wordpress 自定义

tech2022-12-30  133

wordpress 自定义

As a web developer, chances are you have a mid to high end hosting plan with a large amount of resources you probably don’t come close to using.


You might also be using customer relationship management (CRM) software, invoicing suites, project management portals and much more which could be burning a hole in your wallet.


While managed cloud services are convenient, self-hosted solutions can be just as easy to use. By finding the right tools for your company, you can slash costs while still being productive.

尽管托管云服务很方便,但自托管解决方案也可以轻松使用。 通过为您的公司找到合适的工具,您可以在保持生产效率的同时削减成本。

Below is a small sampling of the different self-hosted business solutions out there which stand out from the crowd.


项目管理 (Project Management)

Rolling out your own project management solution can lead to significant savings since many hosted suites bill based on user count or number of projects. Even for a small freelance shop the costs can add up, especially if you need to purchase extra storage or users. Fortunately the tools below allow you to turn almost any self-hosted WordPress installation into a robust project management suite:

推出自己的项目管理解决方案可以节省大量资金,因为许多托管套件都根据用户数量或项目数量进行计费。 即使对于小型的自由职业者商店,费用也可能加起来,尤其是在您需要购买额外的存储空间或用户的情况下。 幸运的是,下面的工具可让您将几乎所有的自托管WordPress安装变成强大的项目管理套件:

全景图 (Panorama)

Panorama is an easy to use WordPress project management platform which comes with numerous features such as project discussion sections, project breakdowns into key phases, automatic project progress adjustments and much more. Panorama comes with a sleek interface which is easy to use, plus it is responsive so that it can be accessed on mobile websites.

Panorama是一个易于使用的WordPress项目管理平台,具有许多功能,例如项目讨论部分,关键阶段的项目细分,自动项目进度调整等等。 Panorama带有一个易于使用的时尚界面,并且响应Swift,因此可以在移动网站上进行访问。

A useful feature from the suite is the ability to use shortcodes to embed pieces of the software into different parts of your WordPress theme, allowing you to tailor Panorama to fit your brand. The ability to clone projects is another helpful tool which allows you to simplify the creation of projects for routine matters.

该套件的一项有用功能是能够使用简码将软件片段嵌入WordPress主题的不同部分,从而使您可以定制Panorama以适合您的品牌。 克隆项目的能力是另一个有用的工具,它使您可以简化日常事务中项目的创建。

Panorama is available in free, individual and professional editions. If you plan to give clients access to their own portals, you will need a paid version of Panorama because the free version does not support restricting logins to specific projects. Currently a single license of Panorama is priced at $45 and an unlimited license is $70.

Panorama提供免费,个人和专业版本。 如果您打算让客户访问他们自己的门户,则需要使用全景版的付费版本,因为免费版不支持将登录限制为特定项目。 目前,Panorama的单个许可证的价格为45美元,无限许可证的价格为70美元。

WP项目经理 (WP Project Manager)

WP Project Manager is a project management suite with a variety of features to make your job as a developer or designer a bit easier. Key functionality includes: internal discussion boards, file management tools, task lists and much more.

WP Project Manager是一个项目管理套件,具有多种功能,可简化您作为开发人员或设计师的工作。 关键功能包括:内部讨论板,文件管理工具,任务列表等。

WP Project Manager comes in both free and paid versions. The biggest limitation in the free software is that it lacks fine-grained access control.

WP Project Manager提供免费和付费版本。 自由软件的最大局限在于它缺乏细粒度的访问控制。

Even with a paid license, WP Project Manager lacks basic project management features such as a time tracker or invoicing within the suite. These features are available as add-ons for an extra fee.

即使拥有付费许可证,WP Project Manager也缺少基本的项目管理功能,例如时间跟踪器或套件中的发​​票。 这些功能可作为附加组件使用,需额外付费。

The pro edition of WP Project Manager comes in three tiers. The biggest difference between them is the number of websites they can be installed with. The single site license costs $59 while an unlimited license (including all add-ons) is $199.

WP Project Manager的专业版分为三个层次。 它们之间最大的区别是可以安装的网站数量。 单个站点许可证的价格为59美元,而无限许可证(包括所有附加组件)的价格为199美元。

开票 (Invoicing)

WP发票 (WP-Invoice)

WP-Invoice is one of the most popular WordPress based invoicing solutions available to users.


This solution allows users to split payments, customize the invoice template, view cash flow reports and also accept payments online, all from an easy to use interface. The plugin also includes shortcodes to integrate invoice lookups and other functionality anywhere in your existing WordPress setup.

该解决方案允许用户从一个易于使用的界面拆分付款,自定义发票模板,查看现金流量报告以及在线接受付款。 该插件还包括简码,以在现有WordPress设置中的任何位置集成发票查询和其他功能。

Keep in mind that if you want to be able to import or export your invoices, or have advanced visualizations of your sales pipe, you will need to pay around $50 for the Power Tools add-on. Additional functionality also is included in other plugins ranging from $50 – $75 each. You can buy the full bundle for around $200.

请记住,如果您希望能够导入或导出发票,或者对销售渠道进行高级可视化,则需要为Power Tools附加组件支付大约50美元。 其他插件还包含其他功能,每个插件的价格从50美元到75美元不等。 您可以以200美元左右的价格购买完整捆绑包。

发票发票 (Shaken Invoice)

Shaken Invoice is a little different than most of the solutions mentioned in this article because it is a WordPress theme rather than a plugin.


In this case, Shaken Invoice turns your entire WordPress Install into a billing platform rather than it working within an existing site.

在这种情况下,Shaken Invoice会将您的整个WordPress安装变成一个计费平台,而不是在现有站点中运行。

Although setting up a dedicated WordPress install for your system might be a hassle, having a dedicated interface to manage client billing can give a more professional image while also helping to simplify the workflow at your end.


Since ShakenPress is a full WordPress theme, customization is slightly easier and more robust than most plugins. It currently is available for around $40 and includes updates for life.

由于ShakenPress是完整的WordPress主题,因此自定义比大多数插件稍微容易一些,并且更可靠。 目前它的售价约为40美元,其中包括终身更新。

联系人关系管理 (Contact Relationship Management)

Despite WordPress being a versatile platform, there isn’t a solid WordPress based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform available to users.


Fortunately the solutions below are quality CRM solutions which can be installed on most standard servers without issue.


糖CRM (SugarCRM)

SugarCRM is one of the largest open source CRM products on the market, making it an ideal solution for freelancers who are looking for an affordable solution.


Although the software has a slight learning curve and the interface is a bit clunky, SugarCRM is a reliable package. The popularity of the platform also makes getting community support a simple task.

尽管该软件的学习曲线很小,并且界面有点笨拙,但是SugarCRM是可靠的软件包。 该平台的普及也使获得社区支持成为一项简单的任务。

You can integrate SugarCRM into WordPress website by using an automation service such as Zapier – a tool which offers a variety of ways to link data between the two packages. The only caveat is that you would need a premium Zapier plan which starts at around $15 per month.

您可以使用自动化服务(例如Zapier)将SugarCRM集成到WordPress网站中,该工具提供了多种方法来链接两个软件包之间的数据。 唯一需要注意的是,您将需要一个高级Zapier计划,每月起价约为15美元。

SuiteCRM (SuiteCRM)

SuiteCRM is a popular fork of SugarCRM, the former comes with extra functionality such as: quotes, invoicing, reporting, events and more.


SuiteCRM is best summed up as an Open Source edition of SugarCRM Professional edition. Since SuiteCRM is built on SugarCRM, your company can still use SugarCRM developers to customize the suite to suit your needs. The interface is much cleaner than SugarCRM and extra features also are a great asset for many freelancers.

SuiteCRM最好概括为SugarCRM Professional版的开源版。 由于SuiteCRM是基于SugarCRM构建的,因此您的公司仍然可以使用SugarCRM开发人员来定制套件以满足您的需求。 界面比SugarCRM干净得多,而且对于许多自由职业者来说,额外的功能也是一笔宝贵的财富。

Although using forked code carries some reliability risks, SuiteCRM is built on SugarCRM providing it with a solid foundation.


If you feel you’ll need professional support, SugarCRM probably is the solution for you. On the other hand, if you don’t need software backed by a large entity, SuiteCRM can be a good fit.

如果您需要专业支持,SugarCRM可能就是您的解决方案。 另一方面,如果您不需要大型实体支持的软件,SuiteCRM可能是一个不错的选择。

了解你的长处 (Know Your Strengths)

Although it can be tempting to splurge on hosted solutions because they provide you with powerful tools at a relatively low price, remember that monthly subscription costs do add up over time and can significantly cut into your margins.


While rolling out your own hosted solutions might have a slight learning curve, self-hosted solutions allow you to make good use of your server resources. Don’t forget to have a solid backup system in place to ensure you’re protected when disaster strikes.

虽然推出自己的托管解决方案可能会有一点学习曲线,但自托管解决方案可让您充分利用服务器资源。 不要忘记拥有一个可靠的备份系统 ,以确保在灾难来袭时得到保护。

Despite the cost savings, managed solutions can make sense depending on your needs. Ultimately, if you find that managing self-hosted solutions is cutting into your billable hours, then you might be better off outsourcing your CRM, invoicing, and project management suites.

尽管节省了成本,但托管解决方案仍然可以根据您的需求进行处理。 最终,如果您发现管理自托管解决方案减少了您的可计费时间,那么您最好将CRM,发票和项目管理套件外包。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/turning-wordpress-into-a-self-hosted-business-powerhouse/

wordpress 自定义
