托管 非托管

tech2022-12-25  133

托管 非托管

Choosing a web host can be one of the toughest decisions you make as a web development professional, because your decision plays a significant role in whether your client’s business will succeed or fail.


Unfortunately web hosts are now a dime a dozen. Plus the fact that many hosts white-label their services to third parties means that the company you recommend to a client might not even have direct control over the servers they claim to provide.

不幸的是,网络主机现在只差一角钱。 加上许多主机将其服务标记给第三方的事实,这意味着您向客户推荐的公司甚至可能无法直接控制他们声称要提供的服务器。

In the past, web hosting was simply a service where the host provided the hardware, and the client provided the code. Today however, managed WordPress hosting has emerged as one of the hottest offerings in the web hosting space.

过去,虚拟主机只是一项服务,其中主机提供硬件,而客户端提供代码。 但是,今天,托管WordPress托管已成为Web托管领域中最热门的产品之一。

Some of the biggest players in this sector are WP Engine, and Pagely, as well as traditional hosting companies such as Media Temple and GoDaddy who now also offer specialized WordPress hosting. Of course, we can’t forget WordPress.com and WordPress VIP (who offer high end hosting).

该领域一些最大的参与者是WP Engine和Pagely ,以及传统的托管公司,例如Media Temple和GoDaddy ,它们现在也提供专用的WordPress托管。 当然,我们不能忘记WordPress.com和WordPress VIP (它们提供高端托管)。

白手套服务 (White Glove Service)

Unlike traditional web hosts which focus on providing a generic platform for developers to build on, managed WordPress hosts focus only on supporting WordPress. In fact, they install the software for you and tune the servers to maximize performance for your site.

与传统的Web主机专注于为开发人员提供通用平台提供基础,托管WordPress主机仅专注于支持WordPress。 实际上,他们会为您安装软件并调整服务器以最大程度地提高您站点的性能。

Literally set it and forget it, managed hosts have emerged as a way for WordPress users to focus on their business, rather than server logistics. Unfortunately, with quality comes a slight premium over other web hosts.

从字面上进行设置并忘记它,托管主机已成为WordPress用户专注于其业务而不是服务器物流的一种方式。 不幸的是,与质量相比,质量要比其他Web主机略高。

定价溢价 (Pricing Premiums)

While a typical web host bills based on a bucket of server resources, managed WordPress hosts instead bill by the WordPress install. While a typical shared hosting account costs around $10/month and an entry level virtual private server (VPS) might cost around $30/month from a reputable vendor, many managed WordPress hosts charge at least $20/month for a single WordPress install.

虽然典型的Web主机根据存储桶中的服务器资源计费,但托管的WordPress主机会根据WordPress安装进行计费。 虽然一个典型的共享托管帐户每月花费约10美元,而信誉良好的供应商提供的入门级虚拟专用服务器(VPS)每月花费约30美元,但许多托管的WordPress主机每月为单个WordPress安装收取至少20美元的费用。

Billing metrics aren’t the only difference when using a managed host. The other major thing to keep in mind is that the resources allocated per user on a managed site are a fraction of what you would find on a traditional host.

使用托管主机时,计费指标并不是唯一的区别。 要记住的另一件主要事情是,在托管站点上为每个用户分配的资源仅是传统主机上的一小部分。

For example, while many hosts promise unlimited or astronomical storage caps, most managed hosts provide 5GB-20GB storage on their entry plans. Additionally, when it comes to bandwidth, managed hosts often bill by ‘visits’ or have low bandwidth caps (usually 5GB-20GB).

例如,尽管许多主机承诺无限或天文数字的存储上限,但大多数托管主机在其入门计划中提供5GB-20GB的存储空间。 此外,在带宽方面,托管主机通常按“访问”计费或带宽上限较低(通常为5GB-20GB)。

托管托管的好处 (Benefits of Managed Hosting)

Despite carrying a significant price premium, there are some key features which make managed WordPress hosting a solid solution for many web development professionals.


Key benefits include:


Pre-tuned systems mean you don’t need to worry about server optimization

预调系统意味着您无需担心服务器优化 Automatic updates ensure you can focus on your business rather than site maintenance

自动更新可确保您专注于业务而不是站点维护 Built in snapshots that ensure that you always have backups in case disaster strikes

内置快照可确保您始终有备份,以防灾难来袭 Built in development tools simplify staging and testing new features

内置的开发工具简化了暂存和测试新功能 Integrated Content Delivery Network (CDN) systems that ensure maximum performance


自己做 (Do It Yourself)

As a web development professional, the only special sauce of managed WordPress hosts is the level of convenience they provide to customers. Security, CDNs, performance tuning and more are all things which can be implemented with ease by using common off-the-shelf WordPress plugins and a basic understanding of your server.

作为一名Web开发专业人员,托管WordPress主机的唯一特色就是它们为客户提供的便利水平。 通过使用常见的现成WordPress插件和对服务器的基本了解,可以轻松实现安全性,CDN,性能调整等等。

多合一性能调优 (All-in-One Performance Tuning)

When you want to enable caching, CDN support and more within WordPress, W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache are the plugins for you. With only a few clicks, these plugins allows you to enable caching for your website and they support CDN integration with a variety of vendors.

当您要启用缓存,CDN支持以及WordPress中的更多功能时, W3 Total Cache或WP Super Cache是适合您的插件。 只需单击几下,这些插件就可以为您的网站启用缓存,并且它们支持与各种供应商的CDN集成。

Caching plugins work by generating static html files from your WordPress site. Caching can help performance by reducing the amount of database queries your server makes when visitors request pages. Regardless of whether you’re just looking to improve the user experience by making things faster, or if you are dealing with a swarm of traffic on a site which went viral.

缓存插件通过从WordPress网站生成静态html文件来工作。 缓存可以通过减少访问者请求页面时服务器对数据库的查询数量来帮助提高性能。 无论您只是想通过加快处理速度来改善用户体验,还是要处理正在风靡一时的网站上的大量流量。

Although virtual private servers and dedicated servers require some tweaking to fully take advantage of the service, the changes are trivial if you have a basic understanding of the server. These plugins include thorough documentation outlining how to go about making the appropriate server changes which will vary depending on your environment.

尽管虚拟专用服务器和专用服务器需要进行一些调整才能充分利用该服务,但是如果您对服务器有基本的了解,所做的更改将是微不足道的。 这些插件包括详尽的文档,概述了如何进行适当的服务器更改,具体取决于您的环境。

强化WordPress (Harden WordPress)

While server security is a vast field which cannot be covered in a single article, if you are using a shared or VPS server, your host typically handles security out of the box. To further harden your WordPress install, you can install iThemes Security on your site. By using this plugin, you can easily fortify your WordPress install from the most common threats with only a few clicks.

尽管服务器安全性是一个广阔的领域,但不能在一篇文章中介绍,但是如果您使用共享或VPS服务器,则主机通常可以直接使用安全性。 为了进一步加强WordPress的安装,您可以在网站上安装iThemes Security 。 通过使用此插件,您只需单击几下,便可以轻松地防御最常见的WordPress攻击。

iThemes Security is not the only security plugin on the market worth considering for your WordPress website. Wordfence is another leading tool which provides users with: two-factor authentication, built in security scanning for malware and common vulnerabilities, real-time traffic monitoring tools and much more. WordFence provides users with more advanced tools which allow tech savvy users to take a proactive approach to security. Aside from the previously mentioned features, WordFence also includes a firewall for your website which allows you to block bots, malicious attackers and anything else which you define via custom rules. Although the learning curve is a bit steeper than other tools on the market, WordFence is worth looking into if you know your way around WordPress.

iThemes Security不是市场上唯一值得考虑的WordPress网站安全插件。 Wordfence是另一个为用户提供的领先工具,它为用户提供:两因素身份验证,针对恶意软件和常见漏洞的内置安全扫描,实时流量监控工具等等。 WordFence为用户提供了更高级的工具,这些工具使精通技术的用户可以采取主动的安全措施。 除了前面提到的功能,WordFence还为您的网站提供了防火墙,该防火墙使您可以阻止bot,恶意攻击者以及通过自定义规则定义的其他任何内容。 尽管学习曲线比市场上的其他工具陡峭,但是如果您了解WordPress的方法,则值得研究WordFence。

Regardless of whether you have a security plugin installed, conducting routine security scans of your website is crucial to protecting it from malware. Rather than spending hundreds or thousands on security scanning services, Sucuri offers a free plugin which checks your website for malware, spam, blacklisting and other security issues. Sucuri also offer other WordPress security plugins worth checking out.

无论您是否安装了安全性插件,对网站进行例行安全性扫描对于保护其免受恶意软件攻击都是至关重要的。 Sucuri无需花费数百或数千美元用于安全扫描服务, 而是提供了一个免费插件,可以检查您的网站是否存在恶意软件,垃圾邮件,黑名单和其他安全问题。 Sucuri还提供了其他值得检查的WordPress安全插件。

后备 (Backups)

Although there are many backup utilities available for WordPress, one of the most versatile is WPMU Snapshot. This tool allows you to schedule backups of your WordPress site to fit your schedule. In terms of storage, you can send your backups to Dropbox, Amazon S3 or a remote server via SFTP. You also have the option to store backups on your server and download them to your local workstation.

尽管有许多可用于WordPress的备份实用程序,但功能最丰富的工具之一是WPMU Snapshot 。 该工具允许您安排WordPress网站的备份以适合您的计划。 在存储方面,您可以通过SFTP将备份发送到Dropbox,Amazon S3或远程服务器。 您还可以选择将备份存储在服务器上,然后将其下载到本地工作站。

If you’re looking for an affordable option to streamline your website backups without worrying about managing a second storage point, VaultPress is a solution worth considering. As the company is a division of Automattic – the creators of WordPress – you can be sure that this is a reliable option for your backup needs.

如果您正在寻找负担得起的选择来简化您的网站备份而又不必担心管理第二个存储点,那么VaultPress是值得考虑的解决方案。 由于该公司是Automattic的分支机构-WordPress的创建者-您可以确定这是满足备份需求的可靠选择。

WordPress多站点 (WordPress Multisite)

If you’re in charge of a WordPress Multisite install, you will likely want to go with a traditional web host because as each website counts against the quotas, you can easily spend a couple hundred a month compared to ~$50/month for a standard VPS and a CDN service.


结论 (Conclusion)

Although WordPress managed hosting is more expensive than many standard hosting plans, they provide added peace of mind which can be vital for companies that don’t want to worry about the mechanics of powering their websites.


For companies which only have one or two WordPress properties, a managed host can make economic sense since the client probably won’t come close to using the astronomical amounts of resources offered by traditional hosts.


On the other hand, if you’re a developer who is tech savvy, or running a large WordPress website, then a traditional host is most likely the best route. There are typically less restrictions and more flexibility using traditional hosting compared to managed hosting.

另一方面,如果您是精通技术的开发人员,或者正在运行大型WordPress网站,那么传统主机最有可能是最佳途径。 与托管托管相比,传统托管通常具有更少的限制和更大的灵活性。

Ultimately the decision of whether managed hosting is worth the added costs will depend on your priorities and your expertise. While a DIY approach might appear to be cheaper, remember that the time spent maintaining plugins and settings can make a significant cut into your billable hours. On the other hand, if you know your way around WordPress, the maintenance likely would not be as much of an issue.

最终,决定托管托管服务是否值得增加成本的决定将取决于您的优先级和专业知识。 尽管DIY方法似乎更便宜,但请记住,花在维护插件和设置上的时间可以大大节省您的可计费时间。 另一方面,如果您了解使用WordPress的方式,则维护可能不会成为问题。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/managed-wordpress-hosting-pros-and-cons/

托管 非托管
