
tech2022-12-26  152


In the first part of this series on WordPress plugin i18n and l10n, we learned how to internationalize a WordPress plugin.

在本系列有关WordPress插件i18n和l10n的第一部分中,我们学习了如何使WordPress插件国际化 。

This second (and concluding) part will be a walk-through on making a plugin ready for translation, as well as learning how to localize or translate a plugin into a new language.


The process of making a plugin ready for translation is fairly straight-forward. First of all, you’ll need to generate a .pot file. This file is used by translators to translate your plugin into a new language.

使插件准备好进行翻译的过程非常简单。 首先,您需要生成一个.pot文件。 译员使用此文件将您的插件翻译成新的语言。

This .pot file contains the original strings (in English) of your plugin.


Here is an example POT file entry:


#: plugin-name.php:123 msgid "Welcome to SitePoint" msgstr ""

A translator looking to translate the text Welcome to SitePoint (at line 123 in your plugin file) into German will add the translation between the quotation marks.

希望将“ Welcome to SitePoint ”文本(在插件文件中的第123行)翻译成德语的翻译人员将在引号之间添加翻译。

#: plugin-name.php:123 msgid "Welcome to SitePoint" msgstr "Willkommen auf SitePoint"

生成POT文件 (Generating POT file)

As previously mentioned, the POT file is the one that is handed to translators, so that they can do their work.

如前所述, POT文件是交给翻译人员的文件,以便他们可以完成工作。

Take note: before generating your plugin POT file, ensure you’ve internationalized your plugin.

请注意:在生成插件POT文件之前,请确保已对插件进行了国际化 。

There are a couple of ways to generate a POT file for your plugin.


插件存储库管理工具 (Plugin Repository Admin Tools)

The official WordPress plugin repository has a tool for generating the POT file of a plugin which is located at the Admin page of every plugin listing.


To access the Admin page of your plugin, login to the plugin repository and click the green Admin button on the sidebar.

要访问插件的“管理”页面,请登录到插件存储库 ,然后单击侧栏上的绿色“ Admin按钮。

Follow the short guide below to see how easy it is to generate POT files using the admin tool.


Click on Continue in the Generate POT file section.

在“ Generate POT file部分中单击“ Continue ”。

Click on Continue in the Generate POT file section.

在“ Generate POT file部分中单击“ Continue ”。

Then click on Get POT to download the POT file.

然后单击“ Get POT以下载POT文件。

Poedit (Poedit)

There are a number of Gettext translation editors but Poedit is popular among the WordPress faithful.


The pro version allows you to create the PO/POT file with one click.

专业版允许您一键创建PO / POT文件。

If you don’t have the pro version you can easily get this Blank POT and use it as the base of your POT file.

如果您没有专业版,则可以轻松获取此Blank POT并将其用作POT文件的基础。

Once you have placed the blank POT in the languages folder of your plugin, double-click on it and open it with Poedit.


Click Update in Poedit to update the POT file with your plugin strings.


Finally, click File > Save or Ctrl + S to save the changes.

最后,单击File > Save或Ctrl + S保存更改。

If you own a Pro version of this tool, generating the POT file is as easy as following the steps below.

如果您拥有此工具的专业版 ,则生成POT文件非常简单,只需执行以下步骤。

Click File > New WordPress translation and select your plugin folder.

单击File > New WordPress translation然后选择您的插件文件夹。

Poedit will skim over your plugin files and extract the translatable string.

Poedit将浏览您的插件文件并提取可翻译字符串。 Select the language of the translation from the pop-up dialog box.


Ctrl + S and explicitly save the file as .pot.

Ctrl + S并将文件显式保存为.pot 。

You can save the file as .po and afterwards rename it to .POT.

您可以将文件另存为.po ,然后将其重命名为.POT 。

A PO and a POT file are similar in that they have the same content format. The subtle differences between them are:

PO和POT文件的相似之处在于它们具有相同的内容格式。 它们之间的细微差别是:

It is the .pot file that is used by a translator and not the PO file.


It is from the resulting .po translation file a .mo file is compiled.


It is a good idea to offer the POT file along with your plugin, so that translators won’t have to ask you specifically about it.


插件L10n (Plugin L10n)

Localization describes the subsequent process of translating an internationalized plugin into a new language.


如何本地化插件 (How to Localize a Plugin)

To localize a plugin, grab the plugin POT file, open it in a text editor, and enter the translation of every string at their respective msgstr sections, in between the quotation marks.


Save the file in this format my-plugin-{locale}.po where the {locale} is the language code and/or country code that you defined in the constant WPLANG in the file wp-config.php. For example, the locale for German is de_DE. The my-plugin is the text domain of the plugin.

以my-plugin-{locale}.po格式保存文件,其中{locale}是您在wp-config.php文件中的常量WPLANG中定义的语言代码和/或国家/地区代码。 例如,德语的语言环境是de_DE 。 my-plugin是my-plugin的文本域 。

Remember, it is from the .po file that the resultant .mo file (used by WordPress in translating a plugin) is generated.


Let’s see how to generate the MO file from the PO file.


在线PO到MO转换器工具 (Online PO to MO converter tool)

There are a couple of online tools that convert a .po file to a .mo file. Personally, I use the tool at tools.konstruktors.com.

有几个在线 工具可以将.po文件转换为.mo文件。 我个人使用tools.konstruktors.com上的工具。

To generate a MO from a PO file, upload the .pot file. The tool will automatically convert the file, and provide you an .mo file for download.

要从PO文件生成MO,请上载.pot文件。 该工具将自动转换文件,并为您提供.mo文件以供下载。

将Poedit用于L10n (Using Poedit for L10n)

Poedit provides a simple interface for translating plugin strings or texts and can also generate the required MO file from a PO file.


To localize or translate a plugin into a new language using Poedit, follow the guide below.


Open the plugin .pot file with Poedit.


Click on the translatable strings and enter their respective translation in the text area labeled Translation.

单击可翻译的字符串,然后在标记为Translation的文本区域中输入它们各自的翻译 。

Click on the translatable strings and enter their respective translation in the text area labeled Translation.

单击可翻译的字符串,然后在标记为Translation的文本区域中输入它们各自的翻译 。

When you are done with the translation, save the file in this format my-plugin-{locale}.po. E.g. espw-plugin-de_DE.po where espw-plugin is the text domain and de_DE as the locale.

完成翻译后,以my-plugin-{locale}.po格式保存文件。 例如espw-plugin-de_DE.po ,其中espw-plugin是文本域,而de_DE是语言环境。

On saving the PO file, the MO file is automatically generated.


If a translator sends your plugin translation file (the MO and PO files) to you, copy the MO (.mo) file to your plugin language folder for use by WordPress.


When a user operating a Localized version of WordPress uses your plugin, the plugin will then be in their language.


结语 (Wrap Up)

If you want your plugin to reach the widest possible audience, internationalize it and make it translation ready.


Although you might only be proficient in one language, if you make your plugin ready for translation, it opens up the possibility for people to voluntarily translate your plugin.


If you have any questions, suggestions or contributions, I would be happy to hear them in the comments.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-l10n-translate-your-plugin/

