
tech2022-12-27  139

A friend of mine operates a multi-author blog powered by WordPress.


To prevent any legal trouble, he often adds a ‘Disclaimer’ in every post made by guest authors which he did by editing and including the disclaimer text before publication.


I’m sure you will agree, that editing and adding disclaimers in every post made by guest authors seems a daunting task.


In this article, we will build a simple Disclaimer Notice plugin that will have an option page where a site administrator can add the disclaimer text which automatically gets appended immediately before or after the post content.

在本文中,我们将构建一个简单的“免责声明通知”插件,该插件将具有一个选项页,站点管理员可以在其中添加disclaimer text ,该disclaimer text会在帖子内容之前或之后立即自动添加。

插件开发 (Plugin Development)

To begin the plugin development, we need to include the plugin header in the plugin PHP file.


Without the header, WordPress will not recognize the plugin.


<?php /* Plugin Name: Disclaimer Manager Plugin URI: https://www.sitepoint.com Description: Easy Disclaimer Manager for Multi-author blogs. Version: 1.0 Author: Agbonghama Collins Author URI: http://w3guy.com License: GPL2 */

To get started building the settings page for the plugin; first, we will add the sub menu page to the ‘Settings’ menu using the function add_options_page placed in a function registered with the admin_menu.

开始构建插件的设置页面; 首先,我们将使用在admin_menu注册的函数中放置的add_options_page函数将子菜单页面添加到“设置”菜单。

// Add the admin options page add_action( 'admin_menu', 'dm_settings_page' ); function dm_settings_page() { add_options_page( 'Disclaimer Manager', 'Disclaimer Manager', 'manage_options', 'disclaimer-manager', 'dm_options_page' ); }

The argument passed to add_options_page() are as follows:


Disclaimer Manager: The text to be displayed in the title tags of the page when the menu is selected.

Disclaimer Manager :选择菜单时在页面标题标签中显示的文本。

Disclaimer Manager: The text to be used for the menu.

Disclaimer Manager :用于菜单的文本。

manage_options: The capability required for this menu to be displayed to the user.

manage_options :向用户显示此菜单所需的功能 。

disclaimer-manager: The slug name to refer to this menu.

disclaimer-manager :引用此菜单的子名称 。

dm_options_page: The function to be called to output the plugin settings page.

dm_options_page :要输出插件设置页面的函数。

Below, is the code for the callback function dm_options_page that will display the settings page.


// Draw the options page function dm_options_page() { ?> <div class="wrap"> <?php screen_icon(); ?> <h2> Disclaimer Manager for Authors </h2> <form action="options.php" method="post"> <?php settings_fields( 'disclaimer_manager_options' ); ?> <?php do_settings_sections( 'disclaimer-manager' ); ?> <?php submit_button(); ?> </form> </div> <?php }

The WordPress Settings API is being used to build and manage the settings form.

WordPress 设置API用于构建和管理设置表单。

The settings_fields function in dm_options_page() above output the nonce, action, and form fields for the settings page while the do_settings_sections() prints out all settings sections added to a particular settings page.


Below is the full Settings API code for the settings page.


// Register and define the settings add_action( 'admin_init', 'dm_admin_init' ); function dm_admin_init() { register_setting( 'disclaimer_manager_options', 'disclaimer_manager_options', '' ); add_settings_section( 'dm_main', 'Plugin Settings', '', 'disclaimer-manager' ); add_settings_field( 'dm_textarea-id', 'Enter Disclaimer Text', 'disclaimer_text_textarea', 'disclaimer-manager', 'dm_main' ); add_settings_field( 'dm_select-id', 'Disclaimer Position', 'disclaimer_text_position', 'disclaimer-manager', 'dm_main' ); } // Display and fill the form field function disclaimer_text_textarea() { // get option 'disclaimer_text' value from the database $options = get_option( 'disclaimer_manager_options' ); $disclaimer_text = $options['disclaimer_text']; // echo the field echo "<textarea rows='8' cols='50' id='disclaimer_text' name='disclaimer_manager_options[disclaimer_text]' >$disclaimer_text</textarea>"; } function disclaimer_text_position() { // get option 'disclaimer_position' value from the database $options = get_option( 'disclaimer_manager_options' ); $disclaimer_position = $options['disclaimer_position']; echo '<select name="disclaimer_manager_options[disclaimer_position]">'; echo '<option value="top"' . selected( $disclaimer_position, 'top' ) . '>Top</option>'; echo '<option value="bottom"' . selected( $disclaimer_position, 'bottom' ) . '>Bottom</option>'; echo '</select>'; }

Take Note: The register setting() registers the setting.

注意: register setting()注册设置。

The add_settings_section() creates settings sections – groups of settings you see on WordPress settings pages with a shared heading.

add_settings_section()创建设置部分 -您在WordPress设置页面上看到的带有共享标题的设置组。

The add_settings_field() registers a settings field to a settings page and section.


The get_option() retrieves the values of the settings form from the database and the update_option() saves the form values to the database.


We are done building the settings page for the plugin.


Below is a screenshot of the plugin settings page.


The function add_disclaimer_to_post as its name implies, appends the ‘Disclaimer’ text to the top or bottom of every post as defined in the plugin settings page.


function add_disclaimer_to_post( $content ) { $options = get_option( 'disclaimer_manager_options' ); // get disclaimer text form DB $disclaimer_text = $options['disclaimer_text']; // get disclaimer position from DB $disclaimer_position = $options['disclaimer_position']; // ensure we are in a post and not a page if ( is_single() ) : // if disclaimer position is set to top { if ( $disclaimer_position == 'top' ) { $content = $disclaimer_text . $content; } // if disclaimer position is set to bottom if ( $disclaimer_position == 'bottom' ) { $content .= $disclaimer_text; } } endif; return $content; }

Allow me to explain what the code above does.


The ‘Disclaimer Text’ and its position are retrieved from the database and saved to the variables $disclaimer_text and $disclaimer_position.

从数据库中检索“免责声明文本”及其位置,并将其保存到变量$disclaimer_text和$disclaimer_position 。

Next, we use the Boolean WordPress function is_single() to ensure we are dealing with a post and not an attachment or page.


The next two if conditional statements append the disclaimer to the top or bottom of the post content depending on the outcome of $disclaimer_position.


To put the function to work, we need to hook it to the content filter (used to filter the content of a post after it is retrieved from the database and before it is printed to the screen).

为了使该功能正常工作,我们需要将其挂接到the content过滤器(用于从数据库中检索帖子的内容之后,再将其打印到屏幕上,以过滤该帖子的内容)。

add_filter( 'the_content', 'add_disclaimer_to_post' );

Voila! We are done coding the ‘Disclaimer Plugin’.

瞧! 我们已经完成了“免责声明插件”的编码。

Here is a screenshot of the plugin in action:


结论 (Conclusion)

To further understand how the plugin was built and how you can implement it in your WordPress site, download the plugin.

要进一步了解插件的构建方式以及如何在WordPress网站中实现该插件 ,请下载 。

If you are looking for an advanced disclaimer plugin with features such as:


Ability to choose the authors that will have a disclaimer or notification displayed in their post.

能够选择将在其帖子中显示免责声明或通知的作者。 Built-in editor for adding CSS Styles for the ‘Disclaimer’ text / notification and lots more.


Grab the improved version from the WordPress Plugin Directory.


Let me know your thoughts in the comments.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/building-a-disclaimer-notice-plugin/
