
tech2022-12-26  119


Most of us know WordPress as a blogging platform or full featured CMS, capable of being transformed in many different ways. But did you know that you can even turn WordPress into your own social network? It’s called BuddyPress and it’s a plugin that extends WordPress to give you all the components needed to create your own social network and online community.

我们大多数人都知道WordPress是一个博客平台或功能齐全的CMS,能够以多种不同方式进行转换 。 但是您知道吗,甚至可以将WordPress变成自己的社交网络? 它被称为BuddyPress ,它是一个扩展WordPress的插件,为您提供创建自己的社交网络和在线社区所需的所有组件。

In this article, I will take a closer look into all the goodness that BuddyPress has to offer, including a variety of suitable themes. I will also show you a working demo and just how easy it is to manage your own community.

在本文中,我将仔细研究BuddyPress提供的所有优点,包括各种合适的主题。 我还将向您展示一个有效的演示,以及管理自己的社区有多么容易。

为什么要使用BuddyPress? (Why Should You Use BuddyPress?)

You could try to launch ‘The New Facebook’ and aim for a gazillion dollar valuation, but maybe that’s a bit far-fetched. BuddyPress is intended to setup a dedicated community for something like your campus, company or even family. It is not only useful for small communities where you know each member in person, you can easily run a community with thousands of focused members, interacting with each other in very sophisticated ways.

您可以尝试启动“新面子书”,并以数十亿美元的估值作为目标,但这也许有些牵强。 BuddyPress旨在为您的校园,公司甚至家庭建立一个专门的社区。 它不仅对您亲自认识每个成员的小型社区很有用,而且您可以轻松地运行一个由成千上万的关注成员组成的社区,并以非常复杂的方式进行交互。

An excellent example of BuddyPress in action is Shift.ms, a social network for those diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. In this network, users share their knowledge, ask each other questions or just offer support in difficult times. The combination of WordPress and BuddyPress makes it a perfect resource for providing useful information with a variety of ways to interact.

Shift.ms是BuddyPress 发挥作用的一个很好的例子,该社交网络用于诊断患有多发性硬化症的人。 在这个网络中,用户可以共享他们的知识,互相提问或在困难时期提供支持。 WordPress和BuddyPress的结合使其成为通过各种交互方式提供有用信息的理想资源。

Another reason to use BuddyPress is the community of active users and developers. And because BuddyPress (like WordPress) is open source, there are lots of great people constantly making BuddyPress even better.

使用BuddyPress的另一个原因是活跃的用户和开发人员社区。 而且由于BuddyPress(如WordPress)是开源的,所以有很多很棒的人不断地使BuddyPress变得更好。

BuddyPress开箱即用会带来什么? (What Do You Get with BuddyPress Out of the Box?)

BuddyPress comes with a variety of components, but you can turn any of these on or off for your network, depending on what you need. These components are listed below and should give you a good idea of the types of features and functionality that BuddyPress has to offer:

BuddyPress带有各种组件,但是您可以根据需要打开或关闭网络中的任何组件。 这些组件在下面列出,应该使您对BuddyPress必须提供的功能类型有一个很好的了解:

扩展配置文件 (Extended Profiles)

This allows for custom profile fields which you can set up in the administration dashboard. Here’s an example:

这允许您在管理仪表板中设置的自定义配置文件字段。 这是一个例子:

帐号设定 (Account Settings)

This one goes a bit further than the regular WordPress account settings, especially when it comes to notification settings (note: The screenshot provides only a small portion of the available settings).


朋友关系 (Friend Connections)

This one we all know from Facebook, where you can keep track of your friends.


私人讯息 (Private Messaging)

A perfect way of communicating in a less social and more personal manner.


活动流 (Activity Streams)

Comparable to a Facebook Timeline, this is where you keep track of your connections, group mentions etc. A full site stream is also available, like the one on Shift.ms.


Credit: BuddyPress Codex

图片来源: BuddyPress Codex

通知事项 (Notifications)

This one comes with both a toolbar and a dedicated Inbox, as well as being informed by email.


用户组 (User Groups)

Even more dedicated focus groups within your community, which allows for separate activity streams and member groups. Again Shift.ms has this worked out very well.

您社区中甚至有更多专门的焦点小组,这允许单独的活动流和成员小组。 Shift.ms再次很好地解决了这个问题 。

网站追踪 (Site Tracking)

Specify a page where you can keep track of new sites (when in MU mode), posts and comments across your site/network.


Additionally, you can also easily set up a forum. There are only a few small steps needed to get it running, here’s a simple example of this in action.

此外,您还可以轻松地建立一个论坛。 使其运行只需几个小步骤, 这是一个实际的简单示例 。

If you’re already familiar with WordPress itself, you will find managing BuddyPress is a breeze. For example, making groups is pretty straight forward when it comes to the settings but still offers you enough options to work with.

如果您已经很熟悉WordPress本身,那么管理BuddyPress会很容易。 例如,在进行设置时,进行分组非常简单,但仍然为您提供了足够的选项来使用。

You can manage the activity streams as if they were comments, and look after members in the regular user system. Sometimes it’s just a matter of different naming, but this definitely lowers the bar for using BuddyPress.

您可以将活动流当作评论一样进行管理,并在常规用户系统中照顾成员。 有时,这只是一个不同的命名问题,但这无疑降低了使用BuddyPress的门槛。

扩展BuddyPress (Extending BuddyPress)

BuddyPress的插件 (Plugins for BuddyPress)

BuddyPress itself is a platform and wouldn’t be as popular as it is today if you couldn’t build upon it with tons of different plugins and customize it with themes.


At the time of writing there are 548 plugins specifically for BuddyPress. You can also use many of the standard WordPress plugins for your BuddyPress site, but it largely depends on its use.

在撰写本文时,有548个专门用于BuddyPress的插件 。 您还可以为BuddyPress网站使用许多标准的WordPress插件,但这在很大程度上取决于其用途。

BuddyPress itself is already a plugin with customized functionality, you need to make sure if you install another plugin that it will integrate with BuddyPress too. In most cases it’s just a matter of checking the plugin documentation or testing it out for yourself.

BuddyPress本身已经是具有自定义功能的插件,您需要确保是否安装了另一个也将与BuddyPress集成的插件。 在大多数情况下,只需要检查插件文档或自己进行测试即可。

Most of the popular WordPress plugins offer BuddyPress integration. Also, it’s good to know that the blog functionality of BuddyPress works with all of the standard plugins, as this is a normal WordPress blog.

大多数流行的WordPress插件都提供BuddyPress集成。 另外,很高兴知道BuddyPress的博客功能可用于所有标准插件,因为这是一个普通的WordPress博客。

BuddyPress主题 (BuddyPress Themes)

BuddyPress works with any theme that runs on WordPress. But, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider using a dedicated BuddyPress theme.

BuddyPress适用于在WordPress上运行的任何主题。 但是,这并不意味着您不应该考虑使用专用的BuddyPress主题。

Why? Well, as with most advanced customisations of WordPress it is sometimes better to use a dedicated theme to allow for specific functionality. Take WooCommerce stores for example: Regular themes are fine, but if you want to make full use of this plugin you are sometimes better off using a dedicated e-commerce theme. It just has a better layout, and makes sure the custom functionality (like the activity stream for example) is presented in the most convenient way.

为什么? 好吧,与WordPress的大多数高级自定义设置相比,有时最好使用专用主题来允许特定功能。 以WooCommerce商店为例:常规主题很好,但是如果您想充分利用此插件,则有时最好使用专用的电子商务主题。 它只是具有更好的布局,并确保以最方便的方式呈现自定义功能(例如活动流)。

A perfect example of a dedicated BuddyPress theme is Community Junction. It has all important BuddyPress features in its navigation, and the way they worked out the Groups section is really amazing.

专门的BuddyPress主题的一个完美示例是Community Junction。 它在导航中具有所有重要的BuddyPress功能,他们制定“组”部分的方式确实很棒。

Some themes take a different approach, by fully integrating BuddyPress into the theme itself. Another good example for an integrated BuddyPress theme is Made. It combines both WordPress and BuddyPress functionality on one page, including widgets on the right. This theme takes your regular WordPress installation to a whole new level, and they managed to have BuddyPress fit in perfectly.

通过将BuddyPress完全集成到主题本身中,某些主题采用了不同的方法。 集成BuddyPress主题的另一个很好的例子是Made。 它在一页上结合了WordPress和BuddyPress功能,包括右侧的小部件。 这个主题将您的常规WordPress安装提升到一个全新的水平,并且他们设法使BuddyPress完美配合。

需要灵感吗? (Need Inspiration?)

BuddyPress can have many different faces due to its extensive customization options. Now let’s review some real world examples.

由于BuddyPress具有广泛的自定义选项,因此可以具有许多不同的面Kong。 现在,让我们回顾一些真实的例子。

I’ve already mentioned Shift.ms in this article but it’s definitely worth another mention. You wouldn’t even know it’s running on BuddyPress unless you looked at the code. Not only did they customize the theme, they also did some renaming of certain labels. The activity stream is called “What’s going on”, and the “Speakeasy” is what they call their forums (which is an excellent name if you ask me). I also like the way they use the custom profile fields to filter very relevant information for their members.

我已经在本文中提到了Shift.ms ,但是绝对值得再次提及。 除非您查看代码,否则您甚至都不知道它正在BuddyPress上运行。 他们不仅自定义主题,还对某些标签进行了重命名。 活动流称为“发生了什么”,“ Speakeasy”是他们称为论坛的名称(如果您问我的话,这是一个很好的名字)。 我还喜欢他们使用自定义配置文件字段来为其成员过滤非常相关的信息的方式。

VentureCapital4Africa has a BuddyPress installation running which they have heavily modified to suit their needs. The “Ventures” section is a good example of this. These are basically Groups which they have modified with additional fields like “Summary Plan” and “Members” (which is nicely done as well, since these are regular member profiles). It is a good example of making extensive use of BuddyPress’s capabilities.

VentureCapital4Africa正在运行BuddyPress安装,他们已对其进行了大量修改以适合他们的需求。 “ 风险投资 ”部分就是一个很好的例子。 这些基本上是“组”,它们已经用“摘要计划”和“成员”之类的其他字段进行了修改(也很好,因为它们是常规成员资料)。 这是充分利用BuddyPress功能的一个很好的例子。

If you’re looking for more examples, WordPress.org maintains a BuddyPress showcase that lists lots of examples of BuddyPress powered communities.

如果您正在寻找更多示例, WordPress.org维护着一个BuddyPress展示柜 ,其中列出了许多由BuddyPress支持的社区的示例。

结论 (Conclusion)

As you can see, BuddyPress is much more than just a way to add interactivity to your WordPress site. Its default features easily allow you to build a professional community. Combine this with the many (many!) ways you can customize BuddyPress and perhaps you could have the next Facebook after all?

如您所见,BuddyPress不仅仅是将交互性添加到WordPress网站的一种方法。 它的默认功能使您可以轻松建立专业社区。 结合使用多种(许多!)自定义BuddyPress的方式,也许您最终可以拥有下一个Facebook?

You can learn more about BuddyPress at BuddyPress.org.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-gone-social-buddypress/

