wordpress 邮件

tech2022-12-24  124

wordpress 邮件

With over 35,000 plugins available, there are few things that you cannot do with WordPress.


For many site builders, the ultimate goal is to reach as many viewers as possible. Email lists are key to expanding your audience, and in this post, I’ll show you exactly how to turn your WordPress website into an email marketing machine.

对于许多网站建设者而言,最终目标是吸引尽可能多的观众。 电子邮件列表是扩大受众范围的关键,在这篇文章中,我将向您详细介绍如何将WordPress网站转变为电子邮件营销机器。

Credit: http://www.hubspot.com/inbound-marketing


Launched in the spring of 2003, WordPress has emerged as the world’s leading content management system (CMS). Today, WordPress powers some 17 newly published pages each second, generating 14.7 billion pageviews every month. It’s the platform of choice for business websites, and 22% of all domains registered install the CMS.

WordPress于2003年Spring推出,已成为世界领先的内容管理系统 (CMS)。 如今, WordPress每秒可为大约17个新发布的页面提供动力 ,每月产生147亿次综合浏览量。 它是企业网站的首选平台, 所有注册的域中有22%安装了CMS。

Credit: https://wappalyzer.com/categories/cms


Marketing success hinges on your ability to reach the prospects that are most likely to benefit from your product, so you can educate them about your approach, and gradually build trust to the point where they want to do business with you.


Today’s consumers have often done extensive research before considering your website’s offering. By optimizing your website for lead capture, you can make this process as inviting and smooth as possible for your audience.

当今的消费者通常在考虑您的网站产品之前已经进行了广泛的研究。 通过优化您的网站来捕获潜在客户,您可以使此过程对您的受众尽可能地吸引人和流畅。

With an ever-growing list of quality plugins, WordPress can be tailor made for lead capture. And while there are plenty of incredible premium options, I’ve tried to stick with free options as much as possible in this guide.

随着质量插件列表的不断增加,WordPress可以量身定制以进行潜在客户捕获。 尽管有许多令人难以置信的高级选项,但在本指南中,我尝试尽可能地坚持使用免费选项。

Plus, setting up an email marketing system doesn’t need to take all day. Each of these plugins can be downloaded, installed and configured in just a matter of minutes.

另外,建立电子邮件营销系统并不需要花费一整天的时间。 每个插件都可以在短短几分钟内下载,安装和配置。

1.吸引流量 (1. Attract Traffic)

Lead capture starts with getting traffic to your website.


Today, there are two primary sources anyone can use to generate traffic.


Search Engines


Social Networks


Google and other search engines are a powerful audience acquisition channel. When your content is properly optimized, your site will appear in relevant search results. To ensure that your site is properly optimized, a good place to start is installing the

Google和其他搜索引擎是强大的受众获取渠道。 适当优化内容后,您的网站就会出现在相关的搜索结果中。 为了确保您的网站得到适当的优化,一个不错的起点是安装

WordPress SEO Plugin by Yoast. This will help you to optimize your page content, image titles and meta descriptions so that you are more visible to the search engines.

Yoast的WordPress SEO插件 。 这将帮助您优化页面内容,图像标题和元描述,从而使搜索引擎更容易看到您。

Social networks are your next target. A plugin like Social Networks Auto-Poster by NextScripts will let you automatically distribute links to your site’s content on major social networks.

社交网络是您的下一个目标。 诸如NextScripts的Social Networks Auto-Poster之类的插件将使您可以自动在主要社交网络上分发指向您网站内容的链接。

Credit: http://www.nextscripts.com/blog/upcoming-version-4-features-auto-reposting/#more-334050


2.将流量转换为电子邮件订阅者 (2. Convert Traffic into Email Subscribers)

Once someone visits your site and sees that you offer useful information, you want to be able to stay in touch with them, so you can continue to build a relationship. To do this, you need their email.

有人访问您的网站并看到您提供有用的信息后,您希望能够与他们保持联系,以便您可以继续建立关系。 为此,您需要他们的电子邮件。

SumoMe‘s suite of free tools is designed to convert your audience into subscribers. These tools function as apps on a single plugin, so you only have to download it once.

SumoMe的免费工具套件旨在将您的受众转化为订阅者。 这些工具在单个插件上可用作应用程序,因此您只需下载一次即可。

SumoMe’s List Builder app allows you to convert visitors via several types of email opt in forms. Opt in forms can be placed in the sidebar or formed into popups that invite users to subscribe after they’ve spent a pre-set amount of time on your website.

SumoMe的列表生成器应用程序使您可以通过多种形式的电子邮件选择来转换访客。 选择加入表单可以放在侧边栏中,也可以形成弹出窗口,邀请用户在您的网站上花费了预定时间后进行订阅。

While most people don’t like the idea of popups, they are indisputably effective at capturing email leads.

尽管大多数人不喜欢弹出窗口的想法,但毫无疑问 ,它们在捕获电子邮件线索方面非常有效 。

The Hello Bar is another way to grab your reader’s attention. This is a nicely designed, versatile, fixed-position horizontal bar that spans across the top of your website. It’s also extremely powerful for capturing email addresses.

Hello Bar是吸引读者注意力的另一种方法。 这是一个设计精美,用途广泛的固定位置单杠,横跨您的网站顶部。 它对于捕获电子邮件地址也非常强大 。

Credit: http://www.jeffbullas.com


As you craft your messaging, bear in mind that it’s not enough to simply ask for an email address. To effectively use any lead capture tool, you must offer readers an enticing “reward” in exchange for giving you their contact information. Sometimes just the promise of joining a branded community or receiving instant blog content updates is enough, but rich media products often convert better.

在编写消息时,请记住,仅询问电子邮件地址是不够的。 为了有效地使用任何潜在顾客捕获工具,您必须向读者提供诱人的“奖励”,以换取向您提供其联系信息。 有时候,只要承诺加入品牌社区或接收即时博客内容更新就足够了,但是富媒体产品通常可以带来更好的转换。

3.通过获取更多详细信息来转换更多 (3. Convert More by Grabbing More Details)

WordPress is great for easily offering a downloadable eBook or special report that provides your site’s visitors with valuable, relevant industry insights. When you offer more, you can also ask for more, so use your digital download squeeze page as an opportunity to capture additional fields that can help you learn more about your prospects and allow you target them with personalized messaging.

WordPress非常适合轻松提供可下载的电子书或特别报告,该报告可为您的网站访问者提供有价值的,相关的行业见解。 当您提供更多产品时,您也可以要求更多,因此可以使用数字下载压缩页面作为捕获其他字段的机会,这些字段可以帮助您了解有关潜在客户的更多信息,并通过个性化消息传递来定位目标客户。

A WordPress plugin like the freemium WP Lead Plus gives even WordPress beginners the ability to create quality landing pages that convert. With more than 20 quality templates, you should be able to find a design that works for you.

像免费增值版WP Lead Plus这样的WordPress插件甚至使WordPress初学者也可以创建可转换的高质量目标网页。 使用20多个质量模板,您应该能够找到适合您的设计。

Another option for obtaining prospects’ details is to use a plugin like Fast Secure Contact Form to create forms for your site. These forms enable site visitors to email you questions, or to send a meeting request to talk on the phone, and you can embed the forms in your footers, sidebar or even at the bottom of articles.

获取潜在客户详细信息的另一种方法是使用诸如快速安全联系表之类的插件为您的网站创建表单。 这些表单使站点访问者可以通过电子邮件向您发送问题,或发送会议请求以进行电话交谈,还可以将表单嵌入页脚,侧边栏甚至文章的底部。

Additionally, you can simply redirect interested parties to a signup form hosted by your email platform, like GetResponse. You can ask customers to fill out whatever information you desire on these forms. Just keep in mind that more info might lead to a lower signup rate. It might be good to just start with First Name, Email Address, and one additional field.

此外,您可以简单地将感兴趣的各方重定向到您的电子邮件平台托管的注册表单,例如GetResponse 。 您可以要求客户在这些表格上填写您想要的任何信息。 请记住,更多信息可能会导致注册率降低。 仅以名字,电子邮件地址和其他字段开头可能会很好。

4.铅培养自动应答器关闭并带来愉悦感 (4. Close and Delight with Lead-Nurturing Autoresponders)

Now that you’ve got your purchase funnel entry points set up, it’s time to start nurturing leads via email. Plenty of free services allow you to send the same email content to all of your subscriber contacts, but to really make an impression, you’ll want to opt for a premium platform that supports autoresponders.

现在,您已经设置了购买渠道入口点,是时候开始通过电子邮件培育潜在客户了。 大量的免费服务使您可以向所有订户联系人发送相同的电子邮件内容,但要给人留下深刻的印象,您需要选择一个支持自动回复的高级平台。

You can send follow-up emails based on timing or client actions (or lack of action!), birthday and anniversary emails (if that info is collected), series of emails, customized offers and more. The best tools allow you to create messages that respond to your subscribers’ interests in the perfect way and at the perfect moment. For example, Get Response’s Autoresponders 2.0 product works with user-specific tracking capabilities that allow you to send customized emails that are triggered by onsite browsing patterns.

您可以根据时间安排或客户操作(或缺少操作!),生日和周年纪念日电子邮件(如果收集了该信息),一系列电子邮件,自定义报价等来发送后续电子邮件。 最好的工具使您可以创建消息,以完美的方式在完美的时刻响应订户的兴趣。 例如, Get Response的Autoresponders 2.0产品具有特定于用户的跟踪功能,使您能够发送由现场浏览模式触发的自定义电子邮件。

Credit: http://support.getresponse.com/manuals/autoresponders-2-0-guide?serv=landing_ar2&camp=autoresponders2&kw=pdf_guide


Even though triggered emails are automated, if you craft the messaging well, and set up your triggers wisely, these emails can still feel like one-on-one communication. While it is extremely important to treat your clients and prospects as individuals, that doesn’t mean that you can’t take advantage of tools like autoresponders to enable scalability.

即使已触发的电子邮件是自动执行的,但如果您精心设计了消息传递并明智地设置了触发器,这些电子邮件仍然会像一对一通信。 尽管将您的客户和潜在客户视为一个个体非常重要,但这并不意味着您无法利用自动应答器之类的工具来实现可伸缩性。

Platforms like GetResponse use well-designed APIs for easy integration with WordPress. It’s as simple as downloading the plugin and entering your API key.

诸如GetResponse之类的平台使用经过精心设计的API,可轻松与WordPress集成。 就像下载插件并输入API密钥一样简单。

将您的WordPress网站变成电子邮件营销机器 (Turn Your WordPress Site into an Email Marketing Machine)

Maintaining an effective digital sales pipeline can be time consuming, but setting it up doesn’t have to be.


Here’s a list of all tools and plugins mentioned in this post:


WordPress SEO Plugin

WordPress SEO插件

Social Networks Auto-Poster




The Hello Bar


WP Lead Plus

WP Lead Plus

Fast Secure Contact


Get Response’s Autoresponder


If you configure your pipeline using the right integrated tools for WordPress, the initial setup should be relatively painless and inexpensive, and you’ll be in great shape to take your business to the next level. An automated sales funnel is the ultimate weapon for businesses wanting to scale.

如果您使用适用于WordPress的正确集成工具来配置管道,则初始设置应该相对轻松且便宜,并且您将处于有利的地位,可以将您的业务提升到一个新的水平。 自动化的销售渠道是想要扩展业务的最终武器。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-email-marketing/

wordpress 邮件
