
tech2022-12-25  163


All too often, writing is a solitary pursuit; hours at a time spent hunched over the keyboard, pounding out word after word, sentence after sentence. Some days, what with writer’s block and the never-ending stream of readily available procrastination-inducing distractions (think Twitter, YouTube, Reddit), writing can seem impossible.

很多时候,写作是一种孤独的追求。 一次弯腰在键盘上花了几个小时,一个接一个地敲打一个单词,一个句子又一个句子。 有时候,由于作家的阻碍和源源不断的拖延导致分心的干扰(想像Twitter,YouTube,Reddit),写作似乎是不可能的。

So, why not give yourself a head start with these WordPress plugins for writers and writing?


When it comes to WordPress, there really is a plugin for anything and everything a writer could possibly need: editing, proofing, distraction-free writing, revision control, and every possible statistic you can imagine. Here are some of the best.

当涉及到WordPress时,确实存在一个插件,可以满足作家可能需要的所有内容:编辑,校对,无干扰的写作,版本控制以及您可以想象的所有可能的统计信息。 这是一些最好的。

Yoast的WordPress SEO (WordPress SEO by Yoast)

Joost de Valk and his team of experts over at Yoast developed this plugin. Strictly speaking, it wasn’t designed specifically for writers or writing, but it can definitely help you write better content. It does this by forcing you to target one specific keyword for every page or post created for your WordPress website. Once your keyword is selected, this plugin ensures that you use this keyword throughout your post or page: in body copy, headings, page titles, meta descriptions and more. This way, your content is optimized for the search engines. This plugin can be very handy for writers more experienced in traditional off-line mediums; it takes the guesswork out of search engine optimization for you.

Joost de Valk和他在Yoast的专家团队开发了此插件。 严格来说,它不是专门为作家或写作而设计的,但是它绝对可以帮助您编写更好的内容。 通过强制您为WordPress网站创建的每个页面或帖子指定一个特定的关键字来实现此目的。 一旦选择了关键字,此插件将确保您在整个帖子或页面中使用此关键字:在正文,标题,页面标题,元描述等中。 这样,您的内容针对搜索引擎进行了优化。 对于在传统离线媒体上更有经验的作家而言,该插件非常方便。 它为您消除了搜索引擎优化中的猜测。

Plus, with over 15 million downloads and a 4.7 star rating, WordPress SEO by Yoast is one of the most popular plugins on the market. It does so much more than help you write better content. If you don’t already have this plugin installed on your WordPress website, then I suggest you jump to it!

此外,Yoast的WordPress SEO拥有超过1500万的下载量和4.7星评级,是市场上最受欢迎的插件之一。 它所做的不只是帮助您编写更好的内容。 如果您尚未在WordPress网站上安装此插件,那么建议您跳转至它!

Yoast的Google Analytics(分析) (Google Analytics by Yoast)

We come to our second plugin from Yoast for the day: Google Analytics by Yoast. Again, while this plugin was not built specifically with writers in mind, it can be invaluable in terms of planning what sort of content to write for your WordPress website. This plugin helps you track just about every website statistic you could ever need. You can keep tabs on demographics, downloads, search results, acquisition, and so much more. Using this plugin, you can determine if your audience is comprised mostly of females or males, and then tailor content to suit. You can see what type of content is performing best, and then create more of this type of content. You can see when posts perform best, and publish more posts around that time of day. It is really more of a holistic, big-picture writers plugin.

我们今天介绍了来自Yoast的第二个插件:Yoast的Google Analytics(分析)。 同样,尽管此插件并非专门针对作者而构建,但在规划为WordPress网站编写哪种内容方面,它可以发挥无价的作用。 此插件可帮助您跟踪您可能需要的几乎每个网站统计信息。 您可以查看人口统计,下载,搜索结果,获取等信息。 使用此插件,您可以确定您的受众群体主要是女性还是男性,然后定制适合自己的内容。 您可以查看哪种类型的内容效果最佳,然后再创建更多此类内容。 您可以查看帖子效果最佳的时间,并在一天中的该时间发布更多帖子。 实际上,它更像是一个整体的,大型的作家插件。

Again, with over 7.5 million downloads and a 4.3 star rating, Google Analytics by Yoast is one of the most popular plugins on the market. It does so much more than help you determine what sort of content you should be writing, and when you should be publishing it. If you haven’t already, install this plugin today.

同样,Yoast的Google Analytics(分析)下载量超过750万次,获得4.3星评级,是市场上最受欢迎的插件之一。 它所做的不只是帮助您确定应编写哪种内容以及何时发布内容。 如果尚未安装,请立即安装此插件。

只是写作 (Just Writing)

Distraction Free Writing Mode (DFWM) can be the perfect way to focus purely on your writing; nothing more, nothing less. If you’re like me, at some stage or another, you’ve probably wished that there was slightly more functionality available while using DFWM. With the Just Writing plugin, that’s exactly what is on offer. Using this plugin, you can add a whole raft of additional commands to the toolbar (whilst still in DFWM), including spell check, various paragraph styling options, headings, alignment, colours, undo and redo, cut, copy, paste and many more. It will even add a ‘Preview’ button and allows you set which preferences display, and which are hidden.

分散注意力的自由写作模式(DFWM)可能是纯粹专注于写作的完美方法。 仅此而已。 如果您像我一样,在某个阶段或另一个阶段,您可能希望使用DFWM时可以使用更多功能。 使用Just Writing插件,这正是所提供的。 使用此插件,您可以向工具栏添加大量其他命令(仍然在DFWM中),包括拼写检查,各种段落样式选项,标题,对齐方式,颜色,撤消和重做,剪切,复制,粘贴等等。 。 它甚至会添加一个“预览”按钮,并允许您设置显示哪些首选项以及隐藏哪些首选项。

While this plugin hasn’t had a heap of downloads (only 6,391 at the time of writing), it is regularly updated and has garnered itself a 5 out 5 star rating. It also gives me some confidence that the plugin works well, given that the plugin’s author is Greg Ross, who also built WP Statistics, which has had almost 1 million downloads.

尽管该插件没有大量下载(在撰写本文时仅为6,391),但它会定期更新并获得5星5星评级。 考虑到该插件的作者是格雷格·罗斯(Greg Ross),他还创建了WP Statistics,该应用程序的下载量已接近一百万,这也使我对插件的运行很有信心。

WP超级编辑 (WP Super Edit)

This plugin gives you a bit more control over the in-built WordPress WYSIWYG visual editor. Basically, it operates like a framework for TinyMCE, allowing you to rearrange buttons and add plugins to the visual editor using a drag and drop interface. Using WP Super Edit, you can add tables, layers, advanced XHTML, image and link options, emoticons, styles, CSS classes for themes, and even search and replace.

该插件使您可以更好地控制内置的WordPress所见即所得可视化编辑器。 基本上,它的运行方式类似于TinyMCE的框架,允许您使用拖放界面重新排列按钮并将插件添加到可视化编辑器。 使用WP Super Edit,您可以添加表,图层,高级XHTML,图像和链接选项,表情符号,样式,主题CSS类,甚至搜索和替换。

This powerful little plugin is currently undergoing redevelopment, so you may not want to install it right now, but keep it in mind for future use. It’s already had 280,000 downloads, and has a 4 star rating, so it must be doing something right.

这个功能强大的小插件目前正在重新开发,因此您可能不希望立即安装它,但请记住以备将来使用。 它已经有280,000次下载,并且具有4星评级,因此它必须做得对。

FD字统计 (FD Word Statistics)

From the team at Flagrant Disregard (that’s where the FD in the name comes from), the Word Statistics plugin is one of the best readability analyses tools available for WordPress posts. It does this by using three different readability measurements:

从Flagrant Disregard团队(名称中的FD来源于此)开始,Word Statistics插件是可用于WordPress帖子的最佳可读性分析工具之一。 它通过使用三种不同的可读性度量来做到这一点:

Flesch and Flesch-Kincaid measurements: both of which are based on formulas that detect the average number of words per sentence, as well as the average number of syllables per word.

Flesch和Flesch-Kincaid量度:两者均基于可检测每个句子的平均单词数以及每个单词的平均音节数量的公式。 Gunning Fog: which detects the average number of words per sentence, as well as the number of ‘difficult’ words per paragraph. Words are considered ‘difficult’ if they have three or more syllables.

Gunning Fog:检测每个句子的平均单词数,以及每个段落中“难”单词的数量。 如果单词有三个或更多的音节,则被认为是“难”的。

Once the analysis is complete in a Flesch-Kincaid or a Gunning-Fog style measurement, you are presented with a score. This score represents the number of years of education your reader must have to be able to understand your copy. For more informal writing (such as this), you would be aiming for a score between 7 and 10. For more formal or technical subjects, a higher score would be appropriate. A Flesch test gives you a result as a percentage; the higher the percentage, the better the readability.

在Flesch-Kincaid或Gunning-Fog风格的测量中完成分析后,将显示一个分数。 该分数表示您的读者必须能够接受几年的教育才能理解您的副本。 对于更非正式的写作(例如这样),您的目标是得分在7到10之间。对于更正式或技术性的主题,更高的得分是合适的。 Flesch检验为您提供百分比结果; 百分比越高,可读性越好。

With 7,000 downloads, regular software updates and a 5 out of 5 star rating, this isn’t a bad performing plugin at all.


FD Footnotes插件 (FD Footnotes Plugin)

Also from Flagrant Disregard, this plugin allows you to quickly and easily add elegant looking footnotes to your WordPress posts. The plugin employs a natural syntax that is easy for any user to understand and use. All you have to do to add a footnote is add them inline to your post, like so:

同样来自Flagrant Disregard,此插件可让您快速轻松地在WordPress帖子中添加美观的脚注。 该插件采用自然语法,任何用户都易于理解和使用。 添加脚注所需要做的就是将它们内联添加到您的帖子中,如下所示:

They will then display like this:


Each of your footnotes must include a number, a full stop and then a space, followed by your actual reference. Best of all, you don’t need to remember what number you are up to (particularly handy if you’re writing an extremely long piece of copy); the footnotes will auto-magically renumber themselves when you publish the post. You can include anything you like in your footnotes using this plugin, apart from square brackets.

您的每个脚注必须包含一个数字,一个句号和一个空格,后跟您的实际参考。 最重要的是,您无需记住自己要达到的数字(如果要写很长的副本,尤其方便); 当您发布帖子时,脚注会自动对其进行自动重新编号。 您可以使用此插件在脚注中添加任何您喜欢的内容,除了方括号。

Updated regularly, this plugin has been downloaded 23,000 times, and has a 4.5 star rating.


可视编辑器字体大小 (Visual Editor Font Size)

If, like me, you spend quite a good deal of time writing in WordPress, chances are you might have found yourself wondering whether you were in need of an eye test! The font size of the WordPress dashboard can be quite miniscule, particularly if you’re used to working in Word documents. With the Visual Editor Font Size plugin you can alter the size of the font in WordPress’ visual editor. This obviously doesn’t change anything on your live site; you are the only person that this plugin will affect.

如果像我一样,您花费大量时间在WordPress上写作,那么您可能会发现自己想知道自己是否需要眼科检查! WordPress仪表板的字体大小可能很小,尤其是如果您习惯于处理Word文档时。 使用视觉编辑器的字体大小插件,您可以在WordPress的视觉编辑器中更改字体的大小。 显然,这不会改变您的实时网站上的任何内容; 您是此插件将影响的唯一人。

With more than 25,000 downloads, this plugin is more popular than many of the others I’ve covered today. However, it hasn’t been updated for quite some time, so keep this in mind if you decide to install it on your site.

该插件的下载量超过25,000,比我今天介绍的其他插件更受欢迎。 但是,它已经有一段时间没有更新了,因此,如果决定在网站上安装它,请记住这一点。

校对机器人 (Proofread Bot)

Even professional writers make mistakes in their content sometimes. But, with the Proofread Bot plugin, you can eliminate grammatical gaffes and stylistic issues in your content. According to the WordPress Plugin Directory, Proofread Bot uses ‘cutting edge natural language processing’. It even checks your copy for plagiarism using Bing. It’s easy to use: once you’ve installed it on your site, an extra box will appear in your site’s dashboard. Simply click on the ‘Proofread Bot’ button, and after a couple of seconds’ worth of analysis time, you’ll receive a detailed report outlining any issues in your post. Unlike most plugins, there is a small catch when it comes to Proofread Bot: you have access to one free proofread per day, up to a limit of 600 words. Beyond this, you’ll need to purchase a proofreading package.

甚至专业作家有时也会在内容上犯错误。 但是,使用Proofread Bot插件,您可以消除内容中的语法错误和风格问题。 根据WordPress插件目录,Proofread Bot使用“尖端的自然语言处理”。 它甚至使用Bing检查您的副本是否存在抄袭。 它易于使用:将其安装在网站上后,网站仪表板中将出现一个额外的框。 只需单击“校对机器人”按钮,经过几秒钟的分析时间,您将收到一份详细的报告,概述了帖子中的所有问题。 与大多数插件不同,Proofread Bot的优势不大:每天您可以免费获取一份校对信息,最多600个单词。 除此之外,您还需要购买校对包。

At the time of writing, Proofread Bot had been downloaded approximately 15,000 times, had a five star rating, and was updated just two weeks ago.

在撰写本文时,Proofread Bot已被下载约15,000次,获得五星级评级,并且仅在两周前进行了更新。

前端编辑器 (Front End Editor)

If, on the odd chance, both you and Proofread Bot happen to miss a typo, then there is the Front End Editor plugin. I don’t know about you, but I like to proofread my WordPress posts and pages directly on my website, on the real, live version of the site, rather than from the dashboard. I think it’s a habit gained from proofing hard-copy print proofs. So, it can be time-consuming, and more than a little frustrating, to have to toggle backwards and forwards between the live site and the dashboard in the back-end. With Front End Editor installed, this problem disappears. It allows you to change content directly on your site (provided that you are logged in). Quite nifty really.

如果您和Proofread Bot碰巧都错了错字,那么可以使用前端编辑器插件。 我不认识您,但是我想直接在我的网站上,在网站的真实,实时版本上而不是在仪表板上对我的WordPress帖子和页面进行校对。 我认为这是从打样硬拷贝打印样张中获得的习惯。 因此,必须在实时站点和后端的仪表板之间来回切换可能既耗时又令人沮丧。 安装了前端编辑器后,此问题消失了。 它允许您直接在站点上更改内容(前提是已登录)。 真的很漂亮。

With 241,000 downloads and a 4.3 star rating, there must be quite a few people out there that prefer ‘live’ proofing.


版本控制 (Revision Control)

If you prefer to do the proofreading yourself, rather than rely on an automated system, then the Revision Control plugin might be right up your alley. The proofing process often results in multiple revisions of piece, while writers perfect, update and polish their prose. With Revision Control, you have much more control over this process. You can limit the number of revisions allowed by post or page, and save multiple revisions of posts and pages so that you can revert back to them if needs be.

如果您喜欢自己进行校对,而不是依靠自动化系统,那么Revision Control插件可能就在您的小巷。 校对过程经常导致对作品进行多次修订,而作家则完善,更新和完善自己的散文。 使用版本控制,您可以对该过程进行更多控制。 您可以限制帖子或页面允许的修订版本数量,并保存帖子和页面的多个修订版本,以便在需要时可以还原为它们。

This plugin has more than 253,000 downloads, a 4.5 star rating, and was updated in early January. Although, support is no longer offered on the plugin. So, if you run into any issues, you’re on your own.

该插件的下载量超过253,000,评级为4.5星,并于1月初进行了更新。 虽然,该插件不再提供支持。 因此,如果您遇到任何问题,就只能靠自己了。

版权证明 (Copyright Proof)

As any writer, author, or content marketer will tell you, proving ownership and copyright is getting harder and harder every day. With the veritable explosion of online content over the last few years, it is becoming increasingly difficult to pinpoint the origin of ideas and unique content. With the Copyright Proof plugin, you can go some way towards protecting your work. This plugin allows you to secure a digitally signed and time-stamped certificate of content for each and every one of your WordPress posts. It automatically inserts a combined copyright, certification, licensing, and even attribution notice at end of each of your posts. You can even opt to include an anti-theft feature on all of your copy, and the plugin will record the IP address of anyone attempting to use it. It sounds quite useful in theory, although I haven’t sought professional legal opinion on this plugin, so I’m not 100% certain how it might hold up in a court of law.

正如任何作家,作者或内容营销人员会告诉您的那样,证明所有权和版权每天都在变得越来越困难。 在过去几年中,在线内容的确爆炸性增长,查明创意和独特内容的来源变得越来越困难。 使用版权证明插件,您可以在某种程度上保护您的作品。 此插件可让您为每一个WordPress帖子获取经过数字签名和时间戳的内容证书。 它会在每个帖子的末尾自动插入合并的版权,证书,许可甚至归属通知。 您甚至可以选择在所有副本上都包含防盗功能,并且该插件会记录任何尝试使用它的人的IP地址。 从理论上讲,这听起来非常有用,尽管我尚未征求对此插件的专业法律意见,所以我不确定100%如何在法院中维持该插件。

This copyright protection plugin has been downloaded more than 67,000 times, and was updated just a few months ago. With a 4.7 star rating, it must be performing as it is advertised…maybe it does hold up in a court of law…

这个版权保护插件已被下载超过67,000次,并在几个月前进行了更新。 拥有4.7星评级,它必须像广告中所描述的那样运行……也许它确实在法院中得到了认可……

我们接下来该写些什么呢? (What Should We Write About Next?)

I came across this plugin for the first time while researching this article. It is very simple, and quite limited in terms of functionality, but I thought it was a novel idea. It allows your website visitors to leave you feedback about what topic they would like to read about next on your blog. According to its creators, it is a win-win plugin, increasing two-communication with your audience, and generating new blog topics for you.

在研究本文时,我是第一次遇到此插件。 它非常简单,功能上也很有限,但是我认为这是一个新颖的主意。 它允许您的网站访问者向您提供有关他们想在博客上阅读的下一主题的反馈。 根据其创建者的说法,它是一个双赢的插件,可以增加与受众的两次交流,并为您生成新的博客主题。

Built by Vladimir Prelovac, this particular plugin hasn’t had a huge amount of downloads (just over 2,000), but I think it’s quite a novel idea, for the right type of website of course. Just keep in mind that you could use any of the commenting plugins available to achieve the same result, and many of these commenting plugins are much more powerful.

这个特殊的插件由弗拉基米尔·普雷洛瓦克(Vladimir Prelovac)打造,虽然下载量不大(刚刚超过2,000),但是对于正确的网站类型,我认为这是一个很新颖的主意。 请记住,您可以使用任何可用的评论插件来获得相同的结果,并且其中许多评论插件的功能要强大得多。

分心免费写作模式主题 (Distraction Free Writing Mode Themes)

This is another novel plugin for writers. If you use DFWM regularly, you may tend to become a little bored or put-off by the stark white screen. In fact, if you happen to suffer from a bout of writer’s block, a stark white screen can often only exacerbate the problem. This little plugin can eradicate that issue. You can use it to give your DFWM a theme. There are plenty available (like the black background with lime green text or the starry night sky included below), and more and more are being added all the time. You can even write your own theme (in CSS) and add it to their database. This plugin has only had approximately 2,000 downloads, but it does carry a 4.8 star rating.

这是作家的另一个新颖插件。 如果定期使用DFWM,纯白屏幕可能会变得有些无聊或拖延。 实际上,如果您碰巧遭受作家障碍的折磨,那么纯白的屏幕通常只会加剧问题。 这个小插件可以消除这个问题。 您可以使用它为DFWM设置主题。 有很多可用的功能(例如带有石灰绿色文字的黑色背景或下面包含的繁星点点的夜空),并且一直在不断增加。 您甚至可以编写自己的主题(在CSS中)并将其添加到他们的数据库中。 该插件只有大约2,000次下载,但确实具有4.8星评级。

新型插件的快速警告 (A Quick Warning on Novel Plugins)

You’ll notice that I have included a couple of ‘novel’ plugins. While these offer new and improved functionality for writers using WordPress, I do urge you to consider whether you really need to install these on your website. The more plugins you install, the more likely it is that your site will run more slowly and require a little more maintenance. Install only the plugins that you really need. That way, you ensure that the performance of your website is as optimized as it can possibly be.

您会注意到,我包括了几个“新颖”插件。 尽管它们为使用WordPress的作者提供了新的和改进的功能,但我还是敦促您考虑是否真的需要在网站上安装它们。 您安装的插件越多,您的网站运行速度越慢并且需要更多维护的可能性就越大。 仅安装您真正需要的插件。 这样,您可以确保网站的性能尽可能得到优化。

There you have it, a round up of some of the most useful, productivity-enhancing WordPress plugins for writers and writing. If you have any other up your sleeve that deserve a mention, please feel free to let me know in the comments below.

在那里,这里汇集了一些最有用的,可提高生产力的WordPress插件,可用于作家和作家。 如果您还有其他值得一提的地方,请随时在下面的评论中告诉我。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/the-best-wordpress-plugins-for-writers-and-writing/

