_name VARCHAR(128) , customer_street_address VARCHAR(256) , customer_zip_code INT , customer_city VARCHAR(32) , customer_state VARCHAR(32) ); -- 创建sales_rds.product表 CREATE TABLE sales_rds.product ( product_code INT, product_name VARCHAR(128) , product_category VARCHAR(256) ); -- 创建sales_rds.sales_order表 CREATE TABLE sales_rds.sales_order ( order_number INT , customer_number INT, product_code INT , order_date timestamp , entry_date timestamp , order_amount DECIMAL(18,2) ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' STORED AS TEXTFILE ; -- cdc表 create table cdc_time ( start_time date, end_time date ); 从mysql中向hive的rds层导入数据 # 加载数据导入rds层 # ETL抽取 # 全量抽取 # 全量导入product表 sqoop import \ --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sales_source \ --username root \ --password ok \ --table product \ --hive-import \ --hive-table sales_rds.product \ --hive-overwrite \ --target-dir temp #全量导入customer表 sqoop import \ --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sales_source \ --username root \ --password ok \ --table customer \ --hive-import \ --hive-table sales_rds.customer \ --hive-overwrite \ --target-dir temp #增量抽取sales_order #检查列 #模式append/lastmodefied #last-value sqoop job \ --create myjob \ -- import \ --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sales_source \ --username root \ --password ok \ --table sales_order \ --hive-import \ --hive-table sales_rds.sales_order \ --check-column entry_date \ --incremental append \ --last-value '1900-1-1' #查看sqoop job sqoop job --list #执行job sqoop job --exec myjob dw层建库建表 -- 创建dw层数据库 create database sales_dw; -- 使用库 use sales_dw; -- 创建dim_product表 create table dim_product ( product_sk int , product_code int , product_name varchar(128), product_category varchar(256), version varchar(32), effective_date date, expiry_date date ) clustered by (product_sk ) into 8 buckets stored as orc tblproperties('transactional'='true'); -- dim_customer表 create table dim_customer ( customer_sk int , customer_number int , customer_name varchar(128), customer_street_address varchar(256), customer_zip_code int, customer_city varchar(32), customer_state varchar(32), version varchar(32), effective_date date, expiry_date date ) clustered by (customer_sk ) into 8 buckets stored as orc tblproperties('transactional'='true'); -- dim_date表 create table dim_date ( date_sk int , date date, month tinyint, month_name varchar(16), quarter tinyint, year int ) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as textfile; -- dim_order表 create table dim_order ( order_sk int , order_number int, version varchar(32), effective_date date, expiry_date date ) clustered by (order_sk ) into 8 buckets stored as orc tblproperties('transactional'='true'); -- fact_sales_order表 create table fact_sales_order ( order_sk int , customer_sk int , product_sk int , order_date_sk int , order_amount decimal(18,2) ) partitioned by(order_date string) clustered by (order_sk ) into 8 buckets stored as orc tblproperties('transactional'='true'); 从rds层向dw层导入数据1.编写生成日期数据的脚本 vi generate_dim_date.sh 内容如下: #!/bin/bash #起始日期 date1=$1 #终止日期 date2=$2 #日期 tmpdate=`date -d "$date1" +%F` #开始时间戳 startSec=`date -d "$date1" +%s` #终止时间戳 endSec=`date -d "$date2" +%s` #循环起始值 min=1 #循环终止值 max=`expr \( $endSec - $startSec \) \/ 60 \/ 60 \/ 24` while [ $min -le $max ] do #计算月份 month=`date -d "$tmpdate" +%m` #计算月英文名称 month_name=`date -d "$tmpdate" +%B` #计算年 year=`date -d "$tmpdate" +%Y` #计算季度 #quarter=`expr \( $month - 1 \) \/ 3 + 1` quarter=`expr \( $month - 1 \) \/ 3 + 1` echo "$min,$tmpdate,$month,$month_name,$quarter,$year" >> ./dim_date.csv #计算下次日期 tmpdate=`date -d "$min day $date1" +%F` #计算下次时间戳 startSec=`date -d "$min day $date1" +%s` min=`expr $min + 1` done #赋权 chmod 777 generate_dim_date.sh #执行脚本 ./generate_dim_date.sh #上传生成文件至hive的dim_date表目录下,即加载数据 hdfs dfs -put dim_date.csv /hive/warehouse/sales_dw.db/dim_date -- 加载dim_product from ( select row_number() over(order by sp.product_code) product_sk, sp.product_code, sp.product_name, sp.product_category, '1.0', '2018-1-1', '2050-1-1' from sales_rds.product sp ) tmp insert into sales_dw.dim_product select *; -- 加载dim_customer from ( select row_number() over(order by sp.customer_number) customer_sk, sp.customer_number, sp.customer_name, sp.customer_street_address, sp.customer_zip_code, sp.customer_city, sp.customer_state, '1.0', '2018-1-1', '2050-1-1' from sales_rds.customer sp ) tmp insert into sales_dw.dim_customer select *; -- 加载dim_order from ( select row_number() over(order by sp.order_number) order_sk, sp.order_number, '1.0', '2018-1-1', '2050-1-1' from sales_rds.sales_order sp ) tmp insert into sales_dw.dim_order select *; -- 加载fact_sales_order表 -- 设置动态分区 set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true; set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict; set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions=10000; set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions.pernode=10000; -- 加载数据 from ( select b.order_sk, c.customer_sk, d.product_sk, e.date_sk order_date_sk, a.order_amount, substr(a.order_date,1,7) order_date from sales_rds.sales_order a join sales_dw.dim_order b on a.order_number=b.order_number join sales_dw.dim_customer c on a.customer_number=c.customer_number join sales_dw.dim_product d on a.product_code=d.product_code join sales_dw.dim_date e on date(a.order_date)=e.date ) temp insert into table sales_dw.fact_sales_order partition(order_date) select order_sk,customer_sk,product_sk,order_date_sk,order_amount,order_date; -- dm层 宽表 想求2018 10月20号这一天的指标 -- 顾客,产品,日期,当天订单个数,当天的订单金额,近两天的订单个数,近两天的订单金额 create database if not exists sales_dm; create table if not exists sales_dm.dm_order as select c.customer_sk , c.customer_number , c.customer_name , c.customer_street_address , c.customer_zip_code , c.customer_city , c.customer_state , p.product_sk , p.product_code , p.product_name , p.product_category, dd.date_sk, dd.date , dd.month , dd.month_name , dd.quarter , dd.year , sum(case when datediff("2018-10-20",dd.date)=0 then 1 else 0 end) one_order_cnt, sum(case when datediff("2018-10-20",dd.date)<=1 then 1 else 0 end) two_order_cnt, sum(case when datediff("2018-10-20",dd.date)<=0 then fso.order_amount else 0 end) one_order_cnt_amount, sum(case when datediff("2018-10-20",dd.date)<=1 then 1 else 0 end) two_order_cnt_amount from sales_dw.fact_sales_order fso join sales_dw.dim_customer c on fso.customer_sk=c.customer_sk join sales_dw.dim_product p on fso.product_sk=p.product_sk join sales_dw.dim_date dd on fso.order_date_sk=dd.date_sk where dd.date>='2018-10-19' and dd.date<='2018-10-20' group by c.customer_sk , c.customer_number , c.customer_name , c.customer_street_address , c.customer_zip_code , c.customer_city , c.customer_state , p.product_sk , p.product_code , p.product_name , p.product_category, dd.date_sk, dd.date , dd.month , dd.month_name , dd.quarter , dd.year;

三.编写脚本配合 crontab 命令实现 ETL 自动化

➢ 初始化装载

USE sales_dw; -- 清空表 TRUNCATE TABLE dim_customer; TRUNCATE TABLE dim_product; TRUNCATE TABLE dim_order; TRUNCATE TABLE fact_sales_order; -- 装载客户维度表 from ( select row_number() over(order by sp.customer_number) customer_sk, sp.customer_number, sp.customer_name, sp.customer_street_address, sp.customer_zip_code, sp.customer_city, sp.customer_state, '1.0', '2018-1-1', '2050-1-1' from sales_rds.customer sp ) tmp insert into sales_dw.dim_customer select *; -- 装载产品维度表 from ( select row_number() over(order by sp.product_code) product_sk, sp.product_code, sp.product_name, sp.product_category, '1.0', '2018-1-1', '2050-1-1' from sales_rds.product sp ) tmp insert into sales_dw.dim_product select *; -- 装载订单维度表 from ( select row_number() over(order by sp.order_number) order_sk, sp.order_number, '1.0', '2018-1-1', '2050-1-1' from sales_rds.sales_order sp ) tmp insert into sales_dw.dim_order select *; -- 装载销售订单事实表 set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true; set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict; set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions=10000; set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions.pernode=10000; from ( select b.order_sk, c.customer_sk, d.product_sk, e.date_sk order_date_sk, a.order_amount, substr(a.order_date,1,7) order_date from sales_rds.sales_order a join sales_dw.dim_order b on a.order_number=b.order_number join sales_dw.dim_customer c on a.customer_number=c.customer_number join sales_dw.dim_product d on a.product_code=d.product_code join sales_dw.dim_date e on date(a.order_date)=e.date ) temp insert into table sales_dw.fact_sales_order partition(order_date) select order_sk,customer_sk,product_sk,order_date_sk,order_amount,order_date; #!/bin/bash # 建立Sqoop增量导入作业,以order_number作为检查列,初始的last-value是0 sqoop job --delete rds_incremental_import_job sqoop job --create rds_incremental_import_job \ -- \ import \ --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sales_source \ --username root \ --password ok \ --table sales_order \ --hive-import \ --hive-table sales_rds.sales_order \ --fields-terminated-by '\t' \ --lines-terminated-by '\n' \ --incremental append \ --check-column order_number \ --last-value 0 # 首次抽取,将全部数据导入RDS库 sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sales_source \ --username root --password ok --table customer --hive-import --hive-table sales_rds.customer --hive-overwrite --target-dir temp sleep 2 sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sales_source --username root --password ok --table product --hive-import --hive-table sales_rds.product --hive-overwrite --target-dir temp beeline -u jdbc:hive2://hadoop01:10000/sales_dw -e "TRUNCATE TABLE sales_rds.sales_order" # 执行增量导入,因为last-value初始值为0,所以此次会导入全部数据 sqoop job --exec rds_incremental_import_job # 调用init_etl.sql文件执行初始装载 spark-sql --master yarn-client -f init_dw_etl.sql

➢ 定期装载

涉及到update操纵需要更改hive-site.xml文件,添加支持事务操作,添加如下属性 <!-- hive事务支持--> <property> <name>hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition</name> <value>false</value> </property> <property> <name>hive.support.concurrency</name> <value>true</value> </property> <property> <name>hive.enforce.bucketing</name> <value>true</value> </property> <property> <name>hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode</name> <value>nonstrict</value> </property> <property> <name>hive.txn.manager</name> <value>org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.DbTxnManager</value> </property> <property> <name>hive.compactor.initiator.on</name> <value>true</value> </property> <property> <name>hive.compactor.worker.threads</name> <value>1</value> </property> <!-- 注意下面这句话千万不能加 <property> <name>hive.in.test</name> <value>true</value> </property> --> -- 设置scd的生效时间和过期时间 use sales_dw; SET hivevar:cur_date = CURRENT_DATE(); SET hivevar:pre_date = DATE_ADD(${hivevar:cur_date},-1); SET hivevar:max_date = CAST('2050-01-01' AS DATE); -- 设置cdc的开始结束日期 INSERT overwrite TABLE sales_rds.cdc_time SELECT end_time, ${hivevar:cur_date} FROM sales_rds.cdc_time; -- 装载customer维度 -- 获取源数据中被删除的客户和地址发生改变的客户,将这些数据设置为过期时间,即当前时间的前一天 UPDATE dim_customer SET expiry_date = ${hivevar:pre_date} WHERE dim_customer.customer_sk IN(SELECT a.customer_sk FROM (SELECT customer_sk, customer_number, customer_street_address FROM dim_customer WHERE expiry_date = ${hivevar:max_date}) a LEFT JOIN sales_rds.customer b ON a.customer_number = b.customer_number WHERE b.customer_number IS NULL OR a.customer_street_address <> b.customer_street_address); -- 装载product维度 -- 取源数据中删除或者属性发生变化的产品 UPDATE dim_product SET expiry_date = ${hivevar:pre_date} WHERE dim_product.product_sk IN(SELECT a.product_sk FROM(SELECT product_sk, product_code, product_name, product_category FROM dim_product WHERE expiry_date = ${hivevar:max_date}) a LEFT JOIN sales_rds.product b ON a.product_code = b.product_code WHERE b.product_code IS NULL OR (a.product_name <> b.product_name OR a.product_category <> b.product_category)); -- 将有地址变化的插入到dim_customer表,如果有相同数据存在有不过期的数据则不插入 INSERT INTO dim_customer SELECT row_number() over (ORDER BY t1.customer_number) + t2.sk_max, t1.customer_number, t1.customer_name, t1.customer_street_address, t1.customer_zip_code, t1.customer_city, t1.customer_state, t1.version, t1.effective_date, t1.expiry_date FROM(SELECT t2.customer_number customer_number, t2.customer_name customer_name, t2.customer_street_address customer_street_address, t2.customer_zip_code, t2.customer_city, t2.customer_state, t1.version + 1 `version`, ${hivevar:pre_date} effective_date, ${hivevar:max_date} expiry_date FROM dim_customer t1 INNER JOIN sales_rds.customer t2 ON t1.customer_number = t2.customer_number AND t1.expiry_date = ${hivevar:pre_date} LEFT JOIN dim_customer t3 ON t1.customer_number = t3.customer_number AND t3.expiry_date = ${hivevar:max_date} WHERE t1.customer_street_address <> t2.customer_street_address AND t3.customer_sk IS NULL ) t1 CROSS JOIN(SELECT COALESCE(MAX(customer_sk),0) sk_max FROM dim_customer) t2; -- 处理customer_name列上的scd1,覆盖 -- 不进行更新,将源数据中的name列有变化的数据提取出来,放入临时表 -- 将 dim_couster中这些数据删除、 -- 将临时表中的数据插入 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp; CREATE TABLE tmp AS SELECT a.customer_sk, a.customer_number, b.customer_name, a.customer_street_address, a.customer_zip_code, a.customer_city, a.customer_state, a.version, a.effective_date, a.expiry_date FROM dim_customer a JOIN sales_rds.customer b ON a.customer_number = b.customer_number where a.customer_name != b.customer_name; -- 删除数据 DELETE FROM dim_customer WHERE dim_customer.customer_sk IN (SELECT customer_sk FROM tmp); -- 插入数据 INSERT INTO dim_customer SELECT * FROM tmp; -- 处理新增的customer记录 INSERT INTO dim_customer SELECT row_number() over (ORDER BY t1.customer_number) + t2.sk_max, t1.customer_number, t1.customer_name, t1.customer_street_address, t1.customer_zip_code, t1.customer_city, t1.customer_state, 1, ${hivevar:pre_date}, ${hivevar:max_date} FROM( SELECT t1.* FROM sales_rds.customer t1 LEFT JOIN dim_customer t2 ON t1.customer_number = t2.customer_number WHERE t2.customer_sk IS NULL) t1 CROSS JOIN(SELECT COALESCE(MAX(customer_sk),0) sk_max FROM dim_customer) t2; -- 处理product_name、product_category列上scd2的新增行 INSERT INTO dim_product SELECT row_number() over (ORDER BY t1.product_code) + t2.sk_max, t1.product_code, t1.product_name, t1.product_category, t1.version, t1.effective_date, t1.expiry_date FROM( SELECT t2.product_code product_code, t2.product_name product_name, t2.product_category product_category, t1.version + 1 `version`, ${hivevar:pre_date} effective_date, ${hivevar:max_date} expiry_date FROM dim_product t1 INNER JOIN sales_rds.product t2 ON t1.product_code = t2.product_code AND t1.expiry_date = ${hivevar:pre_date} LEFT JOIN dim_product t3 ON t1.product_code = t3.product_code AND t3.expiry_date = ${hivevar:max_date} WHERE(t1.product_name <> t2.product_name OR t1.product_category <> t2.product_category) AND t3.product_sk IS NULL ) t1 CROSS JOIN (SELECT COALESCE(MAX(product_sk),0) sk_max FROM dim_product) t2; -- 处理新增的 product 记录 INSERT INTO dim_product SELECT row_number() over (ORDER BY t1.product_code) + t2.sk_max, t1.product_code, t1.product_name, t1.product_category, 1, ${hivevar:pre_date}, ${hivevar:max_date} FROM( SELECT t1.* FROM sales_rds.product t1 LEFT JOIN dim_product t2 ON t1.product_code = t2.product_code WHERE t2.product_sk IS NULL ) t1 CROSS JOIN (SELECT COALESCE(MAX(product_sk),0) sk_max FROM dim_product) t2; -- 装载order维度 INSERT INTO dim_order SELECT row_number() over (ORDER BY t1.order_number) + t2.sk_max, t1.order_number, t1.version, t1.effective_date, t1.expiry_date FROM( SELECT order_number order_number, 1 `version`, order_date effective_date, '2050-01-01' expiry_date FROM sales_rds.sales_order, sales_rds.cdc_time WHERE entry_date >= end_time AND entry_date < start_time ) t1 CROSS JOIN( SELECT COALESCE(MAX(order_sk),0) sk_max FROM dim_order) t2; -- 装载销售订单事实表 set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true; set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict; set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions=10000; set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions.pernode=10000; from ( select b.order_sk, c.customer_sk, d.product_sk, e.date_sk order_date_sk, a.order_amount, substr(a.order_date,1,7) order_date from sales_rds.sales_order a join sales_dw.dim_order b on a.order_number=b.order_number join sales_dw.dim_customer c on a.customer_number=c.customer_number join sales_dw.dim_product d on a.product_code=d.product_code join sales_dw.dim_date e on date(a.order_date)=e.date, sales_rds.cdc_time f where a.order_date >= c.effective_date AND a.order_date < c.expiry_date AND a.order_date >= d.effective_date AND a.order_date < d.expiry_date AND a.entry_date >= f.end_time AND a.entry_date < f.start_time ) temp insert into table sales_dw.fact_sales_order partition(order_date) select order_sk,customer_sk,product_sk,order_date_sk,order_amount,order_date; -- 更新时间戳表的字段 INSERT overwrite TABLE sales_rds.cdc_time SELECT start_time,start_time FROM sales_rds.cdc_time; #!/bin/bash # 整体拉取customer、product表数据 sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sales_source --username root \ --password ok --table customer --hive-import --hive-table sales_rds.customer --hive-overwrite --target-dir temp sleep 2 sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sales_source --username root --password \ ok --table product --hive-import --hive-table sales_rds.product --hive-overwrite --target-dir temp # 执行增量导入 sqoop job --exec rds_incremental_import_job # 调用 sql 文件执行定期装载 hive -f schedule_daily_etl.sql # spark-sql不支持hive事务,不要用下面的语句 #spark-sql --master yarn-client -f schedule_daily_etl.sql

crontab -e 定时任务执行如下:
