
tech2022-12-30  172


WordPress celebrated its tenth birthday earlier this week. Within that time, the PHP/MySQL open source product has grown from an obscure fork of b2 to become the world’s most-used Content Management System. The first edition was released by founders Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little on May 27, 2003. The impressive statistics:

WordPress本周初庆祝了其十岁生日。 在这段时间内,PHP / MySQL开源产品已经从晦涩的b2分支发展成为世界上使用最广泛的内容管理系统。 第一版由创始人Matt Mullenweg和Mike Little于2003年5月27日发行。令人印象深刻的统计数据:

the latest edition has 203,000 lines of code

最新版本有203,000行代码 WordPress 3.5 had been downloaded more than 18 million times

WordPress 3.5已被下载超过1800万次 25,000 plug-ins are currently available

当前有25,000个插件 there are 66 million known installations

已知有6600万安装 WordPress is used on 66% of sites running a CMS

WordPress在运行CMS的网站中占66% 15% of the top one million websites use WordPress … including SitePoint

前一百万个网站中有15%使用WordPress…包括SitePoint one quarter of all new websites is based on the platform.


For web developers, the question has changed from “should I use WordPress?” to “are there any reasons I shouldn’t use WordPress?”

对于网络开发人员,问题已从“我应该使用WordPress吗?”更改为 “有什么我不应该使用WordPress的理由吗?”

To celebrate the anniversary, WordPress meet-ups are planned in 656 cities around the globe.

为了庆祝这一周年,计划在全球656个城市举行WordPress聚会 。

但这只是一个博客平台? (But It’s Just a Blogging Platform?)

While WordPress has its roots in blogging, assuming it’s only for blogs is a like assuming YouTube is only for mildly amusing cat videos. There are two factors which separate WordPress from other Content Management Systems:

尽管WordPress起源于博客,但假设它仅适用于博客,就像假设YouTube仅用于轻度有趣的猫视频。 有两个因素将WordPress与其他内容管理系统区分开:

it’s easy for content authors to use, and

内容作者易于使用,并且 it’s easy for developers to use.


是的,但是守则太糟糕了 (Yeah, But the Code’s Awful)

WordPress was initially developed on PHP4 and, even then, the developers ignored many of the platform’s rudimentary object-oriented programming concepts. WordPress will never win awards for coding elegance but it’s straightforward and permits those with limited programming experience to create a working CMS-powered website.

WordPress最初是在PHP4上开发的,即使到那时,开发人员也忽略了该平台的许多基本的面向对象编程概念。 WordPress永远不会因其优雅的编码而获奖,但是它很简单,并且允许那些编程经验有限的人创建一个由CMS支持的有效网站。

In many ways, WordPress is a lesson to those of us who strive for code perfection: it may be unrefined, but it works and has attracted a huge community of third-party developers.


未来十年? (The Next Ten Years?)

I encountered WordPress in 2004 following the release of version 1.2. It was revolutionary in a world where most web-based Content Management Systems were far to complex for the average user. It deserves its market share and it will be difficult for any other application to challenge WordPress’ dominance. (Ghost looks interesting, but so have many other platforms — and they weren’t attempting to use Node.js which is dwarfed by the availability of PHP).

我在2004年发布1.2版之后遇到了WordPress。 在世界上大多数基于Web的内容管理系统对于普通用户而言都非常复杂的世界中,这是革命性的。 它应得的市场份额,其他任何应用程序都很难挑战WordPress的统治地位。 ( Ghost看起来很有趣,但是还有许多其他平台-并且它们并没有尝试使用Node.js,这与PHP的可用性相形见))。

WordPress has a bright future. It has its detractors, but remember there are two types of CMS platform: those which people complain about and those which no one uses.

WordPress的前景广阔。 它有其不利因素,但请记住,CMS平台有两种类型:人们抱怨的平台和没人使用的平台。

Happy birthday WordPress.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-happy-10th-birthday/

