
tech2022-12-26  141


Unicode is an encoding standard for ensuring the consistent handling of text by computers and other devices. The full Unicode collection spans more than 110,000 characters, but aside from the full Latin alphabet, numerals and punctuation symbols, the most recognisable characters are probably emoji – small pictorial representations of things: faces, a thumbs up or a sun.

Unicode是一种编码标准,用于确保计算机和其他设备对文本的一致处理。 完整的Unicode集合涵盖了超过110,000个字符,但是除了完整的拉丁字母,数字和标点符号之外,最容易识别的字符可能是表情符号 -事物的小图形表示:脸,大拇指或太阳。

A recent update to the Unicode Standard added 2834 characters – including the middle finger.

Unicode标准的最新更新增加了2834个字符- 包括中指 。

Different apps and devices require different methods for accessing Unicode characters, but typically on a Mac you can access them via the special characters interface, usually found in a given program’s ‘edit’ menu. In Windows, run the Character Map program.

不同的应用程序和设备需要不同的方法来访问Unicode字符,但是通常在Mac上,您可以通过特殊字符界面(通常在给定程序的“编辑”菜单中找到)来访问它们。 在Windows中,运行“字符映射”程序。

When you want to use Unicode characters in your web projects, you must use special codes. A full list is available here, but here are 10 useful Unicode characters, along with the code to paste them into an html file (just remove the space between the ‘&’ and the next character), to get you started.

当您要在Web项目中使用Unicode字符时,必须使用特殊代码。 这里有完整的列表,但是这里有10个有用的Unicode字符,以及将它们粘贴到html文件中的代码(只需删除'&'和下一个字符之间的空格),即可开始使用。

Character namehtml code• Circular Bullet Point& #8226; or & bull;… Horizontal ellipsis& #8230; or & hellip;— Em dash& #8212; or & mdash;€ Euro symbol& #8364; or & euro;™ Trade mark& #8482; or & trade;≠ Not-equal to& #8800; or & ne;← Left Arrow& #8592; or & larr;→ Right Arrow & #8594; or & rarr;↑ Up Arrow& #8593; or & uarr;↓ Down Arrow& #8595; or & darr; 角色名字 HTML代码 •圆形项目符号点 • 或&Bull; …水平省略号 … 或… —破折号 — 或— €欧元符号 € 或€ ™商标 ™ 或&; ≠不等于 ≠ 或≠ ←左箭头 ← 或← →右箭头 → 或→ ↑向上箭头 ↑ 或↑ ↓向下箭头 ↓ 或↓

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/use-unicode-create-bullet-points-trademarks-arrows/

