
tech2022-12-30  147


Whether you’re looking to expand the reach of your company by offering new payment options or if you’re just looking to be an early adopter of a hot technology, accepting Bitcoin payments for goods and services can be a great option for businesses. Of course before you start accepting Bitcoin on your WordPress site, you should read this introduction to Bitcoin, which discusses the many advantages and risks of accepting cryptocurrencies for your business.

无论您是想通过提供新的付款方式来扩大公司的覆盖范围,还是只是想成为热门技术的早期采用者,接受比特币的商品和服务付款都是企业的理想选择。 当然,在开始在WordPress网站上接受比特币之前,您应该阅读关于比特币的介绍 ,其中讨论了为您的企业接受加密货币的许多优点和风险。

为什么要使用比特币网关? (Why Use a Bitcoin Gateway?)

Although Bitcoin carries significant risks due to it being volatile, most Bitcoin payment gateways allow you to convert Bitcoin to your native currency instantly. This ensures that if Bitcoin were to take a dive in value, your gateway would automatically adjust the Bitcoin price to equal what you would get if the user paid with a traditional currency.

尽管比特币由于其易变而带来巨大风险,但是大多数比特币支付网关都允许您立即将比特币转换为您的本国货币。 这可以确保,如果比特币要贬值,您的网关将自动将比特币价格调整为与您使用传统货币付款时的价格相等。

Most leading Bitcoin gateways function as a traditional merchant account allowing you to process Bitcoin transactions just like you would a credit card. The process is fairly straightforward and requires virtually no additional technical expertise on your end.

大多数领先的比特币网关都充当传统的商家帐户,使您可以像处理信用卡一样处理比特币交易。 该过程非常简单,几乎不需要您额外的技术专业知识。

While choosing to accept Bitcoin isn’t a decision which can be made instantly, in general if your business focuses on selling to customers across the globe or you work in an industry with a high charge back risk, accepting Bitcoin can make sense for your business.


比特币网关可供选择 (Bitcoin Gateways to Choose From)

支付宝 (BitPay)

As one of the biggest names in the Bitcoin payment industry, BitPay has been used by many large companies including Automattic, the group behind WordPress.com. If you’re looking for a platform built with international commerce in mind, BitPay has over 40 translations and it also offers the ability to instantly price products in 150 currencies.

作为比特币支付行业最知名的公司之一, BitPay已被许多大型公司使用,包括WordPress.com背后的组织Automattic。 如果您正在寻找一个考虑到国际贸易的平台,BitPay可以提供40多种翻译,还可以即时以150种货币对产品定价。

BitPay also offers a versatile platform with over 30 integrations readily available to developers. Most notably WordPress and WooCommerce support are offered, however if you need to link the gateway into custom platforms, a variety of programming languages are also supported.

BitPay还提供了具有30多种集成的通用平台,可供开发人员使用。 最值得注意的是,提供了WordPress和WooCommerce支持,但是,如果您需要将网关链接到自定义平台,则还支持多种编程语言。

BitPay starts their pricing with a free plan that supports unlimited processing volume, daily bank transfers and instant conversions. There also is a $300/month plan, however the only features it adds are phone support and QuickBooks integration.

BitPay从免费计划开始定价,该计划支持无限的处理量,每日银行转账和即时转换。 还有一个每月300美元的计划,但是它唯一增加的功能是电话支持和QuickBooks集成。

币库 (Coinbase)

Similar to BitPay, Coinbase is another major player in the Bitcoin payment space. Unlike BitPay, Coinbase is geared towards both consumers and merchants by positioning its self as the ‘PayPal of Bitcoin’. By offering a wallet and conversion service, consumers can store their Bitcoin on the Coinbase platform while merchants can use the system to accept Bitcoin as payment from their customers.

与BitPay相似, Coinbase是比特币支付领域的另一个主要参与者。 与BitPay不同,Coinbase通过将自身定位为“比特币的PayPal”来面向消费者和商家。 通过提供钱包和转换服务,消费者可以将其比特币存储在Coinbase平台上,而商家可以使用该系统从客户那里接受比特币作为付款。

The biggest drawback to Coinbase is that it isn’t ideal for online stores with large amounts of products because each payment button is generated by a shortcode. The advantage of this, however, is that you can put the shortcode into a sidebar widget, allowing it to serve as a tip jar for your blog. The shortcode is also a good fit for companies where you have a custom landing page and you want the payment button to integrate well with your design.

Coinbase的最大缺点是,由于每个付款按钮都是由简码生成的,因此对于拥有大量产品的在线商店并不理想。 但是,这样做的好处是,您可以将简码放入侧边栏小部件中,从而可以将其用作博客的提示罐。 对于您拥有自定义目标网页并且希望付款按钮与您的设计完美集成的公司,该短代码也非常适合。

Coinbase doesn’t charge any fees on the first $1,000,000 of payments processed, however after that cap a fee of 1% applies to all transactions. Additionally funds only take 2-3 days to transfer to a bank account.

Coinbase在处理的前1,000,000美元的付款中不收取任何费用,但是在此上限之后,所有交易均收取1%的费用。 此外,资金只需要2-3天即可转入银行帐户。

GoCoin (GoCoin)

Although this article is specifically focused around Bitcoin due to its popularity, if you need support beyond Bitcoin such as support for Dogecoin and Litecoin, GoCoin is the solution for you.

尽管本文由于其受欢迎程度而专门针对比特币,但如果您需要比特币以外的支持,例如对Dogecoin和Litecoin的支持, GoCoin是适合您的解决方案。

One of the most notable limitations for WordPress users is that GoCoin integration requires WooCommerce to be installed on your site. While other non-WordPress gateways are supported, if you are looking for an all in one solution for your WordPress site, you will have to stick with WooCommerce. If you have the time, you can use the GoCoin APIs to develop your own custom integrations.

WordPress用户最明显的限制之一是GoCoin集成要求在您的站点上安装WooCommerce。 虽然支持其他非WordPress网关,但是如果您正在寻找WordPress网站的全能解决方案,则必须坚持使用WooCommerce。 如果有时间,您可以使用GoCoin API来开发自己的自定义集成。

Although GoCoin has a slightly more thorough fee schedule than other gateways, the most notable points are the 1% transaction fee on all funds processed along with the $20 minimum to withdraw USD from your account. If you’re withdrawing funds as cryptocurrency, then the minimum requirements are much lower.

尽管GoCoin的费用表比其他网关略微详尽,但最值得注意的一点是,所有已处理资金的交易费用为1%,同时从您的帐户中提取最低金额为20美元。 如果您要提取作为加密货币的资金,则最低要求要低得多。

不会随时替换您现有的商家帐户 (Won’t Replace Your Existing Merchant Accounts Anytime Soon)

As mentioned at the start of this article, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have a long way to go before they hit mass adoption. Even though they offer some advantages to merchants, for the average consumer it’s unlikely they’ll be be using Bitcoin to pay for purchases online. If your business caters to international markets or often faces threats of chargebacks, then these gateways are worth looking into.

如本文开头所述,比特币和其他加密货币在被大规模采用之前还有很长的路要走。 即使它们为商家提供了一些优势,但对于普通消费者而言,他们不太可能会使用比特币来在线购买商品。 如果您的企业迎合国际市场或经常面临拒付的威胁,那么这些网关值得研究。

On the other hand if most of your business is done within your country and you aren’t catering to early adopters, then rolling out these solutions on your WordPress sites might not be in your best interests.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/accepting-bitcoin-payments-with-wordpress/


相关资源:Bitcoin-Wordpress-Plugin:适用于Wordpress 3.5+(或更高版本)的GoUrl官方比特币支付网关。 在您的网站上出售产品,文件,数字下载,会员资格。 在线接受比特币,Litecoin,Dogecoin,Darkcoin,Reddcoin等付款。 在您的网站上使用按下载量付费,按产品付费,按会员付费,按页付费视频访问。 这很容易!-源码