石墨文档 大纲

tech2022-12-27  146

石墨文档 大纲

Have you heard of an HTML document outline? This subject has been nearly forgotten since the early HTML5 days, but it’s still important.

您听说过HTML文档大纲吗? 自HTML5初期以来,这个主题就几乎被遗忘了,但是它仍然很重要。

A good outline for your website has the potential for more accessibility and better semantic structure. Despite browsers not having implemented HTML5’s outlining algorithm, developers should still know how it works. In this screencast, I walk you through some examples and show you how simple it is to define and assess a document’s outline.

为您的网站提供一个良好的轮廓可能会带来更多的可访问性和更好的语义结构。 尽管浏览器尚未实现HTML5的概述算法,但开发人员仍应了解其工作原理。 在此截屏视频中,我将向您展示一些示例,并向您展示定义和评估文档轮廓的简单程度。

You can find the code sample from this screencast on GitHub.


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翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/watch-remembering-document-outline-html5-world/

石墨文档 大纲
