
tech2022-12-30  124


1.数学建模的五类问题2.MATLAB快速入门2.1从问题到发布脚本2.2matlab提高 3.数据建模技术3.1数据的获取、分析、预处理3.1.1数据读取3.1.2数据预处理3.1.3数据的统计基本描述性统计分布描述性统计 3.1.4数据可视化3.1.5数据降维PCA:使得众多相关的变成较少的无关的变量。相关系数降维 3.2常用的数据建模方法3.2.1回归一元线性回归一元非线性回归多元回归逐步回归logistic回归(预测) 3.2.2机器学习分类聚类小结 3.2.3深度学习3.2.4灰色预测长江水质预测2005A 3.2.5神经网络3.2.6小波分析小结 3.2.7统计、主成分分析、时间序列分析略 4.优化技术4.1标准规划问题(基础)4.1.1线性规划4.1.2非线性规划4.1.3整数规划 4.2全局优化算法(组合优化)4.2.1全局优化工具箱4.2.2遗传算法4.2.3模拟退火算法4.2.4蚁群算法(局部最优) 5.连续模型的matlab求解方法5.1常规微分方程求解5.2ODE家族求解器5.3专用求解器 6.评价模型的求解6.1线性加权法6.2层次分析法 7.机理建模的matlab实现方法7.1推导机理建模(略)7.2元胞自动机——仿真 8.出租车补贴方案优化问题2015B9.开放小区对道路通行影响的问题2016







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3.1 增幅越大价格越好——曲线斜率越大——多项式拟合——得到拟合方程——进而得到斜率。



P = polyfit(DateNum,Pclose,1)%多项式拟合 value=p(1)%将斜率赋值给value,作为股票价值 MaxDD = maxdrawdown(Pclose);%计算最大回撤 risk=MaxDD%返回给risk,作为股票风险 导入数据的时候选择"生成脚本",就会自动生成一些代码,在此基础上添加代码,形成脚本。 %链接: %提取码:y9dy %% 导入电子表格中的数据 % 用于从以下电子表格导入数据的脚本: % % 工作簿: C:\Users\LSdarker\Desktop\建模啊建模\MATLAB数学建模方法与实践(第3版)程序及数据\程序_MATLAB数学建模方法与实践_卓金武等\程序_MATLAB数学建模方法与实践_卓金武等\Cha2\sz000004.xls % 工作表: Sheet1 % % 要扩展代码以供其他选定数据或其他电子表格使用,请生成函数来代替脚本。 % 由 MATLAB 自动生成于 2020/09/01 19:15:05 %% 导入数据 [~, ~, raw] = xlsread('C:\Users\LSdarker\Desktop\建模啊建模\MATLAB数学建模方法与实践(第3版)程序及数据\程序_MATLAB数学建模方法与实践_卓金武等\程序_MATLAB数学建模方法与实践_卓金武等\Cha2\sz000004.xls','Sheet1','A2:H99'); %% 创建输出变量 data = reshape([raw{:}],size(raw)); %% 将导入的数组分配给列变量名称 Date1 = data(:,1); DateNum1 = data(:,2); Popen1 = data(:,3); Phigh1 = data(:,4); Plow1 = data(:,5); Pclose1 = data(:,6); Volum1 = data(:,7); Turn1 = data(:,8); %% 清除临时变量 clearvars data raw; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%以上是自动生成的,以下是编写的%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% 数据探索 figure % 创建一个新的图像窗口 plot(DateNum,Pclose,'k') % 更改图的的颜色的黑色(打印后不失真) datetick('x','mm');% 更改日期显示类型 xlabel('日期'); % x轴说明 ylabel('收盘价'); % y轴说明 figure bar(Pclose) % 作为对照图形 %% 股票价值的评估 p = polyfit(DateNum,Pclose,1); % 多项式拟合, % 分号作用为不在命令窗口显示执行结果 P1 = polyval(p,DateNum); % 得到多项式模型的结果 figure plot(DateNum,P1,DateNum,Pclose,'*g'); % 模型与原始数据的对照 value = p(1) % 将斜率赋值给value, 作为股票的价值。 %% 股票风险的评估 MaxDD = maxdrawdown(Pclose); % 计算最大回撤 risk = MaxDD % 将最大回撤赋值给risk, 作为股票的风险 发布——编辑发布选项——将HTML改为doc,至此我们便会得到一份详细的运行报告。改进——这个脚本是求1只股票的风险及价值,如果求1000只,可将该脚本抽象成函数。






%1.从excel读取数据 xlsread('excel所在位置',3,'B1:C5') %3代表sheet3;B1:C5代表读入数据范围 %写入 xlsread('excel所在位置',a,3,'B1:C5') %a代表待写入数据;3代表sheet3;B1:C5代表具体位置 %2.从TXT读取数据 load('***.txt') %保存 save c:\***.txt a -ascii; %a是变量 以ASCII码存放 %3.如果TXT文件存储了不同类型数据,分类读取就需要textread [name,type,x,y,answer]=textread('**.txt','format',N,'headerlines',M) %format 代表格式;N表示读取的次数,每次读一行;headerlines表示从M+1行开始读取。 %4.将信息写入TXT,可以控制写入精度 file=fopen('**.txt','w') fprintf(file,'%6.2f',3.14)%6.2f表示输出宽度为6,精确到小数点2位 %5.读取图片 A=imread(filename) %A存放像素矩阵 %6.读入并将图像拼接。此程序需要一定的算法提高拼接正确率 %% 读取图片 %链接: %提取码:sqyx %链接: %提取码:u3df % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. clc, clear, close all a1=imread('000.bmp'); [m,n]=size(a1); %% 批量读取图片 dirname = 'ImageChips'; files = dir(fullfile(dirname, '*.bmp')); a=zeros(m,n,19); pic=[]; for ii = 1:length(files) filename = fullfile(dirname, files(ii).name); a(:,:,ii)=imread(filename); pic=[pic,a(:,:,ii)]; end double(pic); figure imshow(pic,[]) %7.读取视频 %% 读取视频数据 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. videoFReader = vision.VideoFileReader('vippedtracking.mp4');%写上自己视频的名字 % 播放视频文件 videoPlayer = vision.VideoPlayer; while ~isDone(videoFReader) videoFrame = step(videoFReader); step(videoPlayer, videoFrame); end release(videoPlayer); %% 设置播放方式 % 重置播放器 reset(videoFReader) % 增加播放器的尺寸 r = groot; scrPos = r.ScreenSize; % Size/position is always a 4-element vector: [x0 y0 dx dy] dx = scrPos(3); dy = scrPos(4); videoPlayer = vision.VideoPlayer('Position',[dx/8, dy/8, dx*(3/4), dy*(3/4)]); while ~isDone(videoFReader) videoFrame = step(videoFReader); step(videoPlayer, videoFrame); end release(videoPlayer); reset(videoFReader) %% 获取视频中的图像 videoFrame = step(videoFReader); n = 0; while n~=15 videoFrame = step(videoFReader); n = n+1; end figure, imshow(videoFrame) release(videoPlayer); release(videoFReader)



1.2删除法:删除小部分 1.2插补法:

a. 均值插补:定距用平均值、非定距用众数。

b. 回归插补。

c.极大似然估计(ML):观测数据的边际分布对未知参数进行极 大似然估计。也可以通过期望最大化来参数估计。有效样本的数量足够保证ML估计值是渐进无偏的并服从正态分布。




a. 回归法:前提是要有线性趋势。




c. 离散点分析:通过聚类的方法检测离散点,删除它。








数据变换 标准化:转化为无量纲的纯数值,便于比较和加权。

0-1标准化,也叫离差标准化,对原始数据线性变换,使其落入[0,1]区间 x ∗ = − x m i n x m a x − x m i n x^*=\frac{-x_{min}}{x_{max}-x_{min}} x=xmaxxminxmin 这种方法的缺陷是有数据新加入时,导致xmax,xmin需要重新定义。

Z标准化,标准差标准化,处理的数据符合标准正态分布 x ∗ = x − μ σ x^*=\frac{x-μ}{σ} x=σxμ μ为所有样本的均值,σ为所有样本标准差。


文档:离散化.note 链接:











平均值定义: x ‾ = 1 n ∑ i = 1 n x i \overline{x}=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^nx_i x=n1i=1nxi 中位数是将数据从小到大排序后位于中间位置的数。

mean(x);%x的均值 median(x);%返回中位数 表示数据散度:标准差、方差、极差

标准差定义: s = [ 1 n − 1 ∑ i = 1 n ( x i − x ‾ ) 2 ] 1 2 s=[\frac{1}{n-1}\sum_{i=1}^{n}(x_i-\overline{x})^2]^{\frac{1}{2}} s=[n11i=1n(xix)2]21 它是各个数据与均值偏离程度的度量,这种偏移可称为变异。





std(x)%标准差 var(x)%方差 range(x)%极差 表示分布形态的统计量:偏度、峰度



skewness(x)%返回x的偏度 kurtosis(x)%峰度



随机变量的特性完全由它的概率分布函数或概率密度函数来描述。F(x)=P{X≤x},分布函数定义为X≤x的概率。若X是连续型随机变量,则p(x)与F(x)关系为 F ( x ) = ∫ − ∞ x p ( x ) d x F(x)=\int_{-\infty}^{x}{p(x)dx} F(x)=xp(x)dx 分位数定义为:对于0<α<1,使某分布函数F(x)=α的x称为这个分布的α分位数,记做x_α。




%链接: %提取码:pdws % 数据可视化——基本绘图 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. % 读取数据 clc, clear al, close all X=xlsread('dataTableA2.xlsx'); % 绘制变量dv1的基本分布 N=size(X,1); id=1:N; figure plot( id', X(:,2),'LineWidth',1) set(gca,'linewidth',2); xlabel('编号','fontsize',12); ylabel('dv1', 'fontsize',12); title('变量dv1分布图','fontsize',12); % 同时绘制变量dv1-dv4的柱状分布图 figure subplot(2,2,1); hist(X(:,2)); title('dv1柱状分布图','fontsize',12) subplot(2,2,2); hist(X(:,3)); title('dv2柱状分布图','fontsize',12) subplot(2,2,3); hist(X(:,4)); title('dv3柱状分布图','fontsize',12) subplot(2,2,4); hist(X(:,5)); title('dv4柱状分布图','fontsize',12) %统计量绘图 % 数据可视化——数据分布形状图 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. % 读取数据 clc, clear al, close all X=xlsread('dataTableA2.xlsx'); dv1=X(:,2); % 绘制变量dv1的柱状分布图 h = -5:0.5:5; n = hist(dv1,h); figure bar(h, n) % 计算常用的形状度量指标 mn = mean(dv1); % 均值 sdev = std(dv1); % 标准差 mdsprd = iqr(dv1); % 四分位数 mnad = mad(dv1); % 中位数 rng = range(dv1); % 极差 % 标识度量数值 x = round(quantile(dv1,[0.25,0.5,0.75])); y = (n(h==x(1)) + n(h==x(3)))/2; line(x,[y,y,y],'marker','x','color','r') x = round(mn + sdev*[-1,0,1]); y = (n(h==x(1)) + n(h==x(3)))/2; line(x,[y,y,y],'marker','o','color',[0 0.5 0]) x = round(mn + mnad*[-1,0,1]); y = (n(h==x(1)) + n(h==x(3)))/2; line(x,[y,y,y],'marker','*','color',[0.75 0 0.75]) x = round([min(dv1),max(dv1)]); line(x,[1,1],'marker','.','color',[0 0.75 0.75]) legend('Data','Midspread','Std Dev','Mean Abs Dev','Range') %数据关联可视化 % 数据可视化——变量想相关性 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. % 读取数据 clc, clear al, close all X=xlsread('dataTableA2.xlsx'); Vars = X(:,7:12); % 绘制变量间相关性关联图 figure plotmatrix(Vars) % 绘制变量间相关性强度图 covmat = corrcoef(Vars); figure imagesc(covmat); grid; colorbar; %figure1绘制的变量间相关性关联图,可以看出任意两个变量的数据关联趋向 %figure2是变量间相关性强度图,用于筛选变量 %数据分组可视化 %箱体图按照不同的分位数将数据进行分组 % 数据可视化——数据分组 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. % 读取数据 clc, clear al, close all X=xlsread('dataTableA2.xlsx'); dv1=X(:,2); eva=X(:,12); % Boxplot figure boxplot(X(:,2:12)) figure boxplot(dv1, eva) figure boxplot(X(:,5))

文档:箱体图含义.note 链接:




文档:PCA.note 链接:


%链接: %提取码:2se9 %% PCA数据降维实例 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. %% 读取数据 A=xlsread('Coporation_evaluation.xlsx', 'B2:I16'); % Transfer orginal data to standard data a=size(A,1); % Get the row number of A b=size(A,2); % Get the column number of A for i=1:b SA(:,i)=(A(:,i)-mean(A(:,i)))/std(A(:,i)); % Matrix normalization end % Calculate correlation matrix of A. CM=corrcoef(SA); % Calculate eigenvectors and eigenvalues of correlation matrix. [V, D]=eig(CM); % Get the eigenvalue sequence according to descending and the corrosponding % attribution rates and accumulation rates. for j=1:b DS(j,1)=D(b+1-j, b+1-j); end for i=1:b DS(i,2)=DS(i,1)/sum(DS(:,1)); DS(i,3)=sum(DS(1:i,1))/sum(DS(:,1)); end % Calculate the numvber of principal components. T=0.9; % set the threshold value for evaluating information preservation level. for K=1:b if DS(K,3)>=T Com_num=K; break; end end % Get the eigenvectors of the Com_num principal components for j=1:Com_num PV(:,j)=V(:,b+1-j); end % Calculate the new socres of the orginal items new_score=SA*PV; for i=1:a total_score(i,2)=sum(new_score(i,:)); total_score(i,1)=i; end new_score_s=sortrows(total_score,-2); %% 显示结果 disp('特征值及贡献率:') DS disp('阀值T对应的主成分数与特征向量:') Com_num PV disp('主成分分数:') new_score disp('主成分分数排序:') new_score_s %分析:第9综合实力最强 12综合实力最弱。 %各成分的权重信息:贡献率 %原始变量的关联关系:特征向量



文档:相关系数.note 链接:






%% 一元线性回归实例 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. %% 输入数据 clc, clear all, close all x=[23.80,27.60,31.60,32.40,33.70,34.90,43.20,52.80,63.80,73.40]; y=[41.4,51.8,61.70,67.90,68.70,77.50,95.90,137.40,155.0,175.0]; %% 采用最小二乘回归 % 绘制散点图,判断是否具有线性关系 figure plot(x,y,'r*') %作散点图 xlabel('x(职工工资总额)','fontsize', 12) %横坐标名 ylabel('y(商品零售总额)', 'fontsize',12) %纵坐标名 set(gca,'linewidth',2); % 采用最小二乘拟合 Lxx=sum((x-mean(x)).^2); Lxy=sum((x-mean(x)).*(y-mean(y))); b1=Lxy/Lxx; b0=mean(y)-b1*mean(x); y1=b1*x+b0; hold on plot(x, y1,'linewidth',2); %% 采用LinearModel.fit函数进行回归 m2 =,y) %% 采用regress函数进行回归 Y=y'; X=[ones(size(x,2),1),x']; [b, bint, r, rint, s] = regress(Y, X) %注意Y为列向量,因变量 X为自变量组成的矩阵 %regress后缺省alpha(显著性水平)时默认是0.05 %b为β1,β2 %bint为b的置信区间 %r为残差 %rint为残差的置信区间 %s包含四个统计量:决定系数R^2(R为相关系数)、F值 %F(1,n-2)分布大于F值的概率p、剩余方差s^2 %s^2也可以由sum(r.^2)/(n-2)计算 %作用:1.R^2越接近1,变量线性相关越强,模型越有效 %2.(在1-α水平下)F(1,n-2)<F,认为y与x显著地有线性关系。 %它的值可直接通过finv(1-α,1,n-2)计算得到 %3.p<α表示线性模型可用 %4.s^2比较模型是否有所改进,值越小说明模型精度越高


%% 一元非线性回归实例 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. %% 输入数据 clc, clear all, close all x=[1.5, 4.5, 7.5,10.5,13.5,16.5,19.5,22.5,25.5]; y=[7.0,4.8,3.6,3.1,2.7,2.5,2.4,2.3,2.2]; plot(x,y,'*','linewidth',2); set(gca,'linewidth',2); xlabel('销售额x/万元','fontsize', 12) ylabel('流通费率y/%', 'fontsize',12) %% 对数形式 m1 = @(b,x) b(1) + b(2)*log(x); nonlinfit1 = fitnlm(x,y,m1,[0.01;0.01]) b=nonlinfit1.Coefficients.Estimate; Y1=b(1,1)+b(2,1)*log(x); hold on plot(x,Y1,'--k','linewidth',2) %% 指数形式拟合 m2 = 'y ~ b1*x^b2'; nonlinfit2 = fitnlm(x,y,m2,[1;1]) b1=nonlinfit2.Coefficients.Estimate(1,1); b2=nonlinfit2.Coefficients.Estimate(2,1); Y2=b1*x.^b2; hold on plot(x,Y2,'r','linewidth',2) legend('原始数据','a+b*lnx','a*x^b') %分析结果,对数的决定系数为0.973 %指数的决定系数为0.993 %选择指数形式的函数



x1=[3.5 5.3 5.1 5.8 4.2 6.0 6.8 5.5 3.1 7.2 4.5 4.9 8.0 6.5 6.6 3.7 6.2 7.0 4.0 4.5 5.9 5.6 4.8 3.9]; x2=[9 20 18 33 31 13 25 30 5 47 25 11 23 35 39 21 7 40 35 23 33 27 34 15]; x3=[6.1 6.4 7.4 6.7 7.5 5.9 6.0 4.0 5.8 8.3 5.0 6.4 7.6 7.0 5.0 4.4 5.5 7.0 6.0 3.5 4.9 4.3 8.0 5.8]; Y=[33.2 40.3 38.7 46.8 41.4 37.5 39.0 40.7 30.1 52.9 38.2 31.8 43.3 44.1 42.5 33.6 34.2 48.0 38.0 35.9 40.4 36.8 45.2 35.1]; %% 做出Y与各自变量的散点图 subplot(1,3,1),plot(x1,Y,'g*'), subplot(1,3,2),plot(x2,Y,'k+'), subplot(1,3,3),plot(x3,Y,'ro'), %这些点大致分布在一条直线旁边,有比较好的线性相关,做线性回归 %% 多元线性回归 n=24;m=3; X=[ones(n,1),x1',x2',x3']; [b,bint,r,rint,s]=regress(Y',X,0.05); b%回归系数 bint%置信区间 s%R^2、F、p、s^2 %%模型检验 %1.相关系数R^2接近1,相关性较强 %2.F检验:当F>F(m,n-m-1)时,认为y为x1,...,xm之间有显著的线性相关。(在1-α的水平下) finv(0.95,3,n-4)%F>3.098 %3.p检验:p<α(预订的显著水平),那么y与x1,...,xm之间有显著的线性相关 %s^2越小越好,在改进模型时做参考




X=[7,26,6,60 1,29,15,52 11,56,8,20 11,31,8,47 7,52,6,33 11 55 9 22 3 71 17 6 1 31 22 44 2 54 18 22 21 47 4 26 1 40 23 34 11 66 9 12];%自变量 一行是一个样本,每个样本四个因素 Y=[78.5 74.3 104.3 87.6 95.9 109.2 102.7 72.5 93.1 115.9 83.8 113.3]; stepwise(X,Y,[1,2,3,4],0.05,0.10)%[1,2,3,4]表示4个自变量均保存在模型中 %一直单击next step直至变灰,便为最终结果


%链接: %提取码:wny1 % 程序P7-1: logistic方法Matlab实现程序 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. %% 数据准备 clear all clc X0=xlsread('logistic_ex1.xlsx', 'A2:C21'); % 回归数据X值 X1=xlsread('logistic_ex1.xlsx', 'A2:C26'); % 验证与预测数据 Y0=xlsread('logistic_ex1.xlsx', 'D2:D21'); % 回归数据P值 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% logistic函数 GM=fitglm(X0,Y0,'Distribution','binomial'); Y1=predict(GM,X1); %% 模型评估 N0=1:size(Y0,1);N1=1:size(Y1,1); plot(N0',Y0,'-kd'); hold on;scatter(N1',Y1,'b') xlabel('数据点编号');ylabel('输出值');










文档:K-NN.note 链接:

文档:贝叶斯分类.note 链接:

文档:支持向量机分类.note 链接:


一家银行通过电话调查客户是否愿意买理财产品,并记录调查结果为y。另外银行有这些客户的资料X,包括十六个属性(age、job…)。希望建立一个分类器,预测一个新客服是够愿意购买。 %链接: %提取码:ue1o %% 分类方法示例程序 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. %% 1. clc, clear all, close all %% 2.导入数据及数据预处理 load bank.mat % 将分类变量转换成分类数组 names = bank.Properties.VariableNames; category = varfun(@iscellstr, bank, 'Output', 'uniform'); for i = find(category) bank.(names{i}) = categorical(bank.(names{i})); end % 跟踪分类变量 catPred = category(1:end-1); % 设置默认随机数生成方式确保该脚本中的结果是可以重现的 rng('default'); % 数据探索----数据可视化 figure(1) gscatter(bank.balance,bank.duration,bank.y,'kk','xo') xlabel('年平均余额/万元', 'fontsize',12) ylabel('上次接触时间/秒', 'fontsize',12) title('数据可视化效果图', 'fontsize',12) set(gca,'linewidth',2); % 设置响应变量和预测变量 X = table2array(varfun(@double, bank(:,1:end-1))); % 预测变量 Y = bank.y; % 响应变量 disp('数据中Yes & No的统计结果:') tabulate(Y) %将分类数组进一步转换成二进制数组以便于某些算法对分类变量的处理 XNum = [X(:,~catPred) dummyvar(X(:,catPred))]; YNum = double(Y)-1; %% 3.设置交叉验证方式 % 随机选择40%的样本作为测试样本 cv = cvpartition(height(bank),'holdout',0.40); % 训练集 Xtrain = X(training(cv),:); Ytrain = Y(training(cv),:); XtrainNum = XNum(training(cv),:); YtrainNum = YNum(training(cv),:); % 测试集 Xtest = X(test(cv),:); Ytest = Y(test(cv),:); XtestNum = XNum(test(cv),:); YtestNum = YNum(test(cv),:); disp('训练集:') tabulate(Ytrain) disp('测试集:') tabulate(Ytest) %% 最近邻 % 4.训练分类器 knn =,Ytrain,'Distance','seuclidean',... 'NumNeighbors',5); % 进行预测 [Y_knn, Yscore_knn] = knn.predict(Xtest); Yscore_knn = Yscore_knn(:,2); % 计算混淆矩阵 disp('最近邻方法分类结果:') C_knn = confusionmat(Ytest,Y_knn) %% 贝叶斯 % 设置分布类型 dist = repmat({'normal'},1,width(bank)-1); dist(catPred) = {'mvmn'}; % 训练分类器 Nb =,Ytrain,'Distribution',dist); % 进行预测 Y_Nb = Nb.predict(Xtest); Yscore_Nb = Nb.posterior(Xtest); Yscore_Nb = Yscore_Nb(:,2); % 计算混淆矩阵 disp('贝叶斯方法分类结果:') C_nb = confusionmat(Ytest,Y_Nb) %% 神经网络 % 设置神经网络模式及参数 hiddenLayerSize = 5; net = patternnet(hiddenLayerSize); % 设置训练集、验证机和测试集 net.divideParam.trainRatio = 70/100; net.divideParam.valRatio = 15/100; net.divideParam.testRatio = 15/100; % 训练网络 net.trainParam.showWindow = false; inputs = XtrainNum'; targets = YtrainNum'; [net,~] = train(net,inputs,targets); % 用测试集数据进行预测 Yscore_nn = net(XtestNum')'; Y_nn = round(Yscore_nn); % 计算混淆矩阵 disp('神经网络方法分类结果:') C_nn = confusionmat(YtestNum,Y_nn) %% Logistic % 训练分类器 glm = fitglm(Xtrain,YtrainNum,'linear', 'Distribution','binomial',... 'link','logit','CategoricalVars',catPred, 'VarNames', names); % 用测试集数据进行预测 Yscore_glm = glm.predict(Xtest); Y_glm = round(Yscore_glm); % 计算混淆矩阵 disp('Logistic方法分类结果:') C_glm = confusionmat(YtestNum,Y_glm) %% 判别分析 % 训练分类器 da =,Ytrain); % 进行预测 [Y_da, Yscore_da] = da.predict(XtestNum); Yscore_da = Yscore_da(:,2); % 计算混淆矩阵 disp('判别方法分类结果:') C_da = confusionmat(Ytest,Y_da) %% 支持向量机(SVM) % 设置最大迭代次数 opts = statset('MaxIter',45000); % 训练分类器 svmStruct = svmtrain(Xtrain,Ytrain,'kernel_function','linear','kktviolationlevel',0.2,'options',opts); % 进行预测 Y_svm = svmclassify(svmStruct,Xtest); Yscore_svm = svmscore(svmStruct, Xtest); Yscore_svm = (Yscore_svm - min(Yscore_svm))/range(Yscore_svm); % 计算混淆矩阵 disp('SVM方法分类结果:') C_svm = confusionmat(Ytest,Y_svm) %% 决策树 % 训练分类器 t =,Ytrain,'CategoricalPredictors',catPred); % 进行预测 Y_t = t.predict(Xtest); % 计算混淆矩阵 disp('决策树方法分类结果:') C_t = confusionmat(Ytest,Y_t) %% 通过ROC曲线来比较方法 methods = {'KNN','NBayes','NNet', 'GLM', 'LDA', 'SVM'}; scores = [Yscore_knn, Yscore_Nb, Yscore_nn, Yscore_glm, Yscore_da, Yscore_svm]; %绘制ROC曲线 figure auc= zeros(6); hCurve = zeros(1,6); for ii=1:6; [rocx, rocy, ~, auc(ii)] = perfcurve(Ytest, scores(:,ii), 'yes'); hCurve(ii,:) = plot(rocx, rocy, 'k','LineWidth',2); hold on; end legend(hCurve(:,1), methods) set(gca,'linewidth',2); grid on; title('各方法ROC曲线', 'fontsize',12); xlabel('假阳率 [ = FP/(TN+FP)]', 'fontsize',12); ylabel('真阳率 [ = TP/(TP+FN)]', 'fontsize',12); % 绘制各方法分类正确率 figure; bar(auc); set(gca,'YGrid', 'on','XTickLabel',methods); xlabel('方法简称', 'fontsize',12); ylabel('分类正确率', 'fontsize',12); title('各方法分类正确率','fontsize',12); set(gca,'linewidth',2); %svmscore.m function f = svmscore(svm,X) % Compute SVM score for classes -1 and +1 % Copyright 2014 The MathWorks, Inc. shift = svm.ScaleData.shift; scale = svm.ScaleData.scaleFactor; X = bsxfun(@plus,X,shift); X = bsxfun(@times,X,scale); sv = svm.SupportVectors; alphaHat = svm.Alpha; bias = svm.Bias; kfun = svm.KernelFunction; kfunargs = svm.KernelFunctionArgs; f = kfun(sv,X,kfunargs{:})'*alphaHat(:) + bias; f = -f; % flip the sign to get the score for the +1 class end


文档:k-means聚类.note 链接:

已知20个样本,每个样本两种特征,对这些数据分类 %% K-means方法的MATLAB实现 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. %% 数据准备和初始化 clc clear x=[0 0;1 0; 0 1; 1 1;2 1;1 2; 2 2;3 2; 6 6; 7 6; 8 6; 6 7; 7 7; 8 7; 9 7 ; 7 8; 8 8; 9 8; 8 9 ; 9 9]; z=zeros(2,2); z1=zeros(2,2); z=x(1:2, 1:2); %% 寻找聚类中心 while 1 count=zeros(2,1); allsum=zeros(2,2); for i=1:20 % 对每一个样本i,计算到2个聚类中心的距离 temp1=sqrt((z(1,1)-x(i,1)).^2+(z(1,2)-x(i,2)).^2); temp2=sqrt((z(2,1)-x(i,1)).^2+(z(2,2)-x(i,2)).^2); if(temp1<temp2) count(1)=count(1)+1; allsum(1,1)=allsum(1,1)+x(i,1); allsum(1,2)=allsum(1,2)+x(i,2); else count(2)=count(2)+1; allsum(2,1)=allsum(2,1)+x(i,1); allsum(2,2)=allsum(2,2)+x(i,2); end end z1(1,1)=allsum(1,1)/count(1); z1(1,2)=allsum(1,2)/count(1); z1(2,1)=allsum(2,1)/count(2); z1(2,2)=allsum(2,2)/count(2); if(z==z1) break; else z=z1; end end %% 结果显示 disp(z1);% 输出聚类中心 plot( x(:,1), x(:,2),'k*',... 'LineWidth',2,... 'MarkerSize',10,... 'MarkerEdgeColor','k',... 'MarkerFaceColor',[0.5,0.5,0.5]) hold on plot(z1(:,1),z1(:,2),'ko',... 'LineWidth',2,... 'MarkerSize',10,... 'MarkerEdgeColor','k',... 'MarkerFaceColor',[0.5,0.5,0.5]) set(gca,'linewidth',2) ; xlabel('特征x1','fontsize',12); ylabel('特征x2', 'fontsize',12); title('K-means分类图','fontsize',12); 一家银行希望对债券分类,但不知道分成几类,已知债券一些属性(Type、name),请确定分成几类。

k-means聚类(使用kmeans函数)、层次聚类、模糊C-均值聚类、高斯混合聚类 (GMM)、 神经网络matlab实现分类。

文档:层次聚类.note 链接:

文档:模糊C-均值聚类(FCM).note 链接:

%链接: %提取码:ob7o %% 聚类方法 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. %% 导入数据和预处理数据 clc, clear all, close all load BondData settle = floor(date); %数据预处理 bondData.MaturityN = datenum(bondData.Maturity, 'dd-mmm-yyyy'); bondData.SettleN = settle * ones(height(bondData),1); % 筛选数据 corp = bondData(bondData.MaturityN > settle & ... bondData.Type == 'Corp' & ... bondData.Rating >= 'CC' & ... bondData.YTM < 30 & ... bondData.YTM >= 0, :); % 设置随机数生成方式保证结果可重现 rng('default'); %% 探索数据 % 数据可视化 figure gscatter(corp.Coupon,corp.YTM,corp.Rating) set(gca,'linewidth',2); xlabel('票面利率') ylabel('到期收益率') % 选择聚类变量 corp.RatingNum = double(corp.Rating); bonds = corp{:,{'Coupon','YTM','CurrentYield','RatingNum'}}; % 设置类别数量 numClust = 3; % 设置用于可视化聚类效果的变量 VX=[corp.Coupon, double(corp.Rating), corp.YTM]; %% K-Means 聚类 dist_k = 'cosine'; kidx = kmeans(bonds, numClust, 'distance', dist_k); %绘制聚类效果图 figure F1 = plot3(VX(kidx==1,1), VX(kidx==1,2),VX(kidx==1,3),'r*', ... VX(kidx==2,1), VX(kidx==2,2),VX(kidx==2,3), 'bo', ... VX(kidx==3,1), VX(kidx==3,2),VX(kidx==3,3), 'kd'); set(gca,'linewidth',2); grid on; set(F1,'linewidth',2, 'MarkerSize',8); xlabel('票面利率','fontsize',12); ylabel('评级得分','fontsize',12); ylabel('到期收益率','fontsize',12); title('Kmeans方法聚类结果') % 评估各类别的相关程度 dist_metric_k = pdist(bonds,dist_k); dd_k = squareform(dist_metric_k); [~,idx] = sort(kidx); dd_k = dd_k(idx,idx); figure imagesc(dd_k) set(gca,'linewidth',2); xlabel('数据点','fontsize',12) ylabel('数据点', 'fontsize',12) title('k-Means聚类结果相关程度图', 'fontsize',12) ylabel(colorbar,['距离矩阵:', dist_k]) axis square %% 层次聚类 dist_h = 'spearman'; link = 'weighted'; hidx = clusterdata(bonds, 'maxclust', numClust, 'distance' , dist_h, 'linkage', link); %绘制聚类效果图 figure F2 = plot3(VX(hidx==1,1), VX(hidx==1,2),VX(hidx==1,3),'r*', ... VX(hidx==2,1), VX(hidx==2,2),VX(hidx==2,3), 'bo', ... VX(hidx==3,1), VX(hidx==3,2),VX(hidx==3,3), 'kd'); set(gca,'linewidth',2); grid on set(F2,'linewidth',2, 'MarkerSize',8); set(gca,'linewidth',2); xlabel('票面利率','fontsize',12); ylabel('评级得分','fontsize',12); ylabel('到期收益率','fontsize',12); title('层次聚类方法聚类结果') % 评估各类别的相关程度 dist_metric_h = pdist(bonds,dist_h); dd_h = squareform(dist_metric_h); [~,idx] = sort(hidx); dd_h = dd_h(idx,idx); figure imagesc(dd_h) set(gca,'linewidth',2); xlabel('数据点', 'fontsize',12) ylabel('数据点', 'fontsize',12) title('层次聚类结果相关程度图') ylabel(colorbar,['距离矩阵:', dist_h]) axis square % 计算同型相关系数 Z = linkage(dist_metric_h,link); cpcc = cophenet(Z,dist_metric_h); disp('同型相关系数: ') disp(cpcc) % 层次结构图 set(0,'RecursionLimit',5000) figure dendrogram(Z) set(gca,'linewidth',2); set(0,'RecursionLimit',500) xlabel('数据点', 'fontsize',12) ylabel ('标准距离', 'fontsize',12) title('层次聚类法层次结构图') %% 神经网络 %设置网络 dimension1 = 3; dimension2 = 1; net = selforgmap([dimension1 dimension2]); net.trainParam.showWindow = 0; %训练网络 [net,tr] = train(net,bonds'); nidx = net(bonds'); nidx = vec2ind(nidx)'; %绘制聚类效果图 figure F3 = plot3(VX(nidx==1,1), VX(nidx==1,2),VX(nidx==1,3),'r*', ... VX(nidx==2,1), VX(nidx==2,2),VX(nidx==2,3), 'bo', ... VX(nidx==3,1), VX(nidx==3,2),VX(nidx==3,3), 'kd'); set(gca,'linewidth',2); grid on set(F3,'linewidth',2, 'MarkerSize',8); xlabel('票面利率','fontsize',12); ylabel('评级得分','fontsize',12); ylabel('到期收益率','fontsize',12); title('神经网络方法聚类结果') %% 模糊C-Means聚类 options = nan(4,1); options(4) = 0; [centres,U] = fcm(bonds,numClust, options); [~, fidx] = max(U); fidx = fidx'; %绘制聚类效果图 figure F4 = plot3(VX(fidx==1,1), VX(fidx==1,2),VX(fidx==1,3),'r*', ... VX(fidx==2,1), VX(fidx==2,2),VX(fidx==2,3), 'bo', ... VX(fidx==3,1), VX(fidx==3,2),VX(fidx==3,3), 'kd'); set(gca,'linewidth',2); grid on set(F4,'linewidth',2, 'MarkerSize',8); xlabel('票面利率','fontsize',12); ylabel('评级得分','fontsize',12); ylabel('到期收益率','fontsize',12); title('模糊C-Means方法聚类结果') %% 高斯混合聚类 (GMM) gmobj =,numClust); gidx = cluster(gmobj,bonds); %绘制聚类效果图 figure F5 = plot3(VX(fidx==1,1), VX(fidx==1,2),VX(fidx==1,3),'r*', ... VX(fidx==2,1), VX(fidx==2,2),VX(fidx==2,3), 'bo', ... VX(fidx==3,1), VX(fidx==3,2),VX(fidx==3,3), 'kd'); set(gca,'linewidth',2); grid on set(F5,'linewidth',2, 'MarkerSize',8); xlabel('票面利率','fontsize',12); ylabel('评级得分','fontsize',12); ylabel('到期收益率','fontsize',12); title('高斯混合方法聚类结果') %% k-Means方法确定最佳的聚类类别数 % 绘制几个典型类别数情况下的平均轮廓值图 figure for i=2:4 kidx = kmeans(bonds,i,'distance',dist_k); subplot(3,1,i-1) [~,F6] = silhouette(bonds,kidx,dist_k); xlabel('轮廓值','fontsize',12); ylabel('类别数','fontsize',12); set(gca,'linewidth',2); title([num2str(i) '类对应的轮廓值图 ' ]) snapnow end % 计算平均轮廓值 numC = 15; silh_m = nan(numC,1); for i=1:numC kidx = kmeans(bonds,i,'distance',dist_k,'MaxIter',500); silh = silhouette(bonds,kidx,dist_k); silh_m(i) = mean(silh); end %绘制各类别数对应的平均轮廓值图 figure F7 = plot(1:numC,silh_m,'o-'); set(gca,'linewidth',2); set(F7, 'linewidth',2, 'MarkerSize',8); xlabel('类别数', 'fontsize',12) ylabel('平均轮廓值','fontsize',12) title('平均轮廓值vs.类别数') %% 聚类方案案例





文档:深度学习.note 链接:



%注意matlab版本要在2018,否则运行出错 %% 深度学习案例:人类行为的分类 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. %链接: %提取码:p1fm %Human_Activity_Learning_DL.m %% 下载数据 if false %~exist('UCI HAR Dataset','file') downloadSensorData; end if ~exist('rawSensorData_train.mat','file') && ~exist('rawSensorData_test.mat','file') LoadSensorData; end load rawSensorData_train %% 定义深度学习结构 allRawDataDL = cat(3, body_gyro_x_train, body_gyro_y_train, body_gyro_z_train, total_acc_x_train, total_acc_y_train, total_acc_z_train); C = num2cell(allRawDataDL, [2 3]); C = cellfun(@squeeze, C, 'UniformOutput', false); trainingData = table(C); trainingData.activity = categorical(trainActivity); % class(trainingData{:,1}) % should be cell layers = [imageInputLayer([128 6]) convolution2dLayer(3, 2) reluLayer maxPooling2dLayer([12 2], 'Stride', 1) fullyConnectedLayer(5) softmaxLayer classificationLayer()]; options = trainingOptions('sgdm','MaxEpochs',15, ... 'InitialLearnRate',0.005); convnet = trainNetwork(trainingData, layers, options); %% 训练深度网络 load rawSensorData_test % allRawDataTestDL = cat(3, body_gyro_x_test, body_gyro_y_test, body_gyro_z_test, total_acc_x_test, total_acc_y_test, total_acc_z_test); Ctest = num2cell(allRawDataTestDL, [2 3]); Ctest = cellfun(@squeeze, Ctest, 'UniformOutput', false); testData = table(Ctest); testData.activity = categorical(testActivity); Y_test = classify(convnet, testData(:,1)); accuracy_test = sum(Y_test == testActivity)/numel(testActivity) %#ok<*NOPTS> cm = confusionmat(testActivity, Y_test); % Display in a table test_results = array2table(cm, ... 'RowNames', {'Walking', 'ClibmingStairs', 'Sitting', 'Standing', 'Laying'}, ... 'VariableNames', {'Walking', 'ClibmingStairs', 'Sitting', 'Standing', 'Laying'}) %downloadSensorData.m function downloadSensorData %% Download and extract data if data folder does not exist if ~(exist('UCI HAR Dataset','file') == 7) downloadlink = ''; toc disp('UCI HAR Dataset does not exist, downloading dataset...') fname = websave('',downloadlink); toc disp('Done downloading, file downloaded to:') disp(fname) disp(' ') yn = input('It may be faster to extract the file manually, do you want MATLAB to extract the file (y/n)? ','s'); if strcmp(yn,'y') tic disp('Extracting file, this may take a while...') foldername = unzip(fname); disp('Done extracting, extracted to:') disp(foldername) toc else disp(' ') disp('OK, You must manually extract the file contents to the current folder before proceeding. Don''t change the default folder names.') end end %LoadSensorData.m function LoadSensorData if exist('rawSensorData_train.mat','file') && exist('rawSensorData_test.mat','file') fprintf(1,'rawSensorData_train.mat and rawSensorData_test.mat already exists at location:\n'); disp(['* ', which('rawSensorData_train.mat')]); disp(['* ', which('rawSensorData_test.mat')]); disp(' ') else %% Load training data from files activity_labels = {'Walking','WalkingUpstairs','WalkingDownstairs','Sitting','Standing','Laying'}; trainActivity = categorical(importdata('UCI HAR Dataset\train\y_train.txt'),1:6,activity_labels); trainActivity = mergecats(trainActivity,{'WalkingUpstairs','WalkingDownstairs'},'ClimbingStairs'); % Choose this if you want to only load the total acca and gyro data filestoload = strcat('UCI HAR Dataset\train\Inertial Signals\',{'*gyro*','total*'}); % Choose this if you want to load all files % filestoload = strcat('UCI HAR Dataset\train\Inertial Signals\'); disp('Loading training data from files:') try dstrain = datastore(filestoload,'TextscanFormats',repmat({'%f'},1,128), 'ReadVariableNames',false); catch err if strcmp(err.identifier,'MATLAB:datastoreio:pathlookup:fileNotFound') error('File not found. Please make sure that you download and extract the data first using ''downloadSensorData'' function') end end dstrain.ReadSize = 'file'; [~,fnames] = cellfun(@fileparts,dstrain.Files,'UniformOutput',false); iter = 1; % rawSensorDataTrain = table; while hasdata(dstrain) fprintf('Importing: %16s ...',fnames{iter}) M = table2array(read(dstrain)); rawSensorDataTrain.(fnames{iter}) = M; iter = iter + 1; fprintf('Done\n') end rawSensorDataTrain.trainActivity = trainActivity; disp(' ') %% Load test data from files testActivity = categorical(importdata('UCI HAR Dataset\test\y_test.txt'),1:6,activity_labels); testActivity = mergecats(testActivity,{'WalkingUpstairs','WalkingDownstairs'},'ClimbingStairs'); % Choose this if you want to only load the total acca and gyro data filestoload = strcat('UCI HAR Dataset\test\Inertial Signals\',{'*gyro*','total*'}); % Choose this if you want to load all files % filestoload = strcat('UCI HAR Dataset\test\Inertial Signals\'); disp('Loading test data from files:') dstest = datastore(filestoload,'TextscanFormats',repmat({'%f'},1,128),'DatastoreType','tabulartext',... 'ReadVariableNames',false); [~,fnames] = cellfun(@fileparts,dstest.Files,'UniformOutput',false); dstest.ReadSize = 'file'; iter = 1; % rawSensorDataTest = table; while hasdata(dstest) fprintf('Importing: %16s ...',fnames{iter}) M = table2array(read(dstest)); rawSensorDataTest.(fnames{iter}) = M; iter = iter + 1; fprintf('Done\n') end rawSensorDataTest.testActivity = testActivity; disp(' ') %% Saving MAT file with raw data fprintf('Saving MAT files: rawSensorData_train.mat ...') save rawSensorData_train.mat -struct rawSensorDataTrain disp('Done') fprintf('Saving MAT files: rawSensorData_test.mat ...') save rawSensorData_test.mat -struct rawSensorDataTest disp('Done') end


文档:灰色预测.note 链接:

% 灰色预测 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. %根据已知的利润,预测未来几年的利润 clear syms a b; c=[a b]'; A=[89677,99215,109655,120333,135823,159878,182321,209407,246619,300670]; B=cumsum(A); % 原始数据累加 n=length(A); for i=1:(n-1) C(i)=(B(i)+B(i+1))/2; % 生成累加矩阵 end % 计算待定参数的值 D=A;D(1)=[]; D=D'; E=[-C;ones(1,n-1)]; c=inv(E*E')*E*D; c=c'; a=c(1);b=c(2); % 预测后续数据 F=[];F(1)=A(1); for i=2:(n+10) F(i)=(A(1)-b/a)/exp(a*(i-1))+b/a ; end G=[];G(1)=A(1); for i=2:(n+10) G(i)=F(i)-F(i-1); %得到预测出来的数据 end t1=1999:2008; t2=1999:2018; G plot(t1,A,'ko', 'LineWidth',2) hold on plot(t2,G,'k', 'LineWidth',2) xlabel('年份', 'fontsize',12) ylabel('利润/(元/年)','fontsize',12) set(gca, 'LineWidth',2);


文档:2009D预测与会代表人数.note 链接:

% 灰色预测 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. clear syms a b; c=[a b]'; A=[174 179 183 189 207 234 220.5 256 270 285]; B=cumsum(A); % 原始数据累加 n=length(A); for i=1:(n-1) C(i)=(B(i)+B(i+1))/2; % 生成累加矩阵 end % 计算待定参数的值 D=A;D(1)=[]; D=D'; E=[-C;ones(1,n-1)]; c=inv(E*E')*E*D; c=c'; a=c(1);b=c(2); % 预测后续数据 F=[];F(1)=A(1); for i=2:(n+10) F(i)=(A(1)-b/a)/exp(a*(i-1))+b/a ; end G=[];G(1)=A(1); for i=2:(n+10) G(i)=F(i)-F(i-1); %得到预测出来的数据 end t1=1995:2004; t2=1995:2014; G, a, b % 输出预测值,发展系数和灰色作用量 plot(t1,A,'ko', 'LineWidth',2) hold on plot(t2,G,'k', 'LineWidth',2) xlabel('年份', 'fontsize',12) ylabel('污水量/亿吨','fontsize',12) set(gca, 'LineWidth',2);


文档:神经网络.note 链接:




文档:小波分析.note 链接:

小波图像处理:给定一个图像信号,由于图像经过二维小波分解后,图像的轮廓主要体现在低频部分,细节部分在高频部分,因此可以通过对低频分解系数进行增强处理,对高频分解系数进行衰弱处理,从而到达图像增强的效果。 %wmandril.mat %链接: %提取码:rcci load wmandril %图像增强处理 %用小波函数sym4对X进行2层小波分解 [c,s]=wavedec2(X,2,'sym4'); sizec=size(c);c1=c; %对分解系数进行处理突出轮廓,弱化细节 for i=1:sizec(2) if(c(i)>350) c1(i)=2*c(i); else c1(i)=0.5*c(i); end end %对处理后的系数重构 xx=waverec2(c1,s,'sym4'); %画图 colormap(map); subplot(121);image(X);title('原始图像');axis square subplot(122);image(xx);title('增强图像');axis square 小波数据去噪: % 小波去噪 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. clc, clear all, close all, load nelec.mat; sig = nelec; denPAR = {[1 94 5.9 ; 94 1110 19.5 ; 1110 2000 4.5]}; wname = 'sym4'; level = 5; sorh = 's'; % type of thresholding thr = 4.5; [sigden_1,~,~,perf0,perfl2] = wdencmp('gbl',sig,wname,level,thr,sorh,1); res = sig-sigden_1; subplot(3,1,1);plot(sig,'r'); axis tight title('Original Signal') subplot(3,1,2);plot(sigden_1,'b'); axis tight title('Denoised Signal'); subplot(3,1,3);plot(res,'k'); axis tight title('Residual'); % perf0,perfl2









文档:线性规划.note 链接:



文档:非线性规划、二次规划.note 链接:


文档:整数规划.note 链接:

% 0-1整数规划 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. clc, clear, close all f=[-3; 2; -5]; intcon=3; A=[1 2 -1; 1 4 1; 1 1 0; 0 4 1]; b=[2; 4; 3; 6]; lb=[0, 0 , 0]; ub=[1,1,1]; Aeq=[0,0,0]; beq=0; x = intlinprog(f,intcon,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub)





global optimization toolbox(2018a及以后才有)

全局搜索:globalsearch 寻找全局最小值多起点搜索:multistart 寻找多个局部最小值模式搜索:patternsearch 用模式搜索方法寻找函数最小值遗传:Ga 用遗传算法寻找函数最小值粒子群:particlewarm 用粒子群算法寻找函数最小值模拟退火:simulannealbnd 用模拟退火算法寻找函数最小值



文档:遗传算法.note 链接:


%traveling_salesman_main.m %% GA算法求解旅行商问题 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. %% 加载问题的数据 load('usborder.mat','x','y','xx','yy'); cities = 40; locations = zeros(cities,2); n = 1; while (n <= cities) xp = rand*1.5; yp = rand; if inpolygon(xp,yp,xx,yy) locations(n,1) = xp; locations(n,2) = yp; n = n+1; end end plot(locations(:,1),locations(:,2),'bo'); xlabel('城市的横坐标x'); ylabel('城市的纵坐标y'); grid on %% 计算城市距离 distances = zeros(cities); for count1=1:cities for count2=1:count1 x1 = locations(count1,1); y1 = locations(count1,2); x2 = locations(count2,1); y2 = locations(count2,2); distances(count1,count2)=sqrt((x1-x2)^2+(y1-y2)^2); distances(count2,count1)=distances(count1,count2); end end %% 定义目标函数 FitnessFcn = @(x) traveling_salesman_fitness(x,distances); my_plot = @(options,state,flag) traveling_salesman_plot(options, ... state,flag,locations); %% 设置优化属性并执行遗传算法求解 options = optimoptions(@ga, 'PopulationType', 'custom','InitialPopulationRange', ... [1;cities]); options = optimoptions(options,'CreationFcn',@create_permutations, ... 'CrossoverFcn',@crossover_permutation, ... 'MutationFcn',@mutate_permutation, ... 'PlotFcn', my_plot, ... 'MaxGenerations',500,'PopulationSize',60, ... 'MaxStallGenerations',200,'UseVectorized',true); numberOfVariables = cities; [x,fval,reason,output] = ... ga(FitnessFcn,numberOfVariables,[],[],[],[],[],[],[],options); %traveling_salesman_fitness.m function scores = traveling_salesman_fitness(x,distances) %TRAVELING_SALESMAN_FITNESS Custom fitness function for TSP. % SCORES = TRAVELING_SALESMAN_FITNESS(X,DISTANCES) Calculate the fitness % of an individual. The fitness is the total distance traveled for an % ordered set of cities in X. DISTANCE(A,B) is the distance from the city % A to the city B. % Copyright 2004-2007 The MathWorks, Inc. scores = zeros(size(x,1),1); for j = 1:size(x,1) % here is where the special knowledge that the population is a cell % array is used. Normally, this would be pop(j,:); p = x{j}; f = distances(p(end),p(1)); for i = 2:length(p) f = f + distances(p(i-1),p(i)); end scores(j) = f; end %traveling_salesman_plot.m function state = traveling_salesman_plot(options,state,flag,locations) % TRAVELING_SALESMAN_PLOT Custom plot function for traveling salesman. % STATE = TRAVELING_SALESMAN_PLOT(OPTIONS,STATE,FLAG,LOCATIONS) Plot city % LOCATIONS and connecting route between them. This function is specific % to the traveling salesman problem. % Copyright 2004-2006 The MathWorks, Inc. persistent x y xx yy if strcmpi(flag,'init') load('usborder.mat','x','y','xx','yy'); end % plot(x,y,'Color','red'); % hold on; [unused,i] = min(state.Score); genotype = state.Population{i}; plot(locations(:,1),locations(:,2),'bo'); axis([-0.1 1.5 -0.2 1.2]); hold on plot(locations(genotype,1),locations(genotype,2)); xlabel('城市的横坐标x'); ylabel('城市的纵坐标y'); grid on hold off


文档:模拟退火算法.note 链接:


% 模拟退火算法 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. clear clc a = 0.99; % 温度衰减函数的参数 t0 = 97; tf = 3; t = t0; Markov_length = 10000; % Markov链长度 coordinates = [ 1 565.0 575.0; 2 25.0 185.0; 3 345.0 750.0; 4 945.0 685.0; 5 845.0 655.0; 6 880.0 660.0; 7 25.0 230.0; 8 525.0 1000.0; 9 580.0 1175.0; 10 650.0 1130.0; 11 1605.0 620.0; 12 1220.0 580.0; 13 1465.0 200.0; 14 1530.0 5.0; 15 845.0 680.0; 16 725.0 370.0; 17 145.0 665.0; 18 415.0 635.0; 19 510.0 875.0; 20 560.0 365.0; 21 300.0 465.0; 22 520.0 585.0; 23 480.0 415.0; 24 835.0 625.0; 25 975.0 580.0; 26 1215.0 245.0; 27 1320.0 315.0; 28 1250.0 400.0; 29 660.0 180.0; 30 410.0 250.0; 31 420.0 555.0; 32 575.0 665.0; 33 1150.0 1160.0; 34 700.0 580.0; 35 685.0 595.0; 36 685.0 610.0; 37 770.0 610.0; 38 795.0 645.0; 39 720.0 635.0; 40 760.0 650.0; 41 475.0 960.0; 42 95.0 260.0; 43 875.0 920.0; 44 700.0 500.0; 45 555.0 815.0; 46 830.0 485.0; 47 1170.0 65.0; 48 830.0 610.0; 49 605.0 625.0; 50 595.0 360.0; 51 1340.0 725.0; 52 1740.0 245.0; ]; coordinates(:,1) = []; amount = size(coordinates,1); % 城市的数目 % 通过向量化的方法计算距离矩阵 dist_matrix = zeros(amount, amount); coor_x_tmp1 = coordinates(:,1) * ones(1,amount); coor_x_tmp2 = coor_x_tmp1'; coor_y_tmp1 = coordinates(:,2) * ones(1,amount); coor_y_tmp2 = coor_y_tmp1'; dist_matrix = sqrt((coor_x_tmp1-coor_x_tmp2).^2 + ... (coor_y_tmp1-coor_y_tmp2).^2); sol_new = 1:amount; % 产生初始解 % sol_new是每次产生的新解;sol_current是当前解;sol_best是冷却中的最好解; E_current = inf;E_best = inf; % E_current是当前解对应的回路距离; % E_new是新解的回路距离; % E_best是最优解的 sol_current = sol_new; sol_best = sol_new; p = 1; while t>=tf for r=1:Markov_length % Markov链长度 % 产生随机扰动 if (rand < 0.5) % 随机决定是进行两交换还是三交换 % 两交换 ind1 = 0; ind2 = 0; while (ind1 == ind2) ind1 = ceil(rand.*amount); ind2 = ceil(rand.*amount); end tmp1 = sol_new(ind1); sol_new(ind1) = sol_new(ind2); sol_new(ind2) = tmp1; else % 三交换 ind1 = 0; ind2 = 0; ind3 = 0; while (ind1 == ind2) || (ind1 == ind3) ... || (ind2 == ind3) || (abs(ind1-ind2) == 1) ind1 = ceil(rand.*amount); ind2 = ceil(rand.*amount); ind3 = ceil(rand.*amount); end tmp1 = ind1;tmp2 = ind2;tmp3 = ind3; % 确保ind1 < ind2 < ind3 if (ind1 < ind2) && (ind2 < ind3) ; elseif (ind1 < ind3) && (ind3 < ind2) ind2 = tmp3;ind3 = tmp2; elseif (ind2 < ind1) && (ind1 < ind3) ind1 = tmp2;ind2 = tmp1; elseif (ind2 < ind3) && (ind3 < ind1) ind1 = tmp2;ind2 = tmp3; ind3 = tmp1; elseif (ind3 < ind1) && (ind1 < ind2) ind1 = tmp3;ind2 = tmp1; ind3 = tmp2; elseif (ind3 < ind2) && (ind2 < ind1) ind1 = tmp3;ind2 = tmp2; ind3 = tmp1; end tmplist1 = sol_new((ind1+1):(ind2-1)); sol_new((ind1+1):(ind1+ind3-ind2+1)) = ... sol_new((ind2):(ind3)); sol_new((ind1+ind3-ind2+2):ind3) = ... tmplist1; end %检查是否满足约束 % 计算目标函数值(即内能) E_new = 0; for i = 1 : (amount-1) E_new = E_new + ... dist_matrix(sol_new(i),sol_new(i+1)); end % 再算上从最后一个城市到第一个城市的距离 E_new = E_new + ... dist_matrix(sol_new(amount),sol_new(1)); if E_new < E_current E_current = E_new; sol_current = sol_new; if E_new < E_best % 把冷却过程中最好的解保存下来 E_best = E_new; sol_best = sol_new; end else % 若新解的目标函数值小于当前解的, % 则仅以一定概率接受新解 if rand < exp(-(E_new-E_current)./t) E_current = E_new; sol_current = sol_new; else sol_new = sol_current; end end end t=t.*a; % 控制参数t(温度)减少为原来的a倍 end disp('最优解为:') disp(sol_best) disp('最短距离:') disp(E_best)



%SA1_PeaksExample.m %% 模拟退火算法求解器 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. %% Objective Function clear, close all, clc peaks %% Nonlinear Constraint Function type circularConstraint %% Define Optimization Problem problem = createOptimProblem('fmincon',... 'objective',@(x) peaks(x(1),x(2)), ... 'nonlcon',@circularConstraint,... 'x0',[-1 -1],... 'lb',[-3 -3],... 'ub',[3 3],... 'options',optimset('OutputFcn',... @peaksPlotIterates)) %% Run the solver |fmincon| from the inital point [x,f] = fmincon(problem) %% Use Simmulated Annealing to Find the Global Minimum problem.solver = 'simulannealbnd'; problem.objective = @(x) peaks(x(1),x(2)) + (x(1)^2 + x(2)^2 - 9); problem.options = saoptimset('OutputFcn',@peaksPlotIterates,... 'Display','iter',... 'InitialTemperature',10,... 'MaxIter',300) [x,f] = simulannealbnd(problem) %circularConstraint.m function [c,ceq] = circularConstraint(x) % Nonlinear constraint definition % Copyright (c) 2010, The MathWorks, Inc. % All rights reserved. % Define nonlinear equality constraint (none) ceq = []; % Define nonlinear inequality constraint % circular region with radius 3: x1^2 + x^2 -3^2 <= 0 c = x(:,1).^2 + x(:,2).^2 - 9; %peaksPlotIterates.m function varargout = peaksPlotIterates(varargin) % Output function that plots the iterates of the optimization algorithm. % Copyright (c) 2010, The MathWorks, Inc. % All rights reserved. % Check if caller is from global or optimization toolbox optimValues = varargin{2}; state = varargin{3}; if nargout > 1 if isfield(optimValues,'x') % simulated annealing options,optimvalues,flag x = optimValues.x; varargout{1} = false; varargout{2} = x; % options field varargout{3} = false; else % pattern search optimvalues,options,flag,interval optimValues = varargin{1}; state = varargin{3}; if isfield(optimValues,'x') x = optimValues.x; varargout{1} = false; varargout{2} = x; % options field varargout{3} = false; else % gentic algorithm options,state,flag,interval x = varargin{2}.Population; optimValues.iteration = -1; varargout{1} = varargin{2}; varargout{2} = varargin{1}; varargout{3} = false; end end else x = varargin{1}; varargout{1} = false; end % Check for state switch state case 'init' % Plot objective function surface PlotSurface(x,peaks(x(:,1),x(:,2))); case 'iter' if ~(optimValues.iteration == 0) % Update surface plot to show current solution PlotUpdate(x,peaks(x(:,1),x(:,2))); end case 'done' if ~(optimValues.iteration == 0) % After optimization, display solution in plot title DisplayTitle(x,peaks(x(:,1),x(:,2))) end end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % helper function PlotSurface % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function PlotSurface(x,z,varargin) % Check to see if figure exists, if not create it h = findobj('Tag','PlotIterates'); if isempty(h) h = figure('Tag','PlotIterates','Name','Plot of Iterates', ... 'NumberTitle','off'); % Plot the objective function [X,Y,Z] = peaks(100); zlower = -15; axis([-3 3 -3 3 zlower 10]); hold on surfc(gca,X,Y,Z,'EdgeColor','None','FaceColor','interp') xlabel('X'), ylabel('Y'), zlabel('Z') view([-45 30]) shading interp lightangle(-45,30) set(findobj(gca,'type','surface'),... 'FaceLighting','phong',... 'AmbientStrength',.3,'DiffuseStrength',.8,... 'SpecularStrength',.9,'SpecularExponent',25,... 'BackFaceLighting','unlit'); % Plot constraint on lower contour plot hc=0; k=0; r=3; N=256; % circle parameters t=(0:N)*2*pi/N; xc = r*cos(t)+hc; yc = r*sin(t)+k; % bounds ax = axis;%.*[1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1 1]; xbound = ( ax(1):(ax(2)-ax(1))/N*4:ax(2) )'; ybound = ( ax(3):(ax(4)-ax(3))/N*4:ax(4) )'; len = length(xbound); xbox = [xbound; xbound(end)*ones(len-1,1); xbound(end-1:-1:1); xbound(1)*ones(len-2,1)]; ybox = [ybound(1)*ones(len,1); ybound(2:end); ybound(end)*ones(len-1,1); ybound(end-1:-1:2)]; boxCon = [(1:length(xbox)-1)' (2:length(ybox))'; length(xbox) 1]; cirCon = [(1:length(xc)-1)' (2:length(yc))'; length(x) 1] + length(xbox); warning off DT = DelaunayTri([[xbox(:); xc(:)] [ybox(:); yc(:)]], [boxCon; cirCon]); warning on inside = inOutStatus(DT); cx = caxis; trisurf(DT(inside,:),DT.X(:,1),DT.X(:,2),... zlower*ones(size(DT.X(:,1))),'EdgeColor','none',... 'FaceColor',[0.9 0.9 0.9]); caxis(cx) hold off % colors to use for multiple staring points ms.index = 1; ms.Colors = ['rgbcmyk']; set(h,'UserData',ms); end PlotUpdate(x,z) if nargin > 2 DisplayTitle(x,z,varargin{1}) else DisplayTitle(x,z,'Initial') end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % helper function PlotUpdate % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function PlotUpdate(x,z) % Check to see if figure exists, if not, create h = findobj('Tag','PlotIterates'); if isempty(h) PlotSurface(x,z,'Current') h = gcf; end % Update Plot with New Point figure(h) ms = get(h,'UserData'); hold on spts = findobj('Tag','SurfacePoints'); if isempty(spts) spts = plot3(x(:,1),x(:,2),z*1.02,'MarkerFaceColor',ms.Colors(ms.index),... 'MarkerSize',10,... 'Marker','diamond',... 'LineStyle','none',... 'Color',ms.Colors(ms.index)); set(spts,'Tag','SurfacePoints'); else set(spts, 'XData', [get(spts,'XData'),x(:,1)']); set(spts, 'YData', [get(spts,'YData'),x(:,2)']); set(spts, 'ZData', [get(spts,'ZData'),z']); end ax1 = findobj('Tag','LowerContour'); if isempty(ax1) if isvector(x) mk = '.-'; else mk = '.'; end ax1 = plot3(x(:,1),x(:,2),min(get(gca,'ZLim'))*ones(size(x(:,1))),... [ms.Colors(ms.index),mk],'MarkerSize',16); set(ax1,'Tag','LowerContour'); else set(ax1, 'XData', [get(ax1,'XData'),x(:,1)']); set(ax1, 'YData', [get(ax1,'YData'),x(:,2)']); set(ax1, 'ZData', [get(ax1,'ZData'),... min(get(gca,'ZLim'))*ones(size(x(:,1)'))]); end DisplayTitle(x,z,'Current') % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % helper function DisplayTitle % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function DisplayTitle(x,z,varargin) % colors to use for iterates % Check to see if figure exists, if not, create h = findobj('Tag','PlotIterates'); if isempty(h) PlotUpdate(x,z) h = gcf; end % Update Plot Title if nargin < 3 varargin{1} = 'Final'; end ms = get(h,'UserData'); [mz,indx] = min(z); switch lower(varargin{1}) case 'current' str = 'Current'; case 'initial' str = 'Initial'; text(x(indx,1),x(indx,2),z(indx)*1.1,'\bf Start','Color',... ms.Colors(ms.index)) case 'final' str = 'Final'; text(x(indx,1),x(indx,2),z(indx)*1.1,'\bf End','Color',... ms.Colors(ms.index)) ms.index = ms.index+1; set(h,'UserData',ms); ax1 = findobj('Tag','LowerContour'); set(ax1,'Tag',['LowerContour',num2str(ms.index)]); spts = findobj('Tag','SurfacePoints'); set(spts,'Tag',['SurfacePoints',num2str(ms.index)]); end str = sprintf('%s x = [%6.4f %6.4f]',str, x(indx,1),x(indx,2)); figure(h), title(str) drawnow;


文档:蚁群算法.note 链接:


链接: 提取码:go9r

蚁群算法求解TSP %数据chapter9——Chap9_citys_data.xlsx %% 蚁群算法及Matlab实现——TSP问题 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. %% 数据准备 % 清空环境变量 clear all clc % 程序运行计时开始 t0 = clock; %导入数据 citys=xlsread('Chap9_citys_data.xlsx', 'B2:C53'); %% 计算城市间相互距离 n = size(citys,1); D = zeros(n,n); for i = 1:n for j = 1:n if i ~= j D(i,j) = sqrt(sum((citys(i,:) - citys(j,:)).^2)); else D(i,j) = 1e-4; %设定的对角矩阵修正值 end end end %% 初始化参数 m = 75; % 蚂蚁数量 alpha = 1; % 信息素重要程度因子 beta = 5; % 启发函数重要程度因子 vol = 0.2; % 信息素挥发(volatilization)因子 Q = 10; % 常系数 Heu_F = 1./D; % 启发函数(heuristic function) Tau = ones(n,n); % 信息素矩阵 Table = zeros(m,n); % 路径记录表 iter = 1; % 迭代次数初值 iter_max = 100; % 最大迭代次数 Route_best = zeros(iter_max,n); % 各代最佳路径 Length_best = zeros(iter_max,1); % 各代最佳路径的长度 Length_ave = zeros(iter_max,1); % 各代路径的平均长度 Limit_iter = 0; % 程序收敛时迭代次数 %% 迭代寻找最佳路径 while iter <= iter_max % 随机产生各个蚂蚁的起点城市 start = zeros(m,1); for i = 1:m temp = randperm(n); start(i) = temp(1); end Table(:,1) = start; % 构建解空间 citys_index = 1:n; % 逐个蚂蚁路径选择 for i = 1:m % 逐个城市路径选择 for j = 2:n tabu = Table(i,1:(j - 1)); % 已访问的城市集合(禁忌表) allow_index = ~ismember(citys_index,tabu); % 参加说明1(程序底部) allow = citys_index(allow_index); % 待访问的城市集合 P = allow; % 计算城市间转移概率 for k = 1:length(allow) P(k) = Tau(tabu(end),allow(k))^alpha * Heu_F(tabu(end),allow(k))^beta; end P = P/sum(P); % 轮盘赌法选择下一个访问城市 Pc = cumsum(P); %参加说明2(程序底部) target_index = find(Pc >= rand); target = allow(target_index(1)); Table(i,j) = target; end end % 计算各个蚂蚁的路径距离 Length = zeros(m,1); for i = 1:m Route = Table(i,:); for j = 1:(n - 1) Length(i) = Length(i) + D(Route(j),Route(j + 1)); end Length(i) = Length(i) + D(Route(n),Route(1)); end % 计算最短路径距离及平均距离 if iter == 1 [min_Length,min_index] = min(Length); Length_best(iter) = min_Length; Length_ave(iter) = mean(Length); Route_best(iter,:) = Table(min_index,:); Limit_iter = 1; else [min_Length,min_index] = min(Length); Length_best(iter) = min(Length_best(iter - 1),min_Length); Length_ave(iter) = mean(Length); if Length_best(iter) == min_Length Route_best(iter,:) = Table(min_index,:); Limit_iter = iter; else Route_best(iter,:) = Route_best((iter-1),:); end end % 更新信息素 Delta_Tau = zeros(n,n); % 逐个蚂蚁计算 for i = 1:m % 逐个城市计算 for j = 1:(n - 1) Delta_Tau(Table(i,j),Table(i,j+1)) = Delta_Tau(Table(i,j),Table(i,j+1)) + Q/Length(i); end Delta_Tau(Table(i,n),Table(i,1)) = Delta_Tau(Table(i,n),Table(i,1)) + Q/Length(i); end Tau = (1-vol) * Tau + Delta_Tau; % 迭代次数加1,清空路径记录表 iter = iter + 1; Table = zeros(m,n); end %% 结果显示 [Shortest_Length,index] = min(Length_best); Shortest_Route = Route_best(index,:); Time_Cost=etime(clock,t0); disp(['最短距离:' num2str(Shortest_Length)]); disp(['最短路径:' num2str([Shortest_Route Shortest_Route(1)])]); disp(['收敛迭代次数:' num2str(Limit_iter)]); disp(['程序执行时间:' num2str(Time_Cost) '秒']); %% 绘图 figure(1) plot([citys(Shortest_Route,1);citys(Shortest_Route(1),1)],... %三点省略符为Matlab续行符 [citys(Shortest_Route,2);citys(Shortest_Route(1),2)],'o-'); grid on for i = 1:size(citys,1) text(citys(i,1),citys(i,2),[' ' num2str(i)]); end text(citys(Shortest_Route(1),1),citys(Shortest_Route(1),2),' 起点'); text(citys(Shortest_Route(end),1),citys(Shortest_Route(end),2),' 终点'); xlabel('城市位置横坐标') ylabel('城市位置纵坐标') title(['ACA最优化路径(最短距离:' num2str(Shortest_Length) ')']) figure(2) plot(1:iter_max,Length_best,'b') legend('最短距离') xlabel('迭代次数') ylabel('距离') title('算法收敛轨迹') %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% 程序解释或说明 % 1. ismember函数判断一个变量中的元素是否在另一个变量中出现,返回0-1矩阵; % 2. cumsum函数用于求变量中累加元素的和,如A=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 那么cumsum(A)=[1, 3, 6, 10, 15]。 直观分析蚂蚁数量对蚁群算法的影响


%% 绘制蚁群算法中蚂蚁数目与最短路程、收敛迭代次数、程序执行时间关系图 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. %% 准备环境与数据 clc clear % 输入数据 R=[0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2]; Y1=[7652 7718 7710 7760 7674 7696 7675 7681]; Y2=[64 59 67 60 48 66 55 81]; Y3=[21 27 33 39 46 52 58 66]; %% 绘图 set(gca,'linewidth',2) % 与最短路程关系图 subplot(3,1,1); plot(R,Y1, '-r*', 'LineWidth', 2); set(gca,'linewidth',2); % 设置坐标轴线宽 xlabel('蚂蚁数与城市数之比'); ylabel('最短路程'); title('蚂蚁数与最短路程关系图','fontsize',12); % legend('最短路程'); % 与收敛迭代次数关系 subplot(3,1,2); plot(R,Y2, '--bs', 'LineWidth', 2); set(gca,'linewidth',2) ; xlabel('蚂蚁数与城市数之比','LineWidth', 2); ylabel('收敛迭代次数', 'LineWidth', 2); title('蚂蚁数与收敛迭代次数关系图','fontsize',12); % legend('收敛迭代次数'); % 与程序执行时间关系 subplot(3,1,3); plot(R,Y3, '-ko', 'LineWidth', 2); set(gca,'linewidth',2) ; xlabel('蚂蚁数与城市数之比'); ylabel('执行时间'); title('蚂蚁数与执行时间关系图','fontsize',12); % legend('执行时间'); 最佳旅游方案

文档:最佳旅游方案题目.note 链接:

%Ch9_spots_data.xlsx %% 第8章 蚁群算法及Matlab实现——TSP问题 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. %% 数据准备 % 清空环境变量 clear all clc % 程序运行计时开始 t0 = clock; %导入数据 citys=xlsread('Ch9_spots_data.xlsx', 'B2:L12'); %% 计算城市间相互距离 n = size(citys,1); D = zeros(n,n); for i = 1:n for j = 1:n if i ~= j D(i,j) = citys(i,j); else D(i,j) = 1e-4; %设定的对角矩阵修正值 end end end %% 初始化参数 m = 15; % 蚂蚁数量 alpha = 1; % 信息素重要程度因子 beta = 5; % 启发函数重要程度因子 vol = 0.2; % 信息素挥发(volatilization)因子 Q = 10; % 常系数 Heu_F = 1./D; % 启发函数(heuristic function) Tau = ones(n,n); % 信息素矩阵 Table = zeros(m,n); % 路径记录表 iter = 1; % 迭代次数初值 iter_max = 100; % 最大迭代次数 Route_best = zeros(iter_max,n); % 各代最佳路径 Length_best = zeros(iter_max,1); % 各代最佳路径的长度 Length_ave = zeros(iter_max,1); % 各代路径的平均长度 Limit_iter = 0; % 程序收敛时迭代次数 %% 迭代寻找最佳路径 while iter <= iter_max % 随机产生各个蚂蚁的起点城市 start = zeros(m,1); for i = 1:m temp = randperm(n); start(i) = temp(1); end Table(:,1) = start; % 构建解空间 citys_index = 1:n; % 逐个蚂蚁路径选择 for i = 1:m % 逐个城市路径选择 for j = 2:n tabu = Table(i,1:(j - 1)); % 已访问的城市集合(禁忌表) allow_index = ~ismember(citys_index,tabu); % 参加说明1(程序底部) allow = citys_index(allow_index); % 待访问的城市集合 P = allow; % 计算城市间转移概率 for k = 1:length(allow) P(k) = Tau(tabu(end),allow(k))^alpha * Heu_F(tabu(end),allow(k))^beta; end P = P/sum(P); % 轮盘赌法选择下一个访问城市 Pc = cumsum(P); %参加说明2(程序底部) target_index = find(Pc >= rand); target = allow(target_index(1)); Table(i,j) = target; end end % 计算各个蚂蚁的路径距离 Length = zeros(m,1); for i = 1:m Route = Table(i,:); for j = 1:(n - 1) Length(i) = Length(i) + D(Route(j),Route(j + 1)); end Length(i) = Length(i) + D(Route(n),Route(1)); end % 计算最短路径距离及平均距离 if iter == 1 [min_Length,min_index] = min(Length); Length_best(iter) = min_Length; Length_ave(iter) = mean(Length); Route_best(iter,:) = Table(min_index,:); Limit_iter = 1; else [min_Length,min_index] = min(Length); Length_best(iter) = min(Length_best(iter - 1),min_Length); Length_ave(iter) = mean(Length); if Length_best(iter) == min_Length Route_best(iter,:) = Table(min_index,:); Limit_iter = iter; else Route_best(iter,:) = Route_best((iter-1),:); end end % 更新信息素 Delta_Tau = zeros(n,n); % 逐个蚂蚁计算 for i = 1:m % 逐个城市计算 for j = 1:(n - 1) Delta_Tau(Table(i,j),Table(i,j+1)) = Delta_Tau(Table(i,j),Table(i,j+1)) + Q/Length(i); end Delta_Tau(Table(i,n),Table(i,1)) = Delta_Tau(Table(i,n),Table(i,1)) + Q/Length(i); end Tau = (1-vol) * Tau + Delta_Tau; % 迭代次数加1,清空路径记录表 iter = iter + 1; Table = zeros(m,n); end %% 结果显示 [Shortest_Length,index] = min(Length_best); Shortest_Route = Route_best(index,:); Time_Cost=etime(clock,t0); disp(['最短距离:' num2str(Shortest_Length)]); disp(['最短路径:' num2str([Shortest_Route Shortest_Route(1)])]); disp(['收敛迭代次数:' num2str(Limit_iter)]); disp(['程序执行时间:' num2str(Time_Cost) '秒']); %% 绘图 figure(1) plot([citys(Shortest_Route,1);citys(Shortest_Route(1),1)],... %三点省略符为Matlab续行符 [citys(Shortest_Route,2);citys(Shortest_Route(1),2)],'o-'); grid on for i = 1:size(citys,1) text(citys(i,1),citys(i,2),[' ' num2str(i)]); end text(citys(Shortest_Route(1),1),citys(Shortest_Route(1),2),' 起点'); text(citys(Shortest_Route(end),1),citys(Shortest_Route(end),2),' 终点'); xlabel('城市位置横坐标') ylabel('城市位置纵坐标') title(['ACA最优化路径(最短距离:' num2str(Shortest_Length) ')']) figure(2) plot(1:iter_max,Length_best,'b') legend('最少费用') xlabel('迭代次数') ylabel('距离') title('算法收敛轨迹') %% 程序解释或说明 % 1. ismember函数判断一个变量中的元素是否在另一个变量中出现,返回0-1矩阵; % 2. cumsum函数用于求变量中累加元素的和,如A=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 那么cumsum(A)=[1, 3, 6, 10, 15]。







文档:常规.note 链接:


文档:ode家族求解器.note 链接:


文档:专用求解器.note 链接:

%版本问题,未能复现 %% Wave Equation on a Square Domain % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. %% Problem Definition设置参数 c = 1; a = 0; f = 0; m = 1; %% Geometry定义波的空间位置 numberOfPDE = 1; model = createpde(numberOfPDE); geometryFromEdges(model,@squareg); pdegplot(model,'EdgeLabels','on'); ylim([-1.1 1.1]); axis equal title 'Geometry With Edge Labels Displayed'; xlabel x ylabel y %% Specify PDE Coefficients定义微分方程的系数和边界条件 specifyCoefficients(model,'m',m,'d',0,'c',c,'a',a,'f',f); applyBoundaryCondition(model,'dirichlet','Edge',[2,4],'u',0); applyBoundaryCondition(model,'neumann','Edge',([1 3]),'g',0); %% Generate Mesh%定义有限元网格 generateMesh(model); figure pdemesh(model); ylim([-1.1 1.1]); axis equal xlabel x ylabel y %% Create Initial Conditions定义初始条件 u0 = @(location) atan(cos(pi/2*location.x)); ut0 = @(location) 3*sin(pi*location.x).*exp(sin(pi/2*location.y)); setInitialConditions(model,u0,ut0); %% Define Solution Times方程求解 n = 31;%求解次数 tlist = linspace(0,5,n); model.SolverOptions.ReportStatistics ='on'; result = solvepde(model,tlist); u = result.NodalSolution; %% Animate the Solution模型的数值仿真 figure umax = max(max(u)); umin = min(min(u)); for i = 1:n pdeplot(model,'XYData',u(:,i),'ZData',u(:,i),'ZStyle','continuous',... 'Mesh','off','XYGrid','on','ColorBar','off'); axis([-1 1 -1 1 umin umax]); caxis([umin umax]); xlabel x ylabel y zlabel u M(i) = getframe; end





文档:matlab评价模型.note 链接:


链接: 提取码:ym92

评价的对象是股票,已知股票的指标及其表现。1代表上涨、0代表一般、-1代表下跌。利用模型评价新的股票 %% 多因子选股模型 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. %% 导入数据 clc, clear all, close all s = dataset('xlsfile', 'SampleA1.xlsx'); %% 多元线性回归(对所有变量回归) myFit =; disp(myFit) sx=s(:,1:10); sy=s(:,11); n=1:size(s,1); sy1= predict(myFit,sx); figure plot(n,sy, 'ob', n, sy1,'*r') xlabel('样本编号', 'fontsize',12) ylabel('综合得分', 'fontsize',12) title('多元线性回归模型', 'fontsize',12) set(gca, 'linewidth',2) %% 逐步回归(因子筛选,得到优选因子) myFit2 = LinearModel.stepwise(s); disp(myFit2) sy2= predict(myFit2,sx); figure plot(n,sy, 'ob', n, sy2,'*r') xlabel('样本编号', 'fontsize',12) ylabel('综合得分', 'fontsize',12) title('逐步回归模型', 'fontsize',12) set(gca, 'linewidth',2) %少了5个单一因子,多了5个组合因子


%% AHP法权重计算MATLAB程序 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. %% 数据读入 clc clear all A=[1 2 6; 1/2 1 4; 1/6 1/4 1];% 评判矩阵 %% 一致性检验和权向量计算 [n,n]=size(A); [v,d]=eig(A); r=d(1,1); CI=(r-n)/(n-1); RI=[0 0 0.58 0.90 1.12 1.24 1.32 1.41 1.45 1.49 1.52 1.54 1.56 1.58 1.59]; CR=CI/RI(n); if CR<0.10 CR_Result='通过'; else CR_Result='不通过'; end %% 权向量计算 w=v(:,1)/sum(v(:,1)); w=w'; %% 结果输出 disp('该判断矩阵权向量计算报告:'); disp(['一致性指标:' num2str(CI)]); disp(['一致性比例:' num2str(CR)]); disp(['一致性检验结果:' CR_Result]); disp(['特征值:' num2str(r)]); disp(['权向量:' num2str(w)]);


文档:matlab机理建模.note 链接:








%% 元胞自动机(CA)MATLAB实现程序 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. clc, clf,clear %% 界面设计(环境的定义) plotbutton=uicontrol('style','pushbutton',... 'string','Run', ... 'fontsize',12, ... 'position',[100,400,50,20], ... 'callback', 'run=1;'); % 定义 stop button erasebutton=uicontrol('style','pushbutton',... 'string','Stop', ... 'fontsize',12, ... 'position',[200,400,50,20], ... 'callback','freeze=1;'); % 定义 Quit button quitbutton=uicontrol('style','pushbutton',... 'string','Quit', ... 'fontsize',12, ... 'position',[300,400,50,20], ... 'callback','stop=1;close;'); number = uicontrol('style','text', ... 'string','1', ... 'fontsize',12, ... 'position',[20,400,50,20]); %% 元胞自动机的设置 n=128; z = zeros(n,n); cells = z; sum = z; cells(n/2,.25*n:.75*n) = 1; cells(.25*n:.75*n,n/2) = 1; cells = (rand(n,n))<.5 ; imh = image(cat(3,cells,z,z)); axis equal axis tight % 元胞索引更新的定义 x = 2:n-1; y = 2:n-1; % 元胞更新的规则定义 stop= 0; % wait for a quit button push run = 0; % wait for a draw freeze = 0; % wait for a freeze while (stop==0) if (run==1) %nearest neighbor sum sum(x,y) = cells(x,y-1) + cells(x,y+1) + ... cells(x-1, y) + cells(x+1,y) + ... cells(x-1,y-1) + cells(x-1,y+1) + ... cells(3:n,y-1) + cells(x+1,y+1); % The CA rule cells = (sum==3) | (sum==2 & cells); % draw the new image set(imh, 'cdata', cat(3,cells,z,z) ) % update the step number diaplay stepnumber = 1 + str2num(get(number,'string')); set(number,'string',num2str(stepnumber)) end if (freeze==1) run = 0; freeze = 0; end drawnow %need this in the loop for controls to work end



文档:2015B出租车补贴方案优化.note 链接:

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%运行有问题line89 %P1_taxi.m %% 出租车补贴方案仿真程序 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. clc, clear, close all %% 数据结构设计 % passengers: % [出发点横坐标,出发点纵坐标,目的地横坐标,目的地纵坐标,出行里程] % 即[xs,ys,xd,yd,l] % taxis % [出租车位置横坐标,出租车位置纵坐标,出租车被占用里程] % 即[x_taxi,y_taxi,lo] r_valid = 2/10;%出租车有效覆盖半径 xmax = 111*cos(pi*34/180)*1.4; ymax = 0.7*111; xmax = xmax/10; ymax = ymax/10; psnger_total = 80; taxi_total = 152; %先生成5000个出发点 for i = 1:psnger_total passengers(i,:) = gen_passenger(); end for i = 1:taxi_total taxis(i,:) = gen_taxi(); end figure scatter(taxis(:,1)*10,taxis(:,2)*10) xlabel('x(km)') ylabel('y(km)') all_B = []; all_K = []; for i = 1:200 %% 首先更新出租车状态 lc = taxis(:,3) - 0.01;%出租车被占用里程 lc(lc < 0) = 0; taxis(:,3) = lc; %空车随机一个方向前进0.01 valid_lines = find( lc == 0 ); all_K = [all_K,1-length(valid_lines)/taxi_total]; for m = 1:length(valid_lines) k = valid_lines(m); while(1) degree = 2*pi*rand();%出行方向 new_x = taxis(k,1) + 0.01.*cos(degree); new_y = taxis(k,2) + 0.01.*sin(degree); if(new_x>=0 && new_x<=xmax && new_y>=0 && new_y<=ymax) taxis(k,1:2) = [new_x,new_y]; break end end end %% 乘客加入系统 add_passengers_total = 4;%round(normrnd(10,3)); add_passengers = zeros(add_passengers_total,5); for n = 1:add_passengers_total add_passengers(n,:) = gen_passenger(); end passengers = [passengers;add_passengers]; %% 计算各乘客视野内出租车数目 for j = 1:length(passengers) p = passengers(j,:); if isnan(p(1)) continue end temp_taxis = taxis; %被占用的出租车不参与打车 invalid_lines = find(temp_taxis(:,3)>0); temp_taxis(invalid_lines,:) = nan; %% 然后是乘客乘车 r = sqrt((temp_taxis(:,1)-p(1)).^2+(temp_taxis(:,2)-p(2)).^2); taxi_num = find(r<r_valid);%视野范围内的车辆 if isempty(taxi_num)%视野内没有车,下一位乘客 continue; else %随机选一辆乘坐 index = round(rand()*(length(taxi_num)-1))+1; taxi_num = taxi_num(index); taxis(taxi_num,3) = p(5) + sqrt((taxis(taxi_num,1)-p(1))^2+(taxis(taxi_num,2)-p(2))^2);%此乘客p乘坐的出租车被占用 taxis(taxi_num,1) = p(3);taxis(taxi_num,2) = p(4);%将其更新到目的地 passengers(j,:) = nan;%更新乘客状态,上车的乘客变为nan,移出系统 end end all_B = [all_B,calcu_b(passengers,taxis)]; end %% 结果可视化 figure hold on scatter(taxis(:,1)*10,taxis(:,2)*10,'g*') legend('初始位置','一段时间后位置') %20次演化后才得到平时状态,故只保留20次之后的数据 pos = (20:length(all_B)); figure plot((pos-20)/4.5,all_B(pos)); xlabel('时间(分钟)') ylabel('数目不平衡度') figure plot((pos-20)/4.5,all_K(pos)); xlabel('时间(分钟)') ylabel('里程利用率') figure res = sqrt( ((all_K-0.66)./0.66).^2 + (all_B-1).^2 ); plot((pos-20)/4.5,res(pos)); xlabel('时间(分钟)') ylabel('供需不平衡度') %calcu_b.m计算供求比率 function [ B ] = calcu_b( passengers,taxis ) invalid_lines = find(isnan(passengers(:,1))); passengers(invalid_lines,:) = []; %划分网格 area_d = zeros(9,14);%需 [h,w] = size(passengers); for i = 1:h y = floor(passengers(i,1))+1; x = floor(passengers(i,2))+1; area_d(x,y) = area_d(x,y) + 1; end area_s = zeros(9,14);%供 [h,w] = size(taxis); for i = 1:h y = floor(taxis(i,1))+1; x = floor(taxis(i,2))+1; area_s(x,y) = area_s(x,y) + 1; end %供需相等 s1 = sum(area_s(area_s == area_d)); d1 = sum(area_d(area_s == area_d)); %供大于求 s2 = sum(area_s(area_s > area_d)); d2 = sum(area_d(area_s > area_d)); %供小于求 s3 = sum(area_s(area_s < area_d)); d3 = sum(area_d(area_s < area_d)); d = d1+d2+d3; if d3 == s3 B = s1/d + s2/d; return end B = s1/d + s2/d + d3/d*d3/s3; end %gen_passenger.m计算乘客位置参数 function [ ret ] = gen_passenger() % 计算乘客位置参数 % xmax = 111*cos(pi*34/180)*1.4 = 129 % ymax = 0.7*111 = 78 xmax = 111*cos(pi*34/180)*1.4/10; ymax = 0.7*111/10; ux = xmax/2;uy = ymax/2; sigmax = xmax/2/3;sigmay = ymax/2/3; th = 6.5/((pi/2)^0.5); while(1) xs = normrnd(ux,sigmax);%出发点横坐标 ys = normrnd(uy,sigmay);%出发点纵坐标 if xs<0 || xs>xmax || ys<0 || ys > ymax continue end d_go = sqrt(-2*th^2*log(1-rand()))/10;%出行距离 degree = 2*pi*rand();%出行角度 xd = xs + d_go.*cos(degree); yd = ys + d_go.*sin(degree); if(xd>=0 && xd<=xmax && yd>=0 && yd<=ymax) ret = [xs,ys,xd,yd,d_go]; break end end end %gen_taxi.m计算出租车位置参数 function [ ret ] = gen_taxi( input_args ) % 计算出租车位置参数 % Detailed explanation goes here xmax = 111*cos(pi*34/180)*1.4/10; ymax = 0.7*111/10; ux = xmax/2;uy = ymax/2; sigmax = xmax/2/3;sigmay = ymax/2/3; while(1) x = normrnd(ux,sigmax);%出发点横坐标 y = normrnd(uy,sigmay);%出发点纵坐标 if x>=0 && x<=xmax && y>=0 && y <= ymax break end end ret = [x,y,0]; end



文档:开放小区对道路通行影响的问题2016.not… 链接:

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%% 2016.09 全国大学生数学建模竞赛 B 题 小区开放对道路通行的影响 % 《MATLAB数学建模方法与实践》(《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》升级版),北航出版社,卓金武、王鸿钧编著. %P19_1.m %% 参数设置 clc; clear; Tmax = 200; %考虑的时间的上限 carnum = 0; %carnum 是当前通过的车的总数目 fieldCarNum = 0; %fieldCarNum 进入小区的车辆数 beta = 5; %1-alpha / 10,为出现车的概率,体现车流量 fieldCapure = 800; %小区内道路的承载量 fieldDistance = 80; %小区内道路的逻辑长度 fRpb = 0.8; %行人自行车修正系数 R = 0.5; %主路进入小区的比例 L1 = 0.005; %车身长度,km h = 0.0025; %标准饱和车头时距 alpha = 2*pi / 3; %转弯角度 mu = 0.18; %横向力系数 v = 50; %车辆速度 t_avg = L1 / v ; %畅通情况下车辆直行通过计算截面的平均耗时 ER = (L1 + alpha * R)/(h * sqrt(127 * R * mu)); %右转车转换系数 fR = 100/(100 + R * (ER - 1)); %右转修正系数 theta = 0; %车辆入口延时的影响因子 delay = zeros(Tmax, 1); %记录入口延时 T = 20; %路灯周期 Tg = 5; %绿灯时间 Car = cell(carnum,1); %Car 是所有的车的集合 Car0 = cell(carnum,1); %Car 是所有的车的集合 car = struct('road',0,'distance',0,'state',0); %road 是当前车所在的道路,distance表示在这条路上的位置,state表示是否在区域里,1在里面,0在外面 t = 0; %当前时间 Dt = cell(t,1); %每个时刻的平均延误 Dt0 = cell(t,1); %每个时刻的平均延误 Light = 0; % Light 表示当前灯是红灯0,还是绿灯1 roadnum = 4; %roadnum 是所有的道路数目 Outroad = []; % 与出口相连的路 Outroad(1) = 4; Inroad = [2,3,]; %与入口相连的路 FieldRoad = []; %小区内的路 FieldRoad(1) = 3; Troad = zeros(roadnum,1);%每条路上的路灯周期 Tgroad = zeros(roadnum,1);%每条路上绿灯时间 RoadMap = zeros(roadnum,roadnum); %路的可达性矩阵 RoadMap0 = zeros(roadnum,roadnum); %路的可达性矩阵 Roadcapture = zeros(roadnum,1); %Roadcapture 路的设计承载量 Roadcarnum = zeros(roadnum,1); %Roadcarnum 路当前有的车数量 Roadcarnum0 = zeros(roadnum,1); %Roadcarnum 路当前有的车数量 Roaddistance = zeros(roadnum,1);%Roaddistance 路的距离 Roaddt = zeros(roadnum,1); %Roaddt 每条路上的平均延迟时间 Roadcapture = [1000,1000,1000,1]; Roadcapture(FieldRoad) = fieldCapure; Roadcapture = Roadcapture'; Roaddistance = [100,100,100,1]; Roaddistance(FieldRoad) = fieldDistance; Troad(:) = 20; Tgroad(:) = 5; RoadMap = [0,0,0,0; 1,0,0,0; 1,0,0,0; 0,1,1,0]; %%小区内部交通可达性矩阵 RoadMap0 = [0,0,0,0; 1,0,0,0; 0,0,0,0; 0,1,0,0]; myres = zeros(500,4); Flag = [0,1,0,0]'; mainflow = 3600 * (1 - beta / 10); %主路的车流量 %% 仿真过程 for t = 1:Tmax %%%%%%判断当前是否有车到来0没有,1有 Dt{t} = 0; Dt0{t} = 0; ra = rand(); if ra >= beta / 10 ra = 1; else ra = 0; end %%%%%%增加车的数量,更新车的情况 if ra == 1 carnum = carnum+1; car.road = 1; car.distance = Roaddistance(1); car.state = 1; Car{carnum} = car; Car0{carnum} = car; Roadcarnum(1) = Roadcarnum(1)+1; Roadcarnum0(1) = Roadcarnum0(1)+1; end %%%%%%判断当前红绿灯情况 Light = mod(t,T); if Light <= Tg Light = 1; else Light = 0; end for cari = 1:carnum if(Car0{cari}.state == 1) %%不考虑小区开放时 if Light == 1 %%%绿灯时 [nextroad,nextdistance,nextstate] = nextdir(cari,RoadMap0,Car0,Roaddistance,Outroad,Roadcarnum0); %%%函数nextdir返回cari这辆车下一次所在的路的在路上的距离 else %%%%红灯时 [nextroad,nextdistance,nextstate] = nextdir_red(cari,RoadMap0,Car0,Roaddistance,Outroad,Roadcarnum0); end Roadcarnum0(Car0{cari}.road) = Roadcarnum0(Car0{cari}.road)-1; Car0{cari}.road = nextroad; Car0{cari}.distance = nextdistance; Car0{cari}.state = nextstate; if nextstate == 1 Roadcarnum0(nextroad) = Roadcarnum0(nextroad)+1; %%%%%%当前这条路上的车的数量 end end %%考虑小区开放时 % disp(strcat('car', num2str(cari))); if(Car{cari}.state == 1) if Light == 1 %%%绿灯时 [nextroad,nextdistance,nextstate] = nextdir(cari,RoadMap,Car,Roaddistance,Outroad,Roadcarnum); %%%函数nextdir返回cari这辆车下一次所在的路的在路上的距离 else %%%%红灯时 [nextroad,nextdistance,nextstate] = nextdir_red(cari,RoadMap,Car,Roaddistance,Outroad,Roadcarnum); end myres(t, 1) = nextroad; myres(t, 2) = nextdistance; myres(t, 3) = nextstate; myres(t, 4) = cari; Roadcarnum(Car{cari}.road) = Roadcarnum(Car{cari}.road)-1; Car{cari}.road = nextroad; Car{cari}.distance = nextdistance; Car{cari}.state = nextstate; if nextstate == 1 Roadcarnum(nextroad) = Roadcarnum(nextroad)+1; %%%%%%当前这条路上的车的数量 end end end if( ra == 1 && ismember(nextroad, FieldRoad) ) fieldCarNum = fieldCarNum + 1; theta = theta + 1; else if(theta >= 0.3) theta = theta - 0.3; else theta = 0; end end if(carnum > 0) R = R * 0.5 + 0.5 * fieldCarNum / carnum; ER = (L1 + alpha * R)/(h * sqrt(127 * R * mu));%右转车转换系数 fR = 100/(100 + R * (ER - 1));%右转修正系数 x = ( mainflow) / Roadcapture(1); %道路饱和度 C1 = x * (fRpb + fR); %主流向通行能力 NDT = (1/C1 - t_avg) * (1/t_avg + 1) * t_avg / 2; %信号交叉路口平均延误 Dt{t} = theta * NDT; delay(t) = Dt{t}; end %%%%%%计算每条路的平均延误时间 dt = ((0.5*Troad).*(1-Tgroad./Troad))./(1-min(1,Roadcarnum.*(720./Roaddistance')./Roadcapture).*(Tgroad./Troad)).*Flag; Dt{t} = Dt{t} + sum(dt); dt0 = ((0.5*Troad).*(1-Tgroad./Troad))./(1-min(1,Roadcarnum0.*(720./Roaddistance')./Roadcapture).*(Tgroad./Troad)).*Flag; Dt0{t} = Dt0{t} + sum(dt0); end %% 画图 matDt = cell2mat(Dt); matDt0 = cell2mat(Dt0); plot([1:Tmax],matDt,'-','markersize',5); hold on; plot([1:Tmax],matDt0,'-','markersize',5); legend('小区开放','小区未开放') grid on; dtDelta = cell2mat(Dt0) - cell2mat(Dt); save(strcat(num2str(alpha), 'dtDelta_7.mat'), 'dtDelta'); save(strcat(num2str(alpha), 'Dt_7.mat'), 'Dt'); save(strcat(num2str(alpha), 'Dt0_7.mat'), 'Dt0'); %chooseRoad.m function [nextroad] = chooseRoad(cari,currentRoad, RoadMap,Car,Roaddistance, RoadCarNum) %% function [nextroad] = chooseRoad(cari,currentRoad, RoadMap,Car,Roaddistance, RoadCarNum) %Input arguments: % cari:1 x 1 int 车的序号 % currentRoad:1 x 1 int 当前所在的路的标号 % RoadMap: n x n array 路的可达性矩阵 % Car:n x 1 cell 当前各辆车的状态 % Roaddistance:n x 1 int 每条路的长度 % RoadCarNum: n x 1 int 当前每条路上有多少车 %Output arguments: % nextroad: 1 x 1 int 选择的下一条路的标号 %% k1 = 1;%两个参数 k2 = 1; nextroad = 0; min = intmax(); roadNum = length(RoadMap); % disp(strcat('currentroadNum', num2str(currentRoad))); myNeighbor = zeros(roadNum); myNeighborNum = 0; for i = 1 : roadNum if(RoadMap(i, currentRoad) == 0) %道路不通的情况 continue; end myNeighborNum = myNeighborNum + 1; myNeighbor(myNeighborNum) = i; % disp(strcat('roadNum', num2str(i))); % 根据最优选择 myvalue = 0; for j = 1 : (cari - 1) if(Car{j}.state == 1 && Car{j}.road == i && Car{j}.distance == 1) %判断走这条路是否需要等 myvalue = intmax() - 100000; break; end end %计算每条路的指标 myvalue = myvalue + k1 * Roaddistance(i) + k2 * RoadCarNum(i); if(myvalue < min) min = myvalue; nextroad = i; end % disp(i); % disp(myvalue); end % 随即选择 % nextroad = myNeighbor(ceil(rand() * (myNeighborNum - 1)) + 1); %nextdir.m function [nextroad,nextdistance,nextstate]=nextdir(cari,RoadMap,Car,Roaddistance,Outroad, RoadCarNum) %% function [nextroad,nextdistance,nextstate]=nextdir(cari,RoadMap,Car,Roaddistance,Outroad, RoadCarNum) % 函数nextdir返回cari这辆车这一秒之后的状态 %Input arguments: % cari:1 x 1 int 车的序号 % RoadMap: n x n array 路的可达性矩阵 % Car:n x 1 cell 当前各辆车的状态 % Roaddistance:n x 1 int 每条路的长度 % Outroad:k x 1 array 所有可能出去的路 k 是出口数目 % RoadCarNum: n x 1 int 当前每条路上有多少车 %Output arguments: % nextroad: 1 x 1 int 1s后所在的路 % nextstate: 1 x 1 int dual value(0,1) 1s后,该车是否还在区域内 % nextdistance:1 x 1 int 1s后在路上距路入口的逻辑距离 %% car = Car{cari}; % 当前正在考虑的车 nextroad = car.road; nextdistance = car.distance; if car.distance >= Roaddistance(Car{cari}.road) && ismember(car.road,Outroad); nextstate = 0; return; else nextstate = 1; end nextdistance = nextdistance + 1; if(Roaddistance(nextroad) < nextdistance) nextroad = chooseRoad(cari,nextroad,RoadMap,Car,Roaddistance, RoadCarNum); %%%交叉路口选择路的方向 nextdistance = 1; end for i = 1 : (cari - 1) if(Car{i}.state == 1 && Car{i}.road == nextroad && Car{i}.distance == nextdistance) % 车辆不能走, nextroad = car.road; nextdistance = car.distance; end end %nextdir_red.m function [nextroad,nextdistance,nextstate]=nextdir_red(cari,RoadMap,Car,Roaddistance,Outroad, RoadCarNum) %% 函数nextdir返回cari这辆车这一秒之后的状态 %Input arguments: % cari:1 x 1 int 车的序号 % RoadMap: n x n array 路的可达性矩阵 % Car:n x 1 cell 当前各辆车的状态 % Roaddistance:n x 1 int 每条路的长度 % Outroad:k x 1 int 所有可能出去的路 k是出口数 % RoadCarNum: n x 1 int 当前每条路上有多少车 %Output arguments: % nextroad: 1 x 1 int 1s后所在的路 % nextdistance:1 x 1 int 1s后在路上距路入口的逻辑距离 % nextstate: 1 x 1 int dual value(0,1)1s后,该车是否还在区域内 %% car = Car{cari}; % 当前正在考虑的车 nextstate = 1; nextroad = car.road; nextdistance = car.distance; if car.distance >= Roaddistance(Car{cari}.road) && ismember(car.road,Outroad); return; end nextdistance = nextdistance + 1; if(Roaddistance(nextroad) < nextdistance) nextroad = chooseRoad(cari,nextroad,RoadMap,Car,Roaddistance, RoadCarNum); %%%交叉路口选择路的方向 nextdistance = 1; end for i = 1 : (cari - 1) if(Car{i}.state == 1 && Car{i}.road == nextroad && Car{i}.distance == nextdistance) % 车辆不能走, nextroad = car.road; nextdistance = car.distance; end end